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I wanted to die.

I hated myself.

I was so embarassed, I could die only from that... But he was so sweet. And he called me pretty! I felt really bad for pulling this on him, but at the same time, his reaction made me so happy. I know, I was all over the place.

My face was stuck in a stupid smile the entire way to the restaurant. I replayed that scene in my head over and over. It really surprised me. I asked him so directly... And it so worth it! I'll go to hell.

"So how did you meet Mom?" I asked much later. We were halfway through our lunch. She didn't tell me more than what's absolute necessary, and I was curious. I also felt bad. Decided to make up for it somehow. Maybe with a burst of honesty... "All I know you were an actor."

"Yeah, so I was married, right? And just finished a movie that bombed. Then my wife decided, she deserves better, and just like that, she kicked me out of my own house." He started in a way lighter tone, than the actual meaning of his words. "I even had a fallout with my family at that time. I was a bit short on cash too, so rented the cheapest flat I could find. Wanted to go all out... That was the only time I ever did drugs, and... yeah, don't do drugs, okay?! Not a smart idea..."

"Tell me about it..." I interjected, rolling my eyes.

"So anyway, I wake up one day... Don't remember anything! And your Mother is right next to me..." He stopped to take a bite, then burst into laughter. "Such a romantic story, am I right?!"

"To be honest, that's exactly how I'd imagine her picking up her victims..." I noted, waiting for him to swallow. "She, and drugs are best lovers ever since... But what about you? Or was it a one night stand?"

"No, it was just the beginning." He continued. "She wakes up, and walks out my flat without a word. I'm completely shocked. Couldn't stop thinking of her. So I went back to the same pub again, and swore I'll stay there and stay sober until she shows up. And she did, five days later! At least a dozen guys tried to hit on her! Right as she entered the place... But she ignored them all, walked right up to me, and gave me a french kiss."

"Wow, okay... so what happened next?!" I asked, waiting for another bite. Things started to get interesting! He took his time, smiling.

"We started talking. I told her I don't remember anything, but wanted to get to know her better. And, well, we ended up in my place for the second time. But now I remembered everything." He said, sounding nostalgic. "She was in college, and seemed pretty smart too, and... well, I guess you don't want to hear the dirty details... But let's just say... I qualified myself to be your Dad. Multiple times... She basically moved in with me for a few weeks. But we didn't really go out together. Both of us did their thing, and then spent time in the bed... Then one day, she disappeared again. The next time I heard of her was this week..."

"Oof... sorry... Yeah, that's pretty much like her." I noted, now feeling extra bad for him. Especially after my attempt at seduction. "I don't want to make it worse... But there were a few more guys, who'd tell a similar story... Of Mom showing up and disappearing... And that's not counting the guys she met before that, or after I was born!"

"I can imagine, yeah... But hey, It's in the past, and I learned my lesson the hard way. I bet it isn't easy for you either..." He claimed. "She did not make a secret out of her habit of eating men alive. But I wonder what she did being pregnant, or what happened to you? If it's okay to ask..."

"Yeah, sure, I don't really care." I shrugged. "She dumped me on my grandparents right away. They were totally fine with it... I mean they didn't even ask how she got pregnant! Or what is she doing... They took me in and that was that. I guess it's nice of them but also pretty stupid."

"Hmm, I know what you mean..." He agreed, reaching for my hand, gently sqeezing it. I was blushing, but continued with my story.

"They gave a pretty liberal education to Mom, as they themselves put it. Like, always let her do whatever she wants. Didn't care about anything, just her own happiness. You could say, it bit them in the ass." I said. "I, on the other hand, was brought up like a spartan... Since they learned their lesson too, apparently. They wanted me to turn out better, I guess. Except, Mom would stop by every now and then, and still get spoiled rotten. Then they would talk shit once she's gone. So when she finally decided to take me with her, I was happy to go. And got involved with her schemes..."

"Umm, I'd love to hear about those, but I don't want you to get into trouble..." He was so sweet, still holding my hand. At this point I wanted him to know everything. I was sure he wouldn't be mad, and if anything, he'd want to protect me. Mom would have been so, so mad!

"Just what you'd expect. She's getting old, so she made a list of my possible fathers. Or people with terrible maths... And did the same show as she pulled on you." I told him. It felt great, giving it all out. "That test she's doing? That's perfectly legit! She'll even show you the real results. No tricks pulled... Except it's about a hundred bucks, not a thousand. And she was basically screwed once you made her sign that document..."