Number shenanigans
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One out of the way then the next, now it ought to be downhill from there. Even though maybe I should check first what has changed. Perhaps I'm wrong after all?


34 Skeletons

1 Wolf

19 Shieldsmens 8 Archers
3 Spearmens 3 Axemens
1 Undead Knight 'Sir Gawain' (ELITE)
1 Alpha Wolf 'Randaloph' (ELITE)

So it worked out nevertheless, so my stupid child is an elite. Only which of them is stronger a wolf or a knight, I probably will not soon find out.

Anyway, time will not wait for anyone. Experimentation period is not over.

Mana 900/1200

[Create a Minor Undead]

Mana 850/1200
Mana 800/1200
Error : Not all requirements for summoning have been met, interrupting skill

The sudden announcement not only jolted me out of focus, but also gently like a truck stopped everything I was doing. It was as if someone had cut my rope mid-climb, causing me to plummet downward. Slight discomfort, temporary lack of feeling and a lot of disorientation. If something like this had happened during a fight I would surely be biting the sand by now.

But yet somehow the summoning succeeded, even without looking I could feel it. This subtle feeling of connection stronger than usual but weaker than with my named warriors.

So I opened my eyes and instead of a new knight I got a regular sized skeleton. Not normal but not Gawain-like either, something in between.

A usual sized undead equipped only with slightly better equipment. The sword from the initial scheme had lost some rust and the shield looked more solid, just that it was metal.

The improvement was there but not what I was hoping for.

"FUCK," I shouted confused.

"Ok... ok, what went wrong?"

"I did it like before.... then what went wrong?"

SYSTEM show ELITE conditions.


"Ehh... always worth trying"

Well, once again time to look at the army, check what has changed.


35 Skeletons

1 Wolf

20 Shieldsmen

1 Captain(ELITE)

8 Archers
3 Spearmens 3 Axemens
1 Undead Knight 'Sir Gawain' (ELITE)
1 Alpha Wolf 'Randaloph' (ELITE)

I've always hated what I didn't understand but now it's starting to give me a hard time, oh well, but a psychopath is one you are, not one you choose.

A riddle is only interesting when you know what it's about. And the threat of life at any time only makes it even more disgusting, well, unless you are a masochist.

Only for what reason when I think of all these possibilities a smile always forms on my lips.


Deep breath, right from the beginning only this time even slower. The smallest detail may count.

Just this time retard try not to click that notification. Geez, who invented that all you have to do is lightly touch this and it instantly disappears. Some sadist must have developed this system.

[Create a Minor Undead]

Mana 750/1200

Now equipment.

Mana 700/1200

And then there is emotion, loyalty as usual the most important.

Mana 650/1200

Experience now, maybe...

Mana 650/1200
Mana 650/1200

What's the matter?

Error : Not all requirements for summoning have been met, interrupting skill

"What now , what now again..." I didn't even have time to finish the sentence when a skeleton appeared in front of my face, the same as before.

A round iron kettle-type helmet and a long slightly perforated chainmail protruded from under the damaged gamberson and small shoulder pads protected him at the top. In his left hand the skeleton held a larger than usual sword with almost no rust and in the other a slightly damaged metal shield with small spikes in the middle. Instead of Gawain's full plate leggings he had boots, just boots. Long leather ones reaching past his ankles and was surprisingly not damaged. Another thing that distinguished him from other shield makers besides his equipment, of course, was the green flame glowing in his eye sockets of a slightly dimmer color, which if one didn't look closely one would hardly notice.

As usual, he stood obediently and waited in place.

The third time there was nothing to try, I had to approach it from a different angle. But before that, by custom I already found myself having to try to communicate.


"Why don't you tell me what makes you different from others, why you are the way you are?" I asked the new acquisition of the army.


"Great, this one can't even talk."

"I'm not going to mess with it again, watch my finger the whole time." I ordered while moving my hand from right to left constantly.

The lightly armored undead slowly moved the flame like eyes, from the left edge to the right.

"Good, he follows more complex commands, Gawain maybe you can communicate with him?" I asked, looking at the giant knight for rescue.



"There was no question."


"I am working with idiots"



Yet again, what went wrong. The first time I didn't know what I was doing, the second time it could have been an accident, and the third time it was impossible to go wrong.


36 Skeletons

1 Wolf

21 Shieldsmen

2 Captain(ELITE)

8 Archers
3 Spearmens 3 Axemens
1 Undead Knight 'Sir Gawain' (ELITE)
1 Alpha Wolf 'Randaloph' (ELITE)

Captain... captain, which means it worked out after all.

Both Randaloph, Gawain and now and this captains are elites, however, at once I can see that my defenders could eat ten of those for breakfast. So maybe Gawain was still some kind of better version. It can't be all about randomness, can it?

I'm about to get out the calculus of probability as I summon the stronger and cancel the weaker.

[Create a Minor Undead]

Danger: Exceeding the servant limit can overload the mana core


No, cancel. I have forgotten.


Yet again.

[Create a Minor Undead]

Error : Not all requirements for summoning an ELITE have been met , interrupting skills




Back to the beginning.

[Dismiss] x 2

[Create a Minor Undead]

Again, one captain was created, now another.

[Create a Minor Undead]

Error : Not all requirements for summoning an ELITE have been met , interrupting skills

Weird, it worked before. What changed for a while?

Earlier, earlier I had twenty Shieldsmen and it worked, and as now there are nineteen it doesn't summon. Could it be a matter of number?

[Create a Minor Undead]

[Create a Minor Undead]

It fucking works, it works. For the first time in the course of this day, something works as it should.

Well, now the archers for the control test.


[Create a Minor Undead] x2


36 Skeletons

1 Wolf

19 Shieldsmen

2 Captain(ELITE)

10 Archers
3 Spearmens 3 Axemens
1 Undead Knight 'Sir Gawain' (ELITE)
1 Alpha Wolf 'Randaloph' (ELITE)

Well, right now I should summon the captain of the archers.

[Create a Minor Undead]

Danger: Exceeding the servant limit can overload the mana core


Darn restrictions, and I complained so much. Next time it should be me shutting up and not crowing.


[Create a Minor Undead]


And as I loudly announced to the world before me another undead was created again. A skeleton very similar to the earlier ELITE except that instead of a sword and shield, it had a bow and quiver on its back and the damaged gamberson was replaced by a less durable but more flexible leather armor, but still further tattered.

So I was right, one in ten.


36 Skeletons

1 Wolf

19 Shieldsmen

2 Captain(ELITE)

10 Archers

1 Captain(ELITE)

2 Spearmens 3 Axemens
1 Undead Knight 'Sir Gawain' (ELITE)
1 Alpha Wolf 'Randaloph' (ELITE)

Though rather one in nine since the elite also count.

Ok... I guess I'm starting to connect the dots, and by the way as I already have such a large type of warriors I could theoretically create an undead tier. I know the basics, so let's assume the lich is stronger than me, and I'm as strong as Gawain and Randaloph.

The system show me the undead tier.




"I knew it, I knew it..."

You're not the system I thought of, you're a fucking high-tech space notebook. And you act as something on the cusp of an external brain, you only show me what I know or assume myself. Right?

You won't say anything else, right?"



Well, but in that case, how do I get my magic?