The Pub At The End Of The Street
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Mark Allen trudges past flickering streetlights and damp cobblestone, petrichor filling the air. The street is lined with artisanal bakeries, vegan pizzerias and various other hipster stores that are now covered with steel shutters until morning. All of them are shut except for a glowing building. It looks just like all the other ancient buildings in this district except for its pastel pink brickwork and a large neon sign sitting on the roof depicting a scantily clad woman lying across cursive lettering spelling out “Sappho’s Paradise.”


A gust of frosty air sends a shiver down Mark’s spine as he hesitantly approaches the bar and lies against a lamppost before checking his phone. He stands in a baggy hoodie and oversized jeans. It's far from an appropriate clubbing outfit but he doesn’t care; it’s not like it was his idea to go out either. He scrolls through his texts trying to make sure he got this right. Out of all the places in the city his friend could drag him to, she just had to choose the cheesy gay bar she works at?


They better get free drinks.


He tugs at his heavy jacket and looks around. No matter how many layers he puts on, he can't help but feel so exposed. He thought getting out of his room for once would help, but if anything it makes him feel worse. He watches three women leaving the bar in scantily clad matching cocktail dresses and feels a strange emotion he can't quite place.


A large older woman follows them outside with a stern expression. She must be into her late 50’s but she looks as buff as a bodybuilder. Her hair is shaved into a gray buzzcut and her brown skin is covered in stretched tattoos and piercings. A graying tank top clings to her covered in sweat showing off some of the largest muscles he’s ever seen. He finds himself staring for a very impolite amount of time until he notices the large baseball bat in the woman’s hand and how furious the bachelorettes look.


Mark can’t quite make out what they’re saying but the smallest of the bachelorette party is shouting about something being stolen. The bouncer responds they’ll get it back tomorrow “if they can keep it in their pants.” The group is shooed away all the while shouting about some sort of curse? He shrugs it off assuming it’s just drunk straight girls acting like drunk straight girls. He anxiously checks his phone. “It’s not too late,” he thinks to himself. He could always send Kai a text with some flimsy excuse and run back home, back to his warm bed and comforting PC. He opens the text box and begins to write out a short message feigning illness but is interrupted by someone grabbing him from the side and squeezing him tight. 


The attacker keeps squeezing and squeezing no matter how hard he struggles against them. Is this how he’ll die? Squeezed to death by some random mugger!? Mark shouts, pulls and kicks at his attacker. The figure laughs as he suddenly lets him go, causing him to stumble. When he regains his footing he puts himself into a fighting stance he saw in a fighting game once but is met by a tall toned woman with a messy undercut. “Ha, gotcha again!” The woman declares, her plump lips contouring into a cocky smirk. “I missed ya buddy.”

“It’s only been a few weeks.”

“I know right!! Far too long!”

Mark first met Kai in their first year of high school, his small stature and feminine looks led to him constantly being picked on by those stronger and louder than him. One day he found himself behind the school getting his ass kicked when a stranger suddenly intervened. Kai just happened to be leaving rugby tryouts and intervened. She fractured several wrists and broke a nose, she laughed as the tiny freshmen ran away muttering “dyke” and “slut.”. The next half hour was spent on the library steps with Kai tenderly patching his injuries making jokes the whole time.


 He made the mistake of commenting on the strange headband she was wearing and was then subjected to a further hour of her ranting about some sort of ninja manga. She forced him to take her number and dubbed herself his “new best friend”, she spent the rest of high school following him around like a large excited guard dog. Ever since they’ve been utterly inseparable. He always pretended to dislike her overbearing nature but it was nice to have a best friend for once. He wouldn't trade her for the world. 


Kai is dressed in a loose black shirt, it’s just slightly too big for her with the buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up leaving her abs and toned arms on full display. He finds himself unable to look away from her large muscles and six pack. Kai is far from attractive of course, she’s a total butch and he’s a straight guy! He’s just jealous of her large buff figure and sharp jawline that could cut steel. “My eyes are up here, dingus,” she laughs.

“Shut up! I’m just horrified by that tattoo! It’s so cliche!”

“I’m just fucking with you, sweetie.” She stretches and cracks her neck. “So you ready to go in?”

“Why did you have to drag me here? I don’t even think they’ll let me in!” He pouts. “Can’t we just get high at your place?”

“Come on! The drinks are cheap, the music is good and there won’t be any creepy straight guys.”

“How do they know I’m not one?”

“Please, you’re a total twink.”

“No I’m not! I’m super masculine, more than you!”

“Heh, sure.” Kai wraps her arm around Mark and begins to drag him inside. “You’ve been stuck in that stuffy room too long! Look, we go in for one hour and if you don’t like it then we can go home, ok?”



Mark is led by Kai to the door fidgeting with his hoodie’s zipper. The handsome bouncer checks their ids and glares at Mark. “He’s with me, Athena.” Kai winks at the bouncer who simply shrugs in response and lets them both inside.


A large colourful curtain blocks the entrance from the rest of the bar, the tassels lightly tickle Mark as he walks through into a cacophony of colours. The club is utterly breathtaking; the bar reminds him of a fairy court he saw in a comic book once. Colorful chairs and tables litter the large room, dozens of women fill the room, conversing at the tables, anxiously lining for the bathroom and flirting on the dance floor.


Most of the people inside seem relatively normal, regular people in normal club clothes, but the bar is also full of people with their skin painted strange shades, wearing costumes so accurate it almost looks like they're actually part animal or monster. There’s even a 7 foot tall crimson skinned woman on the dance floor with large twisted horns; how the hell did she make that!?

“You didn’t tell me it was a costume party?”

“It’s not!” Kai chirps. She leads him through the crowds and sits him down at a table before sitting across from him.


“What do we even do in this place!” he says but is drowned out by the music.


“I said, what do we even do in this place!” he shouts at the top of his lungs.

“Not so loud!” she shouts back, she fumbles at a button on the table and suddenly everyone seems so much quieter. “Go get our drinks!” she orders.

“What? No, you dragged me here!”

“Yeah, to make you talk to people, come on. It’s just over there.” Kai points.


“Fine.” Mark sighs and gets up to leave.


“Good girl,” Kai teases. Mark has to turn away and quickly bow his head to hide the slight blush on his cheeks. Of course it’s just utter embarrassment from his best friend emasculating him in public.


Everyone stares at Mark as he walks to the bar, every single one of them smirking like they know some sort of joke he doesn't yet. “First timers!” A large minotaur-like one laughs from the crowd. 


Mark scratches at the back of his neck, feeling something tickle it only to grab a handful of slightly curled black hair. He makes a mental note to get a haircut asap and moves towards the bar and stands in line.


