Volume 05 Chapter 22
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"What on earth is going on?"


To think that one of the heroes from the Three Kingdoms and a member of the Shinsengumi who thrived during the Bakumatsu era are standing before me now.


"I understand it's hard to believe, but what they're saying is true. This gentleman here, who wields a naginata, was known as Guan Yu in his past life."


"Allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Toga Kokushi. In the style of this country, it would be Kokushi Toga. I am the Lieutenant General of the Demon Kingdom."


Lieutenant General? What rank is that exactly?


"I'm sorry, Elraina-san, I understand that you might not be familiar with the ranks of samurai. His rank, in comparison to the ranks in Leidgalm, would be something akin to a duke."


What!? That's quite an esteemed position!


"Why are you personally guarding Ouka-san? Wouldn't it be better to leave it to your subordinates?"


"Well, you see, I was told it would be best to go and meet the Goddess Shikiori-sama, so I decided to personally take on the task of guarding her."


"Is that so?"


Shikiori-sama probably wanted to accommodate me as a fellow reincarnate.


"So, he was Okita Souji from the Shinsengumi in his past life. He's the one guarding me."


"I've been told by her, although it's embarrassing to admit, that I was part of the Shinsengumi in my past life. My name is Nomura Yuuzen. Pleased to meet you. I've chosen to introduce myself in the style of the Demon Kingdom."


Nomura as the surname and Yuuzen as the given name. Even without being told, any Japanese person would understand.


"Um, likewise, nice to meet you!"


Bowing nervously, unable to hide my tension.


"Now that formalities are out of the way, let's go retrieve the corpse of that wolf."


"Oh, okay."


Prompted by Ouka-san, I boarded the carriage. With things settling down inside, I decided to ask Ouka-san.


"Um, Ouka-san. Why is... Mmmph!?"


Why are historical figures here? I was about to ask when Ouka-san covered my mouth and leaned in to whisper.


"You understand that they are also messengers of Shikiori-sama, don't you?"


Nodding, she released her hand from my mouth.


"Toga has been entrusted by Shikiori-sama with the command and guidance of the army."


"Command and guidance of the army? Seems like something anyone could do."


"If only that were the case."


Huh? Ouka-san seems oddly exasperated.


"Before Toga took charge, the situation with the army was terrible. Even I could tell, it was that bad."


"I see."


"That's right. The previous army operated on a meritocracy where the powerful took the top positions, even if they were fools."


A military structure based solely on might.


"Because of that structure, whenever war broke out, it became a pattern for them to charge in headfirst and come back defeated."


"People call that approach brute force."


"Exactly. They were relying on brute force to win."


Brute force might work when you have overwhelming numbers or in games like 'Tetris' or 'Space Invaders,' but isn't it foolish here?


"Since Toga took over, we haven't had to rely on brute force tactics anymore. Truly befitting of a hero."


As Ouka-san said that, a deliberate cough could be heard from outside.


"Furthermore, the other Yuuzen reincarnated to guard me."


"Ouka-san, what do you mean by guarding you?"


"I'm currently working as an ambassador, but my original position is overseeing administrative affairs in the Demon Kingdom. So, you see, when it comes to budget management and such, there are people who complain, saying, 'Why aren't you allocating more budget?' or 'Why did you reduce the budget?'"


Well, that's to be expected. People always complain when their budget gets cut. It's like politicians in parliament.


"Sometimes, there are individuals who even go as far as planning to assassinate me and take over my position to manipulate the budget to their advantage."


That's terrifying on two levels, both in terms of life-threatening danger and national peril.


"And on top of that, Yuuzen happens to be my husband!"



Volume 05 Chapter 22


  Ouka-san is the wife of Okita Souji, you say!?


 "Um, well... I'm not quite sure what to say, but congratulations."


 "Thank you for celebrating with us. But it's been over seventeen years since we got married."


 "S-So, is that so?"


 If a couple has been together for over seventeen years, it's a sign of a happy marriage. But personally, I'm curious about the reason they got married.


 "May I ask why you got married?"


 "The reason for marriage? Well, there isn't really a deep reason. If I had to say, it's more like we got married on a whim."


 "Ah, I see."


 I thought there would be a more dramatic development, but I was mistaken.


 "And we have children too."


