Chapter 43: Unbelievable
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Boreas POV

"Ok, so why have you forced us into having sandwiches?" Eve asked

"Easier to carry around, anyway, you 2 know how to hide your aura or your presence?"

"I can lower it a bit." Matt replied

"Then do that, there's a demon at the school."

"Should have started with that." Eve mumbled, "But yeah I can only lower it a bit, unlike you who can hide it completely."

It's a bit disappointing that Mari can do it better, she was taught by Sir Wiles, but she didn't focus that much and she was not taught the more advanced techniques, these 2 had proper tutors, they are great in fighting in general but it seems that stealth were not their strong suit. Damn noblemen and their honor schtick. I then told them what happened and they caught up real quick.

"If it helps, I have an explosive that would dispel any disguises." Eve offered as she took out a silver orb the size of a tennis ball, "You're going to have to isolate the demon from the rest though."

"I got one too." Matt chimed in, "I knew that it would come in handy since we were brought here to fight demons."

"The fuck? How come I don't have one."

"You couldn't afford it even if you knew." Eve snarkily replied

"I would have stolen it."

"So how do we do this?"

"Mari will identify them, I can have Jett dive in and throw the demon into the air, and one of you 2 throw it at the demon, while the other will have to find a way to save the hostages."


"A demon wouldn't come here without a way out, it's not that careless, and most likely, it'll hold the priests hostage through some death spell or something, so the other will figure that out."

"What are you going to do?" Matt asked, "Distraction? Well, knowing you, you might be effective at it."

"Exactly, but I'm going to need a bit of help over paperwork, let's go to the student council office, I'm going to need to rashly accept my position as secretary."

"We should use holy magic." Eve suggested, "It's very effective against demons, and we can use them since we were brought here by the goddess."

"And reveal ourselves to the pope? I'm already planning on hiding my identity as the hero till a great grand final reveal."

"Fine, I'll do it, just use light magic, we should try to end it early. The priests will try to rescue the demon's inner human or whatever, and the headmaster will be stopped by the pope fro that reason, so I'll show myself off and will override that, you 2 should eliminate it early, we'll then earn some extra credits."

Laurel POV

As I led the pope through the streets of the island's town surrounding the academy, I couldn't help but marvel at the effort of the student council in helping to make sure that the town was organized and clean. The cobblestone pathways were lined with colorful buildings, their facades adorned with vibrant flowers and ivy-covered walls. It was a picturesque scene, one that seemed almost too perfect to be real. Seth was rightfully chosen.

Despite the beautiful surroundings, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of my mind. There was something off about this group of people, especially concerning the group of priests, one of them seemed to be in disguise, but I couldn't determine the exact details as they stayed quite far with their other guide. But I pushed those thoughts aside as I focused on the task at hand. As we passed by the bustling marketplace, I pointed out the various stalls selling fresh produce, artisanal crafts, and exotic spices.

But eventually, we arrived at the town square...and my brain was about to burst. It was Boreas.

He was sitting with his feet up on a desk with a megaphone in hand, the desk on which he had his feet had a sign that said "Child labor isn't that bad. Change my mind.". Out of all, he did this on purpose, he knew the pope was coming, I don't know how...but damn it.

Yes, mana-powered megaphones exist, it's used despite people being able to use their mana to increase their volume, however, megaphones are used more often as mana crystals power it, this world's equivalent of batteries. Another fun fact, Boreas is its inventor in this world and has all of the money from the patents saved in a bank for interest

"...Child labor should be legal because it instills a sense of responsibility and work ethic from a young age. We can't coddle them forever; they need to learn the value of hard work!" Boreas said into the megaphone

"That's absurd! Children deserve a chance to grow and learn in a safe and nurturing environment. Legalizing child labor only exploits their innocence and puts them at risk for exploitation and abuse." a student retorted

"Nonsense! With proper regulations and oversight, child labor can be beneficial for both the economy and the individual. Little Timmy's family can't provide for him due to disabled parents, so Little Timmy should be allowed to work to bring money in."

"That's not Timmy's job, it's the government!"

"Exactly! The government's job is to overlook the matter!"

"But at what cost? Children are not commodities to be exploited for profit. They deserve a childhood free from the burdens of adult responsibilities. Legalizing child labor-"

"You're living in a fantasy world, Hero. The harsh realities of life require tough decisions. Child labor may not be ideal, but it's a necessary evil in our society. How else do you think you nobles can afford all those expensive mana crystals from the south for cheap?!"

"I refuse to accept that as an excuse. There are other ways to teach responsibility and work ethic without subjecting children to exploitation. We must prioritize their well-being and protect their rights above all else."

"And what about the families who rely on their children's income to survive? Are you suggesting we deny them that opportunity? Sometimes the greater good requires difficult sacrifices. What rank is your family? And what's your main way of income?"

"Marquis and we produce weapons for the Southern Kingdom."

"Ah, so you force commoners to work for you for cheap and buy cheap forging materials from places that use forced labor, and yet you have the galls to tell me off while conveniently turning a blind eye to the exploitation within your own household. How noble indeed! Your family profits off the backs of those you claim to defend."

"Enough! "I won't stand here and listen to these baseless accusations! My family has contributed greatly to the prosperity of our kingdom, and we abide by all laws and regulations regarding labor rights."

"High-minded words from someone who benefits from the very system they claim to oppose. Your family's wealth is built on the suffering of others. You're nothing but a hypocrite. I know for a fact that your family does, there's the journalism and investigation club 500m down that way, go and bring back proof that I was right, Debra! Go on and check your family's horrible history and its current misdeeds."

"Do...Did the student council even approve of this?"

"Student council?" Boreas then laughed, "I am the student council, Debra the dweeb, and yes, I approved myself, so now, not even the headmaster can remove me as it would violate my freedom of speech!"

The student then burst into tears as she ran away.

Calm down, calm down, this isn't is happening, why? Why? I know that we got letters to warn us about him, one was from Mr. Wynn, the director of the original branch, but even this was not in the itinerary.

"Next topic! Dictatorships ain't th-"

"Stop!" I shouted as I marched to his stand, "Boreas Silver, what in the world do you think you're doing?"

"Good, a worthy opponent this time. I had to argue with Rick earlier about why judging books by their cover is false."

"I said...what in the world do you think you're doing?"

"If you're worried about the perms, I got myself approved, you can see the paper, I had Eve help out and her princess skills made it so that I can't be removed for the entire afternoon."

"I'll give you one chance to apologize to all of us or I'll expel you tomorrow."

"I'm sorry for being right, the truth often stings."

"I have had it up to-"

"AHHHHH- HELP ME!" a scream erupted from behind me as others joined in

I turned to see a priest being dragged up to the sky, and no matter how much the priest struggled, he couldn't break free, he tried using magic to fly down, but a strong monster like the dragon dragging him in the opposite direction was stronger. Before I could strike the invisible dragon down, an object was flying and already arrived in front of the now-dropped priest, the object exploded and what dropped out of the smoke was a winged demon whose skin was crimson red with large white pupils with one large singular horn on his head.

"I ain't waiting for help." Boreas said as he had an aura sword out and jumped toward the demon

He knew...he tricked me...unbelievable, just who is this guy?