The line feels like it’s stretching on forever as he waits. He tries to fidget with his hoodie zipper but as he reaches for it, he finds it missing and instead replaced with three large buttons; instead of his white hoodie he is suddenly wearing an eggshell white cardigan. He must have grabbed one of his sisters before he left, but then why did no one correct him? Oh Kai must be finding this hilarious.

He approaches the front of the bar and comes face to face with an older, rail thin woman in a tight cocktail dress, her hands are covered in rings and strange chains cover her neck. Her thin bleached hair falls down in messy waves, glitter covers parts of her face gleaming like diamonds, she’s like a human disco ball. She leans forward revealing a large sign beside her: “Warning: All unattended men will be turned into beautiful lesbians.” Mark finds this joke distasteful.


“What can I get for you darling?” The woman smiles.


“Uh, just a rum and coke and uh- a regular coke,'' Mark stammers. The bartender nods her head in agreement and begins to pour. She then brings out the rum and coke with a strange pink drink beside it.


“I asked for a coke.”

“Oh I’m sure you’ll like this more.” She leans forward and inspects him closely. “Oh, I just love your cardigan, little bird. You have read the sign, right?”

Mark shrugs in response and sulks as he dejectedly carries the drinks back to his table…


“Appletini, huh?” Kai laughs.


“It’s what she gave me.”

“Adorable.” Kai laughs and begins to drink. 


Mark hesitantly takes a sip of his beverage and is utterly surprised by just how nice it tastes. The delicious fruity flavour, the sweetness, wow! As the two of them talk, Mark finds himself feeling just a bit more confident, but doesn't notice the large amounts of fat growing around his thighs and chest. With each sip his body gets curvier and curvier but neither of them seem to notice.


“You know you can talk to me, right?” Mark asks examining Kai, she’s been off all evening, hell she’s been off ever since she caught Kim cheating on her. As if her sunny demeanour was blocked by dark stormy clouds.

“Please, I’m totally over Kim, it’s been like 3 months.”


“You keep on staring at all the short purple haired girls and tearing up.”


“If I wasn’t over my ex, would I really be here?”

“Well” Mark pauses to take a sip of his surprisingly delicious drink. “I’m just your anti-wingman, no self respecting hottie is gonna attract the table with the scary looking man. You get to act like you’re putting yourself out there, but you’re really not.”

“Please, you’re not scary looking and you’re barely a man.” She pouts. “50 bucks says ill leave here with a hot woman tonight.”



A strange twisting feeling surges through Mark's body as he finishes the drink. He grabs his stomach and finds more fat there than he expected; his stomach is now peeking out under his tank top (didn't he wear a shirt?). He’s been ordering out more lately but how did he gain 50 pounds and not even notice!? He really needs to see a doctor! He lets out a grunt as he stands to go to the bathroom.


As he moves to the toilets he can’t help but notice all the beautiful women in the bar and feel a pang of jealousy at their perfect hair, makeup and outfits.


 He stumbles as his dirty converse grows larger and harder, reshaping into leather platform boots and falls right into the arms of a very drunk girl in a long polka dot dress. “Sorry sorry!” Mark blurts out, in a tone higher than he intended.

“Oh, it’s ok!” The woman shouts as she helps him back on his feet. “I just LOVE your earrings by the way!” 


“My what!?” Mark tries to ask but the woman has already left; he reaches his hand up to his ear and finds a small rubber duck painted black covered in glitter, he pulls his hand away and finds that he’s grasped onto a handful of curly hair far darker than his blonde locks.


By now Mark is panicking as he runs towards the bathroom; someone must have put some party drug in his drink right? This is all one big hallucination. He doesn’t even notice his top and jeans merging together as he runs, his jeans breaking into a flowing skirt with layers upon layers, the top gains lace trimmings, beginning to sharpen into a u neck leaving room for non-existent cleavage.


He reaches the end of the room and finds two female bathrooms and one gender neutral room. He pushes past the crowd into the single and slams the door behind him. His breath has grown ragged and he begins to hyperventilate, its intensity gaining as he notices just how feminine his panicked breaths sound. Mark shouts in surprise as he looks up to a strange woman in front of him, he is about to profusely apologise and leave but she moves back and stammers too. He moves closer and raises his hand and so does this woman.


It’s a mirror.


The stranger in the mirror is utterly beautiful; her light black hair falls in soft curls down to her back, it is slowly darkening more now closer to a raven black, her face is affixed with a cute button nose, stunning emerald green eyes and dozens of freckles. Her face is covered in bright gaudy makeup, the kind that Mark absolutely hates on women. Her lips are marked with a shining bright pink, blush covering her chubby cheeks, and glittery eyeshadow is brushed against her eyes paired with eyeliner that is far too thick in his opinion. Yet it suits her, she looks absolutely stunning. 


He looks just like an old photo of his mother and his big sister when she went through a cottage-core phase 4 summers ago.


Whatever this drug is, it must be magical. It really does feel that he is this woman and this woman is him. He reaches out towards the mirror and notices that his hands are now longer and covered in rings, he reaches out towards the mirror and touches it, his long slender fingers dance in sync with the hallucination. His bright purple nails meeting hers. 


Another sensation hits his stomach and he braces himself against the counter bracing for another set of changes. He feels his dick wither away until it can barely be seen, his testicles fading away, his fate is sealed as another barrage of curves begin to erupt from his body, perfectly filling out the dress. He lets out a euphoric moan as two sacks of fat burst from his chest filling the top.


When Mark looks up yet again the woman no longer looks like him in a bad costume but instead like an almost twin sister. Large breasts press up against the rim of his dress showing off immense cleavage. The stranger in the mirror now looks a bit overweight but it works for her. The woman before was like a half finished portrait but she was the masterpiece.


A strange warm feeling echoes through Mark as for just a moment he feels at ease in his body, absolutely beautiful until he remembers just where he is and begins to freak out.


This has to be a prank right? He looks like one of those weird cottagecore girls he sees Kai simp for.


Oh Kai!


Kai can help! She has to!


Mark pulls open the creaky door and enters back into the shining club. He fidgets with a rainbow scrunchie on his wrist as she makes his way through the crowd, people are still glancing at him but now for completely different reasons. Lustful eyes examining his stunning body. He moves past the crowd and back to their quiet corner only to find the seats completely empty. “Fucking shit fuck,” he mutters under his breath. He anxiously moves through the bar scanning the crowds for his friend but it’s to no avail.


Dejected, he moves to an isolated corner and he pulls out his phone only to find that his cracked antique has been replaced by the newest model in a bright pink case, several charms attached to it. He moves to unlock it and is disgusted to discover that his nails have now grown long and painted with a sparkly gold paint, strangely his index and middle finger are cut very short. She pushes herself up against the wall and struggles to unlock his phone but she can’t remember the passcode at all. She begins to tear up but on instinct wipes them away desperate to not ruin his perfect makeup.


