The dragon's glowing orbs then emitted six beams of laser at the ground, turning the grass and dirt into molten slag. Alina then dodged the attack by using her Blitz, moving away from the ground just in time before the lasers from the dragon's attack hit her.
"For fuck sake, are you kidding me? A mechanical dragon?"
The dragon then used the booster on its wing to gain altitude again, before hovering in mid-air, its head looking at Alina with a certain accuracy, probably preparing itself for another attack. Alina could only wonder.
She was a mere dwarf against the humongous size of that helicopter, and she felt that Lahmum or Bloody Swing would do shit against that large object, seeing how thick her armor was, in comparison to the wolf that she encountered when she met 'Ilya.'
Then, from its back, some of its scales opened, revealing a chamber filled with missiles. Then, from its torso, a bunch of missiles flew from the small silos. The missiles flew at Alina at great speed, and Alina did her best to dodge the missile's tracking system.
Alina activated her Blitz, darting back and forth across the open field, barely keeping ahead of the explosions that pockmarked the landscape around her. Each blast sent shockwaves through the ground, throwing her off balance and making it harder to maintain her focus. The missiles didn't attack her at once either but attacked her gradually, with one missile coming late after one stroke on the ground.
Alina teleported, but some of those missiles managed to turn mid-air to redirect their trajectory to Alina's position. Alina moved farther and farther from her former position, but the dragon's missiles attacked her relentlessly. She continued teleporting as a missile exploded in her previous position and another one came straight at her.
For a brief moment, Alina lost her focus and a missile exploded right next to her body. The explosion threw her off the ground, into mid-air with a bunch of fragments stuck in her body. She felt a burning pain in her whole body after small fragments of the missile got stuck in her torso, along with difficulty breathing.
The rest of the missiles attacked Alina relentlessly as she was still falling from the previous explosion. Each explosion threw her further and further into the air, and each fragmentation broke Alina's body.
Alina activated Pausa Doloris and Hostia Reconstructio to dull all the pain away, even though she knew it was dangerous. She felt her breathing only get heavier, and then, she saw the dragon charging in her direction, mouth opened with the molten lava prepared to attack her direction.
Before she could recover from the fall, the dragon unleashed its fiery breath. A torrent of what seemed like liquid fire engulfed the area where Alina fell from. She used her last reservoir of strength to Blitz out of the inferno's path, straight into the ground, her clothes burnt and her energy reserves nearly depleted. Miraculously, her watch survived, displaying the Blood Energy she still had left.
Breathing heavily, Alina realized the futility of continuing this fight. The dragon's maneuverability and firepower were too much for her current capabilities. As it lined up for another laser attack, she knew she couldn't dodge forever. She grabbed the button from her Blood Inventory and pressed it. She then put the button on the only pocket that was still intact on her pants.
From Skyrim to Dark Souls. It's a little bit too steep for a learning curve, isn't it?
However, she knew that she still could try to evade the dragon's attack. She continued using her Blitz to teleport as far as she could from the dragon. She then took a massive leap to teleport to the horizon, wondering whether it would be successful or not.
She put her focus on the farthest object she could see, and she then Blitz away. In the blink of an eye, she teleported away from the danger zone where the dragon was. She managed to teleport that far, she couldn't even believe it herself. However, her watch showed that she spent half of her Blood Points with that single teleport.
The dragon was still visible in the distance, a thin fog surrounded the dragon, making it obscure from her view, but it was still there, its eyes scanning where Alina had gone too. The dragon stopped its vertical flight and hovered in mid-air again.
Alina then came up with a bright plan. The dragon would need time to go to her position, and by that time, she could teleport to another end of the horizon, tricking the dragon. That plan should have worked, right?
Yeah, that'd work.
The dragon then released another missile barrage in her direction, this time, the missile was larger than before, probably to compensate for her distance, or the fact that it might have increased payload specially designed to kill her.
Or not...
The missiles, each as large as those designed to shoot down fighter jets or destroy tanks, raced toward her. Their massive size made it clear they weren't intended for a human-sized target. Alina, realizing the imminent threat, prepared to Blitz away again, but her Blood Points were running dangerously low. However, not before a missile struck her point blank.
