Volume 03 Chapter 07
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Now then, the next delivery destination is a company called the Fang Oni Group. With that in mind, I cross-reference the map and the screen map to confirm our next destination.

From the name alone, it feels like the office of a yakuza, but since I'm a member of the comprehensive guild, it should be fine! Well, probably. According to the map... it should be at the end of this road.

Walking down the street towards the company, I'm greeted by a pleasant fragrance tickling my nose.

Is this scent... lavender?

Glancing around, I spot a flower shop and approach to admire the blooms.

Nice smell. And lavender, too. Flowers from the other world exist here too.

Hmm? There are some flowers I've never seen before; probably unique to this world.


As I browse the shop's offerings, a female rabbit-kin shop assistant with glasses approaches from behind, our eyes meeting.

Oh, hello there.

She's a mature and elegant woman.

Aren't these flowers beautiful?


Probably only the finest flowers are displayed here, despite any less favorable ones being discarded.

I've grown all the flowers here. People like you come to see them, just like you.

Wow, did you grow all of these? They're truly beautiful flowers!

Hehe, thank you for the compliment. You're a beautiful lady too.

Ah, uh...!


I, I'm fine... um... sorry, could I have three of these flowers, please?

Might as well buy some lavender to decorate the inn. Although, I think the old lady might get angry if I try to decorate.

Three of these lavenders, right? That'll be one copper coin and five iron coins.

Huh, isn't that cheap?

That's quite inexpensive.

As I say this, I take out money from my item box and hand it to the shop assistant, who receives it with a smile before continuing.

Hehe, normally people buy in bunches or potted plants, so it's rare for someone like you to buy cut flowers in such numbers.

Is that so? Buying in bunches is probably for gifts or offerings, right? Oh, I see!

Um, excuse me...

Hmm? What is it?

As I address the woman, who's in the middle of packaging, she continues working, her long ears still attentive. Those rabbit ears sure are convenient.

I wanted to ask about the security here and the First Knights. Is everything okay now?

The moment she hears those words, the woman's hands stop abruptly, and she turns to face me.

Her expression is intense. Did I ask something bad?

Why do you want to know about that?

Huh!? Um, well, it's just for the general 'sorry!' Wait, huh?

Turning toward the source of the voice, I see a muscle-bound man in pink attire resembling a magical girl, standing behind me.

Wh-who are you!!?

Who the heck is this guy!? I freeze, along with the white-haired woman.


And there's a beastkin woman screaming.

Wait a minute! I'm not suspicious at all!!

‘Plenty suspicious' is what I'd say!

Even though she says that in her attire, there's no credibility whatsoever! But there's no enemy marker, and she doesn't seem like she's going to rampage, so... is it okay?

Never mind that. Sir!

A fist suddenly appears in front of my eyes, and I can feel the wind on my face. And when I look at the end of that fist, there's a perverted grin staring back at me.

Woah, that was fast!? I was a bit careless, but I've realized something from that punch! He's not someone I should make enemies with, like my master!

I'm not 'sir.' I'm 'miss!' Or Peach, if you prefer!

I need to apologize! I need to apologize right now or I'll be killed!?


I bow my head deeply in apology.

As long as you understand.

She forgave me, but I need to be more careful from now on.

Um, Peach-san. May I ask you something?

What is it?

Why did you come here?

