Chapter 24: Sniffing and Snarling
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“Why are you lot here?” Janine asked bluntly.

She was in the storage compartment of the crawler, surrounded by crates. Scents of oils and some remnants of energy cells gave her a general idea of what this place had been used for when the army had enough resources to fill it. The captain, unwilling to deprive the Second Army of its precious supplies, has ordered the army to take the bare minimum from their allies, and Ravager, despite Devourer’s arguments, has supported this decision.

Their journey has been uneventful so far. Crowded into tight quarters, the packs grumbled. The slightest provocation sparked fights and dominations, and the military police, more enraged than usual, fired tranquilizer darts and electric shots left and right to break up scuffles. Wolf hags patrolled the corridors, stamping out any disturbance of the peace, while the warlords drew matches, hoping to win a lottery for a daily patrol outside. Ravager assigned Dragena and First to take charge and sealed herself in her quarters.

Janine skipped the offers of the outside patrols, much to the disappointment of her pack. She knew their eagerness to leave this steel coffin and go hunting, bathing away their worries in insectoids’ hemolymph. But civilized lands awaited their arrival, and they had to look the part. With brutal efficiency, the warlord started implementing her plan.

In the morning, she summoned her entire pack, checking their well-being and supervising the domination and rank duels to prevent the fools from killing one another. After completing the task, she visited the injured members, and while she was away, the wolf hags conducted the pack’s training sessions, using a large cargo storage compartment to stage combat exercises. Its wall reeked of acid and napalm as the other warlords joined the Janine pack. Afterwards, she sat her pack down like unruly puppies and read them about the customs and rules of their homeland. It wasn’t a simple task to trust an electronic notebook, and she invited several officers to help her lead these lessons. Captain Cristobo joined them once, telling about his own experience. Janine also added new rules. Defecating outside the toilet, fifteen lashes. Insulting the crew, thirty lashes. Failure to answer the quiz at the end of each study is a single lash.

Wolfkins were hardy people, but she taught them to fear the chain in Janine’s arms. A single lash comprised a regular strike, but rather than pulling the titanium chain back, the warlord waited until it wrapped around the insubordinate soldier’s torso. Then she yanked him or her off the ground, spinning the idiot in mid-air as sharp chain links bit into the body, drawing blood and scraping against the hardened exoskeleton. The cumulative disorientation of the spins was humiliating enough to ensure that no lower rank could enjoy the pain, as Anissa, Bogdan, and Melina learned on their hides.

After three days of strictly enforcing the new rules, Janine had earned a seething hatred from the medics who had to treat the wounded, a begrudging respect from the Alpha pack who admired her adherence to iron discipline, and many scarred bodies who huffed and scrubbed and took notes in class for fear of getting a bad grade. When Warlord Alpha picked up on Janine’s methods, a spark of pride shot through the pack, and they smugly whispered praise for their leader’s ingenuity to the wolfkins who served under various warlords. Predictably, this led to an influx of domination matches.

Thankfully, the ice boys stayed on their side of the crawler, joining the tribe during feeding times in areas where both warlords and sword saints enforced Ravager’s order to refrain from engaging in duels or combat between the two groups. Some of the sword saints joined the lessons led by Janine, but she kept Bertruda away.

With free time on her paws, Janine had called Marco for a regular personal lesson, only to find the compartment they had chosen for themselves cramped. Ignacy, Bogdan, Impatient One, and Anissa, both of whom had finally healed enough to sit comfortably after all the lashes they had received for the poor grades, showed up. Elzada, the only scout who had performed well during studies, came after them, bringing a notepad. The scout with the metal leg and artificial lung seated herself next to Ignacy, almost pushing him off the crate with a casual movement of her hip. The arm, broken by Anissa, still rested in a sling. Most annoyingly, Kalaisa and Anji forced their way through the closing door. Kalaisa angrily sat behind everyone, and Anji found a spot beside Marco.

“Still on leave,” Ignacy replied, resting his slightly oversized metal arm on his knee and fiddling with a screwdriver. His new arm still had the gray color, but her son had plans to paint it black. His new fingers had the same fluidity as his organic ones. Bogdan admitted to Janine that Ignacy had already disassembled and reassembled his new arm at least once, trying to speed up his new fingers. “Might as well learn something new.”

