Chapter 1: The “Conqueror” Is Born
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“Why? Why? Why! What did I do to deserve this!?” I continuously yell to myself, the echoes of my despair bouncing off the cold, damp stone walls of the dark dungeon. 

As I lay here, the memories of my arrival in this world six months ago resurface, each detail etched vividly in my mind. 

“Hey, Kanoji! What are you reading there?” Shinji, a classmate, taunts in a mocking tone. 

“No…nothing at all, don’t worry about it,” I nervously stammer in response. 

But Shinji isn't one to let go easily. As soon as I finish speaking, he snatches the book from my hands and starts reading it aloud, laughing cruelly at the contents. 

“Wow, so it’s true, you really do read this gender bender stuff, huh? Could it be that you actually want to be a girl?” he jeers, trying to provoke me. 

Before I can react, another classmate, Izumi, steps in to defend me. He is known as “Prince” because of his captivating looks—a very handsome man with an athletic build, medium-length blonde hair that flows in the wind, and his ocean blue eyes that send shivers down all the girls' spines. 

“Hey, Shinji!” Izumi's voice carries authority. 

“What is it, your Highness? Can’t you see I am having fun with my dear classmate here?” Shinji replies, dripping with sarcasm. 

“Give Kanoji his book back, or I will make you,” Izumi states with a deadly look. 

“Ahhh, so sca~ry,” Shinji retorts monotonously, tossing my book back at me before sauntering away. 

“Are you okay, Kan-Chan? Just ignore that idiot over there,” Izumi reassures me with a warm smile as he takes his seat in front of me. 

“Tha…thank you…” I manage to express my gratitude, but my emotions are a jumble. 

Suddenly, the classroom floor begins to glow with a magical circle, reminiscent of the ones I've read about in my books. A blinding beam of light envelops us all, and when it dissipates, we find ourselves no longer in our classroom. 

Amidst the confusion, a regal figure with long brown hair and a thick beard, wearing a crown, appears before us. “Welcome, dear heroes! I am King Alexander von Merrick of the great Merrick Empire. You all have been summoned here to save our Empire from the demon threat that plagues us. If you help us, I can promise you fame, fortune, power, or even a way back home if you wish. All I ask is that you help save humanity. When all of you were summoned here, you all gained a title and a special ability that goes with it.” 

Questions and excitement fill the air as our classmates contemplate the King's proposition. Shinji asks eagerly, "Does that mean we might be able to use magic?" 

The King confirms, "Yes, it does. This world is not like your own; here, you can level up and gain immense strength, use magic, and grow at a faster rate than the normal person in this world. What do you say, will you help our Empire?" 

As others inquire about returning home and becoming stronger, Izumi speaks, "Let’s do it if it’s really true. Helping them might be our only way home." 

The majority agrees, except for me. I am still skeptical about this whole situation, but for now, I have decided to follow the crowd. 

As the King explains our special abilities, excitement and anticipation grip the class. Izumi receives the title of Hero, with multiple special abilities, and the class celebrates his prowess. 

When it's my turn, I open my status and discover the title, “Conqueror.” The description reads, "the one who will conquer all." As the knight reads it, I notice an intense glare of animosity directed at me. The knight then leaves without explaining my abilities, leaving me puzzled and uneasy. 

After the knight finished talking to the King it seemed like I felt a glare of disgust coming from the King. However, since I was not sure, I kept myself from speaking my concerns aloud. 

Then the King spoke, “Congratulations to everyone you all have received remarkable abilities and skills. We will throw a celebration tonight and you all will rest here in the castle while you all get trained by our knights starting tomorrow.” 

After the King finished speaking, we were brought to a big ballroom where the celebration was being held, not long after all the classmates started bragging about their titles and skills, especially Sanji who received the sorcerer title and the ability to use the magic he wanted. 

I stood away from the commotion still thinking to myself about why the knight glared at me when he saw my title. That was when Izumi walked up to me and spoke… 

“Yosh, Kan-chan. What are you doing here all alone?” he asks, showing concern. 

"I don’t like crowds all that much, you know that Izu-kun. Congratulations on getting the hero title; I cannot think of a more deserving person," I reply sincerely. 

“Come on, you will make me blush, man. Hahaha,” he chuckles. 

“Hey, Izu-kun…” I hesitate, not wanting to burden him with my worries. 

“What is it?” he inquires gently. 

"No…nothing…Thank you for helping me out with Shinji earlier," I express my gratitude. 

“Oh, that? Don’t worry about it. I will always be there for you; we have been friends for years,” Izumi reassures me with a bright smile. 

As my memory of how we arrived here soon fades, I find myself lying in darkness, unable to move. 

“Izu-kun, you said you would be there for me when I needed you, so why aren’t you here with me now?” I cry out in desperation. 

“How pathetic are we, crying out for a man who won’t come to save us? Don’t we get it already? We were abandoned by our classmates, we were abandoned by this Empire, and we were even abandoned by our best friend," my inner voice taunts. 

“NO! That’s not true, Izu-kun wouldn’t ever abandon me!” I yell out, my emotions flaring. 

“If it’s not true, then why hasn’t our hero come and rescued us yet?” the voice questions, planting seeds of doubt. 

“Do we really want to lay here and die a pathetic mess inside this dungeon?” it asks, goading me. 

“No, I don’t want to die!” I answer with anger and determination. 

“We want revenge on the Empire and the classmate that caused this to happen to us, don’t we?” the voice goads again, stoking the flames of my desire for justice. 

“Yes, I want revenge; I want to conquer that pathetic Empire and make the ones who left me to die beg for mercy. I want to conquer them all,” I declare with newfound resolve. 

“Good, then awaken our true power and conquer this dungeon,” my inner voice demands, and I embrace the rage and determination within me. 

As I feel the energy surge through me, I sense a new beginning, a path toward becoming the "Conqueror" I was meant to be.