chapter 6
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Hi everyone! Here's Chapter 6! Things happen, and so does stuff!

Chapters 3 and 4 listed Valerie as already having the perk Commanding Voice. That was an error, she did not have it yet.

Chapter 6:

"I'm Harry Osborn." He introduced himself to her.

Valerie now realized why he had looked so familiar to her. Harry Osborn was a prominent character in Spiderman. Sometimes he was Peter Parker's best friend, and other times he ended up becoming a villain who tried to kill Spiderman.

Valerie was proud of herself for not freezing up after he said his name. She sat down on the seat right next to him. "Nice to meet you, Harry. Why are you sitting alone?" She asked him. She was confused. Harry was supposed to be rich and popular and yet he was sitting all by himself. She wondered if it had something to do with how sickly he looked? Harry's complexion was currently even paler than her one. That was saying something considering she was half vampire…

Harry was surprised that this beautiful girl he didn't recognize decided to sit down right next to him. "If you care about your popularity, you should probably avoid sitting with me. Ever since everyone found out I'm dying, they avoid me like the plague." Harry warned her.

Valerie scoffed when he mentioned something as petty as high school popularity. She then heard the second thing he said and her eyes widened in disbelief. "You're dying?" She asked him. "Then why are you even at school? Screw that! If I was dying I'd be partying every day and living the high life with whatever time I had left!"

She wouldn't have even bothered showing up to this school if it wasn't for the Quest. She was glad she did though. She was meeting all of these main characters of Marvel here! They were even becoming her friends–and possibly more. If someone had told her this would be her new life a few days ago she would have never believed them.

Harry snorted. He had to admit, he wasn't expecting that kind of response from her. He expected the beautiful girl to tell him that she was "sorry" or that she "wished him the best." That's what everyone else had done when they all found out about his condition a month ago. All of his old friends–who he later realized were never his real friends–stopped hanging out with him after that. They were afraid of catching his illness, even though it had been proven to not be contagious!

It was a genetic disease that targeted the men of his family. Every generation they seemed to die younger and younger. His grandfather barely made it to 60 years old and his father was already very sick at 42. Harry was 18 and the doctors gave him less than two years to live!

Unbeknownst to Harry, Valerie had used Observe on him and gotten most of this information as well. She had promised herself earlier to not be overly reliant on Observe, but she figured that a main Marvel character saying he was dying was extenuating circumstances. She was concerned with the information she read about him and this disease he had. To her, it sounded more like a curse.

That would have been silly of course, if she didn't know that this world was also a cross over with at least Harry Potter. Bloodline curses were a real thing there. She remembered something about the Greengrass family suffering from a bloodline curse.

"Partying was never really my scene anyways. I'd rather spend all my dad's hard earned money elsewhere." Harry said with a laugh. He loved having lots of money, but always wondered how other people could waste so much of it on drugs and alcohol? There were way cooler things to spend it on. Like awesome cars, or every single video game and console ever made. Harry was a bit of a nerd…

Valerie laughed as well. "Your dad's hard earned money, huh? And how much has he spent searching for a cure?"

Harry shrugged. "I'm not sure, but I know it's a lot. At least hundreds of millions at this point. If there was a cure, science would have found it by now." Harry sighed.

Valerie coughed suddenly. Harry was acting like he didn't just list off a frankly ludicrous amount of money! Valerie's mind started racing at such a monumental amount of money! She now knew that Norman Osborn was filthy rich in this world. 'System, can my Sacred Gear heal curses? Can it cure Harry and his father?' Valerie asked in her head.

[Hmm, it should be able to. Dark curses shouldn't be a problem for the Holy Water. If it is just a disease, even if you can't cure it you should be able to send it into remission.]


This was a golden opportunity for me! I'm homeless and left with only a hundred dollars to my name after paying Jessica earlier for that car ride. Harry here was my ticket to fixing all of that. Did I feel bad for Harry? Of course I did. No one should die so young and I was absolutely going to heal him.

But…That doesn't mean that I wouldn't mind being paid for my miraculous cure. I wasn't a saint after all. I was a half-monster that lusted after the finer things in life. A beautiful girl like me shouldn't be out on the streets. If the universe decided to throw this opportunity into my lap, who was I to pass it up?

I cleared my throat and batted my lashes at Harry. "Hypothetically… If someone was able to cure you and your father. How much do you think that would be worth to him?" I asked.

He scoffed at me of course. "What? And that someone is you?"


"You think you can heal us? When the best scientists and doctors money could buy failed?" Harry asked.

"Yes." I replied immediately.

He was taken aback by my quick response. He glared at me in disbelief. "Uh huh…sure. And how exactly would you heal us? Do you happen to have some magic healing powers or something?" He asked me sarcastically.

