The Allies Of New, The Adversaries Of Old
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A divide, partners of our path and opposers of our fate.

As he headed for his redesignated seating, some thoughts engrossed David’s mind, partly of the coming battles, and partly of the current state of affairs.

《The prince’s dilemma…》

As he moved with a stern look upon his face, he began recollecting the discussion he had with Wells about the case. "So, what now?" Wells asked.

David, still on his knee, looked down and contemplated for a brief moment.

He would eventually give his answer. "Now we know to act even more keenly than before. Any minor oversight could sell the inquest, or even our lives.” Wells looked on from behind him.

David sighed, and stood properly.

"Wells, notify the rest, and tell them exactly as I say now:...”

“Proceed with caution. On everything.” He relayed in a deeply serious tone, with an expression that further emphasized severity.

"Got it." Wells answered, nodding his head.

Both would go their separate ways.

David exited his brief memorization.


But he immediately went into another, this time, envisioning grassy hills, with a great spacing but abundance of these hills, as well as a few settlements, mostly of structures of medieval presentation, but with higher technological properties, and a mystic element all round.

《Somewhere on the Primus Planet in Neodeo, long ago…》

Another image would flash into his mind, one of a young boy and a somewhat younger looking man playing a strange flute, as the boy sat on the grass, both with similar hair color and skin tone to David's, and the man standing slightly ahead of the boy, with his hair styled more regally, and being taller and slightly more muscular than a present David. Both wore similar attire: a rough combination of vests with sewn-in usekhs¹ with just the man wearing pants and donning a cape, golden and beaded accessories, and woven sandals. The two looked to be upon a hill with a tree, overlooking the prior area mentioned.

The little boy swayed himself to the sound of the man's flute, finding it soothing, taking in all the breeze around him.

《David Uno. Age 6 in Primusian years.》

The man suddenly stopped. "David, my first-born, why was our bloodline given the role of sovereign rulers of this land?" He asked the young David in a very deep voice, slightly turning to reveal his very light goatee beard.

"…For the selflessness and protective drive Arceus Uno, our ancestor from millennia past, who defended our people in dire times.” The young David answered.

"Well…you got half of it.” The man replied wittily, though serious. "Eh!?" David exclaimed in shock.

"That is only the tip of the iceberg, you see.” He spoke, drawing the boy's attention as he pointed his flute to the furthest distances, which David would follow.

"We were tasked to defend and progress this land, yes. But…shall our influence end there?"

"For there are many more realities, as uncountable as the stars themselves.”

“And a personal belief I have, is that all of those…we must aid their growth as well. An ideal prime in its criticality; one a proper king must chase it vehemently!” He continued, now with the flute pointed up to the sky.

“Do you understand, my naúsn²?” The man finished, turning to David, with a face excluding some features being similar to David, but rougher and older in appearance.

And with eyes of pure awe, David looked to the man and his words.

He then laughed, one proper of a child, falling backwards onto the grass, with the man chuckling as well.

"Yes, Father!" He responded with enthusiasm as he sat back up.


Father…, He thought to himself as he stopped his recollection, clenching his fists in determination. For sure…

He walked through the gate.

Upon entry, he was greeted by the faces of other advancers. Most notably Biz, Draxo and Yurupt amongst others.

"Oi!" Someone called to him, gaining David's notice.

David turned to the direction of the voice. It was Kuroko, who sat down beside a certain Umbra in his natural form, gray and silver spined, and blue-eyed, with glowing rings on his wrists.

"Ah. Kuroko! (And greetings, hedgehog friend.)" David greeted as he neared both..

"So, anything noteworthy?"

"Just one match,” chuckled Kuroko, pointing in the direction of Toxic, who just looked forward. "Ah! So Lord Toxic advanced! As expected. Who did he face?,” said David, now rested on a seat.


David's eyes widened in great shock, still looking at Kuroko.

He looked to the floor. “I see. Kai, huh?”

"Yeah. Honestly, it could've been worse…,” noted Kuroko. "Hmm. Truth, my friend."

"Still…I hope this doesn't crush his spirit greatly. He takes much pride in his ability…" David continued in a somber tone.

"Don't think so. Doesn't seem like the kind of guy to let that get to him. Hopefully, we see the opposite play out.” "I hope the same…"

Both turned to behold the main Field, amidst the rising wait and anticipation for the next bout.

"Oh, also,” said Kuroko, turning back to David. "I believe you've indirectly met Umbra?”

"Still in some disbelief the urban legend of Ghost of The Sinless King is real,” chuckled David.

