Chapter 2
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The night was long and harsh with constant winds easily piercing me to the bone sending shivers down my spine as it pleased, the rags I was in didn't help at all as I laid still on the cold stone floor waiting for dawn when I would I would get some warmth from the few streaks of sun light that made it through the cracks In the cell wall. I peered though a crack and happened to set my sights on a lone hooded figure they made their way through the bandits base setting up traps and learning the layout before it reached the cell I was trapped in the figure was enshrouded in a black cloak leaving them almost indistinguishable and I became wary of them I watched as they moved towards my cell step by step, i was unsure of how to feel.  The figure finally within an arms reach quickly and silently broke the lock and looked at me his eyes began to glow filling with energy for a split second it felt like they were seeing directly into my soul my legs weakened from fear buckled and down I fell to the floor waiting for the figure to act.

Figure thought "to think they captured an innocent girl who was not a slave with the intent to sell her as one" the figure said"don't worry i am here to break you out"

The voice sounded familiar and the manliness and kindness he began to radiate caused my heart to flutter "wait what? I am a man in side I can't be falling for random people". The figure quickly and picked up in a princess carry and sprinted back out of the bandits base his arms were steady and strong he held me tight I couldn't help but feel his warmth and felt extremely safe within his reach I began to blush wildly my face went blood red. The figure reached a area some distance away from the bandits and hid out of sight where he put me down, my face still flushed due to the new experiences I've had, I couldn't help but realize how nice it could be to have a significant other. 

I thanked the figure for their help and at that moment they removed their hood as they replied "your welcome "

"Huh tommy is that you"

The figure "i am tommy but who are you"

"Its me Jamie from earth"

Tommy "is that really you i missed you so much man haven't seen you for ages,  but how come your a female Halfbreed "

"I'm not sure"

Tommy "don't worry ill protect you from now on, bro i have ought to say you are quite attractive "

I blushed at him and began to smile my face beaming with happiness I couldn't contain it,  i thought "I think i just became gay, well I guess I am just a straight woman now"

A short time later a loud chain of explosions occurred along with the screams of the bandits as they were incapacitated. I was put on his back  and carried back at a high speed  tommy began to restrain the bandits before dragging them back towards his transport, a carriage he left the bandits on the back and lifted me in and on a seat before we set off on the journey back to the city.

The distance between the bandits base and the city was small so we made it back to the city before midday and submitted his quest at the guild and took the rewards,

"I sent the bandits round the back"

Receptionist "i ve confirmed you can leave with your reward now"

As we were leaving a random drunk dude tightly grabbed my tail I was off guard and it caused me to release a loud sound "aahhnn why did you do that you have no permission to touch me"

The drunk man came closer still tightly gripping my tail as he stated "your coming with me,  accompany me for tonight heeh"

I cowered slightly with fear displaying clearly on my face,  my ears began to droop"no please i don't want to"

Tommy"hey what the heck is up with you that's my girl"

The man's grip loosened as this comment and  I ran directly to Tommy and hid behind him as my face once again became blood red

"Tommy your a life saver" I whispered

Tommy put his arm around me hugged me and lead the way out.