Ain’t No Party Like a Paranoetic Party (R-18)
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Content warning: sexual content.

The silver ring that led me immediately shed her robe and hung it up on one of the pegs lining the wall. I took off mine as well. This person, were it not for the mask, would look exactly like Chrysoll. What a weird coincidence.


She led me deeper into a series of galleries, each one containing some manner of engineered contraption. We stopped at a sort of cushioned table, with cables and slings suspended from the ceiling, and a large wheel surrounding it like a halo.

"Will you do the spinner with me?"


She guided me to lie on the table, aligning me with registration marks tattooed upon the upholstery. My already-erect penis was condomed in a flash. Then she climbed up, standing over me, and started strapping herself into the sling portion. When all the clips were secure, she kicked her legs up into the air, swinging her twat into my cock, over my face, and then back again, whapping her lower lips across the head of my dick a few more times as the pendulum action slowed. Then she reached her arms into the air, grabbing onto the wheel, halting her swinging motion. Her pussy was suspended at a height that allowed it to just barely kiss my penis.


"Go for it."

She guided me into her hole, and then spun a dial affixed to the wheel, slowly lowering her body down, until there were just a few centimeters of my flesh visible. I could give it a little bit of thrust, if I desired, but I wanted to see what else this machine was for.

In mere moments, the anonymous dwarf woman that was for some reason very eager to ride my penis turned the wheel. As it was fixed in place, her body twisted instead. And as my body was fixed upon the table, this resulted in a vagina spinning around in circles on my dick.

Aha. Spinner. I get it.

As Anon-Chry spun around, I started moving my hips a bit. In and out, slightly shifting the axis of my axle. The socket of this particular linkage grew ever more lubricated, and its owner responded by increasing the rotation. This thing was great. I never would have guessed that the paranoetics would turn sex positions into an engineering problem, but this beat orthonoetic boinking hands down. Assuming you had an enormous and complicated contraption around whenever you and your partner got horny, obviously. If you just had a bed on hand, the regular positions still worked out just fine, but this--this was on another level entirely.

I saw her face as it went around. Probably close? I certainly wasn't going to last much longer.

She slammed on the brakes, gripping the wheel tightly. Then reversed. Ah, fuck! I'm there! White stars danced in my vision. And she's still going!  No, wait. Slowing down. She rotated back into face-to-face alignment. Huge smile. I must have missed the funface.

She slapped the elevation dial, slowly creeping up off of my dick. I held on to the condom, for safety. Once up to a safe height, she stood up, raising her crotch out of reach as her feet dropped back down to the table.

"Like it?"


"The spinner's my favorite. You should try it from the top. With your pussy."

"Sure. But you don't-"

She raised a hand, silently interrupting, then pointed. We had a bit of an audience, some still wearing robes, some not. There were a few eligible peckers at attention. She started unclipping things.

"Anyone object if the guest goes next on top?"

There was a chorus of "no" along with several fist-yawing signs.

"Any volunteers for bottom?"

Two of the naked boys, both with their dicks telegraphing their heartbeats, stepped forward. One was a dwarf with abdominals like well-fit cobblestones, and the other a caniform therian with a patch of chocolate fur and a white spot right in the center of his chest.

"I couldn't possibly pick."

"Odds-Evens. Dwarf odd; therian even. Shoot." Anon-Chry took charge.

The boys shook their fists in a rhythm. One. Two. Three. Shoot. The dwarf held out two fingers. The canid held out one. The dog-boy drooped his tail and retreated to the audience, as the dwarf silently pumped his fist in victory. He clambered up onto the table as Anon-Chry lifted me to my feet.

Dwarf-boy aligned himself with the registration marks and dutifully hatted his jimmy. Anon-Chry helped me with the slings and clips, then gently held my back straight as I lifted my knees. This was weird. My balls collided with dwarf cock, then flipped around to the other side of it. Almost in position.

"Spin that dial upward to go down. Spin it down to go back up." She hopped down off the table.

Okay, here goes. I spun the dial with one hand as I ensured proper positioning with the other. My cunt enveloped my volunteer's penis ever so slowly, as I hovered above. I stopped when my balls brushed against his pubic hair. Now, the wheel. I started turning.

I was already wet from being on bottom, so there was very little friction. I sped up a bit, hands flying around the wheel. This was so fucking awesome.  Dwarf guy started humping. His dick was stirring up my insides like a spurtle in oatmeal. How long have I even been on this ride? I had already lost all sense of time. There was only twisting dick and the wheel. I was getting close again. What was I supposed to do? I remember. Stop. Reverse. I started jetting semen out of my dick, like a pivoting irrigation sprayer. It made a roughly circular mess on the table and floor.

