Chapter 15: Are you coming to me, or do I come to you?
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Chapter 15

Are you coming to me, or do I come to you?


The classroom at Xerkes Academy, usually buzzing with the energy of youthful voices, had fallen into a stunned silence. The scene that had just unfolded was so unexpected, so outside the realm of what anyone thought possible, that it left the students frozen in disbelief. Adom Sylla, known as probably the weakest boy of his generation, had just done the unthinkable.

Antor, one of the academy's top fighters, lay motionless on the floor, the imprint of Adom's fist still visible on his jaw. The power and precision of that punch had not only sent Antor flying off his feet but also knocked him out cold. It was a sight that would be etched in the minds of those present for a long time.

Amid the shock and awe, Adom stood calmly, his posture exuding a newfound confidence and strength. His declaration of 'next' hung in the air, a challenge to the others who had always stood by Antor, mocking and belittling their peers. But now, they hesitated, their bravado faltering in the face of Adom's unexpected prowess.

Sam, who had been watching from his seat, felt a mixture of pride and disbelief. He gazed at Adom's back, noticing for the first time how much broader and more muscular it appeared. It was as if his friend had undergone a transformation, not just in physical strength but in spirit too. Sam couldn't help but wonder if this was the same Adom he had always known, the friend he had supported and confided in.

The rest of the students were in a similar state of bewilderment. Whispers and murmurs began to fill the room as they tried to make sense of what they had just witnessed. Some were in awe, others in disbelief, and a few even felt a twinge of fear. Adom, once the target of easy ridicule, had just shattered their perceptions in the most dramatic way possible.

In the tense atmosphere of the classroom, Clegan stood up, his gaze shifting between the unconscious Antor and Adom, who was waiting with an eerily calm demeanor. Clegan approached, trying to mask his apprehension with bravado. “Woah there, didn’t know you had that kind of beast in you, shr- I mean, Sylla,” he began, raising his hands in a mock gesture of surrender. “I guess we got a little ahead of ourselves here, right boys? Tell you what, we gonna stop here and not talk about this anymore, and you-”

Without even finishing his sentence, Clegan launched himself at Adom in a cunning attempt to catch him off guard. Adom, however, was prepared; he had seen through Clegan’s deceitful nature. His instincts kicked in, and Quick Reflexes activated almost subconsciously. He caught Clegan in his own momentum, using the boy’s speed against him and slamming him to the ground with a force that echoed through the silent room.

Clegan lay stunned, gasping for air, his eyes wide with shock and fear. Adom towered over him, his expression cold and predatory. In two swift, calculated strikes to the throat and chest, he rendered Clegan's attempts to breathe nearly futile.

The classroom was frozen, the students watching in a mixture of horror and fascination. Adom looked down at Clegan, who was now desperately clawing for air, his eyes pleading for mercy. With a cunning smile, Adom slapped him across the face, the sound reverberating off the walls. Again, he slapped Clegan, then again and again, each strike a clear message of dominance and retribution.

Clegan's feeble attempts to fight back were effortlessly evaded by Adom, who continued his relentless assault. The slaps turned into a rhythm of punishment, each one drawing gasps and winces from the onlookers. Clegan’s cries for mercy grew louder with each blow, his voice a mix of pain and desperation.

Finally, as Clegan gasped and regained his breath, Adom delivered a silent, powerful punch that knocked him unconscious. He stood up, the system's display flashing in front of him: [2/5]. There were three more to go.

The remaining three bullies stood frozen, their bravado rapidly disintegrating under Adom's intense gaze. They were the unseen agents of Sam's suffering, people who had left so little impression on Adom that he did not even remember them from his past life, nobodies, and Adom found their involvement unacceptable. "Are you coming to me, or do I come to you?" Adom's voice was calm, yet it carried an underlying threat that sent shivers down their spines.

One of the boys, driven by a mix of anger and fear, charged towards Adom. In a desperate attempt to gain an advantage, he cast a speed spell, a blur of motion as he closed the distance. Caught slightly off guard, Adom braced himself just as the boy tackled him, slamming him against the wall with a thud that resonated through the classroom.

The other two, seizing the opportunity, rushed forward to join their comrade, throwing punches at Adom, who was pinned against the wall. But even in this precarious position, Adom's demeanor remained unflustered. With a surge of strength, he pushed the boy on top of him, sending him flying back effortlessly.

