Chapter 10: Back To School
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Chapter 10

Back To School


As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, Adom lay in bed at the farm, his mind abuzz with thoughts and plans. A week had passed since his miraculous recovery, a week of grueling training, newfound friendships, and self-discovery. But now, the time had come for him to return to the Xerkes Sorcerer Academy. His leave of absence, granted due to his illness, was no longer applicable. The academy had sent word, calling for his return amidst the ongoing semester.

Lying there, Adom's thoughts wandered to the future. He knew too well the tragedies that awaited if the timeline remained unchanged. His parents' untimely death in two years, linked to an incident at the newly constructed sorcerer tower in Kati, weighed heavily on his heart. He was resolute in his decision to alter that fate. He would not allow history to repeat itself.

Further in the future, another calamity loomed – the invasion of Tygris. This event, destined to occur a year after his parents' supposed demise, threatened not just his family, but everyone he cared for. His mind raced with strategies and contingencies. The neutral and powerful kingdom of Cair Icarus emerged as a beacon of hope in his plans. It would be a safe haven, a place where his loved ones could find refuge from the impending chaos.

As he pondered these plans, Adom’s mind fixated on a pivotal first step: amassing wealth, enough to start anew anywhere. Now back in his thirteen-year-old self, in the year 850, he recalled a significant event due to occur soon. On the fifth day of the month of Sapin, just over a week away, a vast treasure would be discovered in the underground of an abandoned castle. This castle, once belonging to the Salamander Duchy outside Mandrake, had fallen into ruin over 464 years ago. The underground mine was not just filled with gold, but also with high-quality essentia crystals, along with rare and precious metals, jewels, and more. It turned out that Duke Salamander had managed to hide this fortune and created a dungeon to protect it.

Adom remembered the event well. Some adventurers, fleeing from a horde of beasts, sought refuge in the dungeon, not realizing the peril within. The dungeon, crafted with cunning and malice, proved more dangerous than the beasts they fled from. Of the 13 adventurers who entered, only two emerged alive, but laden with enough riches to last a millennium, even with limitless spending. The Kingdom of Atlas claimed 98% of the treasure, leaving a ‘reward’ of 2% to the survivors. Yet, this 2% amounted to a colossal sum of about 7 billion Cauris.

Once he secured a part of the treasure, the second phase of his plan would come into play: contacting 'Darksea', a covert financial network. Utilizing their services would enable him to transfer and utilize the massive amounts of wealth without drawing undue attention. He anticipated the complexities of moving such significant sums and knew the importance of discretion in these dealings.

Adom remembered 'Lupin', an agent of Darksea, whom, as fate wanted it, was not far away from Mandrake at this time. Their paths had crossed during the Atlas Reconquest, where Lupin had assisted with the financial management of Adom's farm. He was a man of a unique code of honor, which made him a reliable ally in such clandestine activities. Trusting someone with such critical and sensitive tasks was not easy, but Lupin’s proven loyalty and discretion during their previous collaboration made him an ideal choice.

The third and perhaps the most challenging part of Adom's plan was to persuade his family, including his uncle Ben, neighbors, and his friend Sam's family to relocate with him. He needed to convince them to leave their lives behind and seek refuge in the neutral, yet powerful nation of Cair Icarus. This task demanded not just persuasive skills but also a delicate handling of emotions and loyalties.

Cair Icarus was one of the few nations that had remained unscathed during the Great War following Atlas' reconquest, maintaining its neutrality and safety amidst chaos. Adom saw it as a sanctuary, a place where his loved ones could live free from the impending catastrophes he foresaw. The challenge lay in convincing them of the imminent dangers without revealing his knowledge of the future.

He strategized the most effective ways to approach this sensitive task. His parents, deeply rooted in their community, would be the hardest to persuade. The thought of uprooting them from their familiar life was daunting, yet necessary. As for his neighbors and Sam's family, Adom believed his goodwill and the trust he had built over the years would aid in his persuasion. He planned to appeal to their sense of security, emphasizing the opportunities and safety that Cair Icarus offered.

As he pondered these plans, Adom felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He had no grandiose aspirations to be a hero who saved everyone. His priority was clear – to protect his family and close friends. The safety of those he cherished was paramount; everything else was secondary, optional even.

He rose from his bed, the determination set in his eyes. The day was filled with preparations for his departure.

Adom stood before the mirror in his room, the morning light casting a soft glow that illuminated the changes in his physique. He couldn't help but notice the significant transformation his body had undergone in just a week's time. As he prepared to take a shower, he paused, taking in the sight of himself.

There was a noticeable toning of muscles across his body. While he was still on the leaner side, the definition was evident, enough to catch anyone's attention. His health radiated from his skin, a stark contrast to the frailty that had once defined him. He had grown taller too, now standing at an impressive 5'7". Looking at his reflection, Adom realized just how much his appearance had changed. He had always been exceptionally handsome, a fact that his illness had masked, but now, even he could see the striking features that 'Death' had complimented during their first encounter. "She did have good taste," he mused to himself.

