The Witch’s Familiar
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As the moon falls, a new day of delightful backbreaking labour begins. I awake in the same bed as the Queen of Ash, slowly getting up to stretch my body to its limits. Eyes shut tight and mouth extended in a yawn, my morning ritual is complete when I gaze tiredly around the cosy room. I plop off the bed and trot towards the door. The lady of the house’s soft breathing isn’t even disturbed.

I exit the bedroom through the slight crack in the wooden door and move down the hallway. Moonbeams expose the hovering dust through windows caked in grime, a sorry state. The disrepair of the house is not something I take tremendous pride in, however the lady just adores such ambience. If I had my way, every speck of dirt would be banished, every rotting piece of wood and mouldy earth cleansed. Maybe that’s why she’s the master and I’m the servant. Like it matters anyway! Time to get on with an honest day’s work!

First thing in the morning I deliver the work orders to the local animals. It’s difficult to say whether they obey out of loyalty or fear, or maybe both, but they get the job done. The birds are the trickiest though. Perching up there on crooked branches, tilting their heads sideways as if they’re listening to a complete idiot. I can feel this old blood of mine boiling as I shuffle backwards slightly and get as low to the ground as possible. I have to resist the urge to pounce, resist it really hard, when I remember how above it all I am now. The previous carefree life of sleeping, playing and hunting is now far behind me, and I couldn’t be happier. Well, if the mistress complimented my work today, or gave me a little scritch behind the ears, my heart may very well pound so hard it explodes!

Once the first task is done, and all those miserable birds are off collecting insects and twigs or whatever other busy work I’ve given them, it’s nearly sunrise. My lady will be asleep all day, until just an hour before the sun goes down so I’ve got plenty of time to finish the rest of today’s preparations. Next on the list is to monitor the surrounding villages. A simple task, one that takes up too much time for my liking. Still, I separate myself into eight slightly smaller versions and hop right on into those shadows.

The eight closest villages vary greatly in distance, the furthest ones being hardly of any real importance beyond their proximity to highways and busy travelling roads. Each of my bodies sighs as I travel through the lengths of the shadows, bounding out every now and again to enter a new one. It’s the quickest method, faster than flying really, especially once I hit the shadows cast by the distant mountains.

Once I’m out and on the outskirts, I decide to visit the families I’ve spent years cultivating relationships with. They’ve left their little dishes out, filled them with milk. Really rolling out that red carpet for their favourite little visitor. I give them a little greeting to let them know I’ve arrived, then make sure they’re watching as I clumsily drink their offering. Can’t say I enjoy the taste, but it’s best I keep up appearances so I have at least a few people vouch for me should I ever need it.

Most of my day is spent out and about, wandering the streets while playing the obnoxious little pet. Few bother even spare a glance, probably believing me to be just another stray. While the thought makes me scowl, it suits my agenda just fine. I visit the usual sites, the churches, the town squares, any formal place the leaders of these people are bound to be. I lie and wait for them to begin their daily activities, watching who comes to visit, listening to their conversations. Just the usual mundane meetings today, except one.

It would appear some people have come to these parts looking to make a name for themselves. They’ve approached the town hall of a village north-east of my dilapidated home. Any formal hunter would’ve gone straight to the church, so we can rule them out as the culprits this time. It won’t be long before they make another attempt, especially after we left the last witch hunter’s scattered remains at their doorstep. Unfortunately, today it seems as though we’ll be hosting the real dregs in this line of business, mercenaries.

I was rolling my eyes through their entire conversation. They’re in it for the money and fame, boasting skills and experience they surely don’t have. We get far too many out here solely because they’re the cheapest recourse most of these villages have. Can’t say I’m not impressed with the mayor though. He’s either losing it with age or he’s got some unfounded confidence this will work. I mean, does he not remember how he got the job, or does he just not care? Whatever the answer, looks like my lady is going to be getting those eyeballs a little fresher than anticipated.

From the look of their basic equipment and gear, it’s really not going to take much to stop these guys from getting to our doorstep, wherein lies the problem. And I thought today was going to be easy! Well, there’s nothing quite like a challenge to break the lazy comforts of a regular routine. Best I get back and begin preparing the welcoming ceremony.

I climb to the top of the building and take a quick look around. Nobody’s watching. My body trembles slightly as it collapses and folds in on itself, certain proportions elongating and transforming. The transmutation is complete in seconds, the only problem being I’d taken the form of one of those miserable birds.

The flight back home takes some time as the sun is high in the sky, meaning travelling through the shadows is out of the question. At least the mercenaries would’ve been able to mobilise and move out. At the same time, it unfortunately means the preparations have to proceed quicker than I’d like. They weren’t the brightest bunch from what I could tell. They’re going to do something to damage the land and get themselves killed, ruining the fun for everyone else. On top of that, any harm they cause the flora and fauna is almost like harming the great Queen of Ash herself! And that simply must not be allowed!