Wow, he nailed it right on the head. I wasn't going to tell him my Powers were magical though. That would just make him think that I was crazy. I already had the perfect excuse lined up anyway. "I'm a Mutant." I told him. "I'm surprised you haven't heard. I pretty much announced it to my entire first period class. I'm surprised the whole school doesn't know by now."

His eyes narrowed at me. "So you're telling me that you just happen to be a Mutant with miraculous healing powers. And you just happened to sit next to the son of a billionaire who desperately needs a miracle cure." Harry said.

When he put it like that, I did seem very suspicious. From my perspective this all was a coincidence though!

This must be my non-existent Luck Stat acting up. The System did say that I would either have the best or worst Luck at any given time as a Gamer. What are the odds that I just happened to find Harry Osborn of all people sitting by himself in the cafeteria? The son of a world-renowned billionaire alone with no friends or bodyguards nearby? This was beyond a coincidence. The same as this morning. My first class of the day just happened to have a bunch of Marvel characters in it?

[Yep. That's pretty much how the Gamer's life works. Get used to it.]

I was getting used to it as fast as I could. "Your table was the only one with enough space for me and my new friends." I told Harry. "And I'm going to be super real with you, Harry. The only thing I want from you… is money." I admitted shamelessly.

Harry sputtered. "That's the only thing anyone ever wants from my family!" Harry exclaimed while throwing his hands up in the air.

This time I shrugged at him. "That's a fair point." I responded. "How about we finish our talk after school. I swear to you that I'm not lying." I gave him my most sincere smile possible. I was relying on all 41 of my Charisma to win him over for this!

It clearly worked, because he started blushing at me adorably. "F–fine! I'm going to text my dad and see what he says! Can I have your phone number so we can talk later? A–and I'm not asking you out on a date or anything!" He added with another blush.

I knew I had pretty much won him over at this point. "I wouldn't mind going on a date with you." I told him.

"Wait!? You wouldn't?" He asked me, clearly surprised.

"I think you're cute. You could definitely use a bit more meat on your bones, but that should come along after I heal you and your dad. Also, just so you know, I'm planning on having a harem and might be going on a date with a girl or two sometime soon." I added on.

Harry sputtered at me in disbelief. "Seriously!? A H-harem!?"

I nodded my head. Monogamy was nice and all, but it wasn't for me.

His face was red, and he was probably imagining me with a bunch of other girls. "Whatever, can I just have your number please?" He asked me, done with this conversation.

"I don't have a phone. I'm dirt poor." I told him. "Have you seen the clothes I'm wearing?" I pointed at my extremely bland outfit. I was wearing a mass produced white T-shirt that probably cost a few cents to make and Jeans that probably only cost a few dollars as well.

[They're the best clothes I could find quickly…]

Harry looked at me up and down. "Huh? You are wearing really cheap clothes. You're so beautiful that I didn't even notice." He told me before he realized what he just said and blushed again.

"Awe, thank you! And to be fair, I don't think anyone else noticed so far either. Except maybe Flash and Peter Parker…" I said while remembering the unpleasant experience I had with those two. I glanced around the cafeteria and didn't see either of them amongst the students.

"Peter?" Harry started to question but both of our attention was drawn away.

"Valerie! There you are!" I heard someone call out my name across the room. I turned and saw a group of girls was making their way across the cafeteria. Liz sent me an enthusiastic wave from the other side of the room as she made her way over.

Harry leaned over and whispered to me. "How do you know Liz Allen? She's the most popular girl in school." He said as if that actually mattered to me.

"I just met her today. She seems to be really into me." I told him.

"Ok then…" He replied in confusion. "I guess that makes sense?" His confusion was adorable.

Liz smiled brightly as she sat down right next to me. Mary Jane sat down on her other side followed by a relatively quiet Jean Gray. Penny Parker was following behind on the fringes of the three girls.

"This is an odd group." Harry commented when all the girls sat down. "Hello Liz..."

"…Hi Harry." Liz answered him while fidgeting awkwardly.

"I'm surprised you're sitting with me again. Wouldn't you rather be out in the parking lot with Flash and the popular crowd?" Harry asked her a bit condescendingly.

That explained why I didn't see Flash or Peter in the cafeteria. I could also tell that Harry and Liz used to be friends, or at least in the same friend group.

"I dumped him." Liz replied to Harry. She glanced down nervously. "I wanted to apologize to you. I was a bitch of a friend for abandoning you with everyone else when we found out you were sick." Liz said to him. "I just want you to know that I was never your friend because you were rich. I didn't care about any of that."

"Me neither, and I'm sorry too, Harry." Mary Jane spoke up from across the table.

Harry's tension faded after their apologies. "It's ok. I know that neither of you two have ever asked me for money. Not like everyone else has…" He grumbled to himself.

"I'm sorry Peter stopped being your friend last year too, Harry. I don't know what's been wrong with him. He barely even talks to me lately." Penny added next.

