It was a beautiful day in the Flowerbed Kingdom. The skies were blue, birds were singing, and the Piranha Plants were blooming. On days like these, the kingdom's ruler, Princess Rose, loved to take long walks around her lovely town.
The Flowerbed Kingdom was very well known for having beautiful, fully bloomed flowers year round. What was simply a seasonal thing for kingdoms such as the Mushroom Kingdom and Sarasaland, was a year round climate for the Flowerbed Kingdom. Lots of citizens of the other kingdoms would get their flowers imported from this kingdom to ensure the best quality for their customers.
The Kingdom's most common residences were Shy Guys, but there were some Koopas, Squeeks, and a small handful of Toads. The Kingdom was not as big, or nearly as popular, as The Mushroom Kingdom or Sarasaland, but those who lived here lived relatively peaceful. Rose was allied with Princess Peach of Mushroom Kingdom, Princess Daisy of Sarasaland, and Mayor Pauline from New Donk City. The united kingdoms were at peace, and often times stayed out of trouble.
By Rose's side was her most trustworthy friend, and right hand toad, Shortcake.
Shortcake used to live in the Mushroom Kingdom with a majority of the other toads, but she chose to come to the Flowerbed Kingdom because she found Rose to be such a unique person, and Princess Peach allowed it.
And loyal she was, Shortcake was by Rose's side in any situation; cleaning, baking, gardening, you name it! Shortcake considered herself to be very close to Rose, practically inseparable.
Speaking of inseparable ...
"Man, isn't it lovely today, Rose," Shortcake asked as she looked around. This place never got old, the flowers that bloomed were different every week, so the sight was always changing. All the citizens were friendly and socialized often. The toad looked over at her highness.
Rose nodded in agreement, her smile saying all that it had to.
Rose wasn't much for talking. It's not like she couldn't talk — in fact she talked to Shortcake and some of her people sometimes — she just didn't talk much.
Shortcake was more than happy to do that for her, telling people what she would be saying. It was almost like she could read her mind.
"Isn't the Summer Festival starting up again soon? This is going to be the tenth anniversary! Is there anything planned special this year," Shortcake mentioned. They would need to be doing a lot of planning for this event. It was a tradition for each year, to celebrate the flowers and other plant life, like Piranha Plants.
Rose looked at Shortcake, and put her lightly closed hand to her lips. She had to think about what they would be doing, but she simply shrugged. Rose looked around as they walked, trying to think of some ideas for the anniversary.
Shortcake sighed, "Yeah, I got nothing too." She didn't even realize that Rose's attention was no longer on her, but at someone else. A silhouette in an alleyway, too dark to make out too well. He was short, chubby, and had a big cap. Rose stopped walking, but Shortcake hadn't quite noticed, and walked a few steps more.
When Shortcake realized that Rose's attention was on something else, her gaze met the figure. She figured that Rose never met the guy before, and explained who he was to her.
"Oh! That's Mario, Rose," she told her, "he's the one who rescues Princess Peach all the time." Rose didn't seem convinced, as her expression was not one of joy, but more concern.
"He's probably busy, we don't want to bother him."
Rose nodded, but kept her eyes on him. Her attention was soon caught by the sudden darkness that came, and she turned her head quickly to look up at the sky. Grey clouds? Since when?
"Aw, shucks! The news reports all said clear skies for weeks," Shortcake pouted, "well Rose, let's hurry back to the castle. None of us want you catching a cold." Shortcake escorted Rose back to the castle, watching how all of the shops were closing their windows and doors, putting out their closed signs. Drops of water soon fell on the toad's head, which meant that they fell on the princess's head as well.
It was the middle of summer, and rain was nearly impossible during this time of year. Neither Rose nor Shortcake could really figure out why it was now raining, but they made it safely inside before the rainfall became heavier. Shortcake went to fetch the two of them some hot tea, as Rose sat at her little tea table in her sleeping chambers, watching the rain outside.
"Who was that mysterious man," Rose thought to herself, "that couldn't have been Mario. Something felt off about that person..."
Shortcake soon returned, hopping into the chair across from Rose. The patisserie Shy Guy entered shortly after, with several other sous chef Shy Guys following suit. They all lined up symmetrically alongside the two ladies, passing up the hot tea and macaron trays to the main chef, who then placed them on the table.
"Enjoy your meal, your highness," The patisserie said, bowing to Rose. He then turned to Shortcake, and said, "enjoy your meal, Miss Shortcake."
Rose smiled, and shook the hand of the Shy Guy, dismissing them all from her quarters, before returning her gaze to the window, which was now heavily covered with rain droplets. She wasn't even particularly listening to Shortcake as she spoke, too busy trying to figure out who that man was.
"Don't forget, Mr. Aduraice is coming tomorrow."
"Hm," Rose looked over to Shortcake.
"Mr. Aduraice? Tomorrow, he's coming by? He's going to be helping with the flowers."
"Oh," Rose mumbled, before taking a sip from her tea.
"Hey," Shortcake looked into the worried woman's eyes, "don't worry about the weather. I'm sure it's one of those rare climate things where it rains when it's not supposed to. I'm sure everything is going to be okay by tomorrow, and our festival will not be delayed."
Rose nodded to Shortcake, and finished her tea. It was starting to get rather late, as her walks were often in the afternoon anyways. Supper would be ready in about an hour, and then she would be getting ready for bed. She stood up from her seat, and left the room, leaving Shortcake rather worried as she called for one of the maids to take care of the dishes of finished macaroons and tea.
Within the few hours, Rose went about her day as normal: she ate her dinner along with the staff that worked in her castle, then she bathed, dressed for bed, read a book, and then it was lights out, and she would sleep in her room alone. Shortcake was just down the hall if she needed anything, but Rose often times never needed anything during the night.
This night was different though, as Rose was woken abruptly from her slumber by the sound of thunder, and the crash of lightning. In a panic, she rushed to the balcony doors in her chamber, and spread the curtains wide.
Outside was a raging storm. Winds so strong that the flowers were being pulled by the roots, heavy rain flooding the pots, making the soil soupy. The plants were going to die from overhydration by morning, and it broke the princess's heart.
There was nothing that she could do about it, but it kept her up for the rest of the night.
Her kingdom was being torn apart, and she had no explanation to give.