First item on the amended agenda, convey the message to the trees that anyone entering is to be allowed through. As could be expected, they begrudgingly accepted the new direction. Can’t really blame them for their distaste of the situation. It’s been some time since those roots have feasted on anything other than the minimal nutrients in the earth and rain, which even then is barely enough to stave off their hunger.

With that sorted, I send the message to all the animals along their projected path. There was a slight hiccup this time, that being the viper nests. The young need to feed and we get so few visitors in these parts. Eventually I was able to negotiate some relatively beneficial terms and we were back on track. All it's going to take is a clever little reallocation of resources and there should be little hindrance to any future projects.

Before long, it was time to receive our guests. I hurry through the bushes and overgrown grass, marking the trail I intend to be tread. The trees comply with my desire, shifting slowly away, careful not to make it seem too obvious. The animals of the forest run alongside me as they whisper their directions and guidance on where I can find the ignorant four. I come to a stop when I hear the mercenaries carrying on without a care in the world. Sitting up straight with my tail curling around my feet, I lifted my nose slightly and stared down the bridge of my nose. I suppose sitting atop one of the branches above would be the best way to look down upon the approaching scum, but it’d probably make it harder for them to chase me. After all I’ve done, it’d be a shame to lose them to the forest now.

One by one the fools come lumbering into view, all stopping when they lay their eyes on my calm self.

“What’s this? A kitty?” the first one through started, most likely their leader.

I nearly snapped a tooth I ground my teeth so hard. His is the blood I need.

“Adorable.” the one in the rear muttered, clearly far more interested in the axe he held than any of his surroundings. Look at the way he stares at it! Like some lost love!

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s get moving then.” Leader commanded, moving on again.

Show time!

I start with a low wine, gradually increasing the volume until it was a piercing scream. Each of the mercenaries drop their weapons to slap their hands to their ears, staggering and lurching unsteadily. I wait until they recover, until all eyes are on me again, then give them a flash of my truth. A mere half a second of who I really am, and they are terrified. Ah, there’s nothing more intoxicating than fear. The woman with the sword and shield vomits through her helm, while the man with the bow topples back limp. Axeman is the most horrified of all, his mouth agape and eyes wide, and Leader just stands still, tears rolling down his face. I give them an angry hiss before elegantly turning and walking off down the created path.

I may have gone a little too far there. At least they know now they’re in the right place, right? It’s not like it matters much, but if they end up going through the webbed section of the forest, they’re not going to make it more than two steps before ending up as lunch.

“Wake him up! Get it together!” I could hear Leader crying, desperately trying to bring his tempestuous emotions back under control. “C’mon! We’ve gotta go after it!”

Good, they’ve given chase. I look back and wait for them to appear, hissing once more before taking off. Only Axeman and Leader follow, the other two probably having a slightly more difficult time adjusting to their situation. They quicken their pace, just as I’d intended. What I did not expect, however, was for Axeman to wildly swing his weapon at branches that weren’t even in his way!

I could hear the trees crying for blood! Screaming along the wind for retribution! Axeman wouldn’t relent, causing me to sigh. I nod at the trees. They were free to take their pound of flesh. Wood creaks and groans under the strain of their movements, the slight sound drowned out immediately as Axeman shrieks to his heart’s content. They had him ensnared and were dragging him away, off into the dark surroundings until he could be heard no more. They’ll take him beneath the earth, feed off him, grow things off him. Essentially, they’ve got their roots on some human compost now, and he deserves every bit of the torment that awaits.

Leader, realising the terrible situation he now found himself in, immediately went back for the others. Their discussions on whether to leave or not quickly turned my mood afoul. They decided to run while they still had their lives. Not willing to let that happen, I task the trees with circling them back around. They would become disoriented with the slight changes, unable to tell which direction held true. However, after an hour of their pathetic attempts at escape, I’d grown weary of the entertainment. Only a couple more hours before the mistress awakens, and I can’t very well have her trek all the way out here! It’s time to step things up a little.

I change my form once more, something frightening and unnatural. I only needed to get them moving again. I emerge from the trees, lumbering upon uneven legs, elongated arms reaching for my victims. It takes only a second for them to turn and run in the desired direction, but not before I snag Leader’s ankle. My grip is tight, claws piercing his boot and flesh. Blood runs down my nails and digits, and I was satisfied. I pick him up and dangle him above the earth for a moment, shaking his body just for show. Tossing his screaming self beyond the trees, to his friends, I begin to move after them with great, exaggerated movements. Slowly, slowly, and then they were out of sight once more.

Back to my original form, I dart through the trees to the rundown shack, careful not to lose all the blood along the way. I enter through a crack in the ceiling and make my way to the alchemy room, where the mistress kept all her compounds and equipment. I wring the blood off my claw and into an empty vial, barely filling a tenth of it. It was enough. I set off outside once more, ready to embrace the terror the remaining three were keen to gift.

Back to the viper nest I run, only to find they’ve already taken a victim. I was displeased, to say the least. We have plenty of bodies in stock under the shack, and all they had to do was wait until I brought it out to them. I suppose they do prefer their bodies live, though who’s to say how long Bow’s going to survive with his stomach flayed like that? Well, at least the eggs will stay warm, still doesn’t excuse the blatant insubordination.

