The Cosmic Pass
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A simple question is but natural curiosity. But to what extent must answers be seeked?

Younger Probacon holding a bright glow in his hand, the view of this an aerial one.

Probacon and the two men now travelled at extreme speeds through a phenomena of physics: a wormhole of sorts, with the environment of a widened hollow tube, spiraling with tints of blue and black, flowing with what could only be described as “cosmic energy”. The wormhole itself seemed to be special; as they travelled not through points in a singular spacetime, but rather, between multiple of such, and possibly even dimensional planes above that. They travelled within a sort of bubble, one of strange shape and composition.

"Excuse my rudeness, but…" Probacon would break a long-lasting silence, looking to cure his curiosity.

"Yes, we know you have questions." One of the men interrupted, in a semi-robotic voice. "And two…no, three precise ones at that." The other chimed in, with a similar tune.

"And we will answer them accordingly." They spoke simultaneously

"Ouuuukaaaay…" Probacon would respond with a raised brow, weirded by the odd behavior on display.

"Well, you already know what's on my mind, so can I get some answers?” He asked, folding his arms.

Their travel continued, while various things seemed to crash onto the bubble's exterior, but were of no true danger to it or its current occupants.

"So, first …" One responded.

"This interversal travel via wormhole will take a length of time…" The other said. "However, it will not be egregious as our destination is in close reach.” They stated in unison.

"And how does this work exactly?" Probacon asked, now drawn in by their words.

"Simply put, it is akin to a spacecraft, only more complex.” One replied. "Complex, in the sense that it simply follows more rules than a spacecraft." The other said.

"As wormholes permit for travel across points of time and space, via warping of the very fabrics…"

"Within it are many, many dangerous entities and components from different places in time and space…"

"Therefore the need for this bubble…" "Formed of cosmic energy, for both protection and sustenance…"

"Easing the difficulty of traveling within the wormhole." They concluded in unison.

《Wormholes. Of a fiction to many, of reality to others.》

"However, even that is dependent on numerous factors…" "As many beings can still use a wormhole without such bubble…"

"We are one of such, but your people, the Djin, are not. So we must make do to accommodate you." “(Ah, I get it now).” Probacon would whisper in the backspace.

"Ah, alright. That makes sense, I guess. So, what about my other questions?" Probacon stated with a sense of satisfaction from that answer, but still with a hunger for more.

"The Great Archversal Showdown." "Excuse me?"

"It is the name of this gala. The Great Archversal Showdown."

"Oh. What's…it about? Why is it happening?" Probacon asked.

"What is today's date, young Djin?" One of the men inquired.

Probacon paused for a moment, with a look of confusion as to why such was asked. However, he was plagued by his innate enthusiasm about the possible explanation.

"Oh, it's 『Æ15-77○!" He'd respond excitedly and confidently.

"Correct…fractionally." The other man said. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"That date is specific to your planet, within your universe, which is but a small speck of dust in contrast to our vast existence. An omniverse!"

"An omniverse!? Well, I learned of such, but never extensively… (And ain't that just theoretical?)."

"Our time shortens quickly, so we will explain it with haste and simplicity.” One one of the men said.

"In short, the totality of our omniverse was created much before, thus is much older than anything else, only being outdone in that aspect by a few, one of whom, its Maker."

"This omniverse, as you may have heard, consists of smaller dimensional and undimensional worlds, constantly growing more minute in a repeating pattern…"

"All built of layers upon levels of reality, both finite and infinite, eventually invoking irrelevance..." "All of which are connected through one means or another. All infinite, all endless, but none in contrast to the sum…"

"A construct of 'omni-reality', unbounded from the highest of such laws in its totality..."

"And the age?" Probacon asked, quickly turning to one of the men. "..."

"None proper, but it has been deduced that from this exact period in time, our omniverse was created…centillions of years ago!"