“And Ignacy had promised to look at my leg,” Elzada purred, her hip bumping into Ignacy again. At her request, Ignacy added a set of tungsten claws to the inelegant but sturdy toes on her artificial leg. Ignacy had planned to use a regular titanium alloy, but a student of Till Ingo surprised him, granting the male access to the wreckage of the battle robot. He used the crawler’s foundry to fashion these deadly murder instruments. Elzada grinned and showed him her natural claws. “The claws that were installed on my leg come out a bit… slowly. Perhaps we could use some privacy and check them in my den?”

“Why?” Ignacy asked, confused. “Let’s do it now!”

Janine wanted to slap herself across the face for her boy’s obliviousness as he dropped to one knee and took a flashlight to examine the spot where the metal had seeped into Elzada’s flesh. He whistled, pulled instruments from his jacket, and began to tinker. Kalaisa and Anissa showed no such mercy; one let out a mocking laugh and kicked Elzada in the back, and the other giggled like a girl and helped the scout sit up.

Even despite a metal arm, Ignacy was handsome. His fur was combed free of any parasites, and in his experiments to test the comparability of his new limb with water, his fur gained a pristine lushness and smelled like a cheap shampoo. Few scars marred his hide, a testament to his sensible nature and ability to survive and thrive in the tribe. Colt had taught his cubs how to brush their fangs using a special powder bought from the convenience store, and Bogdan’s and Ignacy’s fangs shone. It’s no wonder that the girl had fallen over him, flirting with him to get his attention.

Elzada herself looked no worse for wear. She still had to ask Anissa to help her dress, and the fur around the junction of her biological and metal parts and over her lungs was shorn of all fur, but several strands of darkness were already growing on the tanned skin. A tight bandage hid the mirth of the freshly healed ugly scar in the place where the cyber crafters had cut her body open to install a prosthetic lung.

When Janine approached her to apologize for shattering her legs years ago, the scout raised her eyebrows, puzzled that anyone could remember the events of the distant past. As soon as the medics cleared her to walk, she rushed to Impatient One, confessed her sin, and asked for forgiveness for accepting the Metal Union. Impatient One assigned the scout a penance, but refused to give Janine any details, promising only that it would not affect the woman’s combat abilities.

“Huh?” Ignacy mumbled, checking the metal claws. “The restraint appears to have been intentional. Look here once I remove this wire and this…”

“I literally have no idea what else to do,” Elzada whispered to Anissa, rolling her eyes, and the other woman grimaced sympathetically. “It’s not supposed to be this difficult!”

“Play-bite him,” Kalaisa threw.

“Ignacy likes pancakes,” Bogdan advised, earning himself a confused look from his brother. “I’m here for moral support, Warlord,” he told Janine, tugging at the high collar of his jumpsuit and dusting it off. Bogdan, as mischievous as his older sister, healed more slowly than his sister, but Janine smelled no fresh blood on him.

“There is no need for any payment…” Ignacy began.

“But I enjoy cooking!” Elzada clapped her paws. “Dad always told me I have a knack for it! He always told me: Elzi, when you’re not busy ramming someone’s fangs down their throat, you’re making the best... Wait, I meant to say that Dad always told me I was the gentlest…”

“I refuse to fail again! Studies or no, I am a shaman, and on my honor, I will meet any challenge head-on and win!” Impatient One interrupted the scout mid-sentence, slamming her paws against the crate.

“Well, Ygrite gave me orders to stop beating people up and make myself useful. I tried the kitchen and the infirmary, but no one needed me, so...” Kalaisa began to explain, leaning back against the wall.

The girl was big. Janine admitted this. Apart from Janine, Kalaisa and Anji were the only Wolfkins present who were much taller than three meters, standing half a head taller than Anissa or Impatient One. Both had muscles that looked like ropes, but where Anji sat relaxed, smiling and gesturing to Marco about something, Kalaisa was nervous and on edge all the time. Anji had her gorgeous mane of white hair tied up in countless braids, while Kalaisa’s messy short hair was loose. Where Anji wore an immaculate white button-down shirt and elegant green pants, Kalaisa wore torn cargo pants and a dirty-looking sleeveless shirt.

“Can’t imagine why.” Bogdan laughed, shrinking down as the claws snapped above his nape.

“What was that, flea? Speak up!” Kalaisa frowned and loomed over his neck.

“Please don’t play-bite me,” Bogdan asked in a steady voice. “I am married and have cubs.”

“I’d sooner copulate with a parasite-laced cusack than touch your filthy hide!”

“Shall I find one?” Bogdan asked eagerly. “Personally, I’m not into bestiality, so I don’t have your experience, but there should be one in the settlements nearby...” He fell silent as jaws rattled close to his ear.

