Chapter 1
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Welcome to New Francisco, where it's kind of like if New York and San Francisco had a baby.

So after Thanos did the whole SNAP thing, we lost half of humanity.

And unlike those folks on Earth-199999, we didn’t invent time travel to go back and gather the Infinity Gems to solve our problems.

Nope, half of all life stayed gone, including half the heroes.

Truth be told, we didn’t have that many here on Earth-430 to begin with.

And after Doctor Strange became the Time Gem, broke apart, and got tangled in the atoms that make up Doctor Doom and Ms. Marvel, we've been really lacking in the hero department.

Oh yeah, back to New Francisco.

When half of humanity in the United States got blipped away, it caused such a disruption in the supply chain and economy that the civil war that followed turned all the East and Midwestern regions of the country into an apocalyptic wasteland—that’s where Wolverine and Captain Marvel are currently stationed.

They're keeping New Francisco and the rest of the Capital Frontier safe from the Vampires, Zombies, and whatever other movie tropes are out there.

I lead what's left of the Avengers.

So, there's me, Spider-Man—then we got Thor, but we don’t know where he is—I actually haven’t seen him since before Christmas.

Elektra and Iron Fist, but they left for London over a year ago to see how Moon Knight and that side of the world is holding up…yeah, the Civil War in America didn’t end at its own borders.

Um…OH—and She-Hulk is trapped in another universe on Earth-117.

Right now, I’m on my way to my headquarters.

Well, it's not really my headquarters, more like my secret base.

Some might call it borderline homelessness, but I assure you, it's up to date with all the latest equipment for Avengering...and by Avengering, I mean me, Spider-Man, doing my best to keep this part of the Capital Frontier from falling apart to the Hydra Cartel, the Sinister Six Mafia, or whatever Norman keeps trying to do.

As for the rest of the Capital Frontier, it’s basically lawless—so I just let Daredevil do his thing there, seems to be working out so far.

Spider-Man swung himself in between two skyscrapers, their white polished metals reaching high into the sky, allowing him to propel himself with a slingshot maneuver.]

The rush of the wind pressed against him; even under his suit, he could still feel the cold air of the afternoon. He launched another webbing from his wrist, and with one final swing, he landed atop the permanently under construction new Oscorp Tower.

He had set up several sensors of his own invention that spanned several floors of the building, each mimicking high levels of radiation, keeping it permanently under construction.

His plan was to occupy the soon-to-be-abandoned Oscorp building once they were fully moved out.

However, plans had changed.

The building was going to be turned into a subdivision of the tower, where interns like Peter would work

 So, the plan now was to slowly move everything over to a room there.

But he hadn’t found the right space yet, and his time was running out because he wasn’t the only one using the tower as an outpost.

While he took to the higher floors, on the bottom floors, Green Goblin had been trying to convince Norman that something was afoot in their new tower.

Spider-Man pulled off his mask, tossing the wide-eyed piece of fabric onto his bed. He ran a hand through his shaggy brown hair and took a look around the room.

There wasn’t much—just three boxes at most and the briefcase with the Avenger’s Supercomputer, JARVIS.

Oh, and his bed, of course.

Aunt May bought it for him when he tried to move out of her and Uncle Ben’s house the first time, when he left for college and then dropped out a year later because being Spider-Man was more important than his studies.

When Aunt May passed away last year, Peter was left with the house and while working under Doctor Octavius, he had plenty of money to make sure the house stayed his.

That is, until Octavius lost her mind while experimenting with cybernetic limbs.

Octavius lost her life, leaving Peter with no home, no job, and no real money.

Peter found himself where he was now for the last year.

"I think I should be able to move everything in tomorrow night," Peter noted to himself.

He turned back to the suitcase; the matte black coloring made it look no different than an ordinary piece of luggage, but inside was an entire collective consciousness.

He walked over to his bed, moving his mask out of the way, he sat down and rotated the suitcase toward him, and opened it up, revealing the small circular device in the center.

