Volume 05 Chapter 02
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"Master, please relax at this table."


Hey, wait a minute! Why is the treatment towards Lady Ainya different from a regular master's? Is it because of money? Is it all about money? Does money have such power to change people so much?


"Now, Ellel, please entertain our masters without any disrespect."


"Y-Yes... understood, Manager."


Ugh... These people are definitely up to something, and I really don't want to deal with it!


As I'm thinking this, Miisan whispers to me as she's leaving, "Make sure to satisfy them no matter what and get paid a hefty sum. So please do your best, Ellel." I stare wide-eyed as she heads towards the counter.


Hey!? Trying to use me to get a big payout! What a terrible manager! I'm definitely quitting after today!


And I absolutely have to get a decent severance package too!


"Hey, Ellel."


"Y-Yes. What is it, Master?"


"Do you only serve items listed on the menu?"


"Uh!? Well, yes, but..."


"Are there no special or secret menus?"


"We don't have any."


Ellel firmly replies to Ainya.


Of course! A newly opened shop wouldn't have secret or special menus!


"Oh, that's a shame. I was thinking of splurging a bit if there were any special menus. But oh well."


As they playfully toy with a few gold coins in their palms, I can't help but feel irritated.


"Oh Madam, please don't tease like that. It would trouble Ellel-sama."


Phew, glad they didn't make any unreasonable demands.


"There is a special menu! Master!!"




Manager, where did that come from? Did you hear the sound of coins jingling!?


"Oh, really? What kind of special menu is it?"


"It's Ellel's Love Mix Juice, nya!!"


What! I've never heard of such a menu before!


"Oh, I see. Could you explain it in detail, Madam?"


"Yeah, let's hear about it."


Both of them are smiling as if they couldn't be happier! Which means they're definitely up for it!


"Yes! First, Ellel will mix the juice lovingly in a glass with two straws!"


"And then?"


"And then, after casting a spell, Ellel and the master will drink the juice together through the straws!"


Hmm, that service sounds familiar in Japan... or maybe not... Wait, now's not the time for that!


"I absolutely refuse to provide that service!?"


"Oh, you won't do it? Even though I prepared a tip?"


Lady Ainya says this as she takes out three gold coins and brings them closer to Miisan's palm.




Oh no... she's giving the same look as before.


"Oh, if Madam is offering money, then I must provide the same service."


With that, the maid adds her own money, which is her salary, to the palm she's showing Miisan.


"Isn't two gold coins a bit too much for you?"


"No, Madam. Do you think I have as much money as you?"


"Well... considering it, I suppose I have more money than you do."


No, no, no, no! Two gold coins are a lot for common folk! To put it in Japanese terms, it's like casually pulling out three bundles of bills with a picture of Fukuzawa Yukichi written on each from your pocket!?


But wait! If the maid is casually pulling out two gold coins like that, does that mean she's a well-paid servant of Duke Baldeck?

**Volume 05 Chapter 02**


"Gold coins... five of 'em!!"


Oh! Blimey... Mi-san's eyes have turned into those of a predator, hunting its prey.


"Elle Elle!"


"H-Hai! What can I do for you!?"


Those eyes turned towards me, and I involuntarily stepped back, feeling a bit rattled!


"I'll prepare the Love Juice Mix right away, so make sure you do it properly!"


"Eh!? Wait, I have the right to decide whether to do it or not!"




"Alright alright, I'll do it."


Being grabbed by the shoulders and told up close, it's too scary to refuse. Help, Miha-ruuun!!


Thinking that, I turned to Miha-chan with a pleading look, but instead, I got a silent message: "It's a matter concerning my salary too, so suck it up!!"


Darn it!! Miha-run, our friendship ends today!!


Come to think of it, did I even have a friendship with Miha-run in the first place?


"Um... well..."


I want to escape! I want to get out of here right now!!


"Master, Elle Elle seems like she's about to run away, so please catch her!"


"Got it."


Lady Ainya said that and wrapped her arms around me from behind to restrain me, but for some reason, both her hands were grabbing my chest.




"Oh!? You make such nice sounds. If I keep squeezing like this, I might hear some erotic noises!"


Stop it, you sexual harasser!! But I can't say that because she's a duke's wife!!


"Hey, milady!"


Oh! Is this person going to scold her!?




"Milady, that's unfair! I also want to touch Elle Elle's chest!!"




