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What the hell was this situation?

Good thing I took all those acting lessons. My heart was pounding like it wanted to explode. But I had to stay calm. Or at least show that I'm calm. Here was the woman I foolishly fell for! It was more than fifteen years ago! And she had a daughter here? She had to show up right now?!

Dora sent an angry stare towards her. Pouting behind her knees as she was leaving. Then, as our eyes met, she quickly turned away.

"I didn't want to sound harsh. I am interested in you! But can't be careful enough... In my position! I hope you understand!" I explained, once alone. "So would you like to have a short vacation with me?"

"Whatever." Was all she said. Still hugging her knees, full of bruises. She only released them when reaching for her drink. I could vaguely see her mother in her. But she was different. Wilder. Especially her style.

"Aren't you a little young for that?" I tried again, pointing at her top. It had a classic rockband's logo on it. "Or is it just for fashion?"

"I don't think age has anything to do with taste..." She said, frowning.

"I might not look like it but they're one of my favourites." I explained, disregarding her hostile tone. "Your Mother used to hate them though."

"She still does. That's why I picked it for today." She answered, adding. "I do like them. Music nowadays are crap."

"Couldn't agree more!" I smiled. "And what happened to your knees?"

"I was skating..." She said. "Sort of..."

"You can skate?" I asked, acting surprised.

"Obviously not, or I wouldn't be full of bruises!" She claimed, eyes rolling. She showed off her elbows and shoulders too. Most of her injuries already healed, but the differences were noticeable in her tan. She stretched before leaning back, and she seemed relatively tall."Now Mom won't let me do it anymore. She thinks I might break something."

"What about swimming?" I continued. "I know a pretty nice beach."

"Beach... sure..." She stared at me. "I'll have you know, I can break your arms if you try to put a finger on me. However big you are!"

"I'm not even doubting that. You do look fierce!" I noted, laughing.

"The previous guy Mom tested turned out to be a molester, and have been dealt with accordingly!" She claimed. Then realising what she just said, nervously looked towards the restrooms. As if expecting her mother to fly out and slap her in the face. I couldn't say I was surprised this time.

"And what about the rest? All nice guys with a fat wallet?" I inquired casually. "I wonder if your Mom was sure about them too?"

"It's not what you think! The reason she's sure now is that she already tested a few candidates. And you are basically the only one left from that time." She went on the defense. But her speech felt well rehearsed, and not really genuine. "She must be after your money and all that crap, right? Telling that I started to be curious... But let me be honest with you: I'm already sixteen. If my Dad didn't show up so far, I don't care. But she does. Like, she has this mid life crisis or something. Just go along with it!"

"Well, your thought process is a mess, but I don't blame you." I noted, but tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. "So when is your birthsday?"

"Huh... The 18th of March, why?" She seemed surprised by my question. But at least I could assume she told the truth. Trying to remember the time I spent with her mother, and doing some math, the numbers did seem to line up. Realising why I asked, she started blushing.

"Don't worry, you pass." I said smiling. Entertraining myself with the thought of actually having a daughter for the first time. "So how about it? Would you like to come with me for a week or so, or have better plans?"

"Once Mom does the test she'll disappear for a few days. So I'd have to spend that time with my grandparents in Boring-ass-Ville. I guess your beach will do." She answered, like she's doing a favor for me. "But if I see you staring, or trying to pull some perverted stuff, I'll tell every reporter in the entire state about it! I'm not kidding! Don't even think about it!"

"I can take you to Alaska as well, if you are so worried..." I offered joking, but she shook her head like crazy. "No swimsuits needed there!"

"Nooo, I can't stand the cold!" She protested. "Ok, you won, you can check me out in my bikinis, but still no touching!"

"Deal!" I laughed. I noticed how relaxed she became once Sue left for the restrooms. "So what did your Mom tell you about me?"

"Hmm... That you were an actor... But I don't think I saw you in movies." She said, looking at the ceiling. If I had to guess, that was it.

"Yeah, there is a good reason I quit..." I laughed. "I've only been in some B movies and a few commercials you couldn't possibly see. My wife became relatively well known though, once she moved to LA."

"Wait, you have a wife?!" She asked, with eyes the size of a planet.

"Had. And have a son too, a few years older than you." I explained, adding. "She divorced and married three more times..."

"Oh..." Was all she said. Then noticed her Mom returning, and curled up with knees to her chest. Just like before; blushing, and looking nervous.

"Ah, right on time!" I shouted. "Looks like we're going to the beach!"