Chapter 1: A cookie got me killed
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Boreas POV

Hmmm...weird, it feels like as if I'm being watched by some losers, but I'm not letting that stop me, I'm having a good day today.

As I walked down the bustling street, the sun warm on my face and a gentle breeze carrying the scent of freshly baked goods, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me. Today was one of those rare days where everything seemed to fall into place, where the world felt full of possibilities and joy.

As I passed by a little bakery on the corner, my senses were suddenly overwhelmed by the heavenly aroma of cookies wafting through the air. My stomach rumbled in response, and I couldn't resist the urge to step inside.

The moment I pushed open the door, I was greeted by the sight of rows upon rows of delectable treats, each one more tempting than the last. Chocolate chip, dark chocolate oatmeal, peanut butter... they all looked absolutely divine. I found myself standing in front of the display case, my eyes scanning over the assortment of cookies laid out before me. It was as if they were calling out to me, begging to be eaten.

With a grin spreading across my face, I finally made my decision and reached out to grab all of them. 

As I handed my payments to the cashier, I caught a glimpse of movement in the reflection of the glass counter. My heart skipped a beat as I saw the headlights of a truck barreling down the street in our direction. I turned my head around and saw it being uncomfortably close.

The cashier saw it as well and rang the fire alarm as I saw the driver irresponsibly jumped out of the truck.

Turn the damn thing!

"Run!" the cashier shouted

Adrenaline surged through my veins, urging me to move faster, to reach safety before it was too late. I got to the door when the truck busted down the store.

With a final burst of speed, I dove out of harm's way just as the truck thundered past, missing me by mere inches. My breath came in ragged gasps as I lay sprawled on the pavement, the realization of how close I had come to disaster sinking in.

"Damn it man, you weren't supposed to dodge that!" A male's voice cursed

I turned to the direction from where the voice came and saw that it was the truck driver from earlier. Everything around me also froze.

Everything around me had frozen in place; the people, the cars, even the leaves suspended mid-fall. I blinked in disbelief, trying to make sense of the impossible.

Did I die? Was it one of those delusions you have when you thought it was some fast-moving vehicle but it turned out to be just a tractor and I died peeing my pants while I just suffered a mild sugar rush or something? It's probably why I can still move.

Though that thought went out real soon when I saw him holding a bat that said [The Isekai Machine]. I turned to the truck earlier and saw a glimpse of its license plate.

[ I53k41 81TCH ]

"Ok, I clocked on what's going on here...I'm about to be isekai'd."

"Oh, you know what that is?" the guy asked

"Yeah, yeah...before I point out how overused the killed-by-a-truck trope bat."

"Good eye, you like it? Quite a beauty if I do say so myself." he chuckled with satisfaction, "Custom-made. Solid celestial oak with reinforced divine steel. Took me weeks to find the right materials, but it was worth it in the end. Packs quite a punch, if I do say so myself."

"Yeah, would you mind if I check it out?"

"Sure, here were about to trick me!"

"Whaaat? No, I would never do that."

"You were."

"I would never lie to such a gentleman like you."

"You're doing it right now!"

"Hey, stop with the false accusation, I just came here for a cookie. Was it a crime that I picked everything or something?!"

"So you admit to lying to me." he pointed the bat at me

"Well, yeah, but you accused me of lying."

"You literally were!"

"But you accused me!"

"Enough of this!" he shouted and then charged at me.

I got up a bit and dove for his legs, he didn't expect me to charge in his direction at all, well based on our earlier interaction, he clearly wasn't smart. He fell face-forward, and I then dove for his bat, I didn't wait any longer because I just smashed him on his head immediately. He crumpled to the ground and I struck again and again, he tried to grab me, but I moved around him to escape his clutches.

I even kicked him in the nuts and hit him continuously with the bat to make sure, once I was sure he was out, I dropped the bat and plopped myself a short distance away while taking deep breaths.

"No isekai for me today."

As I sighed in relief, a sudden jolt ripped through me as I was engulfed in an inexplicable brightness.

"Never have I seen a person beat up...why does it have to be you?" the goddess said

The goddess was this captivating woman who looked to be around her 20s, she's 163 cm tall, with bright sparkling blue eyes, and dark grey hair. She had a black dress and she was sitting across me and poured tea into 2 cups before pushing one to me. She introduced herself as Lucille earlier.

"I'm Boreas Silver."

"Humans sure do get full of themselves when they name their children like that." she remarked

"You single?"

"It doesn't matter to you, now does it?"

"Well, it depends, if I can spend my time here with you instead, it would."

"Since you annoyed me already, I'll make your reincarnated body look the same."

"Oh that's fine, I'm a fictional male protagonist, I'm incredibly good-looking, and with these average readers being near me at all times...I'll look like a god in comparison."

"Just call them ugly."

"No, that'll hurt their feelings, they're already spending their time reading this useless novel, so I might as well compliment them while I can."

"I'll insert that ridiculous name of yours into your new parents' heads on behalf of the readers."

"Why pity them? They don't even know what grass looks like."