“Oh, um, hello!” A familiar voice calls out infront of Mark. he looks up to see Kai standing in front of him but she’s near unrecognisable although nothing about his has changed. Mark found her beautiful before, but now she is utterly handsome! From that chiseled jaw, her enchanting dark eyes and that awkward smirk. She is beet red and begins to stammer, “I just- I thought you were! Do you have a girlfriend? Not in a creepy way I mean like- you’re very beautiful, can I buy you a drink! It’s ok if you don’t!?!?”


Kai’s eyes dart towards Mark’s cleavage and dart away again, a cold dark terror grasps at Mark's soul as he slowly begins to realise what is happening. his best friend not only does not recognise him,


But is flirting with him!!

Mark quickly grabs Kai’s wrist and drags her away constantly looking around, he drags her into a broom closet and anxiously looks for the light. When she turns it on Kai has begun to work her hand up Mark’s top reaching towards her bra.

“Ew no!” Mark shouts slapping Kai’s hand, she pulls away and frowns, she looks like a sad puppy. “What the hell Kai!! It’s me!!”

“Huh, what- wait- Mark!?!”


“What the hell happened to you!? I mean I’ve seen some quick transitions in my time, but this takes the cake!”

“No it’s not- this place is cursed or something. There’s a sign bragging about turning shitty guys into girls or something!”


“Wait, that-! But you’re not shitty! Did you piss someone off or something!?”

“It was that fucking sign! You knew about this right!? You had to!!”

“It’s a magic bar! I thought you knew! The dj is literally a demon!”

“I thought it was makeup!”

“Oh by the goddess,” Kai sighs. She takes a moment to compose herself. “Ok so, first of all. Do you want to go back?”

“Of course!”

“Huh really? Ok well, I guess we could talk to Hec and see if she can reverse this, she’s usually pretty chill about these things.” She laughs a bit. “It’s strange though.”


“I wouldn’t have taken you for this hippie cottage core vibe, it suits you though. Very hot!”

“I am not hot!” Mark shouts. “I’m nearly obese!”

Kai leans in close, pressing Mark against the wall, their bodies pressing up against each other, her small form utterly eclipsed by her friend’s. Kai smiles that charming fucking smirk and gently presses one of Mark’s loose curls behind his ear. “You look utterly beautiful.”


Mark gasps and pushes Kai away, hiding her blushing face under her sleeves, a wet sensation fills her panties.


Kai starts uncontrollably laughing, pressing her hand against the wall to stabilise herself. ”You are such a lesbian! Oh that’s hilarious! I gotta get her to turn you into a cat next!”

“Stoooop!'' Mark tries to shout but it comes across like a shrill whine causing Kai to laugh even more. Tears fill Marks eyes as he becomes utterly distraught over this situation, his very life was stolen from him in an instant and his best friend is just mocking him, everything feels hopeless, she presses a sleeve off her chunky cardigan against her eyes trying to hide her tears, god this is fucking embarrasing.


Kai suddenly stops and pulls at Mark’s wrist, she pouts as she sees his tear stricken face. “Everythings going to be ok. Dont worry..”

“No it won’t! Nothing will be ok again”

“Hey hey hey,” Kai tone turns soft as she reaches into her pocket and begins to dry Mark’s tears with a handkerchief. “Look, Hec is pretty chill, we’ll talk to her to explain the mixup and she’ll fix this. Come on, she’s really nice.”

“But what if she won’t!”

“Well I’ll just smack her until she does, mkay?”

“You promise?”

“Of course, I promise.”


Mark pushes herself against her friend’s chest, it feels warmer than she remembers, wrapped up in her strong arms she feels safe, at home.


Kai guides Mark to the bar tucked safely under her arm. The night has begun to die down and Hecate is leaning against the bar watching a game on the TV.

“Hecky! What the fuck!?” Kai yells pointing at the slightly shaking girl next to her.


Hecate sighs in response and taps her long nails against the poster.

“This is Mark, do you not remember what I have been telling you ALL week!?!”

“Oh honey, I did you a favour, don’t think I haven’t seen you around her every weekend, utterly failing at all your advances. Plus she seems pretty happy, dontcha think?”

Mark stands beside her not paying any attention instead playing with one of his bracelets, entertained by how it jingles.

“Kid you’ve been here like 2 years? You know the deal, we give her one day and come back to me tomorrow night, y’all don’t like this? Boom fixed!” The woman chuckles as she closes her hand and reopens it to reveal a cocktail. “Honey, if you wanted me to conjure you up a girlfriend you should have just told me!”


“Ew no- ook, I just thought coming here could help him! But it’s just making things worse.”


“We get girls like this every month. By lunch she won’t wanna go back.”

Mark looks up as Kai approaches her appletini in hand “I have good news and bad news.”

Mark wakes up with a pounding pain at the back of their head and a scratchy dry throat. He opens his eyes and sees an unfamiliar bedroom, the room is bare besides a collection of gym equipment in the corner, laundry strewn about and various posters for gay cartoons decorating the walls. He panics for a moment, has he been kidnapped? Did he get too drunk and go home with some random girl, or worse, a guy!? He moves to stand up but a large arm is wrapped around his stomach, the figure behind him groans and drags him closer, preceding their face against his long curly locks.


He vaguely remembers staying in the bar for a few extra hours, drinking a lot and dancing far too much. The night passes by in flashes ending with her stumbling up the stairs behind the bar into Kai’s apartment, leaning against her friend’s arm struggling to stand. He remembers lying in bed as Kai gave her water and listened to her drunken rants. Kai insisted on taking the couch but he pulled her into the bed, mumbling about feeling lonely, snuggled into Kai like she’s a big butch teddy bear.


A pang of disappointment hits Mark when he realises they didn’t fuck last night; he groans in frustration, this curse is obviously affecting his mind now. He tries to move yet again to get out but Kai isn't budging, he groans in defeat and rolls over. If he’s stuck here he might as well get some extra sleep. Kai pulls him close now forcing his head right against her breasts. The sleeping giant hums in delight as Mark falls back asleep. He’s ashamed to admit that this is the best sleep he's ever had.


Mark is woken up again by the smell of sizzling bacon flowing from the kitchen, he hops out of bed and to his horror discovers that he’s now wearing one of Kai’s shirts as pyjamas, it looks completely gigantic on him, reaching down to his knees. A mirror at the end of the room perfectly displays his new cursed form. He’s lost over a foot in height, gained a hundred pounds and various tattoos, they depict symbols from some new age religion he can’t quite recognise, various plants and worst of all creatures from video games he utterly despises. A small kitten with bat wings sits right above his left breast Really, he’s a cat person now!?


