Volume 02 Chapter 13
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As the man surveyed the zombies he summoned from his magic circle, he struggled to contain the surge within him, his body tensing up. Unable to withstand it any longer, he stretched out and gazed up at the sky.


"Hahahaha... Ahhhahaha! My power exceeds even my imagination!" he exclaimed.


With around a thousand zombies at his command, he could easily overrun the royal capital!


"I've nearly depleted my magic power, and it took some time. But with this number, it should be enough to devastate the capital of Reeds-Galrm!"


Indeed, he had not only humanoid zombies but also gathered different types, from goblins to wolves and orcs. Nothing was impossible now!


"For this Solde, I shall take the head of King Reeds-Galrm... Hm? What's that sound?"


Despite scanning the surroundings, as it was midnight, he couldn't find the source of the noise but noticed an odd star in the sky.


"That star... seems strange for a shooting star? ...Huh? It's falling..."


And then, with a tremendous explosion, his consciousness was blown away.


He should have realized the danger approaching him... but it was too late.


**Ellyra's Perspective**


"Now then, first, after ensuring the safety of the surroundings with the FGM-148, I set the Javelin missile to top attack mode. Releasing the safety, I project the target location marked by the UAV onto the Javelin's monitor and lock onto the target. And... here comes the main event..."




I pull the trigger simultaneously, launching the missile towards the enemy.


The missile ascends high into the air after launch, then heads straight towards the target, descending rapidly the moment it reaches overhead. And upon impact, it explodes.


"Direct hit with the Javelin!"


Good. Thanks to the unique feature of the UAV in FPS, which shares information with my radar and other weapons, I managed to mark the target with the laser sight.


"Phase one of the operation successful!"


Phase one of the operation: firing a missile right at the center, causing confusion among the enemies! Well, whether monsters would get confused or not remains to be seen.


After firing the FGM-148 Javelin, I adjust my night vision goggles and hop onto the gun turret of the Humvee 1151, aiming the GAU-19B (using 12.7×99mm rounds) at the enemy a kilometer away.


"Shall we proceed with phase two of the operation?"


Pressing both buttons simultaneously, the GAU-19B unleashes a barrage of bullets towards the enemy, creating a sound like VooOOOooOOOooOOOO!!


Wow, the kill score is going through the roof.


I can't quite tell what's happening from here, but probably because of the monsters using 12.7mm ammunition, bodies are getting blown apart. It's become a world where hitting the target is almost guaranteed.


"Hm? Are they starting to notice us already?"


The horde of zombies seems to have sensed the direction of the attack and is heading towards us.


Alright, as planned! Don't panic, just need to draw them in closer...


As I continue to rain bullets from the GAU-19B towards the zombies, I glance at the radar to confirm. Indeed, there seems to be variation among them—some are fast, while others are slow. The fast ones have already covered about 80 meters from their original position.


Well, that was anticipated. Except for the absence of flying ones.


I refrain from targeting the fast ones for now and keep showering bullets towards the slower ones further back, steadily taking down the enemies.


...Is it about time?


While continuing to fire the GAU-19B, I sneak glances at the radar, timing my actions.


...Alright, now's the time! UGV deployment!


Opening the menu, I press the buttons to activate two Armadillo UGVs I had hidden on the left side, immediately setting them to auto mode.


"Understood, initiating firing. Please be careful not to enter the line of fire."


As the computer speaks, the UGVs, stationed about 600 meters away, come to life. One equipped with an FN M2HB-QCB (using 12.7×99mm rounds), and the other with a Saab Defense Mk.19 Mod3 (using 40mm grenades), they start moving according to the preset path. Yes, circling around to the left side of the enemy from my perspective. This sets the stage for a crossfire.


This is an open plain with no hiding spots, so they're bound to become targets.


The zombies, originally heading towards me, seem to be confused, hesitating and darting around.


They're probably debating whether to come after me or the UGVs. But observing them, something feels off.


Do zombies possess intelligence?


...No, let's stop thinking about it for now. Because all that's left is to finish them off in one fell swoop!!


Bullets tear through zombie flesh, explosions engulf and hurl them. My UGVs and I trample over the zombies in various ways.


...Is it almost over?


I cease firing and check the radar. The once numerous horde of zombies has dwindled to a countable few.


"Phew... The operation went according to plan. But this... "


I gaze down at the GAU-19B, now piled with spent casings and hot barrels, realizing just how long I've been firing.


Normally, firing this much wouldn't just lead to running out of ammo but also cause abnormalities requiring repair. And how many enemies did I kill?


"...Well, forget about that! Let's deal with the remaining ones up close. The brass has disappeared, after all! Oh, but wait! Before that, I need to retrieve the Claymores."


After opening the menu, I press the button to remove the Claymores.


"Attention! Once the Claymores are removed, they cannot be returned to their original positions. Are you sure you want to remove them? Yes/No."


I press 'Yes' and confirm that they've been removed from the map, then set the Armadillos to arrive at the same location. After closing the menu, I move to the driver's seat of the Humvee 1151. Since the engine was already running, I shift the gear lever from P to D after applying the brakes and releasing the handbrake.


