Chapter 9
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Chapter 9:


Erik Lensherr (Magneto): 


“We've successfully rescued another three of our brethren from the Russians.” Mystique reported to him. 


“That's excellent.” Erik said with a small smile. “And their captors?” Erik asked. 


“Dealt with…permanently.” Mystique grinned maliciously. “We burned the facility to the ground and seized all of their research.”


Erik smiled at her. She truly was the most loyal and effective subordinate a man like him could ask for. It also helped that she deeply believed in they're cause as well. “You've done well, Raven. Why not take a few days for yourself?” He suggested. 


Mystique, or Raven Darkholme, nodded. “I was thinking about visiting New York. Maybe check up on what Charles is up to. See if he’s planning anything nefarious…” She said darkly.


Erik sighed. “Raven, Charles is a complicated man, but he’s still my friend…”


She scoffed. “I know that you just tell him you're friends to placate him.” She said. Charles had completely broken Raven’s trust and Erik didn't know if it could ever be fixed. 


“Was he always like this, or do you think this is a recent development?”


Raven pondered for a moment. “Part of me always knew Charles had a desire for control, but I never wanted to admit just how bad it was. He was the first person to accept me for who I was despite my appearance. I turned a blind eye to his actions for years, because I was afraid he would reject me otherwise. I ignored how he puppeted the minds of his own parents our entire childhoods. I ignored how he used his mental powers to force numerous millionaires to sign their fortunes over to him. I thought he was using that funding for the betterment of our race. I ignored the numerous other times he used his powers on the politicians to force through certain legislations. But after I found out he was using his powers on our kind as well–”


Erik cut her off. “...I know, Raven. I know. There’s a reason I always wear my helmet around him.”


“So you agree that I should go and check up on him. See what he’s up to lately? He’s been far too quiet with his actions.” She said. Erik had to agree with her there. The X-men had been far less active as of late. 


“I could also check on the fiery redhead while I'm in Manhattan.” Raven added to try and coax him further. 


Erik gave in and decided to let her do as she pleased. “Fine, you can go. But, make sure you don’t get caught–especially by Miss Grey” He warned her and she nodded. Erik didn’t want her antagonizing the Omega level girl. 


Jean Grey… Was quite the impressive Mutant. To be honest, she was pretty much the single biggest thorn in his side and the reason the X-Men were able to fight on par with his own men and women. That was no longer the case however. Ever since Charles’s most powerful soldier slipped away from his control, the X-men had been on their back feet. 


Erik thought about approaching her and inviting her to join his cause. He eventually decided not to however. Jean Grey was one of the very few mutants to truly slip from Charles’s leash. She left Xavier’s institute permanently and returned to living with her human parents. She seemed perfectly content where she was, and he didn't want her to run off back to Charles if she didn’t have to. Erik knew that he would be no match for her the day she truly comes into her powers. If the time ever came that he truly had to rid the world of his old friend Charles, then Erik would rather not have to face Jean Gray at the same time.


Raven smiled at Erik before she plopped down on a nearby couch and grabbed the tv remote. “Good! Now that that’s settled, why don’t we watch some TV together. You can’t just sit around here reading boring books all day by yourself.”


Erik grumbled. The ‘boring books’ he was reading were written by famous generals of the past who led their own successful rebellions. “I need to study all these books for the day the war between us and the humans truly breaks out. The hatred between our groups is too great and it's not just going to magically disappear overnight!” Erik told her. 


Raven nodded in acceptance. “I truly wish that our two races could see eye to eye, but you're right. I don’t see that ever happening. It would take a miracle springing up for humans to suddenly let go of their hatred of us.”


Raven clicked the remote and the TV flickered on. “The top story of today is of course the now world famous mutant Valerie Tepes. The young woman went viral in a video that was released yesterday on youtube. In it, she can be seen confronting anti mutant bullies and inspiring her entire class with her brilliant speech about equality. She is quickly becoming something of an inspiration for young adults and teens all over the world who want to stand up against racism and prejudice. Thousands of people online have even started posting apologies for harmful past actions or comments against mutants.”


