Chapter 2 – This is f*cked up
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[Same Location] 

[August 20th, 2277] 

[3rd POV] 

Considering her circumstances, this wasn't the worse case scenario that was happening to her. 

After about 10 days of cursing the being known as Q, questioning her life choices, contemplating suicide, thinking how fucked up this was, and accepting her situation, all this considered, she was doing right and dandy. 

She wasn't ready to exit her half destroyed apartment just yet as he needs to take stock on what she has right now then proceed to move on to explore the wasteland that wasn't even explored in lore. 

From what she remembered from the tidbits on fallout lore, Asia was completely bombarded and decimated as even from space, you could see irradiated hell scape that was china. 

She wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese remnants did survive and were super mutants or ghouls seeking revenge. 

But that's the least off her worries as she put that thought aside for now and looked at her very own pipboy that was attached to her right wrist. 

It was the standard pipboy 3000 that all people know and love, it was heavy, but not too heavy that it was a burden to her. 

She fumbled around for a bit a few days ago and she basically got the basics since she already saw many times her character or In case, her now was fumbling around the pipboy itself. 

She checked her S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats and thought it was decent. She doesn't know how well it would translate into well, real life setting as she knows that passing 10 on special was considered a godlike entity in the game series. 

Nevertheless, after checking her stats, she turned the knob onto her inventory and went still for few minutes, then rubbed her eyes to check if she was hallucinating. 

She was not. 

It was basically the same inventory that she had before she was transported here. 

She thought for a moment.. 

"Would the items appear and reappear as the game does..?" 

It was worth a try as she imagine a 10mm pistol in her hand, after a short while, she thought it wouldn't work. 

Then all of a sudden, she felt a weight on her right hand, she glanced down to see a real 10mm pistol, a bit beaten but still usable given it's heavy use when I first started the game. Didn't had time to repair it and just forgot about the pistol all together. 

She now contemplated the power she had, the ability she had under her control and thought she could definitely unite her homeland under one banner given enough time, but she put that thought aside as she vague remembered that during the height of the war, the American navy was invading China along with Chinese forces and American allied forces battling north of Luzon. 

She frowned at the information before her as she knew she would be facing veterans of the last great war in her country alone. 

Meaning she would face factions and with factions, comes big problems. 

She also hasn't considered the fact that the American navy was kicking or not. Indeed the nukes did a number on them, but she truly doubt that all of them got sunk. 

She pushed that thought aside to turn the knob again to check her inventory. 

After a few minutes she was angry, no more like she's pissed on what Q removed. 

She knew she was being 'nerfed' by Q since all of her powerful weapons were locked and she couldn't even do anything about it. 

On the plus side, most of her weapons were not touched along with unique weapons and armor. 

With that in mind, she mentally store her 10mm pistol onto her inventory and stood up and patted herself. 

"Considering the situation I'm in.. This isn't the worse thing. At least there's no Yao Guai or those fucking musks from fallout 3. No... It's better to not jinx myself." I shut myself up for now as I grabbed my riot shotgun and checked it again, it was good to go and moved towards the half destroyed door and opened it. 

" Well time to explore my homeland. Just please don't be a charred feral ghoul around... " She prayed silently to herself as she readied her shotgun. 

She looked both ways before walking onto the edge of the building and was half amazed, half horrified on what she was seeing. 

Her home, devastated by nuclear bombs somehow and from the distance, I could see quezon city mostly obliterated from the map with only just a few tall buildings still standing. 

"Why the fuck would they nuke my country..? Considering the American presence here and the Chinese I guess it was plausible on why it got nuked..." She thought as she readied her shotgun again as she slowly descended downstairs. 

The apartment she was living in was a 5 story one with a rooftop and back then, this building was considering almost expensive to live in due to how much space each apartment had. 

But now, it was almost collapsing in itself as she descended to the 4th floor, she could look at each corridor that was full dead animals, few skeletons of adults and children with a few occasional radroaches that were still searching for food. 

She immediately killed the bugs by stepping on them, and knifing them if one got close. 

After the bugs were dealt with, she explored each apartment to see if there is any goods to take or that was left behind. 

And after searching 10 rooms, she was a bit lucky to find 2 bottled water that was obviously irradiated, a small aid kit, and some useful towels that she would need once she finds a good place to take a shower. 

She repeated the process until she arrived at the ground floor where she grimaced a bit as she arrived at the entrance. 

It was a battlefield that was littered with half decaying bandit corpses and some militant style soldiers that were obviously defending this complex. 

She concluded that maybe a few months ago, this was treated as an outpost then got overwhelmed or lost and had to evacuate leaving behind a few defenders to die. 

"still, it's somehow surprising that my homelands military is still kicking. Obviously the uniforms along with their whatever they're following is now vastly different.." 

She checked each of the bodies and found nothing worthy to loot and proceeded to head out towards the downtown area of quezon city. 

"Let's hope or half hope that some of my people are still civilized after all of this shit. And I also need answers on why my country got nuked heavily..." 

With that, she was now heading towards her first adventure... No to shape her legacy to the homeland she once called home. 

I hope you guys love this chapter as it's a bit of a struggle to make it interesting for you guys as I'll try to add more POV focus in the future since for now the POV you'll be getting is her and a few people she would meet soon. 

Once again I appreciate any feedback and thank you for reading!