Chapter 1
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"God of Summoning hear my call, Bring me a companion to travel with on my journey, A companion that will grow with me as I grow. Summon Familiar!"

In a flash of golden light, a summoning circle activated, signaling the summoner's request was heard. The light of the circle then changed to a purple light before dissipating, a small demon-like creature standing in the center of the circle, it had short white hair, two bright red eyes and two black horns, a small tail wagging behind it.

Chains were wrapped around the body of the imp with a large lock on the center of the imp's chest. Two tiny feet stuck out the bottom of the chains, the arms bound by the chains. The little imp looked at her summoner before speaking.

"Are you the one who summoned me?"

A girl in a white dress started in shock that she was successful in summoning a familiar, and remembering the first steps to binding the familiar, answered the question.

"Oh! Yes, I am Ari Floyd, your summoner, I am an apprentice witch at the academy, may I know the name of my familiar?"

The imp looked downcast, She didn't have a name.

"I don't have one..."

Looking at the imp, Ari felt bad for it and quickly decided on a name.

"How about Lock, You have a large lock on your chest so, do you like it?"

With gleaming eyes, Lock looked at her summoner with an excited smile, her large fangs visible to see.

"Yes! I Love my name! I, Lock, Recognize Ari Floyd as my Summoner and master, may our bond grow with time."

"I, Ari Floyd, recognize Lock N. Key as my familiar, may our power grow to new heights."

A glowing chain appeared between the two, a similarly glowing lock keeping the chain in place before disappearing into light.

"What was that N. Key part after my name?"

Giggling at her familiars question, Ari answered.

"It's your last name, I thought that Lock N. Key sounded good. Do you like it?"

Hopping up and down, Lock was even more excited, answering with joy.

"Yes! I am Now Lock N. Key!"


Running through the halls, never straying far from Ari, my chains rattled with delight. I finally had a Summoner, It was the dream of every Imp to be summoned as a familiar, but especially mine, since while normal imps like my brother could evolve without a summoner's influence, I was a Chained Imp, which require a Summoner to evolve.

We walked through the halls of the academy, Ari keeping an eye on me, as I ran excited to finally have the capability to evolve. Everyone knew that normal imps became Devils, flaming imps became Fiends, and frosty imps became Yuki-Onna, but no one not even the Imps knew what I would become, since I was the first ever chained imp, all we knew was that I needed a summoner to evolve.

"Lock, stop here, this is our first class."


Entering the classroom, other summoned familiars sat in an area to themselves, to which I walked over to. Some, Like the Golden Tiger Cub, would see me and just go back to sleep, while one, a Verdant Imp, looked at me with curiosity. I walked over to the Imp, a smile on my face, my target approaching me with caution.

"Hello! I'm Lock! Can I get your name?"

Nervously, the Imp answered, her voice almost too quiet to hear.


"Nice to meetcha Petal, What do you like to do?"

"I like to garden..."

"Cool, I like anything that doesn't involve my arms, since, well I don't really have arms."

Petal looked at my chains and the back at me, giggling as she realized what I meant. I sat in front of her as she began to grow flowers from the ground, turning them into a flower crown for me to wear. Eventually, a small group of imps formed, me, Petal, a flaming imp named Charcoal, a Azul Imp named Hydros, a Frosty Imp named Snowy, and a Shadow Imp named Kuri.

We all showed of some ability of ours, I could summon chains from nothing that drain the mana of my target, Petal could grow and control small plants, Charcoal could set things on fire with a touch, Hydros could create bubbles, Snowy was able to freeze Hydro's bubbles, and Kuri hid in my shadow. The only summoned Imp that didn't join our little group was a Shock Imp named Electra who thought herself to good for us, a mindset I was planning to demolish when she discovers that she's the weakest in terms of evolution potential.

"Lock! Let's go, class is over."

"Okay! Bye everyone!"

Ari looked at me with a sort of motherly look, her joy that I had found friends other than her visible on her face. I just smiled and followed beside her, my future secure as long as she was protected.