He walks closer and examines all his new features, this new form feels so strange yet so awfully familiar. It’s like he’s taken off an ill-fitting suit and thrown on a pair of fluffy pyjamas, but he knows that’s just the curse messing with his brain. He looks like a fat slut, like a gross dyke but worst of all?


He looks just like his mother.


Mark walks into the bathroom desperately trying to ignore the strange sensations of his new body and narrowly evades banging his large breasts against the doorway. His body goes into autopilot as he goes about his morning routine. Peeing with this new equipment is surprisingly natural even though his hands feel far too soft as he washes them. He feels himself absentmindedly brush his new straightened teeth, do an elaborate skincare routine, just a little bit of makeup and perfectly style his hair, tying it into a fluffy ponytail with a loose hair tie. In the blink of an eye he’s become that woman from the club yet again.


So much of himself is fading away, will he even remember who he truly is when it’s time to change back? Will he even want to!? He tries to push these horrified thoughts out of his mind, instead focusing on the delicious bacon he's about to devour.


He enters the kitchen/living room and sees Kai in nothing but a sports bra and boxer shorts cooking over the stove, far too many strips of bacon and scrambled eggs are cooking in the pans, Kai has to get her protein from somewhere afterall! Mark’s stomach is screaming in hunger while he sets the table, he can barely contain his anticipation, he wants to devour it all now!


Kai laughs to herself as she begins to plate their food, 3 strips, some scrambled eggs and toast for Mark and a giant stack of bacon covered in egg for her. “G’morning Melanie.” She smiles as she digs in.


“What!?” Mark yelps in surprise.


“Melanie April Mayflower, that's your new name.” Kai laughs as she pulls out her phone revealing an instagram page for a woman who looks identical to his new self. “Mel <3 | She/They | Libra | Proud Cat Mom“ The photos depict a life not lived, girlfriends she never dated, parties with her sisters she never attended and wait! She has a cat now? Mark is floored by how adorable that ball of floof is.


“Huh you always did give enby vibes.”

“Shut up!”

“Should I be calling you handsome instead?”

Mark’s blush grows brighter, he reaches down for a piece of bacon in a bid to change the topic but he can’t, the limp strip of flesh sits on his fork drenched in grease. He tries to force it into his mouth but he just can’t, his mind fills with documentaries on factory farming, animal rights protests he never attended and a recipe for a delicious soy strawberry milkshake. His body’s instincts take over and force him to spit out the fatty flesh as if it was poison. “Oh my stars,” he groans, dropping the fork, he cradles his head in his hands trying to hold back tears.

“What’s wrong?” Kai gasps in surprise and leans over grabbing Mark’s hand.


“I- I- I am…” Mark chokes, unable to make this terrible realisation out. Fear over takes him and drags him into the dark abyss, he could have taken anything but this. This curse could have made him a hideous monster, took away his eyes, or even made him straight! But this is the worst of all. Mark tries to take a deep breath but all that comes out are quick sobs. Mark lifts up his head and screams into the heavens, his voice brimming with utter terror.


“I'm vegan!!”



Mark is relaxing on the couch desperately trying to wait out the witch’s curse. He is absentmindedly playing games on his new phone trying to ignore the depths of photos and texts from this new life. Some new notification or message appears every minute, dating apps, group chats and even an only fans? The clock at the top reads 11am and it fills him with dread, he still has 8 more hours of this stupid curse. 8 more hours of this gross body, 8 more hours of being unable to eat his favourite foods and 8 more hours of wanting his best friend to fuck his brains out. 


 Just at that moment Kai storms in with a pile of clothes and forces them into his hands. “There’s a lot of your stuff in my closet. Most are too femme but will these work?”

Mark examines the pile, at the top is a cropped white hoodie with a lace detail at the front, are a pair of panties that look far too tight and blue high waisted jeans with sunflower patches sewed in. “Are you sure there’s nothing else?”

“Look, it’s not my fault you’re so femme. Now throw ‘em on.”

“She said I can’t come back until midnight.”

“I know, but I’m not letting you sit here feeling sorry for yourself!” Kai chirps. “We’re having a girls day out!”


“Come on, haven't you wondered what it would be like to be a girl for a day?”

Mark in fact had, he’d imagined it far too many times over the years. Spent hours day dreaming about a hypothetical life as a girl. He looks up to see Kai’s pleading puppy dog face and he can’t bear to say no. At the very least this experience could prove educational, knowing what women are like behind closed doors will no doubt be beneficial on his further attempts to get a girlfriend.


Mark shrugs. “Fine, but you’re buying dinner.”

“Ohh, asking me out already?”

Mark furiously blushes. “What, NO!? I just mean-”

“Wow Melanie is such a bottom.”

“I’m still a top!” Mark insists.


“Well…” Kai leans in close, her lips brushing past Mark’s cheek whispering into his ear “Maybe you can prove it after dinner.”

Mark furiously grabs his towels and runs into the bathroom, Kai’s laughter echoing behind him.


“Bottom!!” She shouts as Mark slams the door.


Mark sits in the bathroom aggressively scrolling on her phone, he doesn't need to shit but he desperately needs a minute to himself. He has already showered and put on his new clothes but god do they feel weird, they cling to his body in strange ways and rub softly against his skin. They don’t feel like his baggy old hoodies or his decades old jeans. They feel softer, they feel comfortable, he tries to push this realisation out of his mind, but it’s to no avail.


He likes these clothes more than his real ones.


He loves them.


He loves how they show off his new curves, how they frame his cleavage, how they make him look absolutely hot. He likes looking like this and it’s terrifying.


He tried crossdressing back in his real life but the dresses never hung right and the padded bras always looked fake. He didn’t look like a hot femboy or cute girl but instead an utterly deluded man– which he still is of course, he has to remember that this isn’t his body, isn’t his life and these definitely aren’t his real thoughts.


He always secretly found Kai a bit attractive before but not like this, it’s on a whole different level. He can’t stop thinking about her in those short pyjamas at breakfast, her tits pressed against Mark’s face in bed, that handsome smile she keeps making whenever he enters the room now. 


Mark can’t stop thinking about her sharp jaw, that fluffy undercut perfectly framing that handsome face. Those large arms holding her in bed, one gently pressed against his breast.


Images flash in his mind of Kai pushing him against a wall, one hand restraining him and the other trailing downward slipping past his waistband and into her panties. She presses her lips against his ear and begins to whisper.


Almost on instinct Mark finds his hand trailing downward, two of his fingers inspecting his now dripping wet crotch. He looks around before shamefully pressing his fingers closer and beginning to massage his clit like penis.