It looked like nothing more than a CD, surrounded by an all-silver framing that wrapped around the entire inner of the briefcase.

"Jarvis," Peter spoke aloud.

The device illuminated blue for a moment then shifted to a pleasant orange before a hologram of a spider projected itself from the device.

"Good afternoon, sir," Jarvis replied. "What can I help you with today?" The spider crawled around in the air, examining the room, circling once before looking up at Peter. "Moving day, sir?"


The spider looked at the room again.

"We don’t have much, do we, sir?"

Peter looked at how little of his life he had left anymore.

If he tried hard enough, he could probably fit it all in one large box.

He lowered his head, causing the Jarvis spider to turn toward him.

"What’s the matter, sir? Are you missing Mr. Stark again?"

Peter shook his head. "No." He grabbed his mask and pulled it into his lap, holding it tightly. "Thanos came, used the Infinity Gems, and wiped out half of life in the universe. There was nothing we could do to stop him. Sure it was half the villains, but also half the heroes, all gone just like that." He turned back to the spider. "Now look at everything, it’s just us." Peter’s deflated expression lowered to his lap. "I’m tired, Jarvis…I’m really, really, really tired."

"Would you like some assistance, sir?" The holographic spider inquired, prompting Peter to redirect his attention.

"Not unless Wolverine is visiting again." Peter's expression brightened momentarily.

"No, sir… Keola has returned from London."

"By herself?"

"It would seem so, sir."

Peter sprang out of bed and headed toward the open window on the far side. "Is she here now?"

"No, sir."

Peter's shoulders drooped at Jarvis' response. "Oh, did she say when?" He glanced back at the spider peering out of the suitcase. "Because I’m starving."

"Soon, sir."

"That’s not very specific."

"My apologies, sir. Mr. Stark tended to—."

"Yeah, yeah." Peter waved his hand dismissively, cutting off Jarvis. "I know, I know." He let out a defeated sigh. "Can you order me a pizza, Jarvis?"

"Pepperoni with extra cheese, sir?"

"And Bacon, yes, please." Peter returned to his bed, watching as Jarvis repositioned itself at the center of the disc. For a fleeting moment, Gordo's Pizza website popped up before disappearing.

"Order placed, sir. I have it being delivered to its usual spot."

"Thanks, Jarvis." Peter grabbed his mask and laid it over his face as he settled back into bed. "I’ma take a short nap, wake me when it’s there, alright?"

"Of course, sir."

Jarvis nestled back into the briefcase and pulled up the website again, observing the tracker intently.

As the time passed, the tracker eventually shifted to delivered.

Jarvis cleared his throat, then opened his spider-like mouth and announced in a robotic but loud voice, "DELIVERED."

Startled, Peter jolted up from the bed, his mask dropping onto the holographic spider.

Jarvis moved out from under it and looked at Peter. "Apologies, sir."

Peter shook his head, retrieving his mask. "No. You’re good." He stood up and stretched. "I just fell into a deeper sleep than I thought I was going to."

With a swift motion, he flung two webs toward the wall next to the open window and began to propel himself forward.

Glancing back at Jarvis, he asked, "I’m going to eat it up there, if that’s okay?"

"Certainly, I will gather an update on the police reports from your roundups this morning."

Peter nodded in acknowledgment and flung himself to the roof of the neighboring skyscraper.

As he swung up above it, he spotted his pizza sitting on a table next to the ashtray, but there was more.

"Jarvis. Did you order me cheese bread too?"

"I did, sir," Jarvis's voice came through the tiny speaker woven into his mask. "You looked to be having a rough day."

Another webbing pulled him down onto the roof, and he headed toward the fold-out chair in the corner. As his feet slid across the roof, he launched two more webbings, grabbing both boxes.

With a spin, he came around the enclosed stairwell and spotted his case of water still sitting there.

