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“I ju nath chink I yor chayld..”

The maid failed her aim as she poured the water from the silver pitcher onto the floor.

Butler Lucas stopped breathing for a good second as his mouth stayed agape.

The squirrel outside their house also froze as it listened into the madness inside.

The Duke lost his grip on the cutlery he held. 

Food scattered from his mouth as he turned his head towards the lady on the honored seat of the house with bemused eyes.

“I shall remember this gesture of doubt.” The unperturbed Duchess held the same expression throughout. It was a foolish notion to begin with. An affair, there was no one worthy of accepting her love that had already been decided.

Everyone’s attention was on her. She did not care for all that mattered was her own thoughts. It was possible to rationalize the matter. There was no need to panic. 

It was a statement that could be peeled.

Hearing the words come from the mouth of the son they so cherished. She was quite excited to dawn her son with the knowledge she honed.

“What do you mean my son? You need to elaborate or it will cause a grave misunderstanding.” The Duchess knew too well the headache of a misunderstanding, “Go on, my son. Do not be ashamed. If you are wrong, you will be corrected. If you believe it to be right. Then, we shall debate on who stands at the top of reason.”

“Oke… then… Memorish… rather.. shinneries I do not know… tall… girl… blad… grey hair… crying… moon of blood… undershtanjing… imposshiible.” he answered so loosely it unraveled into the mumblings.

The Duchess started to think.

‘Hmm, sceneries that he has not experienced before. Does he believe he is a reincarnation then?’ The Duchess looked at her son and asked, “Could it be that you believe you are a reincarnation, my son?”

He nodded lightly. 

Once more, she was put in deep thought. Her mind raced and filled with the notion of the countless possibilities that numbered as many as the stars, “I see. We should check on that to confirm. We need an expert in souls and the movement of the stars. Lucas, call upon a [Stargazer] and—-”


The Duchess looked over to the unresponsive old man and released a sigh, “Lucas.”

He was awoken from his stupor by the Duchess’ voice, “I apologize, your Grace. I was distracted. Could you repeat your command?”

A sigh escaped the Duchess, but she did not pursue the matter any further, “Request the assistance of the Adolen’s Stargazer as well as the physician. I want for Astra to be checked both physically and spiritually. Oh, ask for the church to send an exorcist as well. I need to have him checked for any curses as well.” 

“Right away, your Grace.”

Lucas left like the wind. Not wasting any time and even running as fast as his old bones could carry him.

“Honey???” The Duke tapped at his wife’s shoulder with shaking hands. His mind was still scrambled by all that was happening.

“Again, I have not committed adultery in any sense of the word. Why is your faith in me smaller than a pin needle hole? Again, my husband, I shall remember this act of disbelief and transgression.”

“No, I have not doubted you for a second, my Moonlight.”

“Then, what is it? We need to focus on clarifying our son’s worries and doubts.”

“Well… you see… are you not in the least bit confused by the fact that our son is only 3 months old?” The Duke’s voice highlighted the Dragon in the room, “These are first words! No, this is his first sentence! His first conversation! Hell, I think this is his first enlightenment!”

The Duchess looked over her son, the two of them carried similar uncaring expressions as she made the realization, “Oh… it would appear he is cursed with being a genius like me.”

Having been born with little capacity to emotion, the Duchess could empathize with her son.

…she soon became worried for her son.

Hope you like it.