He remembers dissolving strange pills under his tongue in his third year of high school. How his body changed and warped in a matter of weeks and all the glances Kai would sneak when he changed, growing more physically intimate as time went on. 


He remembers coming out to Kai on a tuesday afternoon and how she responded by half jokingly requesting to see her breasts.. He remembers several  drunken makeout sessions throughout university, both claiming it meant nothing. He remembers Kai showing him her tits as a joke on more than one occasion and he remembers showing Kai him her own even more.


But they’re not his memories. They’re Melanie’s.


He imagines Kai tells him that the curse was all her idea, she’s worked there for years, how could she not know about this magical bullshit!? She explains how tired she was of constant heartbreak and after her latest break up she decided to betray her best friend. Twist and contort him into her dream woman, her perfect little slut. She presses her lips against his neck leaving a large hickey. He tries to struggle against her grasp but she just holds him closer, she reassures him and smiles, continuing to whisper into his ear. Soon all he is will be wiped away, his mind has already begun twisting to match his new form. His new strange interests, his love for this body and his utter lust for Kai, all of that is the spell slowly reshaping him. Soon he won’t remember a thing and he will thank her for it.


Mark’s body begins to run on autopilot, rubbing faster and faster, he imagines himself lying in bed, Kai tenderly stroking his body planting gentle kisses, she works her way up his body and plants a gentle kiss on his lips. “Good girl,” she purrs.


She gently massages Mark’s pierced nipples before making her way back down kissing each part of Mark’s fat stomach. He quivers and moans as she makes her way down to his crotch and then her soft plump lips connect with his pussy and- 


Mark lets out a loud yell as he’s thrust back into the real world, a surge of pleasure flows through his body like waves, it stretches on for an eternity but ends in a second. When she comes to, she's met with a dripping wet penis and a loud knocking on the bathroom door.


“Mark!? What’s wrong?” Kai bangs on the door, her voice brimming with concern.

“Oh no- nothing I’m fine! Why!? Haha”

“You kept calling my name!?”

Mark anxiously fidgets in the changing room, Kai is behind the door passing stacks of clothes over it. She dragged himself into the mall smiling like an idiot the second they got off the bus, chanting “girls day” the whole time. So far he has tried on an outfit that was far too frumpy, one that was far too slutty and one that made him look like a literal clown. Still Kai keeps insisting on helping her “find her style” and coos over her like a doll every time he shows her the outfits she’s picked out. 

“This sucks.” Mark pouts as he takes off a large sweater, groaning as it gets stuck on his earrings.

“But you look so hot!” Kai echoes from behind the door, making his chest feel warm and fuzzy. “Ok fine! Last outfit, I promise!!”

Mark reluctantly puts on the low cut cocktail dress, matching jewellery and heels. He hates to admit it, but he looks fucking stunning.


He reluctantly opens the curtain and Kai instantly freezes, she stammers for a second before regaining her composure.


“Does- it look alright?” He asks sheepishly, crossing his arms over his cleavage.

“You look perfect!”


Mark and Kai sit in the food court eating their lunch. Kai is tearing apart a burrito like a hungry wolf, sauce and meat covering her mouth while Mark has a basket of vegan nuggets and tortilla chips. His stomach grumbles, it angrily demands to be satiated. He hesitantly pokes at the limp fake chicken nugget with his plastic fork before bringing it up to his mouth and taking a single tiny bite.


This is the single best thing he’s ever tasted. He lets out a small squeal as he begins to devour his meal.


When he finishes, he looks up at Kai sadly scrolling on his phone, she looks at Mark from the corner of her eye brimming with guilt. “Something wrong?” Mark asks.


“Promise not to get mad?” Kai sighs, she places her phone down and begins to stare at her hands. “I need a super mega massive favour, but you’re going to hate me for even asking you to consider it.”

Is this it!? Is Kai finally unable to contain her primal lust!? Will she want to fuck her in the bathroom or wait til they get home? Mark anxiously thinks through all the options, but deep down is super totally fucking excited.


Except Kai doesn’t ask to fuck her or even to see her tits! The first word to leave her lips is the worst word of all, the single most disgusting word in the English language.


“Kim finally got that job at that fancy place uptown, and she keeps DMing me pictures of the girls she’s seeing so uh…” Kai groans, presses her face into her hands and proceeds to ramble out, “Couldyoupleasepretendtobemydatesoicanmakeherjealous!”


Mark pauses, carefully considering the proposal. On one hand he fucking hates how Kai is still obsessed with that bitch who never deserved her but on the other, watching Kim explode with jealousy would be so god damn funny.


“Fine,” he mutters as he presses a large chip into the last of Kai’s salsa, stealing it all in one fluid motion. “But on one condition.”

“Of course, bestie!”

“I want more nuggies!”

Mark stands outside a large eggshell-white building in a pitch black dress that’s far too short and heels that are far too high. Kai raided her old jewellery box and scavenged some gold earrings and her mothers old pearl necklace. Her outfit is complete with a black faux-fur coat that the real Melanie abandoned in Kai’s closet. She looks like a sophisticated widow from an old movie, the kind who definitely murdered their husband.


Kai is in a slightly ill-fitting suit, her hair is slicked back with a layer of gel and she smells of a rich expensive cologne although she applied far too much. “Are you sure about this?” Kai asks, rubbing the back of her neck. Mark can't help but hate her at this moment. How come she gets to look irresistibly hot in suits while he just looks like a boy wearing his dads clothes.


“Let’s just get this over with!” Mark shrugs as he starts to walk into the restaurant stumbling on his heels. Kai reaches out and stops her, grabbing his wrist and pulling him towards her. 


Kai loosens her grip and moves her left hand down to Mark’s right, she squeezes it softly. “Wait! We have to, y’know-” Kai leans close and begins to whisper, “get into character.”


“Just promise not to fall in love with me.” Mark rolls his eyes.

“No promises!” Kai chirps. She takes a deep breath and instantly transforms. Her posture straightens as she suddenly gains a smug aura, she almost looks taller and stronger. Kai wraps her arm around Mark’s and smiles an unfamiliar smile. “Come on, babe.”

Mark silently follows, her eyes focusing on the large hand wrapped around her own, their arms interlinked. Kai confidently walks through the restaurant but pauses as they reach the front desk.


A woman with bright purple hair and garish goth makeup sits at the counter half mindedly reading a magazine.

Mark silently follows, staring at the large hand covering her own. Kai stops at the reception and smiles at the bright haired woman behind the counter. “Oh, Kim! Long time no see!” She grabs Mark’s arm and pulls him even closer, desperate to draw attention to him.


Kim looks up from her newspaper with a blank expression. “Oh, Kai? Finally come running ba-” She turns to see a beautiful raven haired woman clinging to Kai’s arm, shaking like a scared chihuahua. “Melanie. Why the fuck are you here?”