Erik and Raven both stared at the TV in shock. 









I found Wilma and her two daughters eating breakfast when I walked into the dining room. I hadn't checked in with any of them since dinner last night. I flew back to the manor and snuck into the guest room through a window I left open. I was tired and immediately went to bed after a very long shower. There was a lot of blood I needed to scrub off myself.


The family of girls looked to be doing much better. Wilma's daughters weren't actively glaring at her at least. They must have had quite the conversation last night.


Wilma stopped her conversation with Cordelia and smiled at me fondly when she saw me come in. I smiled back at her. There was definitely something going on between the two of us. I don't think either of us wanted the previous day to be a one time thing. The look Wilma was giving me right now definitely told me it wouldn't be.


“Good morning, Valerie.” Wilma greeted me. “You look very nice. Are you going out somewhere?” She asked me curiously.


“I'm going to school.” I told her.


Wilma sputtered a bit at my words. “O–Oh…you're still in High School?” She was looking a bit panicked all of a sudden.


Did she not know that? 


[You did meet her at a store at 1pm on a school day. She probably thought you were older. Now she's panicking, wondering if you're underage…]


Emma started snickering at her mother. “Valerie is a Senior student at Midtown High a few miles from here, mother. Also, she is 18 so you don't have to freak out so much…” Emma told her mother. I wasn't even going to bother asking how Emma knew all that about me. 


Wilma sighed in relief. “Oh, thank God…” 


Cordelia looked around the table confused. I think she was the only one who didn't know I slept with her mom yet. “Why does it matter?” She asked.


“It's nothing, sweety.” Wilma told her youngest daughter. She turned back to me. “I admit, I wasn't expecting a mature girl like you to still be in school, Valerie. Come have some breakfast. One of our limos will drive you afterwards. In fact, they'll take you to and from class every day if you want.” She suggested. I accepted her offer. 


“Do you have a phone, Valerie?” Emma asked me while a maid started piling the plate in front of me with bacon, eggs, and pancakes.


“I have my friend Harry Osborn’s phone. He gave it to me yesterday to use.” I told her while salivating at the gourmet breakfast. Did this family eat like this everyday? How were none of them fat? The Frost women had some amazing genetics.


“Harry Osborn, the son of Norman Osborn?” She asked and I nodded. “You can give his phone back to him later. I'll have a brand new device waiting for you after breakfast.” She informed me.


“This family is really trying to spoil me.” I told them all.


Wilma laughed. “You deserve it after what you did for me. If there's anything else you want, never hesitate to ask me. Anything at all~” Wilma said suggestively. Emma let out a sigh at how blatant her mother was openly flirting with me. Cordelia was too invested in the pancakes she was eating to pay attention.


I'd be sure to take her up on that offer again in the future. For now though, I wanted to try some of those pancakes myself…



I was riding in the back of a limo heading off to school. It was hard to believe I had only spent a little over a single day in this new world so far. So much happened.


I was wearing one of my newest outfits. A black and red jacket, a short red skirt to show off my long legs, and my new favorite pair of heels. I gave people quite the impression at school yesterday, but this time I figured I would absolutely blow them away. I was certainly drawing the eyes of the young woman riding to school with me.


“You didn't have to come with me, Emma. I'm sure you have more important things to do than drop me off.” I told her while crossing one leg over the other teasingly. I'm sure Emma was able to see a small flash on my red panties. It was easy to see at breakfast that Wilma's beautiful daughter had a crush on me as well. I didn't know what that meant for me, but teasing a beautiful future super villain did seem kind of fun.


Emma blushed at being caught. Her ogling wasn't as subtle as she thought it was. She coughed politely. “It's no problem at all, Valerie. I got my GED at 16 so I could travel around with my father to help him with his business. I haven't been to school in years and I'm curious about it.” She said.


“I don't think you'll see anything special. It's just a normal school.” I replied.


Emma smirked at me while looking out the tinted window. “I wouldn't be so sure about that. Look outside.” She told me.


