Chapter 18: Magical Combat and Defense Arts
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Chapter 18

Magical Combat and Defense Arts

The sun had barely risen over the city of Mandrake, capital of the kingdom of Atlas, casting a gentle golden hue across the bustling capital of Atlas. Adom Sylla, now more attuned to his newfound abilities and the responsibilities they entailed, prepared for his day with a sense of determination. Today's focus was the Magical Combat and Defense Arts (MCDA) course, a subject that had taken on a new significance in his life.

As he gathered his materials for the class, Adom's thoughts drifted to Professor Cerberus Mohagan, the instructor for today's session. Mohagan, a man of imposing stature and a demeanor as rigid as his principles, was a figure of respect and, for many, of intimidation. His reputation as a seasoned combat sorcerer was well-known throughout Xerkes Academy. Before his tenure at the academy, Mohagan had served as a high-ranking soldier in the kingdom of Thoras, a neighboring realm known for its military prowess and strategic acumen.

What set Mohagan apart in the world of sorcery was his status as a 'ranker' – a title bestowed upon the most powerful sorcerers across the globe. The existence of around 200 rankers in Atlas alone, was a testament to the kingdom's strength and magical heritage. Mohagan, ranked 40th among the 3000 rankers worldwide, was a living legend, his powers and achievements speaking volumes of his capabilities.

Adom recalled the bits and pieces he knew of Mohagan's fate in the original timeline he remembered. After the war, Mohagan had emerged as a leader of the resistance against the forces that had plunged their world into chaos. Sasha had served under his command, but the details of his later years were shrouded in mystery. Adom surmised that Mohagan might have fallen in one of the many battles or been captured, his fate unknown.

Adom took his seat next to Sam in the combat amphitheater, a sense of anticipation and a hint of anxiety mingling in the air. The atmosphere was electric, the students buzzing with energy and expectation for what the day's lesson would entail. At the center of the amphitheater stood a familiar sight – a practice golem, identical to the one Adom had faced in his earlier training session.

As he sat down, Adom couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine at the sight of the golem. Memories of his encounter with it, the fight that had pushed him to his limits and resulted in his temporary death, flashed through his mind. The memory was still vivid, a stark reminder of the fine line between life and death in the world of sorcery. He quickly composed himself, not wanting to alarm Sam.

"Hey, Sam," Adom greeted, his voice steady despite the flicker of unease that had momentarily passed through him.

Sam turned to him with a smile, "Hey, Adom. Ready for another day of learning the art of not getting beaten up by a hunk of metal?"

Adom chuckled, grateful for Sam's light-hearted approach. "Always," he replied, turning his attention to the front where Professor Mohagan was addressing the class.

The excitement in the air of Xerkes Academy’s combat amphitheater was palpable as the students gathered for their MCDA course. Today was different. Professor Mohagan, a figure renowned for his combat prowess and strict adherence to discipline, stood in the middle of the ring. His presence was a deviation from the norm, as he typically oversaw the practical missions given to fourth-year students. The students whispered amongst themselves, their anticipation evident.

As Professor Mohagan began addressing the students, his commanding voice echoing in the amphitheater, Adom's thoughts drifted. He recalled how in his past life, this change in instructorship had never occurred. Mr. Petigrew, their usual professor, had indeed left to join the royal administration of magic, but Mohagan had never stepped in to replace him. Adom pondered what could have caused this deviation in events. Was it simply a matter of timing, or was there a deeper reason behind Mohagan's involvement at this stage of their education?

Adom's curiosity got the better of him, and he discreetly activated his 'Level Knowledge' skill, turning his attention to Mohagan. The number '686' appeared above Mohagan’s head, a testament to his formidable strength and ranking among the world's top sorcerers. Adom was not surprised by the high level but remained in awe of the power it represented. Even though it was nowhere near Athena's staggering level of 1785, Mohagan's abilities were undoubtedly profound.

The atmosphere in the combat amphitheater was charged with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation as Professor Mohagan stood center stage. The students fell into a respectful silence, their eyes fixed on the renowned sorcerer who had unexpectedly become their temporary instructor.

"Good morning class. I am Professor Cerberus Mohagan," he began, his voice resonating with authority. "As many of you are aware, I will be overseeing your Magical Combat and Defense Arts course until a suitable replacement is found for Professor Petigrew."