"Even legends have merits in their source location.” Umbra answered, with the mannerism of a mighty power of anti-heroic measure.

《Umbra Matrix. Dark God of Power. Age 103.》

"Hm. A fair point."

"Also, Kuroko..,” said David as he reached into one of the pockets of his pants, something Kuroko was notified of.

He brought out the Brsyet Jewel, and presented it to the two. "That's a–!,” exclaimed the Shinigami, while Umbra glared astonishingly.

"Yes. It was used to make an attempt on myself. Although they did miss, and I saved other endangereds, I was unable to catch the assailant." "That means–.” Kuroko said.

"That your greater knowledge is known to them,” said Umbra, which did leave David slightly perplexed.

"I told him." Kuroko said. "He wants to help out." “Why?” The prince questioned.

"Simple. As centric as I am, an uncountable infinitude of lives will be lost IF something is not done fast. I'm here to help pick up the pace,” replied Umbra, with David smiling in response.

"Good enough. Now, in relation to the Jewel as a possible hint, I–."

"HEYO!!!,” shouted Yurupt, the standing spiky dark-haired, black-eyed, able-bodied, tailed Sarhun, who was shirtless and wavy white-caped, with grassy pants, a blue scarf belt, black boots, and a broken mask hung on part of his hair, as he stood behind the three. "Gah?!,” exclaimed Kuroko, who slid away from him.

"Sarhun Goof…,” mumbled a rather displeased Umbra.

"So, what brings about this little village meeting?" Yurupt asked.

《Yurupt. The Sarhun Goof. Age 17.》

All three glanced at each other for a moment, slightly skeptical of involving him.

"Why, wanna help out?" Kuroko asked. "Uhhh…if I can!" Yurupt replied joyfully.

"All right then. Here is the report so far,” said David, going ahead to explain the current situation to Yurupt.

Meanwhile, the next battles had commenced in consecution, and the crowds were as sharp as ever in their viewing.

《With blissful unawares, on go the duels and tests.》

From the near-squash but last-minute turnaround contest between an archfiendish rogue Spirit Shinigami and a “shadowy” Dartonitan hero.

《Where even the improbable could be improbable.》

To the quick and hard-hitting bout danced by a Colossus Alternant and a zionic sprite.

《And varieties of histories and styles rumbled the worlds.》

And a fatal demolishing of another Colossus user by the hands of a dark Dartonitan, an act that would prove costly.

《And in doing wrong, there was just punishment.》

With David and company taking up rest in the Round Three Seating, Probacon and Fighter and others in the Second Round's, and Drizzled's few members in the First Round's, all of this alliance examined all these battles, all with great interest, seeking all clues, all hints, and therefore, possibly revelations behind their discovery.

《While the shadow soldiers played their part…》 《For there was a hidden and coming crisis》

For they had no notion of what would happen without resolution, and seeked to avoid the possible grimmest conclusion.

《With urgency beyond any doubt.》


Another interval would ensue, during which the now group of seventeen, being joined up by Galax, brought forth their facts and ideas in a commune.

"So, a Brsyet Jewel, huh?,” asked Fighter, after David had told the rest about what had happened. "Yes. But it is near-unattainable in natural worlds. Meaning …” David said.

"They definitely have connections.” Noot added.

"Anything else so far? (Bar the increased number of disappearing bystanders.)" The novel Galax inquired with folded arms. "A device of Noot's is analyzing the material I found,” said Fighter.

"But won’t that take a while?" Adashu turned to ask Noot. "Realistically. Unfortunate as it is, we have not much choice here.” Noot responded.

There was a collective groan of frustration from most of the group, which greatly perplexed Noot.

They would eat, some out of hunger, some to "eat their worries away", and others who just couldn't eat at all.

Eventually, the searches would pick up from where last ended, as various members of the alliance, all grouped in threes or fours, made headway through the Coliseum’s parts.

But without warning, one of these groups, consisting of Probacon, David, Fighter and Kuroko caught wind of something, or someone, waiting for them, stopping so as to move no further.

And out of the shadows they emerged. One of whom, Deriba Jai, and the other, the burgundy-colored Viosi.

《Deriba Jai. Rogue Shinigami. Age 178.》 《Kryptic. Hostless Viosi. Age Unknown.》

"YOU!?" Probacon exclaimed with fervor.