We were pulling up to the parking lot now. I turned my head and gaped at what I saw. There were half a dozen news vans in the school parking lot. Reporters were all over the place with camera men trailing behind them. 


Emma laughed at my shocked look. “You probably didn't watch the news this night or this morning. You're pretty famous, Valerie. They've pretty much made you the face of Mutant-kind in the media.” She informed me




Emma then went on to explain that I was the major topic last night on every single news network in America. My speech had made a really big impression on the general public. 


[Weird… Your Commanding Voice perk should not have been this powerful.]


I started to regret taking a limo to school. It was drawing a lot of attention. I wasn't naturally shy, but there were a lot of reporters out there. Were they even allowed on school grounds? No one was making an effort to drive them away.


“Good luck, Valerie.” Emma said playfully as the limo pulled up to the curb. 


I opened the car door and stepped out. It didn't take long before the reporters spotted me. The closest ones nearby immediately ran over to me as I started walking.


“Valerie? Valerie Tepes!? Do you have a moment to talk to America? Everyone is curious to know more about you!” A woman ran up to me and stuck a microphone in my face as I walked towards the main school building.


“What's it like being a Mutant? Why did you out yourself? Are you single!?” Another man came running over. He was wearing a news badge for a network I didn't recognize.


A bright camera flash temporarily blinded me and a scruffy looking man jumped in front of me holding a camera. “I'm Mark Phisher with the Daily Bugle! Why were you getting out of a limo just now? Was that Emma Frost inside? The future CEO of Cold Steel? What's your relationship with her!?”


“I won't be answering any questions at this time! I have to get to class now. Thank you everyone.” I said as I hurried into the school building. 


Thankfully, the media didn't follow me inside…


“Valerie, there you are! Are you ok? It's a circus out there! I can't believe Ned’s stupid video went viral! We should punch him in the face for causing all this!” Liz Allan was waiting inside the entrance for me. “Oh, wow! You look amazing by the way! I love your outfit!” Liz added, while checking me out.


“Thank you, I picked it out yesterday.” I told her as we started walking away from the main entrance so all the cameras were no longer on us. 


“I can't believe how famous you are all of a sudden.” Liz said in amazement. “Just look at all the looks you're getting. Although, I'm pretty sure you were getting all these stares yesterday because of how beautiful you are anyway.” Liz added with a small blush.


As we walked down the hallway, I noticed that everyone's eyes were on us–more specifically me. The looks I was receiving from the student body varied quite a bit. Some of them were looking at me like I was a celebrity, others gave me jealous sneers, and a fair few were just gazing at me with pure lust. 


“Quit staring at her you creeps!” Liz yelled at everyone nearby. They all started looking away. No one wanted to get on the wrong side of Midtown High’s ‘queen bee.’


“I don't mind all of the stares. I'm just surprised at how quickly I blew up. Did Ned have a lot of followers on his social media or something?” I asked her.


Liz scoffed. “Him? He had like 20 people subscribed to his YouTube channel before yesterday. Today he has over 100,000! They’re all following him hoping he’ll post more about you. Did you not see the video yet?” She asked me.


I shook my head. “I was really busy yesterday. I got a new living situation. I'm currently staying with…a friend.” Technically, she might be more of a sugar mom, but I definitely did not want to announce that.


Liz grinned as she wrapped her arm around my own. “Your friend must be pretty rich. You came to school in a limo. I'm so jealous!” She said excitedly.


The two of us chatted more as we walked towards our morning calculus class. We saw Penny, Jean and Mary Jane standing outside the classroom door with the rest of the students. The teacher was apparently running late this morning.


We moved to the other side of the hallway and chatted a bit while we waited. Emma had given me a new phone on the ride here, and I gave all the girls my new number. I'd be giving Harry back his phone at lunch. Emma mentioned something about it “not being safe to have the old phone of a billionaire’s son.”


“How did you handle the homework yesterday, Valerie? I know you mentioned you needing tutoring and I was worried you might have struggled with it.” Penny Parker asked me.


I looked at her blankly. “We had homework?”


The other girls looked back at me in concern. “We get homework every day in Calculus. Were you not paying attention at the end of class?” Mary Jane said.