His gaze swept across the students, assessing their attention and readiness. "Before we delve into the practical aspects of combat, I find it imperative to understand your grasp of the fundamental principles of magic. A sorcerer's true strength lies not just in their ability to cast powerful spells, but in their understanding of the very essence of magic."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. "Can anyone tell me about the foundation of our magic, Essentia?" he asked, scanning the room for volunteers.

A hand shot up from the back row, and Mia eagerly responded. "Essentia is the mystical energy that permeates our world, sir. It's the core substance we manipulate to cast spells. It exists everywhere, in different forms, and a skilled sorcerer can channel it from both within themselves and their surroundings." The boys in the class applauded immediatly, claiming she was a genius and a prodigy. Mia just sat down, only offering a polite nod to her admirers in the amphitheatre.

Mohagan nodded in approval. "Correct. Understanding and harnessing Essentia is key to all magical practices. Now, who can explain the role of mental constructs in spellcasting?"

This time, a boy in the front row answered. "Mental constructs are like blueprints for spells. We need to visualize the spell's outcome and mechanics in detail, then manipulate Essentia to match this mental image. It requires focus and precision to maintain control over the spell."

"Very good," Mohagan responded, his stern expression softening slightly. "The mental discipline required for spellcasting is what separates novice sorcerers from the truly skilled. Remember, a spell poorly visualized is a spell poorly cast."

The questions continued, delving into the intricacies of runes, their role in enhancing spells, and the creation of runic circuits for complex magical applications. The students' responses reflected a diversity of understanding and enthusiasm for the subject.

Finally, Mohagan's gaze landed on Adom, who had remained quiet throughout the session. "Mr. Sylla, you've been rather silent. Would you care to enlighten us on the significance of unique skills and abilities in a sorcerer's arsenal?"

Adom, caught slightly off guard, collected his thoughts before speaking. "Unique skills and abilities are rare traits that set certain sorcerers apart. These can be innate or developed through intense training and study. They allow a sorcerer to perceive and react to events with enhanced speed and accuracy. However, such skills often come with risks, like mental strain or other drawbacks."

Mohagan nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, Mr. Sylla. The pursuit of unique abilities can be a double-edged sword. A sorcerer must always be mindful of the balance between power and the responsibility it entails."

The MCDA course continued under the watchful eye of Professor Mohagan, who seemed to have taken a keen interest in Adom. After the initial discussion on the foundational concepts of magic, Mohagan's questions became more focused and complex, increasingly directed towards Adom.

"Mr. Sylla," Mohagan began, his tone reflecting a mix of curiosity and challenge, "can you enlighten us about the ranking system for sorcerers? How do sorcerers progress through these ranks?"

Adom, sensing the class's attention shifting towards him, replied, "Sorcerers are classified based on their mastery of Essentia, their skill in spellcasting, and their overall magical knowledge. The ranks start from rank D, Novices, who are beginners in magic, moving up to rank B, Adepts, rank A, Experts, rank S, Masters where rankers are, then finally, rank SS commonly called Immortals. Progression through these ranks is a combination of theoretical understanding, practical application, and often, significant contributions to the field of magic."

Mohagan nodded, "Very well put. Now, could you elaborate on the significance of artifacts and magical items in our world?"

Adom took a moment to gather his thoughts. "Artifacts and magical items are imbued with specific magical properties, often through runes and enchantments. They range from simple enchanted objects enhancing everyday tasks to powerful weapons and tools that can significantly impact battles or magical research. The creation and study of these items are a specialized field, requiring an in-depth understanding of Essentia manipulation and rune application."

The professor's gaze remained fixed on Adom, his questions unrelenting. "And what about the training and learning required to become a proficient sorcerer? How does one embark on this journey?"

Adom felt the weight of his classmates' eyes on him, their curiosity piqued by Mohagan's targeted questioning. "The path to sorcery involves rigorous training, which includes studying Essentia, runes, spellcraft, and specialized fields like alchemy or elemental magic. This can be done through formal education at academies like Xerkes, apprenticeships, or even self-study for the exceptionally gifted or determined."

Mohagan's final question had an unusual edge to it. "One more thing, Mr. Sylla. Could you discuss the ethical challenges and limitations that come with wielding magical power?"

Adom sensed the depth of this question, understanding its broader implications. "Yes sir. Magic, while offering vast possibilities, also comes with significant responsibilities and limitations. Misusing magic can lead to catastrophic consequences. Thus, there are laws and ethical codes governing its use. A sorcerer must always strive for balance, ensuring their power is used for the greater good and not personal gain or harm to others."