“I can’t hear you! Going mute on me suddenly? Good. Stay that way before I pull out your tongue.” Kalaisa smiled wickedly and turned to Janine. “As I said, when I saw that little gnome in the company of two wolf hags, I followed them out of curiosity…”

“Just tell the truth. You don’t have any friends and you want to socialize,” Anissa yawned, ignoring Kalaisa’s angry hiss.

“Nissa and Anji are here because of me.” Marco scratched the back of his head. Noticing Janine’s raised eyebrow, the boy promptly offered an explanation. “Anji showed me how to sew! Then I sort of got lost in this maze, and she led me here, and we met Nissa along the way.”

“It’s Wolf Hag Anji, Marco. It is disrespectful to address respectable officers by mere names. And you shouldn’t have bothered Wolfkins from other packs.” Anissa anxiously moved closer to her brother, wary of the larger female’s possible reaction.

“Oh, it’s quite alright, Ani!” Anji pressed a paw to her mouth to stifle the laughter and patted Marco. “We’re off duty, anyway. Marco, it’s been a genuine pleasure teaching you. Warlord Janine, your boy really is a pleasant little gentleman.”

Should I be worried? Janine returned the smile. No Wolfkins worth her salt would refuse to play with or train a cub, and Marco was still young... But Anji weirded her out. The woman was too pleasant for her ranks; other wolf hags, Anissa aside, gave Marco the cold shoulder, maintaining their status or seeing no reason for him to be so close to the warlord.

“Whoring yourself before the males. Is there a limit to your false modesty, Anji?” Kalaisa laughed mockingly.

“Don’t worry, Kalaisa. I do not have any aspirations of taking your place.” As she held a paw over her mouth, Anji’s smile never wavered.

“Yeah, like you could… Wait, what?” Kalaisa jumped to her feet, and the fur on her nape stood up.

At Bogdan’s chuckle, Kalaisa whirled in place, aiming to kick him in the head. Anissa acted ahead of her and tackled her brother, rolling away with him to avoid the blow, while Impatient One caught the kick in her palm and closed her fist.

Janine kept her cool, breathing through her nostrils and fighting against a barely contained rage. This wasn’t her place to interfere, not now, not until claws started flashing. Her reckless behavior had brought shame to her pack; there is no need to include Ygrite’s pack in the mix. Bogdan has overstepped his bounds, even though Kalaisa has indicated a desire for casual conversation.

I can keep the situation under control. Her paw found a crate nearby, and she ran her fingers over the steel lid.

“If you dare to try to touch our soldiers ever again, I’ll murder you in your sleep, Kalaisa!” Impatient One growled.

“A peculiar offer, but I do not swing that way, shaman.” Kalaisa tore her leg free and jumped on the crate, beckoning the shaman with a finger. “Feel like stepping up to me?”

“I feel like stepping on you,” Anji said icily.

The wolf hag stopped, sensing that the aggression had focused on her. Positioning herself in front of Marco and Impatient One, Anji cracked her knuckles in a silent threat. Ignacy shoved the complaining Elzada toward Bogdan, then pointed his metallic arm at Kalaisa. The steel fingers of his hand bent back and slid into special recesses carved into the metal frame. His palm opened like a flower, and a flame was born in the barrel of the hidden flamethrower.

“What’s this?” Kalaisa sang sweetly, smiling from ear to ear. “A little pest has forgotten his place in the pack and is trying to be a hero? Shall I play the part of a monster and rip off your lighter to beat you with it?”

The wolf hag’s body spasmed uncontrollably; her pupils dilated in response to adrenaline release; her paws closed and opened, seeking some unseen prey; and the tips of her claws appeared from pockets of her fingers. Pissed. Pissed off beyond any reasonable measure, she was angry enough to maim a soldier for a situation that she herself initiated. Janine inhaled the air, tasting Kalaisa’s scent and catching the urge to dominate in it. It surprised her. Wolf hags were not gentle leaders, but neither were they fools who fought for nothing. There was no honor here; any other wolf hag would’ve turned the situation around, playing it as a joke and won companionship.

What is wrong with her? Why is she wasting aggression on a male?

“T-tr-try m-me,” Ignacy stuttered, sucking in the air and trying to appear calm.

Never had Janine been so proud of her son as she was now. Ignacy had recently been injured; no doubt his skin and nerves were still healing, resulting in a moderate itch around his horrific wound. And yet here he was, standing his ground against an immensely more powerful opponent, afraid but unwilling to abandon his friends. Kalaisa sniffed the air, first nervously, then infuriated.