The rest of the lunch period was relatively peaceful. Most of it was just spent with us all talking and getting to know each other better. I found out Liz was the captain of the cheerleaders and she was now nominated as the Homecoming Queen. She made sure to specifically tell me that she was currently single and no longer had a date after breaking up with Flash.

Mary Jane was part of the school paper and very passionate about journalism. She had been friends with Penny and Peter Parker for years since they were neighbors. They stopped hanging out once High School started because Peter asked her out and she rejected him. She was actually happy to start talking with Penny again even if it was years later now.

Penny Parker was a legitimate genius. I don't know if she was Tony Stark levels of smart, but she was close. She had full scholarship offers sent to her from pretty much every single college in the area. I inquired if Peter was similar to her. She told me that he was, but he had stopped focusing on his academics last year.

Jean Grey was mostly quiet during lunch, but I was still able to find out quite a bit about her. She used to go to another school upstate called Bayville High. Last year, the school ended up burning down because of a 'gas leak' and all of its students had to be transferred to other schools across the state while it was rebuilt. It had been fully rebuilt, but Jean and her parents thought it was best that she simply stay here at Midtown High and finish her senior year. Jean mentioned having problems with her old classmates and certain after school programs she was a part of.

I wondered if she was having problems with the other X-men? I didn't see any other Mutants in this entire school besides her after all.

Jean didn't necessarily have a lot of friends at this school, but because she was a sexy gorgeous redhead, she was never exactly excluded from any groups or parties either. She occasionally hung out with Liz's crowd or Gwen Stacy who was apparently her closest friend. The Calculus teacher had mentioned Gwen Stacy being one of his top students, but she was absent today.

The lunch bell rang, and the other girls all had to get to their final classes of the day. The System had finally chosen to be merciful towards me. My final class of the day was registered as 'Self Study.' The System had fudged my records to show I already had enough credits to graduate. That meant I could pretty much leave school every day at noon if I wanted to. I could even leave before lunch if I didn't have actual friends now.

"Here, take this." Harry handed me his cell phone and $500 dollars in cash.

"Are you giving me your phone?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "I can easily buy a new one wherever I want. At least this way, I know your number."

I thanked him. That was really nice. The money would also help me out right now.

Harry went on to tell me that his dad was busy today. He was, of course, very interested in being healed by me, but wanted to hold that off until tomorrow. In the meantime, I could keep Harry's phone so we could stay in touch, and use the money to put myself up in a hotel room for the night. Before he headed to his final class, Harry smirked at me and told me that Liz's number was already programmed into his phone.

I smirked back at Harry and asked him if he had left any nudes of himself on it?

"Uhh… You know what, why don't you give that back for a second and let me check real quick!?" Harry asked in embarrassment. That meant that yes, he had.

I stashed the phone in my pocket. "Nope! It's mine now!" I said childishly while giggling. "No take backs! Obviously I won't ever spread any pics…if there are any. I would never betray any of my friends. NEVER." I told him seriously. There was nothing worse than betrayal in my mind after all.

Harry sighed in relief when he heard how serious my tone was.

"That doesn't mean I won't look at them though…" I said playfully to his blushing face. He was muttering to himself about "crazy blondes" as he walked off towards his next class.

Nick Fury–

Shield's mobile command center was an amazing piece of technology known as the Helicarrier. It was an aircraft carrier that was capable of flight! Well, it would be one day. It didn't exactly fly just yet, but SHIELD's top scientists and technicians were trying to solve that problem.

Nick Fury, the current leader of SHIELD, was sitting in his private and secure office aboard the carrier. His computer was set up in front of him and he was watching a new video that was quickly going viral.

It was titled 'World's Most Beautiful Mutant Stands Up to Bullying!' The video was already at over 2 million views in less than three hours. Fury was even getting reports that News Agencies across the country had picked up the story and were starting to run with it. By tonight, the name and face of 'Valerie Tepes' was going to be known in millions of households across America.

As the world's greatest spymaster, it was his job to stay up to date on what was currently trending worldwide. Especially when anything regarding Mutants was trending. They always garnered special attention.

Being African American himself, Nick Fury wasn't racist by any means, but that didn't mean he didn't see Mutants as a potential threat. Especially Mutants who popped up out of nowhere and didn't seem to be registered in any global databases. Mutants like the beautiful young woman in the video.

Valerie Tepes didn't exist. Fury had SHIELD's best algorithms searching every database on the planet for any information on her. She was a ghost who had never existed before registering at Midtown High the day before. With information that was clearly forged.

There was a knock on his door before a woman stepped inside. Natasha Romanoff, otherwise known as the Black Widow, was one of SHIELD's most effective assets. She also wasn't as deployed as often as she could be because Fury wasn't entirely certain she was trustworthy. She had been brought in by Agent Barton only a year ago.