“We have a reservation!” Mark blurts out.

“No, WHY are you here? With her!” She angrily points at Kai, she looks at Mark with a lingering sense of fear and resentment? The same feeling bubbles up in Mark as he remembers multiple arguments with her but he can’t quite figure out what it is about. “Seriously, Kai. We break up for a few weeks and you immediately start fucking her again?”


“I have no idea what you are talking about?” Mark suddenly feels a crackle of energy rip through him, his voice grows stronger and harsh. How dare Kim!? First she cheats on Kai out of nowhere and then has the nerve to get jealous!? She got Kai fair and square. “It’s been 3 months, Kim. Maybe you should get a life, or better yet, our table! We are paying customers and we will not tolerate this disrespect!”

Kim responds with a shrug. “Whatever.” She stands up and leads them to their table not even bothering to read out the specials.


Mark buries his head in his menu, trying to distract himself with the prospect of all these lavish meals but he can’t stop ruminating on that word – AGAIN. He looks up to see if Kai too noticed but she is far too busy nibbling on the free bread.


“This is hilarious!” Kai laughs crumbs falling out of her mouth “She’s so fucking jealous!”

“Yeah, I guess. But she said ‘fuck her’ again? What does that mean, do you think Melanie-”

“Eh, who cares? Your whole life got changed, some history probably got caught up in it.”

“You don’t think we-”

“Does it matter? It’s not like you’re actually Melanie. Everything will be back to normal soon,” Kai quiets a bit, looking away. “These feelings and memories aren’t really real, right? No point in thinking about them, let’s just have some fun.”

“But we can’t! Kai, this is terrifying, I can feel my opinions on everything changing. I can’t think, I can’t eat, I can’t even be around you without getting super confused.”


“You know like- I don’t know. Melanie has very specific taste in… women.” Mark looks away fidgeting with his necklace. Did he really just admit he wants to fuck his best friend!? 


“What do ya’s want?” Suddenly they’re interrupted by Kim, ordering tablet in hand. She absent mindedly taps at it silently before bitterly asking, “Special occasion?”.


“2 month anniversary!” Mark casually says, reaching across the table and grabbing a hold of Kai’s hand. “Can't believe I finally got her out of those smelly hoodies, she looks so handsome, right?”

“I am not allowed to judge customers' physical appearance…”

Kai is speechless, but begins to blurt out her order ,“Oh, um! Steak for me and the veggie alfredo for her.”

“Whatever.” She walks away.

“How did you know I wanted that?”

“You got it the last time we- they were here I think.” She quickly pulls her hand away making Mark feel a little bit sad. “So- uh, any plans for after you turn back?” Kai anxiously munches on more of the free bread.


“I don't know, this is the longest I've been outside in months. I guess get back to grinding? I haven’t done my daily quests in a whole day, I’m so behind.” It feels utterly pathetic the second it leaves Mark’s lips. Mel’s calendar app is filled with events, a pottery class on tuesday, volunteering at an animal shelter on thursday and a convention on the weekend. Her phone constantly chimes with messages from tons of friends. He’s almost disappointed he won't be around to visit that animal shelter. “You?”

“Probably pick up some more shifts at the bar. Might meet someone this time!”


“No rebounding with Kim,” Mark orders, pointing at Kai with his fork.

“Oh totally! I mean- maybe if I have some bad luck but-”

“Come on! She's terrible for you!”

“I haven’t had sex in months!!”

“Kai, I will literally fuck you right here, right now, if you promise not to call her.”

“No, I think that’ll make tonight worse.”

“What do you mean?”

“Oh uh, nothing- Look, food!” Kai excitedly points at Kim walking down with two plates in hand. She looks utterly pissed off.

“Enjoy.” Kim says as she places down their food and glasses. Just as she finishes Mark notices her put a folded up piece of paper by Kai’s plate.


Mark wraps the noodles in her fork and devours them. Unsurprisingly this too tastes fucking amazing. Damn you Melanie!


Mark watches Kai. Wisps of memories flicker at the back of his mind, ones he’s been trying to keep out all day. Memories of a gangly teenage girl protecting a smaller one from a horde of homophobic bullies, lingering looks in the school locker room, drunken kisses in university. She hates how this spell is twisting her and warping her. She hates vegan food, she hates going outside, she would never choose to become a woman, and she is NOT in love with her best friend.


He desperately tries to remind himself that it is only 3 more hours and she’ll be back to normal, she can go back home, get into her messy bed and this whole day will be nothing but a nightmare. He distracts himself with mouthfuls of pasta and free bread, “So honey, when are you going to propose?”

“Wha- what?”

“It’s been 2 months already, a girl can’t wait forever. Come on, it’ll be beautiful.” He smiles as he watches Kai sputter and falter.


“You have to earn it. You’d make a terrible housewife, you can’t cook, you can barely clean. You burnt a microwave trying to bake cookies once!”

“I told you that was an accident!” Mark snaps before getting back into character. “Come on, where else will you find someone as hot as me?”


“Hmm, I guess you’re right. Melanie, will you marry me?”

“Oh but of course, handsome.” 


The two of them pause before bursting into laughter.

Frosty exhale exits Mark’s lips as he stands outside waiting for their taxi. The light rain from a few hours before had now escalated into a raging storm forcing Kai and him to huddle together beneath their one umbrella.


“So an hour until that bitch fixes this, any plans?” Mark asks. “I was thinking we could maybe stay a bit? Help you find someone?”

Kai is silent and hyperfocused on the messy note Kim left at her table. She laughs at herself upon finishing, tears welling at the corner of her eyes.

“Hey what are you reading!?” Mark asks to no response. She jumps up and snatches the note out of Kai’s hand. She quickly unwraps it and reads it, trying to push Kai off.

If things with the slut don’t work out again. 0851023455 <3. Yours truly


“You can’t seriously be considering this, right!?” Mark asks, but he already knows the answer. A strange emotion hits him, one he has never felt before. Heartbreak.

“I mean.. Why not? It’s not like I’m marrying her. It’s just sex.”

“Because she’s terrible for you! She always does this! Fucks up, ghosts you for a few weeks, then crawls back claiming she just wants it casual. You’re just a fucktoy to her.”

“It’s complicated with her, but- I like her, ok? I dated her for 3 years of course I do! Look, maybe she has changed, y'know! It’s worth a shot.”


“Kai you’re a fucking idiot. She doesn't deserve you. She cheated on you like 12 times!”

“Then who does!? Who deserves a chronically depressed drop out who can barely handle pouring a fucking drink for a living! I can’t drive, have no degree, I don’t even pay my own rent!” Kai shouts at the top of her lungs. She looks at Mark not with anger, but with some sad pitiful expression she can’t quite place, longing for something she can’t have. “What if she is right? Maybe I don’t deserve better.”