Shit. I probably should have wrapped up too. I slowed down and stopped with my cock pointing at dwarf guy's grinning face, dripping onto his incredible abs. These people were quiet. I hadn't heard a peep. But there's no way he didn't get there. I could see it on his face. I slapped the dial to prepare for dismount. When my scrotolabia cleared the tip of his penis, I sort of rotated my femurs and stood up in midair. My feet landed on wet cobblestones.  Oh, very nice. He did a few little crunches for me as I rubbed my spooge around with my toes.

Anon-Chry tossed me and dwarf-guy some towels. It wouldn't do to slip in jizz on the dismount. She climbed back up to help with the slings and clips, and to towel off the equipment and exposed dwarf-flesh. I thought I caught a finger or two sneak into her mouth somewhere in the process.

We dismounted, and the next pair in line stepped up. Dwarf boy made a hand sign starting with his fingers at his lips, then tipping his forearm forward, as if offering me something.

"Thank you, kind sir. That was wonderful."

He shot me another grin, and left us, presumably bound for another ride.

"That was something else, Chr... er... Miss Torus."

"Thank you, Miss Guest. I want to do the crushbox next. Will you join me?"

I threw her the fist-pitching hand sign. Her hand encircled my still-stiff cock and pulled me along. In some rooms, the more popular machines had tiny crowds gathered, either waiting for their turn, or simply watching. In others, the devices sat idle and unattended. We arrived at one of the latter.

"It's a little more difficult to get a partner for this one. I get inside, and pump it up, and then you stand there. I won't be able to move or talk once we start. Is this okay?"

"Yeah. Go on. I want to see how this works."

She clambered onto the device, then pulled a lever. A shell lifted up from the floor and locked into place, surrounding her completely. Almost completely. I went to stand in my designated position, and her crotch was still quite accessible. I heard the sound of an aeromotive etherpump, and fabric bladders swelled around her thighs. The pump gradually grew louder as the pressure increased, until it finally fell silent.

So Anon-Chry was entirely immobilized. Completely at my mercy. I took one finger and glided it over her labia, with the lightest of touches.  Then nothing. Just a tiny tease. I saw a little twitch, and a drip stretched out into a thread before splattering on the floor.

That's enough. I'm no sadist. I rolled elastic film over my prick, and then gave her a stick. My hands rested onto the shell. Handles, right there.  That's convenient. I grabbed the handles and used them to push and pull. I could see why this one wasn't as popular for partners. Not much in the way of feedback, here. The dwarf that may or may not be Chrysoll was totally immobilized inside. How was I supposed to synchronize?

Maybe I didn't have to. I started heading for the finish, pounding with all my unknowable strength, endurance, and agility scores. As soon as I was done nutting in the anonymous pussy, I slid out, dropped to my knees, and started licking and fingering. I could do this all night.

The etherpump kicked on, upped the pressure a bit more, then fell silent. Was that a signal, or no? Doesn't matter, really. I kept up my efforts.

I was soon rewarded with spasms and quivers. I backed off to more gentle touches, and the machine started to hiss as the pressure bled off. The shell retracted, leaving a boneless pile of dwarf jelly sprawled on the device.

"Thank you. That was great, Rav."


"I mean... Miss Guest."

"Thank you, Miss Torus. What's that like in there?"

"It's not for everybody. It just squeezes you all over, and holds you so you can't move, except for the hand on the lever. Most of the time, I only get the squeeze and not the help. It's not very popular, because you can't really tell what's happening on the inside. I want to come up with a way to fix it.  What were you doing at the end, there?"

I raised two fingers in a 'V' shape and stuck my tongue between them.

"Oral.  I think I need a rest. Can you help me back to the entrance? There are drinks and snacks in an adjacent room."

I pulled her to her feet, wrapping her arm around my waist. I maneuvered us back through the labyrinth of galleries, and found the regular, non-sex lounge with the food and drinks in it. We recovered our robes before sitting.

"So, they were talking about the restrictions on Copper Torus before. What are those?"

"Coppers aren't allowed to have sex, or talk about the sex that they have had, outside of the Torus Society. Because of oversharing and infodumping. It would give modal people the wrong idea about us. We just want to do things the way we want to do them, without anyone telling us we're doing it wrong.  They have thousands of rules, don't know what they're for, and break them all the time. We have a few rules, and everyone knows why they exist, so we follow them."

"So now that you're in Silver Torus...?"

"No sex with professors, bosses, or other authority figures. Except at official functions. We wouldn't know at the parties, technically." Anon-Chry tapped her mask.

"So there wasn't really anybody that went into my cell?"

"No. Just me."

"You can bypass etherchit locks!"

"They have a mathematical weakness. It takes me at most 86 attempts. But 95% of locks take 15 tries or less."

"We can talk about that later. How long do you want to stay at the party?"

"We can go after the rumble seat. And you have to try the touch table. That's not for me, but you'll probably like it."