But Deriba paid him no heed, focusing instead on the other three. “Prime Prince…Loned Wolf…and you, Kuroko…”

“Fallen Death Angel…surprised you’ve shown face now of all times.” David told the Shinigami. “Well, it is a necessity now of all times…”

“Especially since I’m hearing a lot about me coming from your camp…”

“That’s not on us, Deriba. You’ve not exactly at least just acted accordingly for this event,” stated Kuroko, wary and weary of Deriba’s presence.

“Oh, save that bullcrap for someone who cares.” The other Shinigami would retort in disgust. “Then…”

“Just why are you here?” Fighter enquired. “Two things.”

“The first; leave me be, innocent or not. This is not a battle I want, nor one you can win…”

“I should relay the same sentiment to you…,” chuckled a rather amused David. “Yeah. We won’t just do as you say.” Probacon added as he folded his arms.

“That so?” Deriba said as he bowed his head in contemplation. “Then…”

“That is where number two comes in.”

Suddenly, from the crevices spewed out multiple viscous fluids, all possessing similar coloration to Kryptic. The four knew what this meant, and readied for the upcoming conflict.

Those things would take proper forms, all being replicates of the Viosi in a horde of six, ready to attack.

“The ambush!” Deriba exclaimed joyously, with arms widende and ready for the orchestration.

So that was it, huh…, thought Kuroko as he kept watch on the horde and its commander.

“And don’t bother with your little unkempt group…”

“I have a feeling…they’re quite busy.” And he was right, for clones of Kryptic along with an additional individual were assigned to each alliance group, a perfectly set trap, which Deriba looked to use to bend the tide in his favor.

His smile was one of pure pride, believing he had successfully outwitted this group. But, was he misguided.

“You underrate us, Deriba.” David voiced, which drew Deriba’s attention.

“How foolish of you to do so. For behold…for this very scenario, we had preplanned.” “Already on it, chief,” psychically spoke another to the Nafiman, identifiable as Noot's.

“The hell do you mean ‘preplanned’?,” questioned an irritated Deriba.

“Simple. Fighter, Noot and myself ran mentally different situations, and which combinations would be of preference.”

“And at this very time,…we have the best for dealing with ambushes.” And as David said this, each of the groups were successfully dealing with the hordes.

This information left Deriba with a wide-eyed stare, stunned by such a display of mental reasoning.

“But, it appears you had not considered such…,” stated David with a rather disappointed look. “Heh-heh.” Probacon laughed with a bold grin.

And of course, Deriba was left infuriated by the situation, but Fighter looked to compound upon it. “Hey, don’t flare out just yet…”

“You still have me to deal with.”

“The hell are you gonna do?,” retorted the Shinigami, now at his wit’s end.

“Are you really asking that?”

Fighter then began walking boldly to the Shinigami, and past the passive symbiote clones. “You know, and I know…”

“Just what I know.” He finished, now directly facing a slightly taller Deriba with a sharp glare. One which was returned.

“Hmm? And just what is that?” Deriba questioned, keeping on a poker face.

“That…” Fighter moved his head to the side of Deriba’s.

And then, he whispered something.

Something that caused the Shinigami’s poker face to disappear, leaving behind only a horrified look.

“How’s that?” Fighter inquired as he stepped back.

Deriba’s brows furrowed, frustrated. For whatever this data was, it was one of critical nature, and one that could be used against his ploys.

But he recomposed himself, not looking to give these adversaries any leeway. “Fine. You win…”

“For now…” He and Kryptic turned to take their leave, embarrassed by the end result of the confrontation.

But that would not be the end just yet. “Hey! Deriba!” Probacon exclaimed.

“What the he–!?” But just as Deriba answered, a flash of light zapped right past his face, a ki attack from Probacon himself.

The attack hit the nearest wall, leaving a scorched black spot there, while Deriba just looked at the Djin in complete shock.

Probacon then blew the steam off the two fingers from which he fired the flash, and grinned afterwards. “Next time, try not assaulting women with those grimey hands.”

This of course, further infuriated the Shinigami, who snarled his teeth at the Djin.

But he reacted passively and just walked away angrily with Kryptic in tow, swearing to kill Probacon.

David and Kuroko breathed a sigh of relief, as any serious conflict had been heeded and quelled for the time being.

Probacon squatted, just as relieved as his two new allies.

"NIce shot, Djin Pro.” Fighter commended.

"Thanks. But, I can sense it now…,” said the Djin, gaining the three’s interest.

“That no matter what role he plays…he’s definitely not the main bad."

David closed his eyes in response, and slightly lowered his head. “I see…”


And fast forward, the crowds cheered on vehemently, for yet another fight was about to commence…

  1. Collars from ancient Egypt.
  2. Rőmbenśh: Boy/Son.