"Oh? Right, it's dangerous to drive without headlights at night."


After saying that, I turn off the night vision goggles, lift them up, turn on the headlights, and set off.

"Ah, aaaaahhhhh. Huh?"

Why am I... why am I lying here? I remember summoning the zombies to attack the royal capital, but...!? Where did my zombies go?!!

As Solde lay on his back, he glanced around and saw the brutally slain zombies. And in that moment, everything came rushing back to him!

Just before this happened, a star had fallen from the sky and struck him, assaulting his body.

"Grrr, raaahhh!!?"

And then, like a volcano erupting from deep within him, the man unleashed his fury!!


And the man's anger exploded from the depths of his body like a volcanic eruption! !

"Ko... ko, ro... sheee..."

They're killing. Absolutely hunting them down and killing them!!? What was that sound just now?

Turning towards the direction of the unfamiliar sound, though it was dim and hard to discern, someone was systematically taking down the zombies summoned by the man along with a mysterious monster. Seeing this, the man glared at the figure with intense anger.

"Grr... Grrrrrrrr!!?"

Is that person... the one responsible for what happened to the zombies?! ...No, wait.

"Guh, Guhi!!"

Could it be that they haven't realized I'm still alive? This might be my chance!!

"Shh, shh, shh... Wait!? Cough Cough!"

I'll tear that person who put me through this apart with my own hands, make them regret it to the fullest, and then kill them!! And even after turning them into zombies, I'll still make them do my bidding!!

Solde thought this as he tried to stand up, but his body wouldn't cooperate.

Huh? ...Why? Why won't my body move!?

"Wh... What!?"

He was shocked when he looked at his own hands.

Because his right arm wasn't blown off anymore, and his left hand was torn to shreds and rendered useless.


Unlike a moment ago, he now felt fear, the complete opposite of anger!

Cough Cough! Wha... What the...!?

This is bad! I need to escape from here quickly, or I'll be killed!!

Struggling to get onto all fours from his supine position, he tried to flee, but they wouldn't let him escape. The mysterious monster noticed the man and turned its face towards him, and then...

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Oh, the armadillo fired again! But man, the firing sound of Mk.19 Mod3 is so satisfying.

"And the exhilarating explosion, but, huh!?"

Why am I surprised? Well, because the monster GUV took down earlier had points significantly higher than the other monsters.

"Whaaat... What did I just defeat?"

It's appreciated that the judgment of the defeated opponent is given, but it's a bit inconvenient that it only shows points and headshot judgments, so you don't know what type of monster you defeated.


Moreover, looking at the zombies I was about to shoot earlier, they were slowly approaching me, but they collapsed as if the strings of a puppet had been cut. Looking around, other zombies were similarly motionless.

"The enemy marks disappeared from the radar... could it be because we defeated the boss controlling them?"

These guys are definitely strange. They seemed to have intelligence, and they stopped moving after acquiring those extraordinary points. Well... at least I achieved my goal of wiping them out!! ...Huh?

I received a communication from God, and as I answered, God appearing on the screen seemed to be holding back laughter for some reason.

"What's wrong, God?"

"Ah, s-sorry! It's just a little inside joke... D-don't worry about it! Hehe...?"

Well, I've always known that God's a bit peculiar, but the more I watch, the more unsettling it becomes.

"Hmm? Hm-hm?! Congratulations, Elraina, on annihilating those zombies!"

"....Oh, um, thank you."

"Mmm?! Aren't you a bit under-reacting to the praise?"

"No, it's just... while watching the zombies, something felt off, like... huh? ...Ah! This is bad!"

"What's wrong?"

With a puzzled expression, God inquires, and I respond.

"There are a few people heading this way. They don't seem hostile, but I'd rather not draw attention, so we need to find a way to escape from here..."

Glancing at the UAV's thermal imagery, I can't discern specific individuals, but there seems to be a group of about five people approaching.

"In that case, leave it to me! First, stash those two UGVs and the UAV behind us!"


As instructed by God, I store away the two UGVs and the UAV in the storage bay.

"All set. Alright then... Hup!"

As God speaks, my vision momentarily blurs, and when it clears, I find myself facing a wall right in front of me, startling me.

"We've arrived!"

"Huh? Wait, this place is..."

Seeing a familiar wall in front of me, I glance around and realize exactly where I am.

"There's a gate over there! So, this is the capital after all!! Why am I here?"

"I'm the one who teleported you here."

"You could have at least warned me before teleporting!"

Seriously, that's not good for my heart!?

"Haha, sorry about that. By the way, it's only 8 PM, so the inns are still open. You should rest for today. I'll give you your reward later."

"Haah... Understood. As you say, God, I'll rest for today. Thank you for everything."

"Yeah, yeah. Thank you too, lovely Elraina."


"Hahaha! Goodnight!"

With that, God abruptly ends the communication.

"Ughh... What a... annoying... god..."

After muttering to myself, I start walking towards the gate.