Chapter 3: Sunday Service
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The Wilson family walked together towards the church, their steps falling into a steady rhythm. Sarah's senses were heightened as they traversed the familiar yet strange path, taking note of the world around her with a profound awareness.

The sun cast long shadows across the pavement, dappling the sidewalks with patches of golden light. Birds chirped in the trees overhead, their melodies harmonizing with the distant hum of traffic. Yet she felt weird every time she traversed along the cobblestone path.

As a soul from another world, who walked towards the church in her new community nestled within a strange land, she found herself immersed in contemplation about the differences between her former homeland and her current surroundings.

The history of this world diverged significantly from her former. The Cayuse State was one of the five constituent states within the Confederation of Cascadia, a nation located in the Pacific Northwest region of her former homeland. Named after the Cayuse tribe, one of the indigenous peoples of the area, Cayuse State was known for its diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and vibrant communities.

When Sarah checked the map on a book inside the school library, it was found out that geographically, Cayuse State encompassed the southern region of Idaho, in her former homeland, characterized by a mix of rugged mountains, fertile valleys, and expansive plateaus.

"It's so different here," she mused to herself. Rachel who was walking beside her said.

"What is so different here? It the same old town with same old road."

"You will not understand." Sarah replied to which Rachel shrugged not interested in continuing the conversation.

Sarah thought in her mind as she walked. 'Back in my former homeland, everything seemed so fast-paced and bustling, but in here there's a sense of tranquility and connection to nature that I've never experienced before.'

As Sarah observed the community around her, with people of Russian and Cascadian background, the latter being the Native Americans of her former homeland and world, intermingling with the indigenous heritage going about their day. She noticed the vibrant artwork adorning the buildings and a monument commemorating a pivotal treaty signing between indigenous tribes and early settlers.

'In the Confederation, history isn't just about conquest and colonization; it's about collaboration and coexistence,' she thought, struck by the contrast to the history of her former homeland and what she came to know about this nation of her current world.

When they arrived at the church, adorned with symbols of both Christianity and indigenous spirituality, Sarah marveled at the harmonious blend of traditions that defined the Confederation's cultural identity.

As she entered with her family, the church's walls was adorned with stained glass windows that bathed the interior in a kaleidoscope of color. The pews were polished to a gleaming shine, each one filled with members of the congregation bowing their heads in prayer.

Sarah's gaze swept across the faces of her fellow worshipers, taking note of the people that filled the pews. Among them were members of the local community which included the Russians and the Cascadians.

As Sarah settled into the wooden pew inside the church, she found herself joining the singing unfolding before her. Sarah felt a sense of alienation wash over her as she tried to immerse herself in the uplifting melodies.

After the singing concluded, the preacher stepped forward to lead the congregation. The hymns, sung in both Russian and the native language of the people within the Confederation, Ojibwe, filled the sacred space with a spirit of reverence and unity but created a dissonance within her as she continued.

Spirit of unity, guide us along,
In this land of plenty, where we belong.
With hearts full of gratitude, we raise our voice,
In praise and thanksgiving, let our souls rejoice.

Spirit of unity, hear our plea,
Bind us together, one family.
In love and harmony, may we stand,
United in purpose, hand in hand.

Through trials and triumphs, we journey on,
In the light of your wisdom, we find our song.
From mountains to valleys, fields to the sea,
In every heartbeat, your presence we see.

May our differences be our strength,
As we walk this path of faith.
In diversity, may we find,
The beauty of your design.

Spirit of unity, hear our prayer,
Guide us with love, everywhere.
In this sacred moment, may we be,
One in spirit, forever free.

After the Hymns were completed, the preacher then continued on with the prayer. Bowing their heads and closing their eyes, the members of the congregation offered their petitions and thanksgivings to the Creator, each speaking from the depths of their hearts.

"Creator of all things, we come before you today with humble hearts, grateful for the blessings you have bestowed upon us," the preacher began, his voice reverberating throughout the church. "We lift up to you our joys and our sorrows, our hopes and our fears, knowing that you hear our prayers and hold us in your loving embrace."

As the prayers continued, Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her even if the language and people were different, knowing that she was surrounded by a community that cared for one another and sought guidance from the Creator in all aspects of life.

Then the preacher began the sermon. He spoke with a gentle yet commanding voice, weaving together biblical teachings with indigenous wisdom in a way that resonated deeply with the congregation.

"My brothers and sisters," the preacher began, his voice filled with warmth and conviction, "today, let us reflect on the teachings of Jesus, who reminds us of the importance of love, compassion, and justice in our lives."

"As we reflect on the story of creation," the preacher said, his words echoing softly through the sacred space, "let us remember the ancient teachings passed down by our ancestors, who understood that all living beings are interconnected and share a sacred bond with the land."

Sarah listened intently as the preacher shared stories from both the Bible and indigenous oral traditions, seamlessly blending the two narratives into a tapestry of spiritual insight and guidance. He spoke of the Creator's love for all creation, as reflected in the biblical accounts of Genesis, and drew parallels to the indigenous belief in the Great Spirit who guides and sustains all life.

"Just as the Creator entrusted Adam and Eve with stewardship over the Garden of Eden," the preacher continued, "so too are we called to be caretakers of the land entrusted to us by our ancestors and by the Creator himself."

As Sarah absorbed the preacher's words, she felt a sense of dread, awe and wonder at the profound truths being shared. Here, in this sacred space, biblical teachings and indigenous wisdom converged, offering a holistic perspective on spirituality and the interconnectedness of all things.

"In the teachings of Jesus," the preacher went on, "we find the guiding principles of love, compassion, and justice that resonate with the core values of our indigenous traditions. Let us strive to walk in the footsteps of our ancestors and the teachings of Christ as we seek to build a better world for future generations."

After the sermon, the congregation joined together in a chorus of praise, their voices rising in unison to fill the sanctuary with the sweet sound of worship. Sarah lifted her voice alongside them but in her heart she was torn between harmony and schism which created a sense of alienation inside her.