I shook my head. “No, I had a lot on my mind. It was my first day here after all.” I said. 


My first day here in an entire new reality…


Liz shrugged, “I'd let you copy mine, but it was pretty long and I don't think you'd have time. It's probably fine, Mr Brenner usually gives detention for missed assignments, but he should make an exception after Flash and Peter were such assholes to you yesterday!” Liz told me.


“I'm still sorry about Peter by the way.” Penny added and I once again told her it was fine.


“What happened with Peter at home yesterday evening?” Mary Jane asked Penny. “Is Aunt May mad at him? Peter and Flash went viral as well. They both got A LOT of hate comments online from people defending Valerie and Mutants. I'm actually surprised both of them even showed up at school today…” She trailed off while glancing across the Hallway.


Sure enough, Flash and Peter were sending looks of pure loathing over at our whole group.


Penny grimaced. “May was mad… Really mad. Peter has been grounded for who knows how long! If he wants to keep living under her roof, then he's not allowed to go anywhere but school and home for the next few months at least.” Penny explained. 


Our conversation came to an end when the teacher showed up. It wasn't the same man from yesterday though. 


“Whoa…” I muttered when I saw a gorgeous tall redheaded woman strut down the hallway. She walked up to the classroom door and unlocked it. Was she our substitute teacher? She looked more like a supermodel. A supermodel that actually seemed somewhat familiar to me for some reason.


“Come inside, everyone…” She said as she walked in the classroom.



–Natasha Romanoff–


Natasha Romanoff entered the High School’s grounds prepared for one of her most ‘interesting’ assignments yet since joining SHIELD. She was here impersonating a substitute teacher to investigate the beautiful Mutant girl who's name and face had taken the world by storm.


Natasha strutted through the crowded parking lot while dodging all of the journalists. She was a great actress and it was hard to put on an unapproachable ‘bitch face.’ Not a single person bothered her as she made her way towards the administration building to check in as the new substitute teacher. 


The guy she was replacing has won a sudden all expenses paid vacation–which he didn't accept because he thought it was incredibly suspicious. He was obviously correct. Still, he was in the way, and needed to be dealt with. He was arrested last night on charges of tax evasion. They wouldn't stick of course, but they would be good enough to keep him locked up for a while.


“He should have just shut up and taken the free vacation…” Natasha chuckled darkly as she made her way down the school hallway. She saw ‘her students’ waiting out in the hallway for her. She spotted her mission assignment among them. Valerie was chatting with a small group of girls away from the rest of the waiting class.


Natasha’s assignment was quite a mystery. Valerie Tepes was a complete unknown until yesterday, and now she was the trending topic all over the globe and the new public face of Mutant rights and equality. Valerie might just be the most high profile target Natasha has ever been assigned. 


Natasha smirked to herself when she realized that Fury was most likely kicking himself right about now. Natasha knew that Fury still didn't completely trust her. She had a lot of red in her ledger after all. He usually assigned her missions that weren't very important. This was supposed to be the same yesterday when he assigned it to her. Neither of them expected the girl to become a borderline superstar overnight though. This mission now became of top importance to SHIELD. On top of investigating Valerie, Natasha was also supposed to subtly guard the beautiful Mutant. 


Valerie was now, unknowingly, the public face of Mutants everywhere. Natasha knew that would make the girl a target for pretty much every single hate group out there in the world. If something bad happened to Valerie, there would be pissed off Mutants revolting all over the world in protest. 


It would be bad. 


Natasha shuddered slightly at what someone like Magneto’s reaction would be. That man could destroy the Helicarrier–SHIELD’s greatest weapon–with a single wave of his hand. She had no doubts that he probably had his own agents already watching Valerie as well…


“Come inside, everyone.” Natasha said as she entered the classroom. 


She sat down behind the teachers desk and waited for all the students to take their seats. Valerie's group of girls all sat together at the back of the classroom while the ‘two bullies’ Natasha recognized from the video sat as far away from the group as possible. Natasha forgot those two racists would also be in her assigned class. Judging by the glares they were both sending Valerie, Natasha knew they were both going to be trouble. Maybe she should find a way to get rid of them for the two weeks she's here as well? That was something to decide for the future.