Kai is wrong and Mark needs to prove it but he doesn't know how. How could he ever show her just how beautiful, funny and utterly lovable she is? He watches her silently cry, her cheeks puffy and red. Of course she is lovable! He is literally in love with her!






Mark looks up at Kai and moves closer, pressing her against the wall. He screams internally, he knows Kai will never let him live it down when he changes back, but that’s Mark’s problem. Right now he’s Melanie. 


Mark stands up on the tip of her toes and grabs Kai by her tie pulling her face downwards, she lets Melanie’s instincts take over as she starts to passionately kiss her. It starts as a frantic peck but quickly evolves into flesh against flesh, tongue against tongue. Kai tastes of strawberry lip balm and smells of dollar store body spray, she can barely kiss, but Mark is far worse. The moment stretches on for an eternity and ends in an instant. Mark pushes against her kissing her again and again as if they'd done it many times before. An overwhelming surge of euphoria and lust over takes her. She has never felt this good before in her life as Mark, it’s like she's taking every single drug all at once.


When she pulls away they're both smiling like idiots, one of Kai’s hands is still pressed against Mark’s face softly playing with a strand of her hair. 


Kai silently stares at her for what feels like years. There is nothing but the two of them and the pouring rain as they watch each other. Kai opens her mouth but all that escapes is a single hesitant whisper.


Mark knows just what she means, and he knows he can’t. A sense of overwhelming horror hits him as he suddenly realises that this curse is so much worse than he ever could have expected. He keeps trying to remind himself that no matter how happy he might feel, no matter how wide that smile is on Kai’s face. It’s just strange magic warping their desires, fucking with their minds.


“Stay.” Kai says it again even more desperately this time. “Please.”


“I- I can’t!” Mark tries to move away but Kai grabs his wrist “This isn’t the real me! It’s just some fucked up illusion.”


“But this is you. The real you. Just give it a few more days!”


Mark knows he can’t, no matter how much he wants to. If he stays like this, stays with her for even one more minute.


He will never want to turn back.


The taxi unexpectedly arrives and begins to honk.


Mark struggles against Kai’s grip. “I haven't seen you this happy, ever. You know it, and I know it.”

“Shut up, Kai! You deserve something real, someone real.”

“You are real.” Kai tries to move closer, to wipe away Mark’s tears, but he breaks her grip and begins to storm off. He runs straight towards the taxi stumbling on these stupid heels.

“I’m sorry!” Mark shouts, his voice a choking sob as he throws herself forward onto the sticky leather backseat of the taxi. “Drive!” He orders the man who speeds off in the blink of an eye leaving Kai outside in the pouring rain.


“Where are you going?”

“Sappho’s paradise on 3rd street. I need to fix this.”


The bar is pretty quiet when Mark enters, the lights are dim and the place is empty except for a few regulars sitting by the bar watching sports and Hecate behind the counter wiping it down with a wet cloth.  She lights up when she spots Mark in the corner charging towards her, the more he shouts the more she smiles.

“Turn me back right now!” He demands angrily stomping his foot.

“Oh? Oh no honey that’s not for another…” She pauses and looks at the clock on the wall “30 minutes? Here, have something while you wait.” Hecate begins to prepare a drink.


“No!” Mark shouts in her face “I’m done with all of this! Get rid of this spell! Fix my brain!”

“Your brain?” Hecate cocks an eyebrow “Hon, what the hell are you talking about?”

“You made me love this gross body, hate all my favourite foods. You made me want to fuck my best friend!”

“Oh! Athena, we got another!” Hecate excitedly shouts across the room, the bouncer responds with a simple thumbs up. Hecate moves towards a chalkboard beside the sign that reads EGGS CRACKED: and replaces the 5,000 with 5,001. “Sweetie, that’s all you.”

“What!? No! I’m a normal guy! Not this weird trans vegan chick!”

Hecate sighs and hops over the counter, she sits down on a stool and gestures for Mark to sit beside her. He reluctantly does so. “Mel dear, the spell only changed your body, not your mind. You may have gained memories and instincts from our slight reality alterations, but we do not use mind control here anymore, the witch council forbids it!” The woman inches closer rubbing her chin. “To be clear, you’re not affected by unfathomable dysphoria? You don’t want to tear off your skin with a rusty spoon? Does being Melanie feel pleasant?”

“Not really? I dont know. It’s like I’ve been wearing an ill-fitting suit all my life and now someone’s forced me into fluffy pyjamas. It’s not bad but Melanie isn’t me, she’s smarter, more social, more brave, I could have never done what she has.”


“But you did. Honey, all Ii did was change one part of your life and it took shape from there, you are Melanie. Everything she did you did, you’re just as smart, just as brave.”


“But then why am I not a complete and utter failure here?”

“Because you’re no longer being held back. Everything she’s done, everything she’s felt was all you, all her likes, all her dislikes, even her lust.”


“But I couldn’t have liked Kai before?”

“And why is that honey?”

“Because she’s a lesbian and I’m a man. I mean I did always find her a bit cute before but it wasnt like anything was going to hap- oh fuck. I totally did.”


“Mhmm. Don’t worry honey, we get girls like you all the time.”


“The rule was made to dissuade shitty straight guys, but a few shy little eggs always get caught too, you’re like the third this year.”

“I’m not an egg!” Mark protests.

“The fact you know what that means proves you are one.”

“No, I mean like I’ve thought about doing it before, researched it a bit but I’m not trans, y'know?”

“You don’t need anyone’s permission to be happy. All the fear, all the lust, all the pure joy you have felt today is all you.“

“I can’t be Melanie, I’m not strong enough.”

“You can try.” Hecate pulls out two drinks from behind the counter one white one black. “If you drink the black you will wake up back in your warm old bed in your old body. Everyone’s memories of today and of Melanie will disappear, to you it will be nothing but a strange dream. The white? You will remain as you are. Melanie’s memories will cement in your mind, your two fickle timelines will merge into one. All of her memories, her thoughts, her dreams will be yours. You shall not lose yourself but you will certainly change.”


Mark doesn't even need to think. He knows just what he wants, but still his hand lingers as he holds the potion in this hand.

“What shall it be? Backwards or forwards? Change or Static? Mark or Melanie?”

Melanie makes her choice, she unscrews the top of the potion and swallows it in one go. It tastes faintly of skittles.

Melanie stands anxiously outside Kai’s chipped front door debating on whether to knock. Her hand shakes as she slams it against the door but there is no response. She tries again and is still met with no response. After 5 minutes of waiting she reaches underneath Kai’s welcome mat and steals the spare key. She takes a deep breath, inserts the key into the handle, jiggling it just right to get it to open..


