Volume 04 Chapter 21 [Volume 04 Completed]
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Shortly after I confirmed the monster's demise, the Aid instructors hurried over. "Did you defeat it?" they asked. I replied, unsure if I had or hadn't, then proceeded to recount the events in detail, remembering how the Aid instructors had rejoiced at the monster's demise.


Yes, in retrospect, the Comprehensive Guild and the Leed Garm soldiers collaborated to fight the monsters, culminating in a fierce battle's end. However, for me, it ended without understanding. That would be more accurate to say.


"Why did it happen, I wonder?"


That monster had remained lively even after taking four claymore mines head-on, yet it suddenly collapsed as if its strings had been cut. Furthermore, it was unsettling that the unnatural cause of its death remained unknown even by evening.


"Should I go and assist the Aid instructors?"


Ah, but the Aid instructors wouldn't want to exploit you, who played the most crucial role in monster extermination! If they need you, they'll call you, so just take a break around there!! was their response.




Communication? From the gods again? I wonder what it could be this time?




"Hello, Ellyna-chan? You had quite a day today!"


"Did you see me fighting?"


"Yeah, from midway. But you managed to defeat the monsters quite well! Truly remarkable, Ellyna-chan!"


"Well, I don't feel like I defeated it personally."




"I mean, it's just that... I can't quite put it into words, but... it feels like it collapsed due to something other than my claymores."


"Hmm... Well, we may not know the exact cause, but it's undeniable that it was thanks to your efforts that it was defeated."


"Do you think so? Aid instructors, Sid-san, and even Darren-san and Miharu-chan played their parts too..."


"You're modest, Ellyna-chan."


Modest? Isn't that something that should come naturally? ...No, if they had defeated the monsters, they would boast to the point of annoying everyone around them.


"And besides, there's no point in dwelling on things we don't understand. Let's just rejoice in the fact that everyone survived."


"That's true. Oh, right! There's something I want to ask the gods. Is it okay to ask now?"


"Yeah, sure. The thing you want to ask is about the monster you fought, right?"


"Huh! Um, yes."


How did the gods know that I wanted to ask about that? Do they have the power to read minds?


"I anticipated that Ellyna-chan would ask me about it. And besides, I was curious about that monster too, so I looked into it."


You were curious, so you looked into it?


"Could it be that the monster was such a minor creature that even the gods couldn't recognize it?"


"Well... it's a bit different from that."




"Yeah, when I saw that monster, I thought, 'Huh? Has such a creature ever existed in this world?' So I looked into it, but... I couldn't find anything!"


You couldn't find anything!


"What does that mean? Are you saying that I'm fighting monsters from another world?"


"No, I'm not saying that. And that's an off-the-mark answer, Ellyna-chan."


It's irritating, but if what I said just now is wrong...


"Could it be that I fought something like a bioweapon from the Resident Evil series?"


"Correct! I'd like to say that, but... it's a bit different."


Enough with the vague answers already.


"Could you just say it plainly?"


"Ah, sorry, sorry. I just couldn't resist teasing you, Ellyna-chan!"


Hey! So you were just enjoying teasing me, huh!!


"To be clear, that monster is called a Chimera."


A Chimera!?


"Chimera, if I remember correctly, refers to a creature with different genes within a single individual, right? For example, a creature born between a horse and a donkey. In the case of plants, it's grafting."


"I, uh, Ellyna-chan, the monster you fought this time corresponds to the Chimera that appears in that myth! Also, you're taking too long to talk!!"


Volume 04 Chapter 21


No, it was God who brought up the subject.


"Well, setting that aside, Elrina, you probably already know, but a chimera refers to a monster created artificially by synthesizing several types of monsters."


Artificial... So, a chimera must be born out of deliberate human synthesis after all.


"Perhaps the mastermind behind creating that chimera abandoned it in the dungeon."


"Even though it was so strong, abandoning it seems kinda strange, doesn't it? Or maybe not...?"


It had the vitality to survive even consuming S&W M500, let alone Claymore or Panzerfaust 3.


Moreover, it was stronger than anything else... I can't comprehend abandoning it.


"Well, you see, the criteria for success depends on the creator, so you won't know unless you ask."


"Uh, well..."


There's some truth in what God is saying.


"So, I think the Comprehensive Guild will investigate things like the true identity of the monster and how it ended up there, so you should just be glad everyone's safe!"




I feel like I'm being pushed by God...


"Anyway, I'm thinking of giving you a reward for your hard work."


"A reward?"


"God, I haven't asked for anything from you. A reward...?"


"Well, well, if we had left that monster alone, there would have been significant damage, and it was struggling to defeat it, so isn't it pitiful without a reward?"




"Well, this time, I won't give you weapons or stat upgrades or anything like that. Just a simple gift."


"A gift?"


"Yeah! I've prepared something that Elrina would be pleased with. I'll send it now!"


As soon as God said that, an item was sent, and a notification appeared saying that a gift item had been received.


"Oh, it's here. Let's see... Huh!? Th-This is...!"


"I sent a lot, so let's all enjoy it together!"