She picked up the attendance sheet and started going over everyones names. Not a single student was missing. Once that was done, she introduced herself.


“Good morning, everyone. I am Natalie Rushman. I’m your new substitute. Your previous teacher is currently indisposed due to…personal reasons.” She told them. Natasha walked over to the chalkboard and started drawing out a basic math problem. “Why don’t we start today with a simple problem so I can see where the class is at. Can I get a volunteer to come to the board and solve it? How about you, Miss Tepes?” Natasha asked before anyone else even had an opportunity to volunteer first. This would allow her to observe Valerie up close.


The beautiful mutant shrugged and walked to the front of the class. She picked up the chalk and gave the problem her best shot.


Valerie's best shot was…completely wrong. Natasha now knew that this girl was not good at math.


Valerie put the chalk back down and smiled at Natasha. “Did I get it right?” Valerie’s smile was so beautiful and sincere that Natasha actually found herself hesitating on telling her that she did not get it right. 


“Hell yeah you did!”


“You nailed it, babe! 10/10!”


“You're so smart, Valerie! I can't believe you solved such a hard problem so easily!”


A bunch of the boys in the class used this opportunity to throw compliments at the beautiful blonde. Valerie looked happy with herself, and Natasha hated having to be the one to tell her the truth. 


“Sorry, Miss Tepes. Your answer is not correct. Have you been struggling with this class?” Natasha asked.


Valerie sighed sadly. “Sorry, it’s only my second day here. I know I'm a bit behind.”


Natasha saw an opportunity here to get closer to Valerie. “Very well then. Since we can’t have that, I will personally tutor you from now on. A few days a week until you’re able to catch up with everyone else.” She said.


Valerie momentarily had a look of alarm on her face that Natasha didn’t miss. “T–that’s– You really don’t have to. Our teacher already assigned a couple students to tutor me.”


Natasha nodded but didn’t let up. “I understand, but I will have to insist. I have a master’s degree in mathematics and I’m sure I will be much more effective as a tutor.” Natasha said. She did not have that degree, but her current fake identity did. Natasha looked back at the chalkboard and internally shrugged. Valerie was so bad at math that she wouldn't notice Natasha wasn’t a true expert anyway.


As Valerie walked back towards her seat, Natasha wondered what type of character she should come off as? Natasha was an expert at playing almost any role. How would she make Valerie spill all of her secrets? Should Natasha come off as a helpful and friendly substitute teacher? Or maybe she should get a little bit more ‘personal’ with the beautiful mutant? Natasha never liked using the seduction skills she’d learned in the red room, but she had to admit that Valerie was hitting all of her strike zones. 


Decisions, decisions…





I was only stupid when it came to math. I wasn’t stupid enough to not know who our ‘substitute teacher’ really was. I recognize the fake name she used from the second Iron Man movie. Natalie Rushman was Natasha Romanoff–The Black Widow. 


[You're not going to bother asking why she's here?]


‘That's pretty obvious. My morning class has myself, Jean Grey, and Peter Parker. She's clearly here to spy on one of us. Judging by my recent fame, it's most likely me.’ I replied.


[You can use Observe on her.]


I thought about it, but decided against it. I could only use that on people once a month. Observe could potentially be more effective if I used it on her later.


To be honest, I'm actually kind of flattered that SHIELD sent they're best agent to spy on me. I didn't think I warranted that kind of attention yet. Clearly, I was wrong. It's also a bit ironic. Had they sent literally anyone else, I probably would have never found out that our new sub was a SHIELD spy. Natasha was just too recognizable to me.


Although, Jean would have still discovered them immediately. She probably heard Natasha’s thoughts the moment the spy walked down the hall. I noticed that Jean is currently staring off into space with a worried look on her face. Occasionally she will glance at myself or Natasha at the front of the room.


“We can work out a proper tutoring schedule tomorrow.” Natasha told me as I exited the classroom with my group of friends.


