Volume 04 Chapter 16
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Amidst the commotion of voices shouting, "Please come this way for evacuation!" and "Can someone lend a hand over here!?" I alone found myself preparing traps, setting up claymore mines just before the entrance to the labyrinth.


Why, you may ask, am I doing such a thing? It's because Aid Instructor assigned me the task of guarding the entrance when roles were being decided.


Well, upon reflection, it's understandable why Aid Instructor appointed me to be on guard. After all, it was only me, Aid Instructor, Miharu-chan, and Dora-san who witnessed the monster, and if we're talking about capable individuals to handle it, it would unfortunately fall to me.


"Good thing they approved the installation of remote-controlled claymore mines."


However, even though I was told to use as many as I had, I hesitated. There's a risk that the cave could be buried in the shockwave of explosions, so I decided to place two mines near each corner at my own discretion. Of course, I'm not neglecting vigilance either.


"Should I aim a bit more to the right?"


I thought of a simple strategy to detonate the claymore mines simultaneously when that monster reaches the center of the four placed locations, inflicting significant damage. But I wonder if it will really work...


"...This should do. Let's set up the third one."


Moving to the opposite wall, I began setting up the claymore mine.


"Um... maybe a little more to the right? It might be better to bring it forward a bit more... Is this okay?"


"Hey, what are you doing?"


Oh, isn't that Miharu-chan's voice!


"Oh, I'm just setting up traps."


"Traps? Are those the flat boards over there?"


"Yeah, that's right. I'm thinking of setting them up in four places and exploding them to damage that monster... Well, I haven't told Aid Instructor yet that I've reduced the number."


While speaking, I start setting up the fourth claymore mine.


"Hmm, is that so... and?"




"What are those two weapons you're carrying on your waist?"


"Huh? Oh, these?"


I gesture to the Desert Eagle (.50AE caliber) on my right side and the S&W M500 (.500S&W caliber) on my left.


"The one on my right is the S&W M500, and the one on the left is the Desert Eagle. Both are handguns and revolvers far stronger than the handgun JERICHO941PSL that Miharu-chan saw in the dungeon."


Moreover, since I've loaded them with hollow-point bullets, I'm a bit scared myself. If I were to mention that I've made them hollow-point in the original world, I'd probably be labeled as a dangerous person.


"Wow, really... huh? Hey, those two are strong, right?"


"Yeah, but... what's wrong?"


I turn around to look at Miharu-chan, who is staring at me with a furrowed brow.


"If they're strong, why didn't you use them? Strong weapons are undoubtedly better, aren't they?"


"W-Wait a minute, calm down... calm down, Miharu-chan. There's a reason for this!"


"...A reason?"


Although she's breathing heavily, I'm grateful that she seems willing to listen.


"Oh, could you please tell us the reason too, Erlaina?"


"Huh?! Master!! Um, um, listen, I, I, um...!"


Oh dear, Miharu-chan just took a blow from Sid-san's fist... it must be really painful for her as she's rubbing her head while crying.


"Ouch! That hurts... hic!"


"Absolutely, don't get emotional. I've been telling you that, right?"






"Hic! ...Yes."


After saying that, Miharu-chan hides behind me and peeks her face out from my shoulder to look at Sid-san.


To be honest... since Miharu-chan is the perpetrator and I'm the victim, it'd be nice if she didn't hide behind me, even though she's cute and unlike the classmates from my former school.


"......Well, wait a minute, Sidneil. I want to talk about Erlaina's weapons, so... okay?"


"...Well, that's true. Miharu, be more careful from now on, okay?"


"Yes... Master."

Volume 04 Chapter 16


"Hmm, Miharu-chan is such a good girl. But could you please ease up on the grip? Honestly, it hurts..."


"So, could you properly explain to us why you haven't used that powerful weapon until now?"


"Well, to put it briefly, I haven't used it because it has a low firing rate per reload, and the recoil is too strong, making it difficult to handle."


"The recoil is strong?"


"And the firing rate is low?"


Sid-san and Miharu-chan look clueless about what they're talking about, huh?


"Recoil... I see."


"I see... you understand the reason?"


"Yeah, I've watched Ellyna's battles, so I kinda get the reason... and besides..."


"And besides?"


"It'd be faster to show rather than explain, wouldn't it? Ellyna, could you show us using those two weapons?"


Aid-san turns towards us. Personally, I'm fine with it since it's also a shooting practice, but there are a few concerns, so let's confirm them first.


"Um... I personally think it's okay since it's also practice, but..."


"But are you worried about something?"