As he observed his body, Adom's mind turned to the science behind muscle gain. "Muscle growth," he mused aloud, "is typically a slow process, involving the repair and strengthening of muscle fibers after they've been stressed during exercise. The more you work out, the more micro-tears you create in the muscle fibers. The body repairs these tears, making the muscles stronger and often larger over time."

He knew that such changes usually required months of consistent training, especially for someone starting from a baseline of physical frailty. Yet, here he was, witnessing results that defied normal expectations. "This progression," Adom contemplated, "it's more rapid than it should be. It's as if my body's natural processes have been accelerated."

The thought struck him – could the system, the mysterious force behind the blue box and his quests, be influencing his physical development? It seemed a plausible explanation, given the otherworldly nature of the challenges and rewards he had encountered.

Adom's reflection in the mirror now seemed to represent more than just his physical self; it was a symbol of the extraordinary journey he was on, a journey shaped by magical forces and his own relentless determination. The changes in his body were a testament to his hard work, but perhaps also a sign of the system's influence.

His gaze lingered on his reflection, pondering the implications. If the system was indeed enhancing his physical development, what were the limits? What other changes might he experience? And more importantly, how would this impact his plans to protect his loved ones and alter the future?

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Adom turned away from the mirror and headed for the shower. The day ahead would be busy – returning to the academy, reconnecting with friends, and beginning his strategic preparations for the challenges that lay ahead.

As the water cascaded over him, washing away the doubts and questions, Adom felt a renewed sense of purpose. Whatever the reasons behind his rapid development, he would use it to his advantage. He would harness every tool at his disposal to shape his destiny and safeguard those he cared for.

Stepping out of the shower, refreshed and determined, Adom dressed and began packing his belongings, including the three suitcases his mother had lovingly prepared for him. Despite his protests about the excessiveness, he couldn't help but feel touched by her concern.

The morning at the Sylla household was a flurry of emotions as Adom prepared to leave for the academy. Amid the hustle of packing and last-minute checks, his mother, Maria, couldn't help but let her concern and sadness show. Every ten minutes or so, she'd ask Adom, "Do you really have to leave now?" Each time, Adom would respond with a gentle smile and a soft "Yes, Mom. I have to."

Maria's eyes would mist over, her heart heavy at the thought of her son leaving so soon after returning. Amadu, ever the teaser, chuckled at her maternal worries. "Seems like someone's forgotten they have another person here who needs love too," he said, his tone light but eyes soft with affection.

Maria shot back playfully, "Oh, please. You're just jealous because Adom is far more charming than you ever were!" The room burst into laughter, easing the tension of the impending departure.

After a hearty breakfast filled with laughter and light banter, it was time to leave. They stepped outside, the crisp morning air a stark contrast to the warmth of the home they were leaving behind. Adom made his way to the stables to say goodbye to Crin-blanc, his loyal Pegasus. He left a bag of red, juicy apples, Crin-blanc's favorite, by the stable door. "Take care, buddy," he whispered, patting the magnificent creature's neck. Crin-blanc neighed softly, as if understanding the farewell.

Next, Adom visited the Akyles. The family had become an integral part of his life over the past week. After finalizing plans for Sasha to go to Mandrake in two months to prepare for the Xerkes entrance exam, Adom shared a fist bump with Trojer. "You've got a new vigor about you, man," Trojer commented, admiration in his voice.

Trojer handed Adom a piece of paper. "This is Francis' contact. He's a bit grumpy but knows his stuff. Helped me a lot with boxing and other martial arts. And, he's a retired sorcerer to boot. He'll be a great mentor for you in Mandrake."

"Thanks, Trojer. I'll definitely look him up," Adom replied, pocketing the paper.

Bidding farewell to the Akyles, Adom returned to his parents, who were waiting to accompany him to the train station. The walk to the station was filled with mixed emotions – pride, sadness, and a sense of adventure.

Maria held onto Adom's arm, her grip tightening as they neared the station. "Promise me you'll take care of yourself. And call us, don't forget," she said, her voice thick with emotion.

"I promise, Mom. And I'll call every week," Adom reassured her, his own heart heavy with the thought of leaving.

Amadu clapped Adom on the back. "Go make your old man proud, son. And remember, always keep learning, not just from books but from life."

As they reached the 'Marble Harbor train station', Adom's train, 'the Xerkes express' awaited, ready to take him back to the academy and to the next chapter of his life. He hugged his parents tightly, a bittersweet moment as they said their goodbyes.

"Take care, Adom. We love you," Maria said, tears brimming in her eyes.

"Love you too, Mom, Dad. I'll be back before you know it," Adom replied, a lump forming in his throat.

With a final wave, Adom boarded the train, finding a seat by the window. He watched as his parents stood on the platform, waving until the train pulled out of the station and they were out of sight. He settled into his seat, his mind already racing with plans and strategies for the future.