"Centillions?!" Probacon jumped with impossibly wide eyes. Well, that's an effing big number! Doubt even my ancestors were around then, and they're probably super old!!

"Yes, centillions…,” one would respond. "And because of that, HE places a commemoration…"

《This truth of its creation is in its limbo.》

"...the one who created it, right? The Grandmaster Deity." Probacon inquired with more seriousness.

《Hidden within the  plain view.》

"Yes. He wants to celebrate all within this creation of His…" "And to do so, a tournament to showcase all of that, is being hosted…"

"To remind all of the beauty and good of existence!" They said in unison.

"So it's the first time?" "No…" One responded, displaying a huge unenthusiastic shift in his tone and gesture.

"It has happened before, once…"

"Just once? Why?" "..."

"A disastrous calamity…" "One that changed the shape of existence forever…"

"Then why once again? Wouldn't you want to avoid a repeat?"

"Because, at the end of the day…" "A calamity can always be undone…"

"Through the intentions of pure hearts…” They said, and as always, in unison.

"Alright, guess I can accept that." Probacon sighed in acceptance, whereas the three's journey was still in progress, nearing the destination as they moved through a new part of the wormhole.

"So, for the last–" "You desire to know why we speak in unison, correct?" One asked.

"Y-yes…" Probacon responded with a nervous twitch.

Both laughed simultaneously, being amused by the boy's curiosity and desire for answers.

Probacon responded with a deeply displeased frown.

They noticed his reaction and chose to contain their laughter.

"Well then, we shall tell you…" One said with a cough. "The simple truth is, that we are one…" The other replied.

"Yet at the same time, we are not…" "Two consciousnesses, born from one…" "A twin existence, yet a singular one…"

"We are members of those who are called Duces¹, those meant to guide…"

"We are one of many, and two of many, and two of one…"

"I am Duco…" "I am Tueor…"

"We are…Ducotueorile!" They boldly proclaim in perfect synchrony.

"...Well, that was, um, interesting. Very interesting." Probacon says, weirded out by the unified statement. They really are a strange duo. He thinks to himself.

"Regardless, all three questions have been answered. We hope, and know, you are satisfied with our responses."

"Now, we must keep focus, for our journey now nears the conclusion, so pardon us."

"Actually," Probacon chimed in, "I didn't have three questions. I had four. Sorta surprised you ignored the last one…"

The two's hands suddenly stopped, with an erratic jolt all they did halted greatly.

They slowly turned their head to face it, the inevitability they had attempted to elude.

"Now, for my final question, which you didn't want to answer for some reason…" "...."

"Who is the Grandmaster Deity? What is His true nature?"

《He is [REDACTED].》

"You should have grasped it from what you have learnt. As for the second part, that is…" "Undisclosable. Unknown. To many, if not All."

"Even to us, some of his servants. Very few know much about him in a sense…"

"Why?" He asked. "He simply wills it so…"

"Only leaving people with some knowledge and some customs and beliefs in relation to Himself…" "Why He does it…"

"Is not a must-know. It is just to be accepted. Because…" "That is just His nature!!!"

"Hmmm." Probacon mulled with closed eyes.

He entered a deep thought. What's with the secrecy about Him? Even reading about Him as a kid was a blank to me. I could only really get the whos and whats, but never the whys or hows. Hmmm….

You know what? I've already kick-started this journey. So I'll find out for myself!! He thinks with conviction, while the Duces turned their heads ever so slightly to his placement, looking with clear hints of troubled senses…

"We are arriving,” said one of the Duces, whereas Probacon jumped forward to stand between them and take a look at what they all saw.

Before them was their "exit”, a whorling blue portal that seemed to lead “elsewhere”.

So, this is where it begins for me. Probacon thought to himself. 

He then gives a bold grin, with only bright thoughts in his mind. Better make the most of this, me!!

The bubble began passing through the portal, taking the Duces and Probacon into a new realm. Leading the Djin to a place beyond what he had known…

  1. Latin: Guiders