Ch 6: The Coup Of Sheipad Kingdom ARC: The Curse Of The Demons – Part 1
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While walking behind in the swamp, a red light shone around us. The sword ensured I could see anything underneath the covered mass in the swap swamp, but I wondered why the blind woman thought we would be safe.

" mentioned the blood wielder about the sword. What does that mean?" I asked her.

She stopped and turned around to face me; for a second, I thought she wasn't blind. She put her hand between her boobs, and I felt it was not the time to talk about female and male interaction. She pulled out a cloth and covered it around her head so nobody could see her eyes anymore. She looked badass, her grey uniform covered in all protection gear except her visible cleavage. I stared at her and didn't move an inch because even though her eyes were covered, It felt like she was looking straight at me. The cloth had marks like flowers, like someone had painted some white flowers to make it look better...or someone must have smoked something. It was silent for a couple of seconds of staring at each other before she said:

" The sword was my grandfather's, the legendary general Suran Gadweld of Valiant Kingdom, the destroyer of the 99 demons army and the savior of the dragon clan citizens during the war 20 years ago. He is a legend, and what he has done for everyone in this kingdom will never be forgotten. I suppose you have heard of my grandfather?"

How the Hell do I answer that? I was probably just two or three years old and not living in this world.

"Oh...yes! I remember the name Gadweld. I have heard it during my expeditions as a merchant in other towns." I answered, smirking, realizing that maybe a little luck was on my side because she could not see my face.

She kept walking forward, and I heard sounds on the right side. I could see something big above the water, but there was no head. It was big but moved very slowly. I wonder if it was because of the light and sound we made while walking. It probably was watching us to see if we would make a mistake. We kept walking, and I could see the land around 20 meters away. Thank god I survived this crap; at last, even if dying is still the most significant cause that will come my way. Let's hope it is not today. The red light around us started shrinking and looking at how close we were to land, I got a little worried.

"Herran! Is it supposed for the light to shrink?"

"Is it becoming weaker?" She asked when a splash sound to my right was heard.

"Yeah, Herran!"

"...RUN!" She yelled, and she started to sprint to try and reach the land as quickly as possible.

Standing there and watching to try to understand what just happened and the movements on the right in the water made me feel for a couple of seconds like a "huh" moment, not realizing that I could die right now, in this exact moment.

I quickly took two steps forward, and when I turned to my right, something huge jumped up in the air with massive, sharp-looking teeth missing me just by a second or half a second. I tried to hurry to the land, and when I quickly looked out to see where Herran was, I saw that she was climbing up on the land. I watched my back and saw the creature turn around. Now I could see the red eyes with yellow pupils turning in my direction and looking like it was looking through my soul. My brain just told me to go and fudge myself now. I started to try to run in the swamp like it was some marathon. The splashing sound behind me just went louder and louder. When I turned around with my arms in the air, I saw the creature opening its jaw to freaking eat me when I felt someone grabbing my right arm, and everything went black.

I had pain in the back of my head, and I went up from the ground and looked around. It was a big empty field, and it was strange. We were in the woods a moment ago, and I don't see Herran around. How did I end up on a field...wait a minute! Did I die?

I walked around feeling confused, but maybe I did die and ended up in heaven or something. Suddenly, something looked like a teenage girl ran into the field with black hair, as if she were in a rush.

"HELLO, LITTLE GIRL!" I screamed.

She noticed my voice changed her direction and ran towards me. Okay, maybe that wasn't a good idea because she was not smiling, and the way she ran looked like she was running away from something. A roar was heard from a distance, sounding like some animal sound, or maybe a monster. I felt terrible about this, and she was closing in on me. She started to waive with her hand, and I just raised my hands to wave back with a big smile in a friendly manner.

"RUN!" She yelled, pointing at me.

I started to jog a bit, watching her and making sure she wouldn't swing the weapon she held that looked like a long wooden stick. Suddenly, the woods at the end of the field opened wide, and an enormous creature looking like a dark-colored dinosaur jumped into the field and started to chase us. She ran past me while I upped my speed and ran after her to escape the creature hunting us. The girl jumped on a thick tree and started climbing towards the top of it quickly. I stopped before the tree and looked up at her because I couldn't climb that quickly.

"Hurry up! They have stopped for now but will start moving soon. They will kill you if you are still on the ground." She said that she was comfortable on the top of the tree.

"I can't climb like you!"

She was sitting somewhere up in the tree, but I couldn't see her anymore. I could only see leaves moving around; I moved to the other side and saw her now.

"Come on! Use your powers." She said with a lowered voice.

"Haha, what powers?" I told her with a smile at her.

"Look at your hands."

I looked down, and both my hands were on fire, but black fire. I tried to shake it off and extinguish it, but it kept burning. I felt no pain, but the fire didn't spread to my clothes; this was weird magic, I suppose; it was great. Maybe I can scare some small creatures with this fire on my hands.

"Take a few steps back, jump against the tree, and start climbing...Now! She whispered on the top. hard can it be to use the black fire? I hope the tree doesn't get on and start to burn when I jump on it. A roar in the air was made, and from the sound of it, they began to move again. I took a few steps back, looked down on my burning hands, and felt now was the moment of truth. I felt like some superhero on a dangerous mission to save humanity, even though it doesn't look like there are any humans here in this strange world. I ran up to the tree, jumped with all my strength, and hugged the tree like it was my teddy bear. A cracking sound came from the tree, and it seemed like the creature was closing in on us.

"Why did we get cursed to live inside this idiot?" The girl asked herself.

The cracking sound started to get louder, and I think the bottom of the tree was breaking, and we were falling in the other direction, together with the tree. I bent my head, wondering if we would fall hard on the ground or some big bush might cover us. When I saw the eyes of the creature while some blue Gough was gushing out through its ear and the head cracking on it, I was shocked when a loud sound came. The girl jumped off the tree when I had to take the hit to my balls when we hit the creature with the tree. I slowly released my hug on the tree and fell to the ground, holding my jewels because my precious parts hurt. The girl went up to the tree and looked at me like she was disappointed over something.

"What!" I uttered to her, still in pain on the ground.

I slowly tried to get up from the ground, and when I got up, an eye was looking at me with what I thought was purple blood spread all around. It looked like a mix of lizard and dinosaur, strange.

"It is an Atroil from Hell. It is usually not dangerous, but this one has been cursed with dark magic. Making it attack everything that is moving, and it does breathe fire. Something like on Earth, you are using horses." She commented, and I just stared at her, surprised by her comment.

I don't know if she is normal, but to compare a horse to another creature the size of an elephant, but probably way faster with big teeth and breathing fire. I...I don't know how to take this in. I mean, the comparison in her eyes must be like...she is fucking crazy. Yes, I promised Victoria to use censorship when swearing, but what is wrong with this girl comparing a horse to a fire-breathing creature? She must be crazy, or I am in a mental hospital right now, and they have given me at least...I would say at least 20 pills to see some fantasy shit.

She jumped down from the tree, and I took two steps back to be aware of her and the wooden stick she was holding; my hands were no longer on black fire, which made me a little bit happy.

She was ogling me while walking around me, and I felt a little weird behavior from the girl. What can a teenager looking like 13 or 14 years old do to a man in his 20s?

"Why do I feel you don't know how to use your powers? She asked while she kept walking in a circle around me like I was some suspect.

"Well...maybe it is because I don't have any powers," I told her when our eyes met; she looked surprised by my answer.

She stopped and faced me directly, and all I could see was a teenage girl dressed in black colors like she was in some cult. How do I take a brat seriously when she behaves like she owns me and the world altogether?