"Aren't you going to stop Lady Ainya!?"


"Eh!? Isn't this within the scope of service?"


"It is not! There's no such service!!"


"Eh... even though I prepared money for it?"


As the maid said this and brought her palm close to my face, I shifted my gaze, and lo and behold, there were three gold coins sitting there!


"Th-Three gold coins, well..."


I'm starting to wonder how much the servants at Duke Valdek's place earn per month.


"Please! Feel free to touch Elle Elle's body as much as you like!"


"Whoa!? M-Manager! When did you get here?"


"I've been here since just now. Anyway, here you go."


"Here you go," she says, handing me an un-mixed café au lait with two straws. What should I do... Could it be!?


"Now, Elle Elle, mix the café au lait while chanting the magic words!"


"But I haven't learned those magic words!?"


"It's alright, just repeat after Mi!"


Argh... those eyes are saying, "Resistance is futile!!"


"Ugh... alright! I'll do it!!"


Damn it all!! I'm definitely getting paid extra for this! Manager, you better be prepared!!


Whether she understood my silent message or not, she decided to pick up the straws with determination, changing her angry expression to a smile.


"Mi-san, it's ready!"


"Then, follow Mi's lead, Elle Elle."


"Right, got it!"

Volume 05 Chapter 02


"Oh my, Aiinya-sama and the others are looking over here with those smirks, it's really putting the pressure on."


"Elle Elle's affection, mazemaze~!"


"E-Elle Elle's affection, mazemaze~!"


Saying so, she stirs her café au lait with a straw.


"Lovely dovey chu~, nyu~~!!"


"Lovely dovey chu~, nyu~~!!"


"And lastly, let it be delicious! Moe moe kyunn!!"


"Let it be delicious! Moe moe kyunn!! ...But are you just winging it?"


"N-No, not at all, nyaa!!"


Miisan's eyes are darting around. Yeah, that's the reaction of someone who's lying, right?




See! Even Aiinya-sama says so!!


"Well, never mind. Shall we drink then?"


"Well then, I'll drink from this straw, so Aiinya-sama, you can use this one..."




Huh? Why are Aiinya-sama and the maid drinking café au lait?


"Thank you for the meal."


"If you two finish it all, there's no point in me being here, is there?!"


"Well, don't say it like that. I can't linger here for too long, so that's why."


Huh?! Can't linger? Ah! That's right.


"We came to pick you up because the house is ready."


"That's right, the master is waiting there so let's go."


"But, what about your work?"


It would be troublesome if you leave in the middle of work, wouldn't it? Especially now, when sales are increasing thanks to me.


"Don't worry about that. Manager!"


"Y-Yes, meow!?"


"Yes, take this."


Saying so, she puts ten gold coins in front of Miisan.




If someone suddenly puts ten gold coins in front of you, that would be your reaction!!


"It's okay, it's okay! It's just paying for Elle Elle's day off!"


"A day... off payment?"


"Yeah, payment for a day off! Oh, by the way, among that money is the cost of buying clothes, is it enough?"


"Yes! It's more than enough, so please take Elle Elle with you!"


Saying so, Miisan takes the gold coins from Aiinya-sama.


"Yeah yeah, deal done. Now, come with me, Elle Elle."


"Eh?! A-All right... I understand."


Saying so, she goes next to Aiinya-sama but...


"Um, excuse me, but could you stop groping my chest?"


"Oh, come on, it's not like it's decreasing."


Certainly, it's not decreasing but it affects me mentally!


"And it's unfair that only the mistress gets to grope! I wanted to touch Elle Elle-sama's chest too~!!"


Are you a spoiled child?!


"Well, you can grope as much as you want until we get there. Now, both of you, let's go."


"Yes, mistress!"


"N-No no no no! I don't want to walk outside while being groped, I'll be treated as a pervert!"


"Don't worry, we'll use a carriage when moving!"




I can't feel safe on the chastity side though...


"More importantly, we're keeping the master waiting, so let's get on the carriage quickly! Oh, and thanks for the treat!"


"No no, not at all! We look forward to your next visit! Master!!"


Miisan watches me being escorted to the carriage with a gentle smile. And just as the shop door closed, I heard, "Today's profit is mine! Meehehe! I'll treat you all with this money, come along, meow!" I want to believe that was just my imagination.


...It's not just my imagination, is it? Besides, those profits are thanks to me, so I'd rather not be left out of the celebration.