The peach-scented lady, also known as Peach, asked.
Well, you see~! I came to buy flowers as a souvenir for my family whom I haven't seen in ages!
Family visitation? Despite their appearance, this person has a family?
So, would you be so kind as to provide me with a bouquet of Tirkana flowers, my wife's favorite?
Y-yes! Please wait just a moment!
The clerk disregarded the lavender I requested and began preparing the bouquet Peach-san had asked for.
Oh, by the way, you.
Y-yes. What is it?
I'd prefer not to engage in conversation, if possible.
Could you tell me about that report you mentioned at the guild earlier?
U-uh... Is it okay to tell this person? It should be fine if I just talk, right?
Well, you see, I heard about the security issues in this East District from the equipment and forge shops earlier, so I planned to report it to the guild. I thought it'd be good to gather more information, so I stopped by the flower shop.
Oh~? When I was working, the security wasn't this bad. It's strange, isn't it?
W-wait, you worked here?
Yes, that's right. Despite my appearance, I used to work for the Knights' Order!
What?! This person was part of the Knights' Order?! Unbelievable!
As we conversed, the female clerk hurriedly brought the bouquet.
S-sorry to keep you waiting! That'll be five copper coins!
Oh, thank you~!
After Peach-san said that, she handed five copper coins to the female clerk, who seemed to tremble as she accepted them, perhaps finding Peach-san unsettling.
Phew~... Here's your lavender.
Oh! The clerk also packed the lavender I requested. I had forgotten about it since Peach-san's came first.
Thinking that, I accepted the lavender and put it in my item box.
Thank you.
It's fine. By the way, about the conversation earlier, I'd like to ask a favor from you too.
The female clerk gazed at me with a smile, unlike earlier.
Umm, sure... but why did you have such a stern expression earlier?
Oh, that's because I suspected you were from the Wulf Trading Company.
What?! I was suspected?
I realized I was wrong while listening to your conversation, so I'll tell you.
Thank you.
I'd like to hear it too~!
Yes, yes. Feel free to listen.
After giving Peach-san a look of disbelief, the clerk began speaking to us with a serious expression.
Well, ever since the First Knights' Order took charge of the East District a week ago, the security has changed drastically.
In what way? I heard that the First Knights' Order turns a blind eye to crime.
I think you've heard it from those two shops already, but they spend their days drinking in taverns under the pretense of patrolling.
They interfere with shops in the forge and trading company, complaining about their products and driving away customers. And worst of all, they spread false rumors about the shops while using their names.
People who don't live in the East District probably don't believe it. And for the Wulf Trading Company, they're targeting those who are inconvenient for them under the guise of 'regulation,' causing shops to go out of business.
They're nothing but scoundrels.
...They're still the same old slackers.
Eh?! You know about them?
Ah, I see. Though I wasn't employed there, I've heard plenty of rumors, Mused the woman.
Despite the longstanding notoriety of the First Knight Brigade, why did the king appoint them to the Eastern District? And what concerns me is the Wolf Company.
Sister, what sort of people are the Wolf Company? inquired the listener.
On the surface, they manage a tavern and deal with materials from ores and monsters. However, those who join the Wolf Company don't fare well. Most of the affiliated businesses end up bankrupt, rumored to be engaged in illicit trade, she explained.
Ah, now I grasp the situation. It seems the First Knight Brigade enjoys unchecked privileges from the Wolf Company in exchange for favors, I thought to myself.
It appears there's a connection between the First Knight Brigade and this company. I'll inform the Guild about it later, stated the listener.
Please do. But be cautious not to attract attention from the First Knight Brigade and the Wolf Company. Even though you're part of the Guild, they're still knights... she trailed off.
I'm not worried. I have acquaintances in the Second Knight Brigade, reassured the listener.
Well, they're Guerl and the others, so whether they're reliable or not remains to be seen...
True... but be careful. They seem willing to employ any means to cover up their tracks, she warned.
Would it be unwise to rely on Duke Valdeck, who owes me a favor, in that case?
Understood. Well then, I have another delivery to make, so I'll take my leave here, he said.
Alright, take care, she replied, looking at me with a worried expression, though I believe she can rest assured.
I'll be off too! Thanks for the lovely flowers! Peach exclaimed, winking at the shop assistant.
Ah... yeah... take care now, alright? I replied awkwardly, avoiding Peach's gaze.
Thank you for everything! Peach bid her farewell to the shop assistant.
You're welcome anytime, dear! You're always welcome here! the assistant responded cheerfully.
Hyah! I involuntarily gasped.
Hmm? What's wrong? she asked.
N-nothing... please don't mind me!! U-um... I'll be going now! I stuttered, face flushed, and quickly left the shop.
Oh, I wonder what's wrong with that kid? Oh well, no matter. Goodbye then! Peach waved as I left.
Yeah... um... thank you very much... yeah, I mumbled, as the female shop assistant, with a look that seemed to say, Don't ever come back!! watched me depart.