She enters the apartment to find it pitch black, only lit by the flickering light of the living room TV. Kai is lying on the couch silently watching old sitcom reruns.


Melanie gently knocks on the living room door, turning on a light. “Hi,” Melanie whispers, still not used to the sound of her own voice.


Kai looks up from the couch, her eyes bloodshot, her face red and puffy. “You’re ok.”


“I'm better than ok?”

Kai slowly stands up from the couch and makes her way across to Melanie. She stares at her, unsure if this is some strange dream, a twisted prank from the depths of her mind. Kai presses her finger against Mel’s face. It gently pokes into Mel’s nose causing her to sneeze. “You’re real?” She pauses. “You’re still… Mel?”

“I always was.” Mel smiles.

“Oh, I’m so proud of you!” Kai laughs as she picks Melanie up in a giant bear hug and spins her around in circles, the two of them laughing endlessly. When Kai finally brings her down Mel’s hair is a complete mess and she is totally dizzy. 


“Oh I’m going to have so much to teach you! Makeup! Clothes! Periods! Oh no, periods!” Kai excitedly rambles, she places her hands on Mel’s face and begins to inspect her from every angle. “Oh just look at you! You’re perfect”


“Oh thanks.” Mel says, before Kai’s compliments were exciting, sure, but now she’s talking about Mel’s real actual face, not some magical disguise. She is Melanie and this is her perfect face. “you know i dont get periods, right?”

“Yeah! Isn’t it amazing? Oh I’ve always wanted a girl bestie!”

Mel pauses as all the joy is zapped from her face. That’s right, besties. Of course she’d get friendzoned. “That reminds me actually, could we talk?” Mel walks over to the couch and sits down, Kai follows her. “Kai, I’m really sorry for kissing you like that, That wasn’t ok.”

“Yeah don’t worry about it! Emotions and stuff! All my straight friends have kissed me before, it’s no big deal!”

“I'm still not straight.” Mel flatly states.

“Oh… It’s ok i get it! I’m not your type, it’s cool.”

“You are my type?”

“Then why are you saying sorry?”

“Because… you’re my friend and I kissed you without permission.”

“Well, I kissed you back.”

“You did? I- I didn’t notice?”

“Can I kiss you now?” Kai asks making deep eye contact with Mel, moving closer and closer.

“Oh uh! Sure! Yes! Yes please!”


Kai awkwardly leans forward and pushes a strand of Melanie's hair behind her ear, the kiss begins awkward and childish but the more it progresses the more Kai gains confidence, she pushes harder, pulls Melanie closer and closer.  Now Kai is lying back down on the couch, Mel on top of her, their bodies pressed tightly against each other. Kai’s hand begins to wander under Mel’s dress but stops right before touching her breast.

“Dont stop!” Melanie whispers in a desperate moan. “Please, Kai, I want you so fucking bad.”

“Ask nicely.” Kai pulls away and smiles. Mel’s face is beet red.


“Tell me what you want me to do to you and I will do it.”

“Make me yours.”

“Oh wow you are such a bottom.” Kai laughs “Well ask and ye shall receive babe…”

Melanie squirms as Kai picks her up into a bridal carry whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Kai gently lays Mel on the bed and removes her tank top and sweatpants in a quick flourish. She then begins to unzip Mel’s dress, taking apart every zipper and strap like she’s unwrapping a christmas present.


“You’re so beautiful.” Kai gazes at every inch of her naked body in pure wonder. Kai returns to the bed kneeling on top of Melanie, but pauses when Mel begins to talk.

“Does this make us gay?” They both erupt into laughter.

“Oh fucking totally.” Kai chuckles in response. She moves her head up and places a gentle kiss on Melanie’s cheek and begins to play with one of Melanie’s pierced nipples with one hand and starts tracing the other down her body. Her right hand moves slowly against Mel’s curves, gently grasping layers of fat as if she was examining a priceless artifact. Finally it stops right above her crotch. “Are you ready?”

“God fucking yes, just do it.” Mel moans as two fingers press against the base of her cock softly and slowly, but begin to quickly ramp up in speed. 


Kai falls into a primal lust as she presses and prods and kisses her best friend. Kai softly explains everything that’s happening to her in clear detail, covering her neck in kisses.


The soft rubbing and hard penetration keeps ramping up until there is nothing left in Mel’s mind but pure pleasure. She cant speak, see or think, only experience. Then a wave of pleasure bursts from her crotch filling every neuron with pleasure, she lets out a shrill moan as she finally orgasms.


Kai leans down once again and passionately kisses her on the lips before rolling over to the side.


“Good girl.” she smiles as she pulls Melanie towards her in a large cuddle. “God, you’re so fucking hot.”

“You too,” Melanie shyly laughs.


She cant believe it she just fucked her best friend?


She fucked her best friend!

Kai moves in for another kiss but pauses as she pulls away inspecting her lover’s dorky smile. “I think I always knew you were in there. Beneath all that self loathing and baggy hoodies. It must be why I stuck with you all those years.”

“And all it took was bribing a witch to make you a girlfriend.” Mel laughs. “Y’know, if you told me going to your bar would’ve ended in this!? I would’ve done it years ago.”


“No! I didn’t know, I promise! I just- I don’t know! I was gonna ask her to change you first, but ask you first so you’d be ok with it! I was just super worried about you and I saw all your posts online about dysphoria and stuff-” Kai is interrupted by Mel kissing her, slightly biting her lip. 


“It’s ok you big dummy, it all worked out in the end right? I get to skip therapy and you get a hot girlfriend.”


“Oh no, I mean- y’know just I didn’t mean it like that!-”

“Too late. HA!” Kai laughs as she straddles Melanie and pulls her under. “You’re my girlfriend now!! No take backsies!”


“Ok!” Mel shouts it out without even thinking. “Yeah! I’d like that! I’d like that alot!”


Kai’s face lights up like an excited dog as she covers her girlfriend in a dozen kisses.

“We are such stereotypes.” Mel laughs as her girlfriend returns to her side turning into a big butch teddy bear. “What’s next, uhaul?”

“Oh, that’s not a bad idea! I’ve been getting super lonely here, oh! And you can bring your cats too! And all your stuff is already here anyways!” Kai is interrupted by Melanie kissing her.

“One step at a time, handsome?” Melanie smiles. “We have all the time in the world.”


Just at that moment Kai’s phone alarm begins to blare. “We actually don’t!”

“Why?” Mel asks as Kai quickly begins to stand up and grab her things.

“I’m late for work!”


Comments are welcome and highly appreciated! sorry for any major spelling or formatting errors, im super new to this site! Thanks to all my friends who helped beta and edit!