Volume 05 Chapter 09
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I informed Duke Valdeck of the fact that I am now receiving nomination requests from C-rank onwards.


"Ah, I see, Eid. Were you celebrating after defeating the monsters?"


"W-Well, Instructor Eid had a bit too much to drink, and it was just a slip of the tongue, so please forgive him..."


"You're quite considerate of Eid, aren't you?"


"No, it's not like that. I just don't want to incur Instructor Eid's retaliation, so I'd prefer if nothing happened. So please don't impose strict punishment on Instructor Eid, really."


As I was pondering such matters, Ouka-san approached, raising her right hand.


"Um... I was listening to the conversation earlier, and I have a question, if I may?"


"Hm? If it's not a bother, I'll gladly answer."


"Why do you hide the fact that you can accept nomination requests once you reach C-rank?"


Yeah, I was wondering about that too.


"Oh, well, I can answer that. Originally, it was something to be discussed after Ellyna also reached C-rank, but now that she knows, it should be fine to talk about it."


"And besides, Ellyna should be able to reach C-rank soon enough. Right, darling?"


"Of course, that might be the case."


No, no, it's impossible to reach C-rank so quickly! You have to accumulate points and undertake necessary quests!


"Well, to explain the reason quickly, it's one of the measures against moochers."




Lady Ainya continued speaking without minding the overlapping voices of Ouka-san and me.


"Yeah, to put it simply, nomination requests have higher fees compared to regular requests. There are quite a few who aim for the increased payment and ask to join your party."


They're what you might call scavengers, I thought, but then Duke Valdeck started speaking.


"It can jump from double to quintuple the usual requests. Well, it depends on the danger of the request and the negotiation skills of the individual. And the client doesn't pay each person individually; instead, they pay the party that accepted the nomination request. So the share of the successful request is distributed equally among the party members. But what do you think happens if another member joins in?"


Well, there's only one answer to that.


"The reward for each person decreases."


"That's right. And for those who accepted the nomination request, suddenly having newcomers interfere is nothing but a nuisance."


Well, parties have their own teamwork. Even in games, I used to coordinate with teammates quite well.


And nobody likes their own reward being reduced, huh?


"Well, usually, they're just told they can't come along, and that's the end of it."


"My, how straightforward."


"It's persistently prohibited, you know!"

Volume 05 Chapter 09


"Oh really now? So, wasn't all that talk earlier meaningless?"


"The main reason is ultimately because among the D-ranked individuals, there are those who act like cocky kids thinking they're strong, and it's one of the measures to prevent them from saying 'I'm better~ so let me join the party!'"




Wait a sec! Wasn't that long conversation earlier pointless? Everything ended with Lady Ainya's single sentence, didn't it!?


"Now then, since we've killed some time, shall we take our leave soon?"


"Eh? Killing time?"


What on earth does that mean? Just as I was thinking that, the king began to speak.


"Well, I had anticipated negotiations with the ambassador's escorts to drag on, but they ended swiftly. So, we have some free time on our hands. That's for passing the time."


I feel like it would've been better to just chat normally rather than have such a conversation.


Thinking this, as everyone starts to gather their belongings and stand up, I suddenly remember something important.


"Oh, right. I also need to go to the inn."


"Oh? Are you going to the inn to say you'll be staying in your own house from today?"


Alifa-san, you're quite perceptive. Well, it's something that anyone could figure out.


"Yes, indeed. The innkeeper's granny might get mad if I don't tell her."


That's right. I can't imagine what that troublesome old lady might say. Like, if I hugged Lima-chan after work, she'd scold me saying, "Don't touch my Lima with your dirty body!!" Or if I made snacks for Lima-chan, she'd say, "Make some for Lima too! For free, mind you!!" And there was also the time when I was playing with Lima-chan and she scolded me saying, "Don't neglect your daughter!!" ...Thinking about it now makes my anger boil up.


"...That damn old hag."


"Hm? Did you say something?"


"No, please don't worry, I didn't say anything."


Phew, it's a good thing I whispered it. I don't even want to imagine what would've happened if a royal heard it.


"In that case, I'll go with El El."


What?! Lady Ainya is going too?


"No, it's fine! Just saying that I'll be living at home from today, so there's no need to come along~..."


"Nah, it's okay. I used to stay at that inn a long time ago. Just going to see some familiar faces after a while."


Huh?! Lady Ainya used to stay at the Silver Dragon Pavilion? What's that all about? Lady Ainya is a noble, so she wouldn't need to stay there, right?


"Well, well, don't worry about the details. Now, let's go see that old hag."


"Yes, exactly. We're not going for any interesting exhibition... I mean, we're just going to greet an acquaintance, as one does."


As Lady Ainya and Alifa-san say this while pulling my arm towards the entrance, I stop them in their tracks and bring up something important.


"Oh, um! Before we go out, shouldn't we check if the doors are locked?"


"Hm? Oh, that's fine. Both me and Nelson have spare keys, so don't worry. Here, this one's yours."

**Volume 05 Chapter 09**


As he handed me the key, he seemed to want to express his dissatisfaction, but I found myself gazing at Lady Ainya with an expression that suggested I couldn't be satisfied.


"Unfair, Lady Ainya! Won't you make some for me too? I'll pay any amount!"


"I thought you'd say that. Here, this is your spare key."


Lady Ainya threw it towards the queen. The queen, who received it, lovingly rubbed the spare key against her cheek, delighted.


"Oh my! Lady Ainya, you truly are exceptional! My most..."


"Just a moment!! Why do Lady Ainya and the others have spare keys!? And there are so many spare keys!?"


"Hmm? It's because we asked for them when we renovated, obviously."


What nonsense is he talking about? He seems to want to say something funny, but it's absurd, so allow me to speak.


"No, no, no, no, no!? Please don't make spare keys for my house! Are you planning to trespass illegally!?"


"I beg your pardon for the accusation. While you're away, we intend to take care of this house, so we made spare keys. That way, we won't need to hire servants, and most importantly, you can trust us since we're acquaintances, right?"


"On the contrary, I can't trust you at all!!"


You can't trick me with smooth talk! You're definitely planning to play around in my house!!


"Hmm, does El-El not trust us?"


"Yes, I can't trust you at all!!"


"This child answered immediately!!"


Though Ouka seemed surprised, I can say this because I know these people! The two royals are probably of the same type!


"Well well, don't say that! We're like family, so don't worry! Don't worry!"


"I am worried!! Wait, wha—!?"


As I retorted, I was lifted by Lady Ainya and ended up being carried on her shoulders.


This woman's strength is certainly impressive!! No, wait, what!?


"Oh, please put me down, Lady Ainya!"


"It's getting bothersome, so I'll just carry you like this."


No no no no!? This posture is dangerous!! In these clothes! These clothes are dangerous!!


Ah! But I've seen it a lot in anime... no, when it comes to myself, it's embarrassing beyond measure!!


"Wait, wait! I'll walk! Please, put me down!!"


"Huh? What are you so concerned about?"


"My, my underwear, my underwear will be visible!!"


If I don't cover it with my hands, it'll be completely visible to the kings!!


"Tell me where you bought those cute panties."


"I want to know too."


They saw it completely, the queen and Ouka!!


"Then I'll entrust you with locking up."


"Yes, leave it to me, Ainya."


"Put me down, put me down, put me down!! Don't embarrass me any further!!"


Until I reached the Silver Dragon Pavilion, I desperately covered my skirt with my hands so that no one could see inside.