Fury had tasked Barton with killing her, but instead his Agent somehow managed to befriend her instead. Her loyalties shifted and she agreed to join SHIELD. Fury was certain that she was loyal to Barton and his family for saving her life, but he wasn't yet certain how loyal she was to SHIELD and the United States. Hence, he usually sent her on less important missions, like the current one he had planned for her.

"Yes I did, Agent Romanoff. I have a mission for you. It's not of critical importance, but I would still like it handled to the best of your abilities."

Natasha straightened up. "Of course sir. I never give any less than my all when fulfilling my duties." She had never disappointed him before.

"Good." Fury said with a small chuckle. "I'm sure you'll give your best for this one then. You're going to be infiltrating a High School. As a teacher of course. I'm sure you could blend in with the students if you tried, but that's not really necessary." Fury said. It was easy enough to get her an identity as a substitute teacher. He just had to figure out a way to make one of Valerie Tepes's regular teachers go away for a while. Maybe they won an all expenses paid cruise? For some reason, that always seems to work…

Natasha Romanoff didn't argue her latest assignment and simply asked him for further details.

He sent her the video he had just watched and any details they had on the unknown Mutant she was to investigate. If the girl proved harmless, then Natasha would simply return in two weeks for another assignment. If Valerie Tepes was dangerous, they would have to plan from there.


I waited a couple minutes before leaving the school grounds. I wanted to make sure Peter Parker wasn't still out in the parking lot. If he spotted me leaving school he'd no doubt follow after me. If that happened, it would come down to my trigger finger vs his spidey senses. I wasn't sure that was a fight I could win just yet.

{Quest Complete! You made it through your first day of school and made more than three friends! You have earned 150 xp!}

Valerie Tepes (Dhampir Princess)

Class: Gunslinger (8/100)

Sacred Gear: Sephiroth Graal

Lv = 2 (150/400 XP)

Health = 450/450 (Constitution x 10 + Lv x 10)

Health Regeneration = (Constitution Per Minute)

Mana = 450 (Intelligence x 10 + Lv x 10)

Mana Regeneration = (Wisdom x 10 Per Minute)


Constitution = 25

Strength = 20

Dexterity = 20

Intelligence = 25

Wisdom = 20

Charisma = 41


Gamer's Mind

Gamer's body


Commanding Voice

Skills: Blades 1, Guns 1

Nice! That's my first quest, not counting the tutorial, completed. I wondered if I should celebrate? Maybe get myself some better clothing? I had some money to spare at the moment. A single night's hotel room shouldn't cost me more than $200 anyway. I currently have $600 on me thanks to Harry.

[You should get a new outfit if you want to. Gamer's need to represent after all!]

I opened up Harry's/my phone and searched for the nearest women's clothing stores. There were a few of them on the same street about 10 minutes walk from the school. I started heading in that direction.

It was still lunch time, so there were people everywhere, but I found myself actually enjoying the crowds of people. That was a bit strange because I never really liked large crowds in my past life.

[It's because you're a hungry vampire and you are basically walking through a buffet at this point…]

And now that burning feeling in my throat was back…

I had been doing so well at ignoring it so far as well. I was going to need to find a way to drink blood tonight. For now, I did my best to ignore it again.

I arrived at the nearest clothing store and stepped inside to see what they had. It was mostly thrift and nothing inside excited me. I walked back out while following my GPS to the next store. This one had a higher rating, but it also seemed to be a more high-end store. I wasn't sure if I could afford it.

I noticed a limo was parked out front as I stepped inside. At first glance, everything in this store was extremely high end and gorgeous. It was also clearly out of my price range. There were a pair of heels sitting on a nearby display that were listed at $1000.

I was about to walk back out and find another store when one of the women inside called out to me.

"Oh, honey! What are you wearing!? It's atrocious." One of the four women in the store spoke up. She looked like she was in her 30s and was frankly gorgeous. She had bleached blond hair down to her shoulders and the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen before. She was wearing a beautiful white blazer and a white skirt that showed off her long legs. Her body was curved in all the right places, and with hips like hers she was clearly a mother at some point.

She also had two female bodyguards standing next to her. Both women were dressed in black suits and I could see they were both carrying sidearms. They also both sighed when the woman spoke up. One of them even mouthed "sorry" to me.

What was she sorry about?

The hot milf strutted over to me. When she got closer, I could see that her eyes were partially dilated. Was this gorgeous milf on drugs right now!?

[I think you might be right. She is.]

"Wow, you are absolutely stunning! Your clothing looks like you fished it out of a dollar store dumpster though." She told me as her eyes raked me up and down.

"Thanks, and probably." I said.

"That won't do at all. Janet! Quit standing around and come help this beautiful girl! I'll pay for everything of course!" She said to me before yelling at the saleslady.

"Of course, Mrs. Frost." The saleslady hurried over towards us.