A male standing up to a female… For Kalaisa, it must be inconceivable. Blessed with every possible gift since birth, not unlike Janine, she was enraged at the mere thought of encountering resistance from those she considered lesser. In a few years, she might grow up and soften a bit, but for now, this angry teenager was dangerous to her kin.

Janine knew why Bogdan, Anissa, and Impatient One stood by Ignacy, but Anji surprised her. Anji was not part of the pack, and similar to Kalaisa, she had every reason to be angry at the males’ remarks. And here she stood, giving off a scent of comfort and reassurance to Janine’s pack.

She is going to jump. Janine saw a glimmer of fear in Kalaisa’s eyes and guessed the reason. The girl had never had a pack turn on her. She had the strength to escape even if they had attacked her first, but now the fear had taken over, leaving only one way for someone as immature as her. Kalaisa had to prove herself; she thought she had to quench this shame in the blood of her opposition. Janine acted unwilling to give Kalaisa the satisfaction of losing or winning. Fear encouraged growth and preservation. Best not to throw it away.

Screeching metal froze everyone in place. Janine lazily tore the crate’s lid and tossed it at Kalaisa’s head, fast enough to turn the projectile into a blur. The arrogant woman noticed the lid in time and ducked, losing some of her hair as the metal slammed into a wall, pinning the woman’s hair to it.

“Tch. I wanted to have a haircut. Thanks, granny.” Kalaisa gulped in uncertainty, tearing her hair free from the metal.

There were grateful tones in her voice, untouched by malice. Not utterly crazy. But she also did not know how to diffuse the situation without causing a bloody brawl with members of two packs, which could lead to a blood feud between packs. Since the warlord had intervened, Kalaisa had relaxed, submitting to the superior and trying to weasel out of a problem while keeping her face. Young. Too young to become a wolf hag. She can’t even control her urges, let alone be fit to lead a pack. And Ygrite, in her typical fashion, did jack and shit to direct Kalaisa on the right path.

Janine didn’t hold a desire for domination or inflicting pain on the childish idiot. She was the same; first the shamans, then the pits, and finally, Terrific beat this into her. But she also learned humility from the older wolf hags and restraint in not causing needless suffering to the lesser personnel. A single wound in a field could mean the death of a male or the loss of a rival. A rival who could’ve helped bring out the best in you.

Later, as they served alongside the Normies, Wolfkins females also learned valuable lessons in camaraderie that broadened their perspectives. Where once a wolf hag would kill for implied disobedience, today’s officers limit themselves to giving an unruly male a scar. Janine wanted to see these changes spread more quickly throughout the tribe. She refused to let this young fool repeat the mistakes she had made. What use are the old farts if not to show the new generations how to be better?

“Disrupt my lesson again, and I’ll make you shorter on the head. Then you won’t have to worry about a haircut ever again,” Janine warned Kalaisa. The wolf hag snarled and tried to leave, but the warlord stomped on the floor. “Sit. You came here to learn, so sit down and learn. Everyone. Sit.” She didn’t growl, but the group calmed immediately, taking their place. To avoid exposing his back to Kalaisa, Anji sat Marco on her knees.

Kalaisa crossed her arms, obeying the irritation in Janine’s eyes, and sat down. Anissa sat right next to the idiot, behind Ignacy, and Impatient One flanked Kalaisa from the other side.

“I get the general idea.” Janine decided against dominating Kalaisa. Individual beatings wouldn’t solve the problem; if Kalaisa had been part of her pack, Janine would have gradually exhausted her, pushing her to the limit until the volatile girl had learned to ask for and accept help without seeing it as a weakness. Perhaps a more cautious approach would be better to correct her behavior? “Be silent, everyone. I had plans to educate Marco, but I may as well extend the same courtesy to all of you.”

Janine activated her terminal and accessed her notes on Houstad. It was surprisingly good not to have to spend an entire night out in the open, waiting for a sudden bullet from the darkness or sniffing for slavers poaching on humans. No need to check the perimeter; no sudden ambushes. She enjoyed a warm cup of tea and a dry meal for dinner and used her free time to read about a city the Wolf Tribe had indirectly helped to build. This civilization, the Dynast spoke off… pretty cool, all things considered.

“Our destination is Houstad, a city in the Core Lands,” Janine snorted at the confusion in Bogdan and Kalaisa’s eyes. “How could you not… Marco, do us the honor and explain the term.”