"Excellent. Mr. Sylla, you can sit back down." said Mohagan.

As Adom sat back down, the students started murmuring among themselves about the unusual focus on him. Sam, sitting beside him, couldn't help but comment, "That was intense, man. Felt like Mohagan was grilling you for some reason."

Adom smiled wryly, "Yeah, I felt that too. Maybe he's just testing me, or perhaps there's more to it."

The atmosphere in the MCDA course shifted as Professor Mohagan announced the practical segment. "Good, since you all seem to know the theory, pair up for sparring. Show me how you fare in combat," he declared, his voice echoing across the amphitheater.

A buzz of excitement rippled through the students as they began to choose their partners. Adom noticed Mia, the most popular girl in their year, pairing up with a girl named Firrh. The anticipation in the air was palpable; Mia was known for her exceptional magical prowess, and her matches were always a spectacle.

As Mia and Firrh stepped into the ring, the chatter among the students subsided, replaced by an eager silence. Mia, with her confident stance and calm demeanor, exuded an aura of control. Firrh, though visibly nervous, seemed determined not to back down.

The match began with Mia taking the initiative. In a fluid motion, she extended her hand, fingers splayed, and cast a quick spell. A shimmering web of light sprang from her fingertips, weaving through the air towards Firrh. It was a binding spell, designed to immobilize her opponent.

Firrh, caught off guard by the speed of Mia's attack, tried to dodge, but the spell was too fast, too precise. The web ensnared her, rendering her movements sluggish.

Without missing a beat, Mia followed up with her next move. She cast another spell, and Firrh began to levitate, rising higher and higher off the ground. The crowd gasped in awe as Firrh dangled helplessly in the air, completely at Mia's mercy.

"Yield?" Mia's voice was calm, almost gentle, as she looked up at Firrh.

Firrh, realizing her position was untenable, nodded quickly. "I yield!" she called out, her voice echoing in the amphitheater.

As soon as the words left Firrh's mouth, Mia gracefully lowered her to the ground. The binding spell dissipated, and Firrh landed softly on her feet, a bit shaken but unharmed.

The audience erupted in cheers and applause, especially from the boys, who were vocal in their admiration. "Mia's a genius!" "Best of our generation!" The accolades flowed freely, highlighting the respect and admiration Mia commanded among her peers.

Mia, ever humble, offered a small smile and a nod in acknowledgement. "Thank you," she said, her tone gracious. She turned to Firrh, offering a hand. "You did well, Firrh. I'm sorry if that was a bit much."

Firrh, recovering her composure, shook Mia's hand. "No, it's okay. I knew what I was signing up for. You were amazing, Mia."

Sam teased Adom, who he had known to have always been weak to Mia's beauty."Hey, your crush is pretty strong, huh? Think you could take her on?"

Adom just chuckled, he was a sixty-five years old man in the body of a thirteen years old, Mia was just a child in his eyes now.

He watched the exchange with a sense of curiosity. Mia's skill and control over her spells were impressive. He decided to check her level using his 'Level Knowledge' skill. To his surprise, the number '4' appeared above her head.

The revelation added a new layer to Adom's understanding of the power system. Level 4, while still early in a sorcerer's journey, evidently held significant potential. Mia's effortless domination in the ring was a testament to that.

The sparring matches in the MCDA course continued with a display of remarkable talent and magical ingenuity. As each pair of students faced off in the ring, the amphitheater buzzed with excitement and anticipation. The diversity of spells and tactics showcased the wide range of skills being honed at Xerkes Academy.

Amidst the series of duels, one particular match captured everyone's attention and ended almost as soon as it began, setting a record for the shortest fight of the day. The combatants were Guindo Turpin, an elf with a quiet demeanor, and not much known to Adom, and Thorun Steelguard, a dwarf known for his fiery spirit and robust build.

As the match commenced, Thorun wasted no time in unleashing a powerful combination of fire and wind spells. He cast rapidly, his hands moving in intricate patterns as he conjured a swirling vortex of flames. The fire tornado spiraled towards Guindo, its heat intense and its winds howling with ferocity. It was a bold strategy, aimed at overwhelming Guindo with sheer force and leaving him no room to maneuver.