With a flick of his wrist, he grabbed a bottle of water as he landed in the fold out chair, which slid back into the edge of the roof with a thud.

Placing the boxes on the edge, he removed his mask and took a large drink of water before opening up the pizza—the toppings had shifted slightly, but with a shake, they slid back into place.

Peter nodded at the pizza with a smile. 

"Time, Jarvis?"

"11:22, sir."

"I've got eighteen minutes until Barry comes up for his smoke break."

"Would you like me to watch the elevator camera?"

"Yes, please," Peter replied as he picked up a slice of pizza and began to enjoy his meal.

"Ahhh, man!" he exclaimed, lifting the slice of pizza upward. "I don’t know if it’s the crust or the sauce…" With a contemplative nod, he pulled it back toward him and took another bite. "...or that tiny pepperoni, but Gordo’s, you make the best pizza in New Francisco."

Leaning forward as he finished the slice, he grabbed a piece of cheese bread and took a stand, gazing out across the city.

New Francisco sprawled before him, a metropolis of gleaming skyscrapers that pierced the sky, their oval shapes a departure from the conventional towers of old.

Despite the abundance of monorails traversing the city and extending to the outskirts, the streets below buzzed with quiet electric traffic, devoid of the promised flying cars that had yet to materialize.

The futuristic landscape exuded a sense of modernity and innovation, with buildings adorned in sleek, minimalist designs and illuminated by the soft glow of ambient lighting.

As he gazed toward the outer districts, where he and Aunt May had once resided with Uncle Ben, they appeared unchanged from his vantage point.

Yet, he knew that beneath the surface, everything had transformed.

The familiar streets and buildings held memories of a bygone era, a stark contrast to the bustling urbanity that now defined New Francisco.

Sighing, he reclined in his chair, attempting to savor his food amidst the flood of memories that threatened to overwhelm him.

The flavors of the past mingled with the present, a bittersweet reminder of the life he had lost.

He shook himself from weary thoughts and sank back into the folding chair, savoring more of the food.

Each bite seemed better than the last.

There was only one slice left and the cheese bread box was now emptied, when a voice echoed out to him.

"You gonna save me any or what?"

Elektra’s voice emerged from behind Peter, prompting him to immediately pull on his mask as he jumped up onto the ledge of the building.

"HeyyYYOOOOO, KEOLA! Ma petite araignée devenue assassine, comment vas-tu?" Peter exclaimed.

Elektra slid from behind the stairwell, revealing the rest of herself.

Her suit was torn and shredded, with the red in the center and the little spider symbol on the right collar still intact. The black down the sides was mostly torn, along with her black tights. The red scarf around her neck, covering her mouth, was singed and burned all around, but her beautiful bronze-skinned face remained unharmed. Her curly blonde hair was tied in a tight bun, visibly dirty, much like her face and the rest of her clothing. The red ribbons wrapped around her wrists and shins looked fresh, though.

Keola Kahale, originally known as Spider-Woman before adopting the mantle of Elektra after a month-long stint in the Capital Frontier alongside Daredevil, hailed from the enchanting islands of Tahiti.

Like moi, her origin story took a unique turn when she was bitten by a radioactive spider, though hers hailed from Universe-117, the same universe where She-Hulk is currently marooned, but the details of that are best left up to an explanation from Reed Richards—once we're able to reconnect with him, that is, on Earth-117.

Keola stepped forward, revealing more of herself in the light.

With a graceful motion, she untied the ribbon that obscured her forehead and eyes, stowing it neatly into her suit.

"I’ve been good, Peter. It’s good to see you too." She glanced down at her suit, assessing its condition. "Suit could use a patch job." Her gaze returned to Peter, a smile gracing her features. "Aunt May still fix supersuits?" The slight shift in Peter’s expression spoke volumes, prompting a bashful glance from Keola. "A lot must have happened in the last year."

"It sure has!" Peter exclaimed, injecting a spark of energy into the conversation. "Say, you think you can help me move?"