She then blinked away.
She managed one last desperate teleport, emerging on another grassland several kilometers away with all of her Blood Point. Her heart pounded in her chest as she scanned the sky, hoping she had finally evaded the dragon's sensors or anything like that. She wouldn't die, she knew that. However, the sight of losing half of your body was still terrifying.
Hostia Reconstructio wouldn't work, mainly because her Blood Points ran out. Pausa Doloris' effect also began to die down, amplifying the pain to the point Alina felt that passing out might be the best option now. Her legs were missing, her intestines were out of her body, with blood from every artery flowing out of her body. She wondered why she was even still conscious.
For a moment, it seemed she had succeeded in evading the dragon. The landscape around her was quiet, the only sounds being her labored breathing and the distant rumble of the dragon's engine. But the silence was deceptive.
With a sudden, ear-shattering roar, the dragon appeared directly above her, having anticipated her destination. Its eyes, red and unyielding, locked onto her position. The dragon then charged straight at her position, and the laser socket on its wings began to glow in red again.
Man, I wouldn't survive that thing, would I?
As the dragon descended, preparing to deliver the final blow, Alina felt a strange sense of detachment. Her body was failing, and there was nowhere left to run. She thought of Ilya, of the absurdity of her situation, and of all the things she still wanted to do. A bitter laugh escaped her lips, cut short by a cough of blood.
That Ilya is a liar too, eh?
All of a sudden, a large explosion appeared on the dragon's torso, followed by another barrage of larger explosions. The dragon immediately aborted the attack and flew away from the vicinity using the booster on its wings. The dragon then flew away from Alina, probably sensing the danger coming from the large explosion that threw him off mid-flight.
Then, the object that harmed the dragon came into view, an arrow-shaped object with rotary cannons sticking out from the top and the bottom of it. The rotary cannons retracted into the object's interior. The object flew using some unknown technology Alina couldn't understand.
The object then landed right next to Alina, its size was bigger than her car, or even a house, or her hotel, heck, maybe larger than the dragon itself. The object then landed on top of Alina, strangely enough, the thing didn't have any thruster that directed heat at Alina. The object covered the sun due to its sheer size.
Then, a ramp dropped down from the bottom of the object, revealing none other than the white elf accompanied by two android robots. Ilya then quickly rushed to Ilya. She then injected some kind of solution into her body. She then felt all of her pain went away, replaced by a sensation of coldness surrounding her entire body.
"Bring her in, quick, I don't know what the fuck else they're going to send!" Ilya commanded.
The two androids carried Alina with a stretcher into the interior of the object. They quickly rushed inside, with Ilya leading the way. The large ramp led to some kind of cargo area where Ilya's pickup truck was parked.
Inside the colossal object, the androids swiftly navigated the sleek, metallic corridors, each turn and doorway automated, sliding open with a soft hiss as they approached and closing seamlessly behind them.
They reached the medical bay, a room illuminated by soft, blue lights that immediately gave off a calming effect. The walls were lined with monitors and medical apparatuses that hummed quietly, giving off an ICU vibe. Blood was still spilling out of her body. The androids then stripped all of her clothing, taking off everything.
The androids then put Alina inside a rectangular pod. Multiple medical devices came out from the interior of the box. Pipes and needles navigated by themselves as if they were a living being into multiple parts of Alina's body, she felt a small prick and a nauseating sensation from the breathing pipe trying to find its way into Alina's lung like a snake.
The pod then closed itself, the interior of the pod displayed Alina's current condition, with everything flashing in red. Then, a blue liquid began to submerge her gradually, she felt the liquid entering her body, flowing through her veins, doing whatever it needed to be done.
Some felt tingly, but some also felt painful. Alina closed her eyes as the liquid submerged her, listening to the occasional beeping and liquid flowing in and out of the body, alongside the gush of air trying to push itself in and out of her lungs. Her consciousness then began to fade away.
Whatever happened, she felt safe.
Damn those things really wanted her dead
Poor Alina
Giant Mecha?
Thanks for the chapter