Leader and Swordred desperately try to go back and help their fallen friend, but their attempts are quickly abandoned when the matron viper descends from above. The one tonne snake slams into the ground with earth-quaking force, staggering the humans as they attempt to flee. The matron immediately gives chase, sees me scowling, then hangs her head low and slinks back over to her brood. She knows what she did, and she knows there’ll be consequences.

I continue after the pair knowing they have less than an hour to make it to the front door. Trying to increase their pace, I request the assistance of the forest animals to make some noise and follow along. My hope was that by increasing their fear and adrenaline, they’d move with a little more urgency. I was not disappointed by the performance put on by the forest and its creatures. In the bushes all along the path were animals lined up, chittering, howling, staring! Fortunately, even the birds found ways not to ruin everything by perching on branches, squawking and flapping their wings! Even the trees decided they’d join in, looming over the path and forming terrified faces in the creases of their bark!

Everything was proceeding right on schedule. Only a little more to go and they’ll be standing before my humble little abode. The grin on my face only widens as we draw near, and then, we finally arrive! The pair burst from the shrubbery to the small clearing, the dilapidated wooden shack clear for all to see. We watch from the edges of the forest as they attempt to flee in several directions, only to be prevented by the forest dwellers and myself. Watching them finally break down, terrified and alone, brought a singular joy to my heart, especially so when they realise they have no place left to go but inside. I alone follow them in, as none were permitted by the lady’s order.

They were shivering in fright, gasping at every shadow. There were few rooms to enter and explore, not that they had a great desire to do so. I slip into the shadows and get ahead of them to the bedroom door, waiting until they began their approach. I emerge slowly from the ground a small pet, staring silently.

“Who dares enter the home of the Queen of Ash uninvited?”

The door behind me opens and I quickly close in on her, rapture taking hold as I brush up against her ankles. The two couldn’t respond.

“Are these your gifts, my darling?” she croaked, to which I purred in confirmation. “Well done, dear. Well done. You may take one as your prize, but which will do?”

I know the answer, so I quickly slip back into the shadows and enter the alchemy room. Grabbing the vial of Leader’s blood, I return by the same method to present the offering to my beloved mistress.

“It’s no surprise you thought this far ahead.” she hummed. “Now, let’s find out whose blood this belongs to.”

The vial swirls a couple of times in her fingers as she whispers the words of a forgotten language. I keep wide eyes on Leader, the anticipation just killing me, watching as his terrified face suddenly turns slack and vacant.

“Don’t worry my dear, I’ll be sure not to kill her outright.”

And with my mistress’ promise, Leader slashes away at Swordred. She’s taken by surprise, her shield just a fraction too slow. The blade cuts deep enough into her arm it could do nothing but hang limply and wait to fall off. She shrieks and tumbles backwards, swiping her sword desperately in front of her. Leader, controlled by the mistress, takes his time, targeting her legs so she couldn’t get up and escape. Weak from the pain and blood loss, it isn’t long before Swordred can do nothing more than whimper and cry.

“There we go dear, you may take her as your prize.”

I immediately pounce, quadrupling my size so I can latch my mouth around her wounded arm and drag her back outside. She screams and kicks, doing more damage to herself than what I’d done.

“As for you,” my lady continued, turning towards Leader, “follow me in here.”

They disappear into the workshop just as I bring Swordred outside. The animals have all gathered around the house, eagerly listening in to what had transpired. After seeing what I’d brought with me, they circle around and stare. Several turn from her to me, waiting for the chance to taste flesh again.

I shrink back down to my normal size and go off to do my checks. They all wait so patiently, staring and snarling. This woman would be their prize, the ones that accomplished their tasks the best today, as it’s always been. I’m quite shocked to find the stupid birds had won the day by a considerable margin, only to realise I’d sent them on busy work! I cursed myself for giving them the easiest, most unimportant duties I could think of, but fair’s fair. They are delighted with the news, digging their many talons into her screaming, writhing body as they swiftly carry her off to a different section of the forest. I’ve got no idea what they’re going to do with her, but the brainless dolts will probably end up just killing her by accident.

As the disappointed forest creatures turn to move away, the shrieks of Leader catches everyone’s attention. The mistress of the forest has apparently given him his faculties back, just in time for her to do what she really loves. I jump up and sit on the windowsill, using all the pleasantness to lull me to sleep.

I awake from my nap some time later to find everything is silent again. Taking a moment to stretch myself out, I hop off to the ground and head back inside. Night has fallen, so the mistress was most likely in the library reading a book by moonlight. I find her quickly enough and approach her feet, where I sit and look up at her. She doesn’t look up from her page, but taps her lap all the same. I immediately jump up and curl in, taking great pleasure at the soft scritches behind my ear. Purring softly, I can feel myself falling back asleep as a cosy wave of calmness envelops me.

Another fulfilling day’s work rewarded with the ultimate gift, my mistress’ affection. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring.