Volume 03 Chapter 12
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   Hero's Side ~~~


"Why is the audience scheduled for the day after tomorrow when we'll arrive at Reedgarum tomorrow morning?" The young man asked the two girls in the inn room, eliciting expressions of bewilderment from them.


"It can't be helped, right? Reedgarum hasn't had time to recover from the recent turmoil, and besides, we're heroes, so the Kingdom of Reedgarum should give us a proper welcome, and that requires preparation, doesn't it?" one of the girls replied.


"But still, Mika. We're supposed to find the person who defeated the zombie army and talk to the emperor about it soon, right? We're taking wyverns there and carriages back. If the king doesn't know who defeated the zombie army, meeting him would be pointless," the boy argued.


Hearing this, Mika furrowed her brows and began to speak to the boy. "Daiki, are you an idiot? It's crucial for the king to meet the heroes who came all the way from the Empire. Otherwise, it might send the wrong message to other countries! It might even escalate into a diplomatic issue! Do you understand?"


"Eh!? ...D-does it really become an international issue?" Daiki replied nervously, shrinking back as Mika approached him with a stern expression.


Watching Daiki's intimidated reaction to Mika, the other girl chimed in, "I agree with Mika. Since the king is welcoming us, we should meet him. It might cause inconvenience if we refuse to meet him now."


"Oh, right..." Daiki mumbled.


"Since we have time tomorrow, let's go to the dungeon near the Kingdom of Reedgarum for training. Did you forget?" the girl reminded them.


"That's right. Oh, I'm looking forward to exploring the dungeon tomorrow!" Daiki exclaimed cheerfully.


Just then, Iori interjected, "Daiki, try to restrain yourself this time."


"Iori, why are you saying that?" Daiki retorted with a hint of frustration.


Ignoring his tone, Iori continued, "Remember when we were attacked by mimics in the dungeon last time because of Daiki?"


"Uh! That was... I..." Daiki trailed off.


"It's your fault for not confirming if it was a mimic. We were taught by the captain, weren't we?" Iori stated matter-of-factly.


"I'm still regretting that... Yes..." Daiki muttered.


"Well, use that regret to be more careful tomorrow," Iori advised.


"Y-yes," Daiki replied, lacking the enthusiasm from before. It was clear he couldn't compete with the two girls.


"Anyway, both of you," Mika interjected seriously.




"What's up, Mika?"


Mika addressed them with a determined expression, "Do you know that a sorcerer might have been involved with the zombie army this time?"


Indeed, the information disclosed to the public was that zombies were flocking towards the Kingdom of Reedgarum. However, the possibility that a sorcerer might have been controlling these zombie hordes was a confidential matter concerning all four nations, including Reedgarum.


"Why, yes, but is that a problem?" Daiki asked.


"What I'm saying is not about that! It's about who managed to defeat the sorcerer who could barely be defeated by us! That's what I mean!" Mika exclaimed.


"Well, I can't think of anyone. Maybe it's someone strong? It would be reassuring if they became our allies!" Daiki replied.


Disheartened by Daiki's response, Mika sighed and dropped her shoulders. "Daiki, it might be a group. And even if we want them to be our allies, they might not want to join us, you know?"


"Iiiaaahhh!!!" Mika exclaimed joyfully, hugging Iori and rubbing her cheek against hers.


"I trusted only Iori... only Iori to be normal!!!" Mika exclaimed, her face beaming with happiness.


"I don't need this clinginess, Mika," Iori said, looking slightly uncomfortable.


Watching Mika clinging to Iori without any intention to stop, Daiki was surprised and intervened, "Hey, wait! Are you saying I'm not normal?"


"You're foolish and idiotic," Iori stated flatly.


"And dull-witted," Mika added.

"Guh!!? ...Are idiots universal or what~?"

Upon hearing those words, Taiki knelt on the floor, but Miku continued speaking without showing any concern.

"Well, as Iori said. We don't know if it was a group that defeated the horde of zombies, or just a few individuals, or even a single person, right? And even if we find them and try to recruit them, there's no guarantee they'll join us. Being pushy about recruitment will only make them dislike us, so let's give up if it doesn't work out."

"Yeah, understood."

"But you know... I wonder what kind of people really defeated them?"

Miku, with her hand on her chin, pondered for a moment before responding to Taiki.

"Could it be some renowned adventure guild or something?"

"If that were the case, wouldn't they be boasting about defeating them themselves?"

"Well, yeah..."

Miku, perhaps irked by Taiki's logical argument, spoke with a slightly irritated expression.

"The Knights of Reedgarhm?"

This time, it was Iori who responded, but the answer didn't seem to satisfy either of them.

"Hmm... It's unclear. Although there seem to be descendants of heroes there, it's ambiguous whether they would take down zombies and demons and then report it to the Empire as 'The Knights of Reedgarhm defeated them!'"

"Is that so?"

