Side – Tsuki POV
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I serve as the student council president at school, and I excel in both sports and academics. I've worked hard in both areas.

And all of this is thanks to my brother.

You might wonder what having a brother has to do with it, but having a brother means having the strength to fend off the hyenas that gather around.

Do you know? Nowadays, men are scarce. It's only women committing crimes. Men are the only targets.

Men who need protection are determined by law.

That's right. It's my duty to protect my brother, and I could even say it's my mission in life.

Therefore, I can't afford to be underestimated by other girls.

Fortunately, my brother is not like those weak men.

He was trained by our mother since childhood, so he's physically healthy and robust. However, I had forgotten one thing.

My brother, with his black hair, black eyes, mature face, and demeanor, has a well-built physique.

You can assert confidently that there isn't such a perfect man anywhere in this world!!!

I've seen what other men besides my brother are like on Newtube.

There, overweight men increase their views just by smiling.

To women who are unfamiliar with men, it must be the best stimulus image.

However, just getting fat to show masculinity is nothing but a counterfeit.

My brother is unique. He's too cool!!!

Manly!!! A normal man is protected by women or is simply a weak existence.

My brother until elementary school was very gentle.

He treated me like a precious treasure, calling me a cute and adorable little sister.

Thanks to my mother's unique education, I've been trained since childhood.

It was tough, but my brother's kindness saved me.

My brother, who was such a source of salvation, started to change little by little after entering middle school.

He became somewhat closed off and didn't talk much, unlike his previously cheerful and gentle self.

As I lacked knowledge about men, I started to study about them and even asked teachers at school.

"Teacher, my brother hasn't been talking to me lately. I wonder why?"

The teacher responded to my question as if advising me.

"Well... Men are very delicate creatures. Sometimes, teenage girls might inadvertently hurt men for fun. When that happens, men can develop a fear of women. Some even become agoraphobic, unable to leave their homes."

Other girls must have hurt my brother? As I listened to the teacher's explanation, anger welled up inside me.

Who are these people who dare to hurt my dear brother? I decided to investigate by infiltrating the middle school my brother attends.

However, no girls approached my brother to talk.

The middle school my brother attends is co-educational. Girls are expected to have a high tolerance for boys during the admissions interview.

While it's clear they are considerate of boys, it was a scene that raised questions.

Why doesn't anyone approach my brother?

Even from my perspective, my brother is cool!!! Undoubtedly the coolest in the world.

His face is mature beyond his years, with sharp, distinct eyes and a high nose. The term "masculine" exists for my brother.

Unlike other men who give off a weak and feeble impression, my brother is different.

I've lost count of how many times I've fantasized about being embraced by his well-trained body.

If there's any flaw, it's that he's too kind, which makes him a bit awkward in conversation.

Whenever those sharp eyes gently smile at me, I forget that I'm his sister, and my feminine side starts to throb.

"I see..."

It was a gaze from a female student towards my brother that made me realize.

When a few girls direct their gazes toward my brother, they blush and look away upon catching his profile as he gazes out the window.

It's not that my brother is disliked.


"That's it. I have to protect my brother after all."

After concluding my investigation, I waited for my brother to return home.

Since entering middle school, my brother has become less talkative and rarely talks to me, his younger sister.

But today, I'm different from usual.

"Welcome back. Hey, Onii-chan. You know, you've been kinda creepy lately."

As my brother entered the living room, I uttered some mean words.

I thought of various insults, but his appearance is perfect. I couldn't come up with any bad things to say about my kind-hearted brother.

So, all I could say was that he's creepy.


My brother seemed taken aback by the sudden insult from me.

He looked bewildered. It was the first time I saw my brother with such a puzzled expression.

Unlike his usual cool demeanor, my brother's bewildered face was somehow cute.

"Well, because lately, you've been so timid. You don't talk as brightly as before. You're just creepy."

While expressing what I've been thinking lately, I said bad things.

"Yeah... I'm sorry."

"Huh? Why are you apologizing? Seriously, you're creepy."

Why is it? Even though I don't really mean it, I feel annoyed when my brother timidly apologizes.

His masculine face turns into a sad expression, making him seem as weak as other men.

So, even though I don't really mean it, I keep calling him creepy.

"Are you in a bad mood? Did I do something to upset you?"

"It's not like that. Whatever. Just know that you're creepy, so you should stop talking to anyone. Maybe you shouldn't even go outside."

I stormed out of the living room as if I were spitting out words.

I behaved toward my brother like I was going through puberty and rebelling.

There's a reason for that.

My brother is cool.

He is definitely not aware of his coolness, which sets him apart from other weak men.

At this rate, unnecessary women might start flocking around him.

I have to protect him.

"I should keep telling you that you're creepy so you won't talk to any girls. Let's get Yu-nee to help too."

I'll get help from our childhood friend who's the same age as my brother.

I'll also report to Mom about my investigation of my brother and tell her what I've been saying about him being creepy.

This is a holy war for our family to protect my brother.

To start, I have to settle the score with my brother's classmates.

I absolutely won't let anyone lay a hand on my brother!!!