When we got into the hallway, Liz scowled and moved closer to me. “That new substitute bitch was totally checking you out, Valerie!” She complained. “I don't like her. You should report her for harassment.”


“She was? Are you sure?” 


“She was really interested in you. Her eyes kept glancing at you the entire lecture.” Jean said in concern but looked like she didn’t know how to approach me about it yet. I wondered what she'd discovered from reading Natasha’s mind? Jean didn't know that I already knew she was also a mutant. I'm pretty sure that no one in this school knew she was one.


“That's super unprofessional!” Liz complained after hearing Jean's words. “Don't accept that thirsty bitch’s offer for tutoring! She clearly has a different motive and is using it as an excuse to get closer to you.” 


“How scandalous!” Penny gasped with a blush on her face. “A student and a teacher in a forbidden relationship…” 


“I can lend you a hidden recording device. If she tries anything we can expose her in the school paper!” Mary Jane suggested. “This scoop could be my big break to get a scholarship to a journalism school!” Mary Jane turned to me in excitement. “You have to accept her offer! Do it for me!” 


“I’ll think about it.” I said non-committedly. If I did accept, I wasn't going to do it for Mary Jane. Out of the four girls, she was the only one who didn't really want to be friends with me. She mostly hung around us because she was friends with Liz.


The next class was spent in silence due to the teachers strict non-talking policy during class. Once that class ended, I headed over to the cafeteria ahead of the other girls to meet up with Harry.


I handed him back his phone when I sat down.


“Do you not need it anymore? Was something wrong with it?” He asked me. Harry looked a bit nervous as he took his phone back.


I shook my head. “I didn't even use it. Thanks for lending it to me, but I got my own phone now. Also, you don't have to worry. I didn't look at any of your naked pictures.” I finished with a small laugh. His embarrassed face was adorable.


…I did look at his pictures.


The rest of our group showed up a few minutes later. Lunch was pretty fun today now that everyone was past the awkward getting to know each other stage. It was pretty funny listening to Liz rant and complain about Natalie Rushman. 


“That thirsty bitch will probably try and seduce all the famous students at this school! Watch out for her, Harry!” Liz warned him next and anyone else who would listen.


Harry wasn't in our morning classes so all he could do was take her word for it. He just nodded his head at her placatingly as she ranted to everyone at the table. 


When lunch ended for the day, I prepared to call a Frost family limo to come and pick me up. Before I could, I was approached by three people. Jean, Liz and Harry all wanted to talk to me at the same time.


“Valerie, I was wondering if we could have a private conversation after school?” Jean asked me.


“Valerie, you haven't had a chance to properly take in the city yet have you? We should go out together later. Just the two of us.” Liz invited me on an obvious date with her.


“Valerie, I wanted to let you know that my father has accepted your offer. Are you free today after school?” Harry told me.


The three of them all looked at each other in irritation. 


[The woes of being popular…]


The System started snickering at me in my head. 


“One second, Valerie.” Liz told me. She grabbed hold of Harry and Jean and dragged them off into a corner to chat with them. I decided not to listen in, but it was funny watching them obviously argue with each other. Whatever they were discussing with each other, it seemed like Liz had taken charge of the conversation judging by everyone's body language. 



–Liz Allan–


Liz Allan thought that Valerie was beautiful yesterday, but today she had been absolutely blown away by the gorgeous girl with blonde hair and beautiful ruby eyes. Valerie looked like sex on legs in her short red skirt, and Liz would have loved nothing more than to strip the other girl out of it. She’d been attracted to other women before, but never as much as she currently was to Valerie.


That’s why Liz Allan was currently very annoyed at her two friends who were blatantly trying to cockblock her! Metaphorically of course, she didn’t actually have a–


“Liz, this is important! My dad and I really need Valerie today.” Harry told her. “You can go on a date with her anytime…if she’s even interested in you.” He added just to annoy her.


Liz scoffed. She was well aware that Harry obviously had a crush on Valerie as well. Who didn’t at this point? “Of course she’s interested in me! Have you seen me? I'm gorgeous!” She said while gesturing to herself. She knew what she had to work with and she was proud of it.