"Well... Oh, I wonder if it's something else?"

"What is it, Taiki?"

"The Emperor mentioned a failed hero summoning on another continent. Maybe the hero he mentioned is here on this continent and defeated them?"

Both of them answered Taiki while showing their respective expressions.

"That... seems unlikely. Various countries are desperately searching for them, yet they still haven't been found."

"Taiki, the sorcerers haven't been summoned either, or they might have passed away somewhere. Those two possibilities are more likely, according to what was said."

"Perhaps they're alive and using a false identity?"

"That could be, but... Well, we'll find out tomorrow anyway. Let's leave this discussion for now! Iori, let's go shopping together."

"Yeah, got it."

She nodded in agreement.

"I'll go to the blacksmith and the tool shop to buy necessary items. After that, I'll come back to the inn once everything's done. Is that alright?"

"Yes, that's fine. Shall we leave the room then?"



Afterwards, they left the inn separately, enjoying their own time before preparing for the dungeon tomorrow.

--- Ellyna's Side ---

The sound of the alarm from the set clock reached her ears, and she opened her eyes after pressing the off button.

"Ugh... Yesterday was terrible..."

Yesterday, she had been thoroughly toyed with by Lady Aina. Moreover, she had left without waking me up while I was unconscious and naked!

"Ugh... I can't get married anymore!! Even though I'm a girl right now!!"

She grumbled while rolling on the bed, but she couldn't keep rolling forever. After all, she had plans to go to the dungeon with Peach today.

"...Sigh. Let's get ready."

After changing her mindset, she took out a brush from the storage and started brushing her hair. Once that was done, she washed her face properly, mindful of the scolding she received from Melty yesterday, and began thinking about her equipment.

Is it okay to use the same equipment as yesterday? Since it's my first time diving into a dungeon, I don't know what's necessary and what's not.

"I guess I'll adjust it after diving in? Anyway, since the dungeon seems narrow, it'll probably be close-quarters combat. So, it's better to stick with the ACE31 like yesterday."

Although shotguns are effective in such situations, she refrained from using them due to the fear of stray pellets hitting others, including Peach, as there were other people in the dungeon.

She inserted a magazine into the mag pouch attached to her plate carrier, attached a combat knife and CQC holster to her belt, and then inserted the JERICHO941PSL.

"Would flashbangs and grenades be effective? It seems like we'll just be skirting around shallow areas... Well, let's bring them just in case."

Attaching an M84 flashbang and MK3 grenade to the plate carrier at the back.

"Is this setup alright? Let's ask Peach-san before making a final decision. Then, based on our experiences when we actually enter the dungeon, let's decide on the equipment to use for the promotion exam. Now, shall we have a meal?"

Once again, manipulating the menu, this time opting for Japanese rations and opening the package.

As for why I'm doing this... it seems the commotion from yesterday's encounter with Lady Ainya leaked outside my room, leading to a scolding from the old lady who raised her eyebrows at me, saying, "Are you planning to turn our inn into a brothel? I won't allow such a thing!!" Consequently, I was forbidden from having dinner that day and today's meals.

"Well, the food wasn't delicious anyway, so it doesn't matter if they don't serve dinner."

With that said, I start eating the rations.

However, there is one thing on my mind. What are the heroes who are supposed to be in the capital doing right now? But since I'm going to the dungeon, I shouldn't meet them.

"Thanks for the meal. Well then, I have some time but I'll head out. I don't want to keep anyone waiting."

Putting the empty container into storage, I dispose of it. Or rather, I erase it, might be a better term.

It's truly a convenient function, not having to sort out the garbage! Oh, but I feel a bit wasteful since it's even erasing recyclable garbage!

After disposing of the trash, I check if the room is locked before heading out and locking the door. Then, I go to the counter to hand over the key, where Lima-chan is sitting.

"Oh!? Big sis! Are you going out already?"

Lima-chan is lively as always... Honestly, it's hard to believe she's the granddaughter of that old lady.

"Yeah, Lima-chan. Where's grandma?"

"Grandma went out! She said she'll be back soon!"

"I see. Here, I'm going out so I'll give you the key."


Taking the key Lima-chan cheerfully offers.

"Where are you going, big sis?"

"Are you curious?"


Well, it's okay to tell Lima-chan.

"I'm going to the dungeon now. I have a meeting with someone. Also, I'm being punished with no meals, so you don't need to ask about dinner."

"You're being mean to my big sister~! You're so cute, big sis~! Huh? What's wrong, big sis?"

W-what a good kid she is! She really doesn't seem like the old lady's granddaughter at all!!

I feel like crying! And I really want to hug her tight!! While suppressing those feelings, I casually talk to Lima-chan.

"I-it's nothing. W-well, I'll be going now. Lima-chan!"

"Take care, big sis!"

Waving goodbye with a cheerful smile, I also wave back with a forced smile as I leave the inn behind.