"Wait, what? I can't accept that–"

"Nonsense! Of course you can! I offered after all!" She cut me off with a smile that was hard to read because of her current mental state.

I was facing a dilemma. This woman was clearly loaded, because she had literal bodyguards. She was also high though, and possibly hitting on me by trying to show off her money. Did I still accept her charity despite that? Was I that shameless?

I glanced around the store and my eyes lingering on all the gorgeous high end outfits inside.

Yep, I was that shameless!

"Thank you so much!" I told her with a practiced bright smile.

She grinned back at me! "Of course, dear! A beautiful girl like you should get whatever she wants! I'm Wilma by the way."

"Hello Wilma, I'm Valerie."

"That's a beautiful name for such a beautiful young woman." She told me.

Ok, I was pretty sure the beautiful/high milf was hitting on me at this point. It's like I had just run into an older version of Liz. I had already accepted that this was going to be a common occurrence for the rest of my life.

A few feet away, I noticed that both of her bodyguards were facepalming.

"She's doing it again…" One of them muttered.

I walked by them and shrugged as the salesday and Wilma started picking a lot of amazing outfits for me to try on. I made it to the dressing room in the back and slipped out of my clothes. I picked up a pencil skirt to try on when a notification from the System made me pause.

{Congratulations! Over 10 million people now know your name and face!}

Wait? WHAT!?

{Achievement unlocked! Your Mutant bloodline will now be awakened!}

Latent bloodline?

"Argggg!" My body suddenly felt like it was on fire! It felt like my blood was boiling in my veins! I bit my lip to stifle the screams that would have erupted from my throat otherwise. Thankfully, the pain only lasted a few seconds before my Gamer's Body kicked in and it went away.

{Your Mutant bloodline has been awakened. Your blood has the ability to heal all physical injuries and illnesses.}

"Ok then? My Sacred Gear already did that though." I muttered. I awakened as a Mutant and got a power that was useless to me.

{Error! Redundancy Detected! The System is attempting to find a solution...}

{Solution discovered! Now combining the Host's Mutant Bloodline and Sacred Gear!}

'Combining!?' The burning pain came again and it was even harder to hold back my screams. If before I felt like my body was burning, this time I felt like my body and soul were on fire! "Fuck!" I cried out loudly.

"Are you ok in there, Miss?" The Saleswoman asked in concern from the other side of the dressing room door.

"I–I'm ok. I just…tripped." I lied when the burning stopped. I was breathing hard and my skin had turned bright red! I could literally see steam coming off of me!

Thankfully, once again, Gamer's Body kicked in and my glowing red skin faded away. It was replaced by the flawless pale color I had grown used to.

[That was interesting. Sorry, I couldn't do anything to stop the pain or at least warn you. When my automated functions kick in I can't stop them.]

"Haaaahhh." I sighed as my breathing finally calmed down. "It's fine, System. What just happened to me?"

[You had a latent Mutant Bloodline that just awakened once you gained the acknowledged of 10 million people as a Mutant.]

'10 Million? How in the fuck!?' Was it from the video my classmate recorded earlier? How the hell did that already have over 10 million views? That was only a few hours ago!

[I think I know how. It's your Commanding Voice perk. Its description says that your words will reach a lot further than they should when you speak. You gave a speech in your classroom and your words definitely reached a lot further…]

If that's the case, then I'll have to be careful about speaking in front of cameras for now on. The perk is a lot more powerful than I thought.

On the upside, I'm famous now? At least for a few days until people forget about me and move onto the next story.

[You should check your stats.]

"Did they change?" I did as the System asked and pulled them up again.

Valerie Tepes (Mutant-Dhampir Princess)

Class: Gunslinger (8/100)

Mutant Gear: Grail of the Night Queen

Lv = 2 (150/400 XP)

Health = 2750/2750 (Constitution x 100 + Lv x 10)

Health Regeneration = (Constitution Per Minute x 10)

Mana = 450 (Intelligence x 10 + Lv x 10)

Mana Regeneration = (Wisdom x 10 Per Minute)


Constitution = 25

Strength = 20

Dexterity = 20

Intelligence = 25

Wisdom = 20

Charisma = 41


Gamer's Mind

Gamer's body


Commanding Voice

Skills: Blades 1, Guns 1

The first thing I noticed changed was that Instead of being a Dhampir Princess, I was now the Mutant-Dhampir Princess.

Next I noticed my HP had shot through the roof! I went from 450 to 2750. On top of that, my HP regeneration had increased by 10 times as well. I could now regenerate 250 per minute.

Finally, my eyes noticed one more change to my stats. I held out my hand and summoned my Sacred Gear–except it was no longer a Sacred Gear. It was no longer the Golden Sephiroth Graal. It had mutated into something completely different. It was now a small Grail that was pitch black and covered in blood-red gems.

Instinctively, I already knew how to fill up this empty cup.