“Whatever…” Harry muttered in clear jealousy. “I still need Valerie today.” 


Liz turned to Jean. “And what about you, Jean? What do you need to talk to Valerie about? Are you trying to confess to her behind the bleachers or something?”


Jean blushed. “NO! That’s not it. I need to talk to her…about private stuff.” 


“Uh huh…” Liz was unconvinced. She didn’t believe Jean at all. Liz had noticed the subtle glances Jean was sending Valerie all morning long. Liz let out an irritated sigh. She had never had this much competition before in any of her past romantic endeavors! Was she going to end up having to share Valerie with others at this point? Liz didn't necessarily mind that thought depending on who the other people were. 


Her mind started drifting off to a fantasy of Jean, Valerie and herself all in bed together. She actually felt herself growing a bit wet at the fantasy. She wouldn’t mind it at all actually.


Jean suddenly sputtered and started blushing profusely out of nowhere. “T–that’s not…I just wanted to talk to Valerie. T–that’s all.” Jean said in embarrassment. 


Liz was confused at Jean’s sudden change in attitude but shrugged it off. She turned to Harry first. “Fine! You can have Valerie today after school, but she’s mine and Jean’s on the weekend! Don’t try and seduce Valerie with your money either! You have to win her over fair and square.” Liz said while grabbing hold of the still blushing Jean and dragging them all back to Valerie who had been waiting for them all patiently. 





“Harry’s stuff sounds important, so he’s all yours for today. Make sure your plans are cleared for the weekend though.” Liz told me and I smirked at her.


“I’ll be sure to clear my schedule.” I told her. I turned to Jean next. For some reason she kept glancing between Liz and I with a bright red face. “You needed to talk to me, Jean?” 


Jean was going to answer but Liz cut her off and took hold of Jean’s hand abruptly. “She can talk to you tomorrow as well. She and I need to have our own conversation first. Maybe we need to bring Penny in on it too, I’m not really sure…” Liz trailed off as she led them both out of the now empty cafeteria. 



“Hello, you must be Valerie. I’m Norman Osborn.”


Harry’s father looked a lot like him, but older and sicker. Norman was only in his early 40s and yet he looked closer to 70 right now. I tried searching him online on the drive over here, but there were very few pictures of him available. I could see why now. 


Regardless, I was here to heal him and Harry told me they had agreed to pay me 10 million dollars! I had a large smile on my face as I shook hands with the man. Did I care that I was shaking hands with a potential future villain? Not really. I wasn’t out to police the world. I didn’t know if the Green Goblin would ever come into existence anyway. There was no reason for Norman to take the Goblin serum if he and his son were perfectly healthy. 


“What do you need to heal us, Valerie?” Harry asked me nervously as he walked me over to a couch in his penthouse living room. This room had a pretty great view of the city from 80 floors up.


“I don’t need anything from either of you. You can just take a seat. Being suddenly healed can be disorienting.” I told them. Wilma had almost collapsed on me. “Before we start though, are your security cameras disabled? I'd rather not have knowledge of my abilities spread to the public just yet. The entire world is already speculating on what my powers are.” I said. Norman and Harry did as asked and took a seat on the couch. 


Norman chuckled. “Ah, yes. I looked you up a bit online, and your ‘unknown’ mutant powers are highly debated. A lot of people think that your beauty is part of your power.” Norman said with a chuckle.


I shrugged. “Maybe? A lot of mutants I know are really good looking.” Jean and Emma were both 10s easily. Or it could have been my vampire genetics. It was probably a combination of both.


Norman pulled out his phone and checked the cameras. He nodded at me and assured me they were off. 


“Here we go.” I said while calling on my Grail of the Night Queen. The black cup covered in blood rem gems materialized from my chest. I held it in my hand and willed it to fill with blood. “Who's going first?” I asked father and son.


