Azmond And Crystalline
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Amid a hellish landscape ravaged by multiple meteor strikes, a handsome man clad in tattered, immortal-like attire engaged in conversation with a fairy-like girl. A peculiar tension started to build in the air, marked by the emergence of a pink energy between them.

An obsessive look appeared in Crystalline's eyes, both of her shining emeralds darkening considerably, resembling that of black holes. The captivating force emanating from her eyes was comparable to Azmond's Quantum Gate skill, capable of drawing in everything around her. Her pupils transformed into heart shapes as she locked eyes with Azmond, whose deep blue eyes mirrored the darkness of hers.

"I like that smile of yours, Crystalline~" Azmond's eyes mimicked the same darkness as hers, his gaze unwavering. Crystalline, rather than turning away in embarrassment, maintained eye contact, a small blush forming on her face.

"You have the same smile on your face, though..." Crystalline responded with a charming smile on her icy exterior, a departure from her previous demeanor. She stared even deeper into Azmond's eyes, who inched ever closer to her.

"Is something interesting going on inside of my eyes? You haven't taken your eyes off of them since my battle with the Goblin King ended..." Azmond, with a sly grin, teased Crystalline as he closed the distance between them even further.

"Yes, they are your eyes... That is why I am looking at them..." Crystalline replied with a charming smile, displaying a boldness that contrasted greatly with her former self.

"...Oh? When did you get to be such a bold one...? Just a few hours ago, you were looking at me like a se*ual predator, and now look at you..." Azmond, momentarily stunned, regained his playful countenance, teasing Crystalline once again.

"What changed, Crystalline?" Azmond questioned, attempting to unravel the mysteries hidden within her serene eyes.

"What changed?" Crystalline herself didn't know the catalyst for her drastic shift in thoughts about Azmond. Was it his charming personality, playfulness, or the moments he protected her during the battle? Her emotions, still evolving, made it hard to pinpoint the exact cause.

"I don't know what changed... I just know that I would like to be next to you for as long as I can... I don't know why I want this... I just do." Crystalline's eyes darkened considerably as she delved into Azmond's deep blue eyes, seeking to understand everything she could about him as well.

Azmond, slightly astonished, gazed lovingly at Crystalline, who surprised him by expressing such audacious feelings mere hours after meeting him. "...I just know that when you were fighting that Green Pig and the battle was reaching a point where I could have lost you if you were not careful... I-I don't know what I would've done... I just didn't want to be in a future without you in it... for a reason that I don't even understand myself." A shadow of emptiness crept into Crystalline's eyes as her pupils took on a darker shade of black, revealing the depth of her feelings toward the Goblin King who threatened HER Azmond's life.

"I see." A radiant smile appeared on Azmond's face as he gently cupped Crystalline's face, his words penetrating her very soul. "I am glad that you were worried about my safety like you were..." Azmond's eyes darkened even further, reaching depths akin to a black hole. "But... You don't have to worry about me dying anytime soon... I do have an Icy Princess waiting for me at home now, so I can't go dying on her without her permission, isn't that right? Crystalline~" Azmond spoke with a playful smile as he was now mere inches away from Crystalline’s face.

"I don't think I can do that now... Stop worrying about you, I mean..." Crystalline replied, surprising even herself. Her boldness in expressing such embarrassing sentiments to Azmond puzzled her.

"You really are so adorable, aren't you, My little Ice Queen~?..." Azmond's playful smile transformed into something deeper as he leaned in, their lips practically touching. Crystalline's heart raced as the pink energy intensified, creating an electrifying tension between them.

The air became charged with passion as their lips finally touched and they kissed, a sweet and tender embrace filled with emotions they had been holding back. The pink energy swirled around them, as if their connection birthed a realm of pure love and desire.

They clung to each other, unwilling to let the magic of the moment slip away. Azmond's hand caressed Crystalline's cheek gently, relishing the softness he had longed to touch. Crystalline melted into his touch, feeling a sense of belonging she had never experienced.

In that intimate embrace, an unbreakable bond formed, transcending the chaos surrounding them. The scars left by Azmond's fight with the Goblin King faded compared to the overwhelming affection they shared. The moment provided comfort and solace amidst the devastation.

Together, they became anchors for each other, finding strength and hope in their connection. The passionate kiss deepened, their love intertwining with the pink and deep black energy that enveloped them as their tongues started to mingle with each other. It was a love defying logic, a flame burning brightly amidst the darkness.

Azmond and Crystalline had just met each other today and yet… they had already reached a point of no return with each other…

As they slowly pulled away, foreheads still pressed together, breath mingling, the pink and black energy dissipated, leaving a serene aura of love and obsession. Crystalline looked into Azmond's eyes, her emeralds shining with newfound clarity and affection.

Azmond began to sneakily slip his large hand into Crystalline’s small dainty hand as they interlinked them together like the other person's hand was the missing piece to their puzzle. The s*xual tension in the air was palpable…

Hand in hand, they stood there, staring into each other's deep eyes. The enemies they would face, the chaos, even the uncertainties of the world could not extinguish the flame of obsession they had for each other burning within them. 

In each other's arms, they discovered a love that transcended the harshest of landscapes, a love carrying them through the darkest times and into a future filled with each other. 

A love that neither of them had ever felt for another being in their entire lives… 

That was besides a budding feeling that Azmond started to have for a silly blue princess who was probably making a path for herself to walk on right about now…

A small sneaky grin formed on Azmond's face as he asked Crystalline a question. “Crystalline… Do you wanna experience a different kind of technique I have been wanting to test out, but never had the opportunity to? It will be far more enjoyable for you than watching this silly fight~” 

Crystalline had a bad feeling about Azmond's proposal but decided to respond with a small nod anyway. “...Mhmm…”

Azmond's fox-like grin had fully materialized on his face when he heard Crystalline's small nod of approval. “Wonderful… let's begin right away then.”