Senior High School Life – I Love You
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Ryuu found on a park bench near the swing set, which led to the path to Mei's neighborhood.

He was hugging his box of chocolates with uncertainty. He knew he had to give them to her, before their school term had ended. But he was afraid. When he saw her hug another boy's present as if it were a special treasure, it made him retract his steps and run off to cower on the bench like a sorry excuse for a loser.

"But I've loved you for so long. How do I say that?" He moped to himself.

Saying, 'I love you', were scary words to say out loud. The fear of all that he had built up between them would come crashing down upon her rejection.

If she rejected him, would he give up on her. So many years carrying feelings for her; would he be willing to let them go? It would be too much, but for her happiness, he would give up. At the end of the day, he only wanted her to be happy and hoped he'd be the one to give this to her.

"But if another boy is in her heart, I can't be in their way."

Feeling the resolve to give up his feelings, he was about to rise and leave.

"Ryuu-kun!" Mei's voice sailed into his ears.

He turned to see her rushing for him with her angelic face flushed, as if she had been running around for hours.

'You idiot!' Mei had cursed when she pulled him off the bench. Without waiting, she yanked the chocolates out of his hands and began unwrapping them.

Ryuu watched with shock and awe as she devoured a number of small chocolates before him with desperation, then pulled him into a passionate kiss. His lips were smothered with the discarded chocolates he was going to give her.

"I'll go out with you. So, don't throw away these chocolates." Mei huffed when she pulled out of their kiss.

Ryuu couldn't stop smiling and nodding like an idiot at his dream finally coming true. And felt confident that his life was going to be better. After all, he had the girl of his dreams by his side, and everything he had worked so hard for was turning out well.

His days passed like a peaceful dream. Where his new class fit was pleasant, and his club life complimented his time with Mei. He was happy to see her smiling and enjoying herself with their friends. But a strange feeling in his heart was taking shape that something wasn't quite right. He brushed off those feelings as his old paranoia and chose to exist in his pleasant dream.

Finally, the day came when he could walk her home.

Mei lived her brother Jun after their parents were divorced and went their own way. Mei and Jun had chosen to live with their father, but he was always out of the city on business. Since Jun was a working adult, Mei was entrusted into his care. They lived in a typical two-story apartment lot where it seemed the neighbors were either old people who had time to gossip among themselves on the landing balconies or outside their doors, or weren't seen due to working life.

Ryuu was on Cloud Nine when he followed her up the stairs to the landing of her front door. But he never crossed the threshold. Content to ensure she got home safe. And she never invited him inside. He would find his way back to his home and sleep on happy dreams.

The walk-home routine became regular, that he started passing the same old ladies on the landing balcony. Who openly gossiped that she was dating someone decent for a change.

"Aah, did she use to bring home the rough boys. I'm glad she has a nice boyfriend like you," the Old Lady had said to him as he passed her go home. Naturally, this ticked him off.

He was glad Old Lady had left things at that. It made him conscious not to involve himself too much with Mei's neighbors from that moment on.

Yet, the conversation left him wondering if Mei really did seem him as a boyfriend or more as the safe guy to hang out with. Either way, he couldn't complain. So, he had decided to accept their relationship for what it was.
Like any other day, he was leaving Mei's door to make his way home. All his thoughts filled with her.

On this day, Jun had been given the okay to leave work early, being Premium Friday. He seized the advantage to try and arrive home just as Ryuu would be leaving.

He saw Ryuu walking up the path a head, with the rhythmic clanking of a running train disguising the steps between them. Jun's heart raced with uneven beats at seeing Ryuu's receding figure. The distance between them was so wide and great. That all he could do was watch the young man fade from his sight. Like a phantom following his sister's shadow. His hands curled into fists at the thought. Of all the boys Mei dated, Ryuu was the one boy he didn't want her to date.

"I'll make sure of that." He spoke his determination out loud.