Although God was talking as usual, I was completely absorbed in the food that had been sent to me, so I didn't care at all.


"This is wonderful... Hahaha, I'm going to make that!!"


I opened the storage, took out cooking utensils, seasonings, and ingredients, and started cooking while humming a familiar tune to make something that Japanese people are familiar with.


"Is it ready yet?"


When I opened the lid of the pot, there was bubbling liquid with a color like black syrup inside, and shirataki, Chinese cabbage, green onions, fried tofu, shiitake mushrooms, spring greens, and the main dish, black-haired Wagyu beef, were soaking nicely.


Yes, this is the ultimate dish, sukiyaki!! The God sent me black-haired Wagyu beef!!


Oh, and retort-packed white rice. Because... It takes time to cook, you know?


"Mmm, it smells so good... God, thank you for sending me black-haired Wagyu beef. Let's eat."


As I said this, I grabbed a piece of meat with chopsticks, dipped it in beaten egg, and then slowly chewed the meat in my mouth to savor the taste.


What!? Wh-What!?




The more I chewed, the more meat juice came out and spread in my mouth. Moreover, when it mixed with the sweet sauce, the deliciousness increased.


I'm so glad I was born into a Japanese family that knows this luxurious cuisine! ! But I'm not Japanese anymore! !


"Huh... it's delicious. There's still plenty of it, so I guess I'll try making some different dishes."


I have to thank God for sending me so many Kuroge Wagyu beef.




...Ah, this voice sounds familiar. When I turned my head in the direction of the sound, I saw Rizlina-san standing there.

And he seemed to want to eat the sukiyaki I made, no! I'd rather give it to you. You look like you want to say that! !

Well, why are you here? I want to ask that, but I can't! !


"······sounds delisious"


Uh, yeah...it's delicious. Rizrina should have said that, but I turned her face away and resumed eating. To keep it all to myself! !


"...E~~~ Lu-chan?"


I was concerned that the voice was closer than before, so I turned my eyes and saw that Rizlina-san was right in front of me.


Hey, it’s close! ! Moreover, it feels even less intimidating than before, but it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ! ! ?


“Give it to me too.”


Is useless! I'll eat it all! ! The moment I reached out with my chopsticks, a hand grabbed me from behind!


"You're eating some delicious-looking food, Ellaina-chan. What is that called?"


Geez! ? Hey, this voice is Amy! ! ?


"Huh...I thought it smelled good so I came here and found out that you were making and eating something like this."


Ramur-san has arrived! ? Dodo dodo dodo, why are you here?! ! ?


"Oh? There's some delicious-looking food here."




Myrina-san suddenly started massaging my breasts, so I almost cried out. Also, why is this person here? Please stop squeezing and massaging your breasts.


"Murina, you're still fondling other people's breasts."


“Because oh (・ )mother (・ )difference (・ )yeah (・ )When I massage a girl's breasts like this, she makes cute noises and seems to feel good, and above all, I can have fun with her too...''


Hey, hey, hey! ? I stopped for a moment! ! ?


“Mom!? By any chance, Ramur-san and Myrina-san are family!!?”


"Oh yeah. Didn't I tell you?"




I just heard it for the first time. Moreover, there is a huge gap between parents and children.


“More than that, I want to eat that food, so please prepare it for everyone, including me.”


"Huh? ... Huh!?"


Damn it! ! ? I was fucked by this parent and child! ! ! ?

If it gets worse... that's the only way! !


“I can’t do it because I only have enough for one person.”


"Eh!? L-chan said earlier that there's still a lot left!"


Did you hear that story, Lizlina-san? ?


"Wow, you have the nerve to lie to me."


Wow... Lamur-san is so intimidating.

Volume 04 Chapter 21


"Goshhhhhhhh.... The aura of Miss Ramille is utterly overwhelming!"


"El, darling, you'll make it for us, won't you? We're friends, right? ...Right?"


"Stop it, Rizrina-san, let's keep things separate."


"Ellyna-chan, don't you think it's more enjoyable to eat together as friends?"


Hahaha... A gathering among friends sounds fun, but I can't split the bill like this. It wouldn't make sense if I'm the only one losing out.


"We'd love it if you could make it for us..."


"Ms. Myrina, please stop massaging so vigorously. Strange noises might come out, you know!"


"If you make enough of that dish for everyone, I'll let the previous lie slide."


I-Is that a threat?! Miss Ramille, threats are not acceptable!!


"U-Ugh.... Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh!!"


I... Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!


"...It's done."


Having succumbed to the pressure from Miss Ramille and others, I made sukiyaki for everyone.


"Well done. Now, let's all dig in."


Including Miss Ramille, we ended up having a sukiyaki party with Instructor Aid, Mr. Sid, and the others from the Second Knight Order.


Everyone was praising how delicious it was, but...


"The premium black-haired Wagyu... it's all gone... and we've taken a hit on points too... Sniffle!?"


I was the only one crying.


By the way, it was at this moment that I realized Instructor Aid had requested backup from the Comprehensive Guild before we fought the monster.