"Yes, I'm worried if it's safe to shoot in a proper place... It's dangerous if there's no barrier behind the target, and there's also a concern about hitting someone, you know?"


Ideally, a sand hill would be perfect.


"You don't need to worry about that. There's a shooting range for soldiers and adventurers, so you can shoot there safely. And as you said, there's a mound behind the targets, so you don't need to worry about hitting anyone."


"There's such a place?"


"We received requests to set up a shooting range in places like this, so we did. It's available for three copper coins, though."


A shooting range... Oh, right, there are no guns in this world, so there's no shooting range.


Well, as long as it's safe to shoot, anywhere is fine.


"So, you're charging for the shooting range."


"Well, we need to maintain the shooting range. By the way, we also rent arrows. It's two copper coins for ten arrows."


...Well, now that I think about it, that makes sense. Money is needed to maintain facilities, and if it's not charged, there might be customers who overstay their welcome.


"Also, we need to find a replacement for security here. Can someone bring someone in?"


"In that case, I'll have my subordinates supervise this place."


"Whoa!? Darren-san!! When did you get here?"


And he's brought two people who seem like his subordinates.


"We heard that you were asked to show how to use those two weapons. And also..."


"And also?"


"How about taking a break, Ellyna-san? We could also practice with weapons while we're at it."


Well, since my job was just to stand here, I'm not that tired... but maybe I should take Darren-san's words and rest?


"I'll do that. Just please make sure not to touch the four traps installed on the opposite side from here. There's a possibility of explosion if you touch them. So if anyone other than me tries to touch them, please stop them, okay?"


You need to threaten them a bit, or they might touch them out of curiosity.


"...Well, I'd like to know what those traps are, but let's stop for now. Have you both heard that?"


"Yes, we won't touch them since we want to live!!"


Is it okay for sub-leaders to say things like that?


"Then I'll leave it to you two for a while. If monsters come, don't fight them alone; gather the others and respond accordingly... understood?"






"Got it."




I wonder what... I feel like I'm being expected to do something.

Volume 04 Chapter 16


Under a piercing gaze, I followed Mr. Darren to arrive at a place where battered shields and wooden planks, hanging off a stick stabbed into the ground, adorned a wall made of piled-up earth.


"This here's the shooting range."


...Yeah, it's pretty much as I imagined, small-scale. But with about thirty meters of distance, it seems suitable for both shooting and target practice.


"Um... who should I hand these three copper coins to?"


I made a gesture of taking them out of my pocket and fetched three copper coins from my storage. Had to do it to avoid being bombarded with questions... yeah.


"Miss Elaina... is this your first time using the shooting range?"


"Yes, it's my first time using it."


Until now, monsters on the grassland served as targets, so there was no need to use a place like this.


"The person at that desk over there will guide you if you hand it to them."


As I glanced at the receptionist, they seemed to be looking at us with great interest.


"Uh, we seem to be attracting some attention... Oh well, let's not mind it. Excuse me! We'd like to use the shooting range, is that alright?"


"It's perfectly fine."


I handed it over to the receptionist as Mr. Darren instructed.


"What kind of target would you like?"


"Huh!? Different types?"


"Yes, different types."


...Well, in my original world, there were various types like humanoid and target-shaped.


"I'd like a humanoid target set up ten meters away."


"...A humanoid target?"


Huh, did I say something wrong? Or not?


"Elaina, there are only three types of targets over there."




Since Instructor Aid pointed to the left, I turned my face in that direction and saw a wooden plank, a battered shield, and a tattered iron armor hanging there.


"Are those the targets?"


"Yes, that's correct."


Wow... I understand they're always making and replenishing the wooden planks, but are they using discarded shields and armor for that?


"I'll go with the armor."


"Huh!? Isn't a wooden target enough for target practice?"


"Probably because wooden ones break easily... Well, just watch."


"...If you say so, I won't argue. But also..."


"But also?"


"Why are people gathering here?"


"Huh!? People are gathering?"


As I looked around in confusion, I realized that there was a crowd watching us from a distance!!


"Huh!? Whaaat!?"


Why are people surrounding us? I don't understand.


"They're probably interested in the weapons you'll be using."


Seriously? Well, it's natural for the people of this world to be curious about my weapons... but do I have to shoot while everyone watches? Ugh, in a sense, I don't like this.


"The target is ready. Please come this way!"


"Huh!? Oh... okay."


Well, at this point, I have no choice but to brace myself, right...?


"Sigh... how did it come to this?"


As I muttered, unaware of the grinning faces of the aides watching Elaina awkwardly standing in front of the armor, it was evident that she was feeling uneasy.