Instead of needing mana to fill, my new 'Grail of the Night Queen' required me to sacrifice HP to fill. Instead of Holy Water, my Grail was now filled with red blood!

{Grail of the Night Queen: The Grail of Valerie Tepes. Drinking the blood from this Grail will heal any and all injuries, illnesses, or curses. {It will also restore people to perfect health and they will gain an extended lifespan!}

Wow… That was a lot. On the upside, this Grail really was my Mutant power now. It was even called a 'Mutant Gear' now. At least I wasn't technically lying anymore when I told people I was a Mutant.

"Valerie? Are you alright in there? I'm coming in." Wilma's voice called out from the other side of the door. The knob started to turn.

Huh!? "Wait, Wilma! I'm not…"

She stepped inside and closed the door behind her.

"…dressed." I finished. I was standing completely naked in front of her. I had been so focused on awakening as a Mutant that I'd forgotten why I was in this dressing room in the first place.

I was standing completely naked in front of her holding my Grail filled with blood.

Wilma's inebriated eyes shamelessly roamed over my naked body and she giggled. "Are you trying to seduce me, Valerie?" She asked me playfully. One of her hands moved towards my chest and she groped my naked breast. "Well, you have certainly succeeded!"

I let out a small moan when she pinched my nipple.

Wilma shook her head. "We can't have any fun here unfortunately though. I'm not allowed to cause any scandals for my husband anymore or he'll cut down my allowance again. My daughter will also bitch at me too for embarrassing her." Wilma lamented casually. "She really needs to get laid…" She finished and stopped groping my chest.

I'm sure my face was already flushed. I had underestimated how horny and pent up I was as a Dhampir. My thighs were squirming together already and they felt moist.

Wilma's eyes finally noticed the Black Grail I was holding. She grinned. "You even found some red wine? I suppose I shouldn't waste it!" She took the Grail out of my hands and gulped the entire thing down in one go! She licked her lips afterwards and handed the empty back to me. "That was absolutely delicious!"

I was staring at her in shock! She drank the entire thing!? What was going to happen to her!?

Wilma Frost–

Wilma Frost was born the daughter of Harold Frost. A World War 2 hero who later founded his own very successful business. While Harold Frost wasn't as smart as someone like Howard Stark, he was a lot more personable and was able to use his connections to build Frost Industries. A world renowned economic powerhouse.

Wilma's mother passed away giving birth to her and her father never remarried. Despite that, Wilma Frost grew up happy as Harold's daughter and only child. Wilma was the sole Heiress of Frost Industries and would have gone on to become the world's richest woman.

Because of that, she had many suitors throughout her life. None of them ever caught her eye though. Not until college…Where she met her future husband.

Ed Smith grew up as a poor boy, but later became a very ambitious young man. When he initially approached her, Wilma dismissed him. He had a certain way with words though. He also never gave up in his pursuit. just to get him to go away, she finally agreed to go on one date with him. To her surprise it went very well! Ed took her on the perfect date and absolutely swept her off her feet!

Little did she know, at the time, that he had been stalking and studying everything about her for months. Every move of his on that date was coldly calculated. He never cared about her at all, only her name and money.

She fell for his fake charms, and they ended up engaged after they both graduated school. Her Father didn't approve of Ed, but she put her foot down and he begrudgingly gave his blessing for the marriage.

A few months later Ed and her father went on a bonding fishing trip her husband had suggested she set up for them. Ed had told her that he wanted to try and get along with his father-in-law better and Wilma thought that was a wonderful idea.

Her father never came back from that fishing trip…

The doctors said he had a heart attack, and it was only years later that she learned that wasn't the case.

She was emotionally devastated while also a few months pregnant with her first child! She was in no shape to take over her father's massive company. Her husband talked her into handing him the reins…

That was when her life began to spiral. After she gave her husband three children, he never so much as touched her again. He ended up changing the name of the company to Cold Steel, and he fired all of the men loyal to her father and her. The company had solely become his.

Once he had all the money power he was extremely cruel to her and her children. Wilma threatened to divorce him, and he threatened to have her and the children killed if she ever did. A few days later, a 'doctor' visited her house and gave her some drugs to 'calm down' on the orders of her husband. Only once she was addicted to them did she realize they were opioids. Her ruthless husband had silenced her by turning her into an addict.

To her shame, she spent the next ten years of her life as a shell of herself. Over a decade of drug use had addled her mind and she had become nothing more than a trophy wife puppet. Her children had no one to protect them from her husband all this time.

Her son, Christian, had come out as gay about a month ago. She recalls her husband ranting and raving furiously that his heir was an embarrassment! Her son died in a car accident a few days later. Wilma was too high to even care.

Even now, she was out shopping instead of preparing his funeral.