The students gasped as the fiery maelstrom engulfed the area where Guindo had been standing. Thorun, confident in his assault, prepared to follow up with another spell. But to the shock of everyone, Guindo had vanished, swallowed by the shadows cast by the roaring flames.

In the blink of an eye, the unexpected happened. From Thorun's shadow, Guindo emerged, as if stepping out of a dark portal. The move was swift and seamless, catching Thorun completely off guard. Guindo's use of a shadow spell, a technique not typically taught until later years, showcased his exceptional talent and creativity.

Before Thorun could react, Guindo was upon him. With a fluid motion, Guindo wrapped his arm around Thorun's neck in a precise and controlled guillotine choke. The suddenness of the attack left Thorun with no time to counter. His attempts to break free were futile against Guindo's expert hold.

"Yield!" Guindo's voice was calm but firm, echoing in the stunned silence of the amphitheater.

Thorun, realizing his predicament, tapped out, signaling his surrender. The match was over in mere seconds, leaving the audience in awe of Guindo's skill and strategic brilliance.

As Guindo released Thorun, the dwarf stood up, rubbing his neck and nodding in respect. "Well played, Guindo. Didn't see that coming," Thorun admitted, his voice tinged with admiration.

Guindo offered a small smile, his demeanor still composed. "Thank you, Thorun. You're a formidable opponent."

Adom couldn't help but wonder about Guindo's story. Why had someone of such talent not made a name for himself in the timeline he remembered? What path had Guindo taken that led him away from recognition and acclaim? The realization that so many talented individuals could remain hidden or overlooked in their timeline was a sobering thought.

As Guindo stepped out of the ring, acknowledged by the applauding crowd, Adom felt a newfound respect for him. The world of sorcery was vast and full of hidden gems – sorcerers with exceptional abilities who, for one reason or another, stayed in the shadows, their stories untold

Adom and Sam, both brimming with eagerness, were preparing to descend into the ring for their sparring match. They exchanged a look of mutual understanding, ready to test their skills against each other.

"Ready to have some fun, Sam?" Adom asked, a playful smirk on his face. He enjoyed the prospect of a friendly match with his closest friend.

Sam grinned back, "You bet! Just go easy on me, okay?" His tone was light, but there was a glint of competitive spirit in his eyes.

Just as they were about to step into the ring, Professor Mohagan's voice boomed across the amphitheater, halting them in their tracks. "Hold on, gentlemen. I have a different plan in mind." The professor's stoic face gave nothing away as he scanned the crowd.

The students fell silent, their attention piqued by the interruption. Adom and Sam exchanged puzzled glances, wondering what Mohagan had in store.

Mohagan's gaze settled on Adom, his voice firm and commanding. "Mr. Sylla, I want you to spar with Mr. Rolland."

A wave of murmurs rippled through the students. The choice was unexpected, almost shocking. Damus, known for his exceptional skills in both academics and combat, was a formidable opponent for anyone, let alone Adom, who had only recently returned to the academy.

Adom, caught off guard by the announcement, couldn’t hide his surprise. He glanced at Mohagan, wondering about the intent behind this choice. Was the professor testing him, or was there another motive? The thought of facing Damus stirred a mix of emotions in Adom. "Professor Mohagan, are you sure? Sam and I were about to—"

Mohagan cut him off, "I'm quite sure, Mr. Sylla. It's an excellent opportunity to assess your capabilities."

Sam stepped back, understanding the gravity of Mohagan's decision. He gave Adom an encouraging nod, "You got this, Adom."

As Damus descended into the ring, his hands casually tucked in his pockets, his demeanor exuded a mix of annoyance and confidence. His history with Adom was complex, marked by bullying and a distant, cold relationship in their future adult lives. Yet, Damus had never apologized or acknowledged his past behavior.

The tension between the two was palpable as they faced each other in the ring. Damus chuckled, his eyes fixed on Adom with a mix of amusement and disdain. "You used to lower your gaze every time it met mine, not so long ago. I'll remind you why you had been smart to do that. Shrimp," he taunted, a smirk playing on his lips.

Adom, standing tall and unflinching, met Damus's gaze head-on. Gone was the timid boy Damus once knew. "You know, Damus," Adom replied, his voice calm and assertive, "I think we're going to have a very different relationship this time around."

The crowd hushed, captivated by the exchange. The rivalry between Adom and Damus was well-known, and this match promised to be more than just a simple sparring session.

Professor Mohagan, sensing the intensity of the duel, announced, "Begin!"