Just Like a Magen (R-18)
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Content warning: sexual content

When I got to my housing assignment, it was empty, and silent as the grave.  Burrow 31 was built right at ground level, as a big circular stone courtyard, with a grand tree growing up through a central sky-portal. The tree looked very old, although not old by elf standards, and was probably a silverleaf willow. Lush moss draped down from the outer edges of the sky-window, and natural sunlight drifted in from above.

Naturally, I climbed up the tree to have a look up there, finding a glazed greenhouse dome and an uncultivated garden area above, with closable vent windows hanging open behind pest screens. Winter was ahead, after all, and managing temperature with a big hole in the ceiling could otherwise be a problem.

It was quite pleasant now, with light breezes filtering in. There didn't seem to be any easy way to get up into the roof garden, other than grabbing on to one of the iron rails free of the hanging moss, and pulling up. I resumed my exploration.

This was one of the larger burrows, apparently, with sixteen sleeping cells surrounding the central well. Most were in a state of incomplete renovation, unfurnished, and littered with tools and construction supplies. Five were fit for occupation. So I laid down in all the beds. I checked the ether conduits.  I opened and closed the desk drawers. I peeked into the wardrobes. I climbed into the wardrobes and peeked out through the doors. I stripped naked and posed provocatively against the willow trunk, pouting my lips and wiggling my hips.

Then I got nervous about the possibility a housemate might walk in, right at that moment, and put my clothes back on. I moved my backpack into the room clockwise from the entrance door, and keyed my etherchit to the door lock.  With a mischievous thought, I tried keying one of the unfinished cells too, but no such luck. I'd find some other way to make use of those later, I'm sure.

This burrow was boring and empty. I had to go Out.

I patrolled the tunnels, corridors, and surface paths of the Residency. The place was dead. No one was about. That's the penalty for arriving early, I suppose. Hitting the Registrar before things got busy would probably be the best choice. I've been horny for eight years already. I could wait another week. If I absolutely had to.

So I went to sign forms and pick classes. I already knew what those were going to be: advanced mathematics, language arts and literature, history, etherics lecture, etherics laboratory, and somewhat impulsively--upon the recommendation on some carriageway randos, the Axelad twins--I added a reserve officer class instead of sport and athletics. So now I had roughly a week to kill before my first scheduled appearance. I found the nearest campus eateries. I located the library. Most everything else was locked up tight, so I went inside.

Like everything else on campus, the library was grand and elegant, built up from big blocks of glass-smooth stone, and carved down with perfectly flat floors and walls. I picked doorways at random, and tried to get myself good and lost.

This place was a wonderland. The galleries just went on and on, each one filled with not just books, but irregular niches and hideaways, and locked doors marked only by cryptic numbers and letters. There were desks obviously in use, but with no one nearby, and desks perfectly clean and ready to be occupied. There were ether machines on tables, under protective glass.

And there was a person! Finally! A rodentiform therianthrope was perusing the shelves of... whatever section this was. I pulled down a book from the nearest shelf and checked it: "Design Principles of Modern Water Treatment Systems".  I looked at another book: "Flow and Failure in Municipal Sewers". I guess this was all civil engineering? I pulled down "Sewers and Aqueducts" and grabbed a seat where I could grab an eyeful while pretending to read.

The mousy-ratty person hadn't even noticed me, yet. I couldn't quite tell if they were a boy or a girl. Flat chest. Juicy ass. Medium-length scalp hair.  Prominent, round ears. Elongated nose. Protruding incisor teeth. Enormous, round-lensed corrective vision glasses. The delicate hands with immaculate fingernails, reaching to the shelf to pull down another book, hit me hard. I would very much like to fuck or be fucked by this person. I wanted to hear them make little rodent chirping noises while we did it. I wanted to have casual sex in the stacks, and then share secret smiles around the rest of campus. I wanted to ditch my godsdamned virginity!

And fuck me upside down. I forgot to grab contraceptives at the Residency.  Well, nothing wrong with laying some groundwork.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know there was anybody in here. I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"No. Not at... allllllll...." The little ratkin almost forgot to turn their voice off after catching a look at me.

"I just grabbed a random book and started reading. Sometimes you find hidden treasures just by looking where no one else thought to check. Not this one, unfortunately. The words are as dry as the subject is wet." I went to re-shelve the tome on the municipal water systems shelf, putting as much extra sway in my hips as I thought I could get away with.

"A l-lot of them are like that in here. E-engineers a-aren't poets, usually.  Not unless you count mathematical techniques. Which most people don't."

"Are you an engineer? Or studying to be one? My name's Ravenna. I'm starting classes here next week. Pursuing a General Studies, so far, but one never knows what--or who--might catch one's interest." I sashayed back towards the cluster of desks in the center of the room, pretended to check one for dust, and sat on the work surface, making sure to squish my butt out to one side to make it look bigger.

"I'm Fess. Trying to be a civil engineer. My family is big on sewers. A-and in sewers. Ha ha. Ratkin joke. We don't really live in sewers. N-not anymore, anyway. That was a long, long time ago. Right after the therian crisis. You'll learn about that in freshface history, right?"

"If you don't mind me asking... am I something you might like to study, Fess?"

I could see the little ratkin's throat working wildly to swallow in a mouth that had suddenly gone dry.

"This isn't some kind of a trick, is it?"

"No trick. I'm just a virgin that's tired of being horny."