Her oldest daughter, Emma, was announced as the heir. Emma was then inducted into some secret club that Ed was a member of.A few days ago, Ed told her that Emma was engaged to a man named Sebastian Shaw. This man was even older than Wilma herself. Emma was only 19.

Once again, Wilma was too high to care and simply congratulated her miserable daughter on her nuptials.

Wilma was a failure of a mother and a fool for marrying such an evil scheming man. He had killed her loving father and her only son!

For the first time in a decade, Clarity returned to Wilma's eyes. The fog that had addled her mind for over a decade was lifted completely. All of these thoughts and memories hit her like a freight train and she stumbled backwards.

A hand reached out and caught her from falling over. She was being held up by arguably the most beautiful naked girl she'd ever seen in her life. A girl she had just blatantly groped a few seconds earlier when she was still not whole. Wilma was embarassed that she had blatantly groped a girl the same age as her daughter.

She did notice that the gorgeous red eyed young woman didn't seem to particularly mind it. Those were thoughts for later though…

"Valerie?" Wilma questioned while collecting herself. "What was in that cup?"


It didn't take more than a couple seconds for Wilma to change before my eyes. She was already very beautiful, but now she has become even more so. Her complexion became less pale and more warm. Her body filled out even more. Her dilated eyes returned to perfect clarity and her body language shifted as she became much more focused.

She suddenly stumbled and I reached forwards and caught her! I helped her steady herself and she took a few calming breaths before addressing me. "Valerie, what was in that cup?" She asked me. "That certainly wasn't wine."

"I–It was my blood." I told her awkwardly.

"Your blood?" She asked in disbelief. "Why would you have a cup of your blood!?"

"I wasn't expecting anyone to drink it!" I exclaimed. "…Well I was actually, just not right now! I'm a Mutant and my blood can heal pretty much everything when people drink it." I told her. I held the Black Grail up to her and she watched as it faded into motes of light that vanished back inside my chest. "See! The cup was created by my Mutant powers! It can summon my blood inside it for people to drink."

Wilma was staring at my breasts, the spot where the Grail vanished, in shock before she shook her head suddenly. "Ok then. First of all, never ever tell anyone about your powers! If people find out you can heal anything, you will be abducted before the sun gets close to setting." She warned me seriously.

I nodded at her warning. I'd have to make sure Harry and his father kept quiet after I healed them. "Are you feeling alright?" I asked her. "You're the first person I've ever healed." I told her.

She paused at my words. She smiled at me teasingly. "So, I'm your first~?"

I pouted at her. She was clearly teasing me and obviously knew that wasn't what I meant.

Her eyes once again raked up and down my still naked form. This time I found myself blushing more because she was actually sober now. "Maybe later…" She muttered to herself with a small grin.

"Do you mind stepping out? I haven't tried on any of these clothes yet? That is if you're still willing to buy them for me?" I asked her.

"You just healed my brain from years of drug damage and gave me a second chance at life! I'll buy you whatever you want!" She declared. "As for the clothes, just buy all of them. If they don't fit, I'll just throw them out for you."

I pointed out that there were thousands of dollars of clothes here and she just shrugged. Damn, I wanted to be that rich! I hoped again that Harry's dad is willing to pay!

Wilma stepped out of the room and I threw on one of the outfits I was really liking. It was a black top with cute red buttons down the middle. It matched my vampire aesthetic quite nicely. I matched it with some black designer skinny jeans. A pair of two inch black heels and my new look was complete. I looked hot as hell. If I wasn't turning heads before, I certainly would be now.

I stepped out of the dressing room and handed all the other clothes to the saleswoman. "I'll take them all, thank you."

"Of course, Wilma already paid for everything. She's waiting for you outside in her limo." She replied.

I raised an eyebrow at that. I took my bags from her and stepped outside. One of Wilma's bodyguards was holding a limo door open for me. The two guards looked very confused at Wilma's sudden shift in attitude. They slipped into the limo after me and sat across from Wilma.

Wilma was on the phone, talking to someone heatedly! "No, I told you I want the best attorneys possible! Money is not an issue! I'm going to be taking my husband for everything he has and then some!" She said angrily before she hung up the phone. She smiled at me as I scooted next to her. "Wow, Valerie. You look amazing!" She complimented me.

"Thanks!" I grinned. "What do you need a lawyer for?" I asked.

"Let's not get into that right now." She waved her hand and the car started driving. "I feel like a whole new woman now and I have so much to fix with my life. You'll have to tell me more about your powers later so I can figure out everything your blood did to me." She said and I nodded. "Why don't you and I go get some dinner so we can celebrate?" She suggested.

"It's only 1 pm in the afternoon." I pointed out.

"Ah, so it is…"

"We can get lunch though." I suggested. I didn't actually end up eating lunch at school. The cafeteria food looked very unappealing to my enhanced senses.

Wilma smiled at me. "Let's do that then!" She ordered her driver to take us to a nearby restaurant that she told me had food to die for!