 "Oh, really? Do you have a son or a daughter?"


 "A daughter. She's currently working as an adventurer under her master."


 Ouka-san's child seems quite ambitious.


 "But I wonder if she's not causing trouble for her master. She's quite tomboyish, and whenever something bothers her, she tends to confront it. Honestly, I'm worried."




 "Um, what does she look like?"


 "She's the same demon race as me."


 "I see."


 "Um... the last time I saw her, she was short."




 "And she had her hair in twin tails. It's her favorite hairstyle."


 Yeah, the characteristics Ouka-san mentioned match a certain person in my mind.


 "Ah, yes! Her name is Mihael."


 Yes, confirmed!! It's the same person!!


 "If it's Mihael-chan, she was in the capital."


 "Huh, really!?"


 She's staring at me as if she can't believe it.


 "Um, didn't you ask her directly?"


 "Huh? In the letters she sends every week, she wrote that she had left the capital already."


 Ah, this can only mean... that.


 "I think she lied because she didn't want to see her mother."


 "Is that so?"


 "Yes. In fact, I met Mihael-chan yesterday."


 I'm withholding the fact that it was at a maid cafe.


 "Ufufu, ufufufu!!"


 She's smiling, but her clenched fist is trembling. It's quite clear to anyone that she's extremely angry and it's intimidating.


 "Next time she comes home, we need to have a serious discussion, not just lectures with Yuzen."


 "I-Is that so. Should I talk to Mihael-chan when I see her?"


 Her mother is furious.

**Volume 05 Chapter 22**


 "Well, I suppose I'll send a letter from here too, just in case. I'll leave it to you."


 It's a family matter from there, so let's not get involved. And Michiru-chan, I'm sorry. But at the maid cafe, excluding me and reaping the benefits, it's payback time.


 "We're almost there. What shall we do, just skin them and dispose of the rest?"


 Oh, we're almost there already. That was quick.


 "The monsters we defeat will be stored not in my inventory, but in the item box."


 "Storing them? Is the capacity sufficient?"


 "For that number, it should be fine."


 To be honest, it's all just number crunching, so size and weight don't matter.


 "I see. If it seems like it won't fit, you can rely on us."


 "Ah, understood."


 "We've arrived. Please collect the monsters."


 With those words from Touga-san, I got off the carriage and began putting the defeated wolves into the storage one by one.


 The three who were watching nodded in approval as they saw us finish collecting them all, letting out impressed noises.


 "That's that. Let's leave the dismantling to the comprehensive guild."


 I always take them to the comprehensive guild for dismantling unless it's necessary to do it myself, as I don't want to see their grotesque forms.


 Also, there's a fee for dismantling, so it's more profitable to do it yourself. However, high-rank monsters won't be bought if dismantling fails, so unless you have the dismantling skill, it seems like you shouldn't do it yourself.


 "Shall we ride the carriage?"


 "Ah, yes, let's go!"


 After a slight jolt, the carriage began to move, perhaps because we don't ride it often, the initial shake upon departure is still unfamiliar to me.


 "You know, bikes and cars really are excellent modes of transport. Maybe I should bring out my bike and ride it."


 As I drove to pass the time, I couldn't help but think, "I want to go for a drive on a sunny day like this." Is it because I'm awakening as a street racer?


 "Huh!? Elraina-san, can you actually bring out cars and bikes?"


 "Yes, I can. But they'll be military-grade."


 "Really? Then you should become my personal driver!"


 I hesitated slightly as I watched her eyes sparkle and she reached out her hand.


 "Carriages shake, wheels break easily, and you have to consider the pace of the horse, so honestly, it's a hassle!"


 Oh, she must have been thinking that while riding in the carriage. She's really struggling, isn't she? No, wait!


 "I'll pass."


 "Why not?! I'll pay you a higher salary!"


 "No, thank you."


 "Come on, I'll give you a twenty percent raise compared to normal salaries!"


 Just twenty percent?!


 "It's not possible."


 "Then, let's negotiate with a thirty percent raise."


 It's only gone up by ten percent!! But that's significant!


 "I can't do it."


 "Then, umm... I'll add some color to your bonus!"


 "Some things are just impossible!"


 This exchange continued until we reached today's accommodation destination.