Volume 5: Excluded | Perfect World
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I wonder what reality would look like in a perfect world.
How many would have to not exist to even make that possible?

In such a world, would I have had to tell my parents certain things?
Or would those things cease as well.
Not sure if it would even matter, as I wouldn't exist in a perfect world any way. In a perfect world, humans wouldn't feel the need to produce children through science.

It is almost as if conflict was used as a plot device to make the world more interesting.

If someone were to have made this existence, if they were to have controlled everything - they would be pure evil. Though if they just watched, they'd be even worse. But what if such being decided to create such a place and just let what happen after, happen.
It would be their choice to do nothing, while staying far away, having no impact whatsoever, after setting the base plate, in place.

Would they even be able to be held accountable for anything then. Free will would then have something near meaning if humans weren't apart of the equation of existence, as all things would be as all things are acted upon, even if you believe your the one acting out the force.

Or is it still just simpler to hope, believe that someone else controls everything, or nothing at all, that they just watch. To them, what could be considered hell, might mean nothing at all. I guess you'd just have to hope that whatever being it is, it is one that you can comprehend, as well as be apart of it. If it isn't a part of you, then you'd better just hope.

I wonder in a perfect world, who you'd replace me with. I hope it would be someone at least with a character that couldn't be replaced.
In reality, any reality, anyone is replaceable. If not due to the bonds or blood, possibly even stains, there would be nothing. Even though one can meet another with nothing being the common denominator, if nothing retains, nothing will be gained.

I wonder why, with no bond, no blood, no stains, no anything, my mentor chose to reside while not obtaining anything in the process.
Without my mentor, nothing would have been written.

I think maybe even evil can resonate with someone. Even if it is a corrupted someone, it could still just the same as bonds and blood, fill an empty void.