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For those familiar with my work, you'll know that I'm not afraid to delve into some interesting concepts. 

For new readers, well, I'm not afraid to write things that many may find offensive.

The story is in the 3rd person, predominantly following the thoughts and actions of the MC. There will be changes in perspective when necessary.

And now the reason for this chapter:


  • Violence. Not the glorified battles of heroes and villains, I wouldn't feel the need to put a warning for that. This is casual violence, brutal in its mundanity. Perhaps some torture here and there.
  • Gore. A lot of this.
  • Sex. This isn't a smut story, but it will be depicted, for setting, character development, and plot. Every scene won't necessarily be gratuitous either. General intimacy is quite prevalent.
  • Bad language. Especially later, when certain characters are introduced.
  • Mangling of actual languages. Please don't try to make sense of it beyond the bounds of the story. I use whatever sounds good.
  • Allusions to sexual violence. I won't write it in graphic detail but the circumstances surrounding it and the consequences are mentioned.
  • Religious shenanigans.
  • All types of love and relationships. Alternative ones, so to speak. Old-fashioned ones, so to speak. Strange ones. Immoral ones.
  • Inequality and discrimination. For all manner of things. Money. Social status. Gender. Race. Constitution. Diet. Everything you can imagine and maybe a few you can't.
  • Slavery. A part of the inequality thing but important enough to get a special mention. The MC was raised in a culture where slavery is normalized and has some unpopular opinions about it. 
  • Depression. And many other mental abnormalities.
  • Betrayal. Dubious and duplicitous characters abound.
  • Drug use and abuse.

That is all I can think of at the moment but there's bound to be more. This series is meant to go to dark places. Again, I don't care for graphic depictions of truly terrible things but as for the concept themselves, nothing is off the table. Consider yourselves, dear readers, warned. And I hope you enjoy!