Sir Integra Hellsing–

"Excuse me, Mum. I've brought your tea." Her ever competent butler, Walter, said as he walked into the room. He always had the best timing. Integra really needed a pick-me-up about now. She could feel a migraine forming with how much stress she was currently under.

"Thank you, Walter." She told him as he set the steaming cup down on her desk. She picked it up and took a sip. It was perfect, as he always prepared it.

Integra placed the cup back down and sighed to herself.

Her home country has been an absolute flurry of Supernatural activity these past few weeks! Vampires, werewolves, evil witches and wizards! They were all popping up in droves. It was getting more and more difficult to hide the existence of the Supernatural world from the blissfully unaware public!

The Crown was expecting the Hellsing Organization to deal with it all at once. The only problem was that the organization currently didn't have enough competent soldiers! It took years of training for a soldier to learn how to properly face all the Supernatural threats that went bump in the night.

"You seem stressed, my Master. What's wrong? Are those pathetic Stick Wavers giving you trouble again? I don't mind storming their not-so-secret underground base and shooting the place up." Alucard said as he materialized from the wall. That technique used to startle her, but he'd done it so many times at this point that now it barely even fazed her.

"Don't tempt me, Alucard. It just might come to that if they don't get those damn terrorists under control." Integra replied. If there was one thing that she along with everyone else in the know destested, it was the so called 'Wizarding World'. For many…many reasons that she didn't want to get into.

"Walter, did you get the other thing I asked for?" Integra asked her butler.

"Of course, mum. Here you go. It's set up with your accounts already." Walter reached into his pocket and pulled out the newest and most expensive smartphone currently on the market.

Integra wasn't great with technology and tended to break her phones every few days. With technology evolving so quickly though, Hellsing needed to keep up with the times as well. Ironically, social media actually made her job easier since people tended to post about supernatural sightings or events frequently.


"Walter, you forgot to turn off those annoying notifications for me again." Integra complained. She swiped up on the screen to turn them off herself. Just because she had to get used to the technology didn't mean she liked hearing those annoying notifications every few minutes. She had no idea how the current generation put up with it.

By chance, the notification caught her eye right before she dismissed it. It was a trending video about a Mutant girl from America. Integra was now curious. Mutants weren't technically in Hellsing's jurisdiction but she clicked on it anyway.

"Hi everyone, I'm Valerie Tepes." The beautiful girl on her phone screen introduced herself to the American classroom. Integra's eyes widened. Not just at the girl's last name, but at the girl's very familiar ruby red eyes. Eyes she saw frequently–whenever Alucard took off his sunglasses at least.

"Tepes?" Alucard had been listening in. "Interesting… I didn't think there were any humans brave enough to use that last name."

"She's no human…At least, not entirely." Integra said and showed the phone to a curious Alucard and Walter.

"Yep," Alucard said casually. "She's definitely a Vampire. No mistaking those eyes."

"This is in America, correct?" Walter asked with a shrug. "She's not our problem." He pointed out.

Integra nodded at Walter. He was correct about that. The girl technically wasn't Hellsing's problem. America had its own vampire hunters.

One thing was confusing her though. "How is she standing directly in the sunlight? The sun was shining in from the classroom window." Integra asked him. The only vampire she knew that was capable of that was Alucard himself. Even then, the sun still irritated him and made him uncomfortable. The girl in the video looked completely fine.

"Maybe she's a half-breed?" Walter replied. "We have been getting rumors of one of those named Blade that has been hunting vampires across the colonies."

Integra supposed that was the most likely explanation. If the girl was like Blade, then Hellsing had even less of a reason to bother with her. Although… "A half breed…with the last name of Tepes…?" Integra questioned out loud. "The girl, Valerie Tepes, looks to be around 18 or 19 years old. You didn't happen to sleep with any mortal women 20 years ago did you, Alucard?" Integra asked him jokingly as she unwrapped a cigar for herself.

Her vampire slave scoffed at her. "Me? Of course I didn't…"

Integra laughed as she lit the cigar. "I didn't think so. It's just a coincidence–" She was cut off.

"...Wait? Did you say 20 years ago? I might have, now that I think about it. There was a woman. She was very beautiful and I think her name started with an S or something." Alucard admitted while taking a pondering pose.

"Well, isn't this an interesting twist?" Walter snickered.

Integra's cigar fell out of her mouth as she stared at Alucard in shock. "What the bloody hell, Alucard!? Are we seriously finding out from a random video of all things that you suddenly have a half-breed daughter!?" She stood up and shouted at him.

Alucard shrugged. "Maybe."

Integra glared at him before turning back to her butler. "Walter…Please book us a flight to America." She sighed. This was the worst possible timing, but if the most dangerous vampire in existence truly had a daughter, she couldn't exactly leave that to lie.


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