glossary of terms
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As the author of this book, the terms mentioned throughout are commonplace for me, however, I know as readers that they may not be for you. Which is okay. This story and its world have been slowly created in my brain for years and it can be difficult to fully explain the world of The Tides of Luna without sounding like a dictionary. Therefore, I thought it best to aid y'all with a glossary of terms mentioned. In moments of confusion, please seek it out. I promise to do my absolute best to update it as the story progresses and more invented/confusing terms are brought up. The glossary will reside at the end of the book, for you to use as you see fit!

I would also advise you to read the end blurbs provided because they give some detailed information on the Red Wings (the bugs that created the post-apocalyptic world you're reading), as well as BioDroid Health Institute (which plays a major role in the plot). They're some simple fact sheets I've created just so you have some more background information.

Again, I understand that TTOL will be complex. It's years of love and inspiration flowing through my fingertips and I'm doing my best to aid everyone in comprehending the complexity of it.

If there's anything anyone is ever confused about, please let me know and I will gladly add the definition here. If you see a TBA (To be Announced), this just means that I have chosen not to define the term just yet for plot reasons. When the time comes, I'll update the list!

Anyways, the glossary is alphabetized for your ease. Happy learning!

— BioDroid Health Institute (BHI): an institution created at the height of the Invasion, to research the Sanguis. With time, it evolved to focus on medicine and mechanics. 

 Commoners: groups of humans outside the bunker who have gathered in hope of survival.

 Controller: the Controller is the person who is in charge of the bunker. For Bunker Zeta, Kellan Jackson (Selene's father) is Controller. The Jackson family has remained in the Controller position for four decades.

 Deathless these are humans who were infected with the Sanguis long ago. They have progressed past the point of Infected and are blood-thirsty creatures that seek to consume. They are hard of hearing, but fast, and though they are a skeleton of bones, they are able to feel things through the visible veins on their frames like the nerves they once possessed.

 Defenders: these are the individuals tasked with protecting the bunker and keeping it and its inhabitants safe from external or internal threats. They are also tasked with intensely scrutinizing anyone who steps foot into the bunker from outside, ensuring they aren't carrying any signs of the Sanguis (ie. Selene's brother, River).

 Grounders: humans that have been born and raised within underground bunkers (ie. Selene,  King, River, Tess, Kellen, etc).

 Heinous: are a group of evil, vile survivors outside the bunkers who will do anything to survive. They are known to mutilate and cannibalise other humans. They are easy to spot because they have various modifications, including facial implants, scarring on their exposed skin, tattoos, piercings, and teeth sharpened to points.

 Hunter/Huntress/Huntsmen: individuals who travel outside the bunker. Their main jobs are to seek out food or other supplies, find survivors, and remove any and all threats to the safety of the bunker and its people. They are covered in tattoos. The more tattoos a hunter has, the more experiences they have lived through. The job is considered highly dangerous and only those with specific personality and physical traits are considered (ie. King).

— The Invasion: a term for when the Sanguis Dolor invaded and created the end of the world as was once known.

 Mechanoids: are human-like synthetic robots. With technology created through BioDroid Health Institute and its many branches, these robots are able to perfectly mimic human action.

— The Old Ones: a slang term often used to describe the human population that existed before the Invasion and subsequent apocalypse.

 Red Wings: the slang term for Sanguis Dolor, the insects that are spreading infection.

 Sanguis: another slang term for the infection that Sanguis Dolor (or the Red Wings) spread to humans.

 Sanguis Dolor: AKA Red Wings, these are the insects that spread the Sanguis, infecting the Earth. They're roughly the size of a tennis ball, gather in swarms, cannot fly, avoid water, noise, and light, and breed rapidly. They are the ultimate cause of the end of the world circa 2023. 

 Spirits: TBA

 Tainted: humans that have been recently infected by the Sanguis. Depending on the stage of infection, they typically have visible red veins protruding from their skin. With due time, will become a Deathless.





English translation: Blood Consumer • Most commonly referred to as "Red Wings"

• Individual can be bitten in order to be infected, by either a Red Wing or another infected human (AKA "The Deathless" or "The Tainted").
• Red Wings tend to frequently migrate in large groups and in the areas they temporarily thrive, they nest to mate and reproduce, creating clouds of red noxious gas. This Red Gas is also infectious.
• Red Wings only come out at night. They avoid light due to intense sensitivity in their eyes, and avoid water due to moisture inhibiting their breeding habits. They once thrived with the warming of Earth, but have since evolved to avoid warmth and noise.
• Red Wings once flew great lengths, but have evolved with time to no longer have the ability, despite the visible wings on their backs.
• Can easily be killed solo, but incredibly difficult in swarms.


I. If bitten, the area will be painful and swell within two hours, which will begin the process of the Sanguis transporting to the brain. If Red Gas is inhaled, coughing will be immediate and transportation of the Sanguis is rapid, occurring within a half hour.
II. The Sanguis immediately seeks out the brain and begins by attacking the amygdala (Patient now commonly referred to as "A Tainted"). Since the amygdala is responsible for controlling behaviours, the patient will become violent, unpredictable, confused, and anxious.
111. From the amygdala, the sanguis attacks the hypothalamus, triggering the fight in the fight or flight response. By this point, the patient will have visible markings on their body, mimicking faint red veins.
IV. From there, the cerebral cortex begins to degrade, with the Sanguis spider-webbing its way outwards to overtake the entire brain, which will occur within a few days (the
V. As time goes on, the now-infected patient will begin to show greater levels of violence and a mindless need for human blood. With time, the faint red veins will become more prominent.
VI. After years of being infected, a patient will lose muscle and fat, becoming somewhat of a walking skeleton (Patient now commonly referred to as "A Deathless"). The eyes will turn blue (almost glowing) but the red veins will remain fixated to their frame.
These red veins allow them feeling, like nerves once did. Though they are hard of hearing, they're quick. It's at this point that the patient no longer seeks out human blood, but will quite literally tear a human limb from limb in a mindless display of violence.

There is currently no cure for the Sanguis.

* None of these facts are 100% certain with minimal research available as the Sanguis Dolor continue to evolve rapidly, therefore BHI takes no liability





Scientific Research and Innovation since 2023

Created in 2023 at the height of the Sanguis Dolor Invasion (more commonly known as "The Invasion"), we have strived to pursue knowledge in advancements within the fields of health, medicine, and mechanics. Our scientists and medical professionals are extensively trained in their fields and come from generations of traditional knowledge. We continuously seek to find a cure for the Sanguis, studying the creatures as they rapidly evolve.

Our leader, Kellen Jackson is Controller of Bunker Zeta since he succeeded the position from his father at a young age. The Jacksons have led us with pride for four generations. Despite raising two children as a single father, Kellen has maintained a persistence for the pursuit of a better world for everyone. He leads us with grace, intelligence, and compassion.

BHI has made copious advancements since our inception over three hundred years ago. Medicines that have saved the lives of tens of thousands.

Robotics created to aid in bettering the quality of life for all. Various procedures and surgeries have occurred through doctors, nurses, surgeons, and specialists that have received comprehensive training through BHI's best and brightest.

Our ultimate goal is the betterment of humanity. We will do whatever it takes to fulfill that goal.

We will never stop looking for a cure.