Chapter 5: Internet Connection
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After sending the quest to Kyoto, the next thing I did was study my new functions and database. I also learned that I could directly access the Earth's Core that I was attached to. Not only is it considered my main body, but I can also upgrade it and collect more mana as I evolve. 

I think after some time I'll be able to completely absorb the Earth's Core and even make a new one to replace the old. I searched deeper and learned some more interesting facts. It has something to do with my main functions and how much I'm able to do. Looks like I have my stat profile as well.

System Profile:

Name: System (temporary)

Level: First Stage Evolution (Lowest Level)

Heart: Earth's Core (0/100 E*)

System Points: 90 

Hosts: 1/10 (can be upgraded)

System Functions: 

Quest, Reward, Penalty Function - This function deals with giving a quest to said individual. Once the quest is completed successfully the system is allowed to reward based on completion. If the quest is not completed, the system can give a penalty as long as it is not too severe. 

Upgrade Function - This function is for the system upgrade. Every time the system evolves it can make core upgrades within the system boundaries. This includes expanding the boundaries, upgrading the system's database, adding new functions, etc. Upgrades can also be made to help those associated with the system. (Can be obtained after ten hosts reach level 5)

Building Function - Each time a host completes a quest, XP and points are obtained. Each of these points can be used to buy needed buildings that can be placed by the system. Of course, one needs to first acquire a crafting station to spawn said buildings. (Can be unlocked after obtaining 5 hosts)

  Shop Function (Host and System) - The shop function comes in two different types. The Host Shop is a shop where only the hosts can buy things. It is a shop that will generate items on a class or job type. There are also basic items that will appear in all shops no matter the class or job. As for the system shop, this shop is for whenever new buildings, functions, and so on can be bought from host points. (All hosts have automatic access, the system can access this function once the building function is unlocked.)

Point Function: Every day the system will receive points that are given to the hosts for rewards, the system will start with 100 points that can be used as a reward. The system can also gain points after completing hidden or special quests directly for the system.

(Notes: there are currently no shop items for the system. There are currently no upgrades accessible. All building access has been locked!)


Looks like I can't do much of anything right now. All I can do is give quests and hope that I can obtain more hosts. Let's access the map to check the scientist's location. It's too bad that I don't have a live feed, though. That would make things much easier. Guess that would be one of my few upgrades.


Kyoto had made it to the first destination marked on the map. Just as the system said, there indeed was a Giant Wolf Carcass lying about. If it's like this, there seems to be something more vicious in this forest. He should hurry and collect the carcass before whatever it is comes back.

That's one giant wolf carcass that he collected, now to get the other one. A new mark appeared on the map to direct him to the next carcass. It was not far from the one he had just collected.

He made his way to the destination until he reached a grove with a few surrounding bushes and a small field of colorful flowers. It wasn't hard to spot the giant wolf carcass lying between a couple of boulders. Once he collected it, a completion game screen popped up before him.

Green Game Screen: [Quest Tutorial updated!]

It's time to head back to the base. Kyoto returned to the building without any problems. 

System: [It looks like you completed part of the quest. It's time to do some research. Your goal is to see if this giant wolf carcass has certain components for potion making.]

Quest Tutorial Updated:

Wolf Carcasses Collected: 2/2

Wolf Carcasses Researched: 0/2

Quest Rank: F

Quest Reward:?

Penalty: None

It's now time to get to the hands-on part. As a scientist, he was curious about what his research would intel.

(System's POV)

While he did that, I had my job to take care of. If I want to make a potion, I need an alchemist. But if I want to find a great alchemist, I'll need a hacker. That too will be hard for me. But I do have a way. I can only do it once until the hacker is found.

I'll first connect mentally to the Earth's Core, then I will send out vibrations. If this works out, then I should be able to spread a signal that will reach until I find an internet connection. If I'm lucky I might find a hacker while I'm doing so.

A connection has been made! Alright. Now to find the strongest signal. I spread my vines as soon as my connection was made, following the vibrations that I sent out. Looks like there are not many buildings close to the area. Judging from my meter, I've already traveled pretty far. 

After a while, I finally felt it. It was a soft but incredibly powerful signal. I finally found some buildings after traveling over twenty miles. It's there! The largest building with the most powerful signal. The vines traveled inside of a vent nearby and reached a room filled with computers and tech. 

It's the perfect place to connect to the internet.