"Aaaaaaaah! Me, too! This is insane! And this is just like the plot of a porn magen. A nerdy introvert boy meets a hot girl in the library and they just start having sex for no reason. Yes. Yes, I think I would like to study you."

"I'm not exactly a hot girl. Do you know what an amphisbaen--or a dual--is, Fess?"

"This is s-super e-extra like a porn magen. Let's assume I don't know. Could y-you... could you sh-sh-show me?" The ratboy--I think I had enough information to assume it was ratboy instead of ratgirl--was so flustered he could barely get words out.

I started untying the string-closures on my clothes. "But we're in a library, Fess. That's a public place. What would we do if someone else came down here?  What if we got... caught?" I pulled the flaps of my top, freeing my boobs.

Fess unbuttoned his pants, revealing his angrily erect penis.

"Can I see your chest, too, Fess? I don't want my nipples caught up on your shirt buttons."

He whipped off his top, revealing a patch of nut-brown fur right in the center of his chest, tapering down to form a treasure trail ending just below his navel. His abs were visible, but not exactly what I'd call a six-pack. Even if he didn't do so many sit-ups, he still had iliac furrows pointed down to his little pecker and large balls. I untied my bottoms, pointed my ass at him, and slid them down over my hips, taking my undershorts with them. I figured this way, he'd see my pussy before having to think about how much bigger my cock is.

I watched his face, as his glassy eyes bulged out even larger through his lenses.

"There's just one other thing, Fess. I forgot to pick up a contraceptive at the Residency."

"I have some! They're in my rucksack! Outer pocket!" His boner was trying to grow even bigger as he rushed past my ass and started rummaging frantically in his bag. An instant later, he was holding two condoms. "Ah, they're pretty stretchy. Yours should be fine. Even though..."

"Even though what, Fess?"

"Your cock... is bigger than mine."

"Oh. It is, isn't it? But we don't care about that, do we, Fess? You've got some nice, big balls down there, and they need to fill up that condom inside my pussy. Maybe you should put my condom on for me. We can see who can fill theirs up more. You'll help me fill my condom up, won't you, Fess?"

And those delicate, slender fingers touched my penis, scratching perfect, clawlike nails up the sides, and rolled the jimmyhat back down, until the elastic barrier ran out of length. Then they squeezed around the base and lightly scratched over my scrotolabia. Oh, good boy! Good boy, Fess.

The ratboy applied his own condom, and I hopped up on a desk, pulling my dick and balls up to reveal my dripping slit.

"I can't wait any more, Fess. I need you to get inside me."

He obliged. His petite member slid in to my taut lips as his body crashed into mine. One of his delicate hands landed on an engorged nipple, and the other draped over the head of my cock. His lips found mine, and started kissing.

Fuck, this was awesome.

"Say my name, Fess. Ravenna. Say my name while you're fucking me with your wonderful therian cock in my alflin pussy."

"Ravenna. You feel so good. I'm trying not to climax yet, but you make it so hard! I want to help you like you asked."

"Fess, I want you to think about this every time you come back to this room.  Every time you work that big brain on a big problem, I want you to remember that you're good enough for this. You deserve this. You deserve to bury that dick in sweet, wet pussy. You deserve to come for me now."

That did it. He starting convulsing erratically, joy and tears spreading all over his face, as he struggled to remain standing. And that did it for me, too. I started squirting, into my condom and onto his.

"Oh, Fess. You deserve love." And my words boomed through my own skull.  Another one of those bizarre energy waves crashed into the shelves and rippled out through the whole library. I felt dizzy.

Our cocks started to droop, and his slipped free from my hole as we held each other, quietly. His face nuzzled into my neck, and I could feel that his face was wet with tears. So I brushed my fingers through his hair and squeezed him in close with a leg.

"That ether. What was that, Ravenna?"

"I don't know. It happens to me sometimes. I can't control it. At least I don't think I can control it. It doesn't seem to ever hurt anybody, though."

"Thank you. For this. You made me so happy."

"I should be thanking you. So much better than jerking off in the woods. So I will. Thank you, too."

We stayed like that for a few more minutes. Then we started getting nervous about someone wandering in on us, and recomposed our clothing.

"I'll see you around campus, Fess. Make sure to find yourself a nice girl somewhere. Then, if you want, we can fuck her together."

"Ah. I'd like that."

"We probably should have discussed this before, but I don't think I can be exclusive with anyone right now. Not unless they are like me, anyway. And the only people I know like this are my own siblings, which doesn't work."

"That's fine. This was really a lot more than I was ever expecting."

"I'm not rejecting you, Fess. I just don't want you getting stuck on me, when there are so many girls out there dying to get a piece of you. It's not fair to them, if you're only giving your dick to me."

"Ha ha ha. Right. You're right. And you've gotta give them yours, too."

I threw my arms around his neck, and squeezed.

"I knew you'd understand. Are you hungry? Let's get something to eat, and watch the townie and early girls together."

He shoved his stuff back into his rucksack and swung it over his shoulder.

"Also, I don't know where we are or how to get out of here."

So he grabbed my hand, and I followed. Wingman with benefits acquired!

I'm pausing the scheduled updates for a few days, to honor the author whose story brought me to Scribble Hub, and give everyone else a chance to read it, if they haven't already:


I wish Ai Love a much better afterlife than reincarnation to an isekai.