Chapter 37: EXCUSE ME?!
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Boreas POV

"What's that gun?" the headmaster asked, "And where's the revolving cylinder?"

"I call this a Glock."

Magic in this world is based on imagination, and so I can just use magic to manifest and conjure up anything I want, Glocks and many other types of guns are included, the ones in this world are quite old-fashioned, despite the magic bullets, things like musket rifles are very inefficient. But I went around it by just conjuring up a gun construct made of pure mana, and I can alter the bullet power output to however I want.

"So you can study dead bodies, pick locks, and use a gun despite being a disciple of the sword saint, you are very weird." the headmaster commented

As I stepped into the interior, my senses immediately went on high alert, scanning the room for any sign of danger. The air was thick with the scent of herbs and potions, even a faint scent of anesthetic herbs, it should be normal except for the latter, but I also do smell a very faint scent of blood...I should thank that old man for training me in harsh conditions, all those times he blinded me and used weird exercises to heighten my senses...can't believe that it came in handy.

I followed that scent and arrived at a bookshelf, which I then started pulling the books, eventually one did activate the secret entrance to a hidden basement, it was a dimly lit staircase, and the moment the door opened, I heard a faint sound of a dog barking, not only that the scent of blood got stronger.

"We want them alive, right? Does that extend to the dog?"

"Well, preferably." Chris replied

"Jett, can you go first in your invisible form and restrain the dog?"

"Of course, but be quick, I am not patient when it comes to restraining a stubborn enemy." Jett replied as he flew downward and we also followed quickly behind.

I heard furious barking and I rushed into the secret room where the invisible Jett was restraining the dog. I aimed my gun at the healer, who then tried to shoot a fireball at me. Still, I hit a mana bullet straight into his hand, I also shot some into his legs, causing him to fall, the headmaster then created a giant rock tablet to press down on the healer...well he's not really a healer anymore, so killer, and crushed him onto the ground as Chris then put him into some anti-magic cuffs.

The headmaster then put some restraints onto the dog as well and I searched around the place to free up 2 people whom he hid very well, but the scent of blood was strong down here, everyone could have sniffed it out. It's a bit anti-climatic that this all ended so easily and quickly, but I rather not have too much trouble, I'm not the type of guy who waits for the enemy monologues unless it's to my advantage.

After a quick questioning of the captured victims, they were captured through anesthesia, healing magic in this world is fairly simple, just cast it and then boom, heal, but if it's internal diseases, sometimes, in a very severe situation, especially magic-related ones, you will have to physically touch the organ to heal it, basically magic surgery, and that's when the anesthesia came in.

Anywho, Chris then questions the guy and his relations to the local gang that also imitates this style of killing, but the guy just shuts his mouth and refuses to speak. We then asked about what he knew about the blood ravens, anything, but he was impressively not giving in, even after I shot his foot, he just winced and continued to say nothing.

So I then took out the black card and threw it right in front of him. His eyes went wide open. Chris seemed to recognize it as well, but he didn't say anything, the headmaster was perplexed, but she kept quiet.

"Ah, so we got something, look, just lead me to your other guys, and we'll maybe help you get a life sentence instead of the death penalty."

"How did you get the card?" he asked

"One of your guys gave it to me, but long story short, it's clear that you're related to the blood Ravens one way or another, so tell me a bit more about this local gang that you're involved with, why the hell are you doing all of this, the victims have no correlations with one another and it's quite...annoying."

"I don't know about you, but having the means that you received the favor of a commander."

"Oh, what kind of rank is that?"

"There's the leader, the grand commander, and then the commander, who each looks after a division of the, that would be the security and espionage division."

"Well, I got my info."

"How'd you get the card?" the headmaster asked

"I'd like that to remain a secret, but don't worry, I rather not stir up any trouble, I would prefer having a peaceful future surrounded by beautiful women. The only reason why I reveal things so easily now is because usually, the people at the beginning are trustworthy introductory characters whom I can understand very well, I know that you won't betray me."

"Anyway, healer, tell me where your gang is before I use a few legal loopholes to torture you for information, besides, if I received the favor of your boss, that means that you should listen to my request."

"Will I be guaranteed a life sentence?"

"I don't know, ask him, he's the one who has been hired by the empire."

"Well, if you can guarantee us a lot of information, then sure, but that would mean that you'll earn the hostility of those who affiliate with the blood ravens." Chris replied, "But if your information turns out to be good, we can give you solitary confinement with your dog over there."

We brought him in and got him to tell the location of the other imitators, they basically taught each other and they were promised by an unidentified figure who said that they could join the blood ravens once they made a certain number of individual kills, why? We don't know, so we're hoping that we can capture someone who does.

Currently, we're closing in on this dance club or whatever.

"Why don't you just stay out and round up the runaways with the guards?" The headmaster suggested, "You've already done enough."

"But I like action, besides, the more stuff I do, the more credits I get."

"Fine, I'll give you full credits whether you join the action or not, so stay out."

"Why can't I request something else? I can handle myself."

"What do you want then?"

"Hmm...your heart."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"Like in a literal sense?"

"No, I'm not a psycho."

"Sorry, but I don't think that this is appropriate. A relationship between a teacher and student is just not ethical, and I'm the headmaster, the dynamic is even worse."

"Appropriate...? Oh, sorry, but you're not my type. I like older women, but not old women."