The remaining two attackers hesitated, their courage faltering as they witnessed their friend being thrown aside like a ragdoll. Adom rose to his feet, blood trickling from his nose and mouth. He wiped it away with the back of his hand and smiled, a chilling expression that sent a clear message: he was not to be underestimated.

"I don't blame you, kids," Adom said, his voice calm but laced with contempt. "It's not your fault, you know? This is just your nature — cowards, weaklings who only feel strong when attacking someone weaker. I've always known people like you, and there are many ways to deal with your kind. My favorite is a good old ass beating."

The boys looked at each other, disbelief and fear etched on their faces. Was this really Sylla, the same boy they had bullied and mocked for years? The transformation was surreal, almost impossible to comprehend.

Without warning, Adom activated Quick Reflexes again. His movements became a blur, a display of speed and precision that was both beautiful and terrifying. He moved towards them with a cold, calculated grace, each step measured and deliberate.

The first punch landed with a brutal force, sending the nearest bully reeling back, his body crumpling to the ground. The system flashed [3/5] as Adom swiftly turned to the next target. His fist connected with the second bully's jaw, a sound akin to a cracking whip filling the room. The boy's eyes rolled back as he collapsed, the system updating to [4/5].

The last bully, now alone and paralyzed with fear, could only watch as Adom approached him. There was no hesitation in Adom's strike, a punch that landed with such power and accuracy that it echoed through the stunned classroom. The boy dropped like a stone, the final count flashing on the system: [ [5/5]. Quest completed! Rewards will be given shortly]

The classroom was enveloped in silence, the aftermath of the confrontation hanging heavily in the air. Adom stood amidst the fallen bullies, his breathing steady, his blue eyes still burning with a fierce intensity. The transformation from victim to victor was complete, a statement made in the most emphatic manner possible.

As the classroom remained enveloped in stunned silence, the door swung open, revealing Professor Mohagan, probably alerted by one of the students. Known for his stern demeanor and expertise in combat magic, he surveyed the scene with a mix of surprise and concern. His eyes narrowed as they fell upon the fallen bullies, then shifted to Adom, who stood calm amidst the chaos.

"Sylla, what happened here?" Professor Mohagan's voice was firm, carrying a tone that demanded an explanation. "Have you done this?"

Adom met the professor's gaze, his expression unwavering. "Yes," he replied simply, his voice steady.

The professor took a moment to process the scene. His eyes moved from Adom to the other students, some of whom were still trying to make sense of what they had just witnessed. The atmosphere was thick with unspoken questions and the weight of what had transpired.

Professor Mohagan stepped further into the room, his presence commanding the attention of every student. "Explain," he said, addressing Adom directly.

Adom took a deep breath, aware that his actions, while justified in defending himself and his friend, would need a full explanation. "They attacked my friend Sam and then turned on me. I defended myself," he stated, his voice calm but firm.

The professor glanced at Sam, who nodded in confirmation, his expression a mixture of gratitude and disbelief at the transformation he had witnessed in his friend.

Professor Mohagan's gaze lingered on the bullies lying on the floor, then returned to Adom. "This level of force... it's excessive, Sylla. Even in self-defense."

Adom's jaw set. "I understand, Professor. But I couldn't stand by and watch my friend get hurt again. Not this time."

There was a moment of silence as Professor Mohagan considered Adom's words. He then turned to the rest of the class. "Did anyone else see what happened? Can anyone corroborate Mr. Sylla's account?"

Several students hesitantly raised their hands, and a few began to recount the events, confirming Adom's version of the story. Their voices were a mix of awe and respect for Adom, a stark contrast to the fear and dismissal he had once faced.

Professor Mohagan listened intently, his expression thoughtful. "Thank you," he said, once the students had finished. He then turned back to Adom. "This matter will need to be reviewed by the academy's disciplinary committee. You acted in self-defense, but the severity of your response must be evaluated."

Adom nodded, accepting the gravity of the situation. "I understand, Professor."

"As for the rest of you," Professor Mohagan continued, addressing the class, "this is a lesson in the consequences of one's actions. Bullying and violence have no place in this academy. Let this serve as a reminder to all."

With that, Professor Mohagan instructed the students to leave the classroom and called for medical assistance for the injured students. As the class filed out, whispers and murmurs filled the air, the tale of Adom's stand against the bullies already spreading like wildfire.