{-100 HP}


“I'll go first.” Norman said as he took the cup from me. He held it carefully and stared at it for a moment. He threw his head back and downed all the blood inside in one go. “That tasted better than I thought a cup of blood would taste…” 


{-100 HP}


I took the cup and filled it again before handing it to Harry next. He didn’t even hesitate before drinking from it next. Now we just had to wait…


{+20 XP}

{+20 XP}


The XP notification told me that something was happening. I leaned forward to get a closer look. Harry was gritting his teeth and shaking in pain as a wispy black aura seemed to almost waft off of his body. 


I was right! It was a curse! I glanced at Norman next and saw that an even darker whisp was coming off of him! It must have been because he had been alive longer with the curse.


An unholy shriek filled the room as the aura around the two men was banished away from them. That curse reminded me of the Horcruxes from Harry Potter. The two separate whisps each dissipated a few seconds after being removed.


Harry and Norman were both panting hard but I was 100% sure the curse on them had been lifted. My blood inside them started going to work immediately after. It wasn’t hard to notice the immediate changes. Both Harry and his father started to fill out. They didn’t suddenly become muscular, but they both looked a lot healthier. Norman in particular looked like he had gained an extra 30 years of life! He finally looked his actual age, maybe even a bit younger.


“How do you guys feel?” I asked them.


“Haa…” Harry let out a sigh as he caught his breath. “I feel good. Like a weight that was on me has been lifted. All the pain is gone! Is this how healthy people feel all the time?” 


“I feel amazing.” Norman said. He pulled out his phone and faced the camera towards himself. He gasped and I actually saw tears start to roll down his eyes. “I’m young again…” 


“Listen…” I spoke up. “I don't know if you noticed those black wispy things that seeped out of you two. I don't think either of you were actually sick. I think your bloodline was cursed.” I told them that magic was a real thing in this world. I gave them a quick explanation on blood curses and how they can ruin entire family lines as most of them are considered incurable. I might be the only person in the world currently who can actually cure them.


Norman and Harry didn't seem as surprised to hear about the existence of magic as I thought they would be. “Cursed?” Norman asked. “By whom? And why?”


I asked him when the curse first popped up and Norman explained he wasn't quite sure. He knows that his own father had it and that was when it was first diagnosed by physicians. He is unaware if his grandfather, Harry's great-grandfather, suffered from it as well. They didn’t keep great records back then.


“Somewhere in the past your family ran afoul of a dark wizard or witch. I doubt it's an issue anymore though. They would probably be dead by now.” I said. 


Harry sighed. “That's a relief...” 


Suddenly, I felt a chill go through the room. As I exhaled, I noticed that I could see my breath.


{Emergency Quest Started: Slay the Dark Wizard!}

{Reward: 1000 XP!, ???}

{Failure: Death of Harry and Norman!}


My instincts were screaming at me that I was in danger. I immediately sprang forward and tackled both Harry and Norman. I pulled them over the couch and hid us behind it.


“Ow! Valerie what the f–?” 


“Shhh! We've got company!” I cut Harry off by covering his mouth with my hand. I could hear that we were no longer alone in this penthouse. A black hole materialized in front of me and I reach into my inventory. Harry and Norman both gave me odd looks as I practically stuck my whole arm inside. I grabbed what I was looking for!


I pulled out three handguns and handed one each to Harry and Norman. Harry was holding it in trepidation while Norman took it from me with a look of determination. “I was wrong. I think the wizard who cursed your bloodline is still alive, and now he's here somehow.” I whispered to them while I carefully peaked around the couch.


“Shit…” Norman cursed quietly.


I heard footsteps in the next room followed by a deranged cackle. “Hehehe… Come out, come out you filthy muggles. What did you do? How did you cure my curse? I've been using it on disgusting muggles for generations now!” 


From his use of the word “muggle” I was able to infer that this was a dark wizard from Europe. His accent was hard to place though.


“What do we do?” Harry asked me nervously while clutching the pistol in his hand tightly.


“We shoot him.” I replied. “Stay hidden for now. Let me get his attention first.”


“How did you break my blood curse? I'm going to enjoy torturing the information out of you! Only after you tell me everything will I grant you the death your kind deserves! Reducto!” 


I jumped a bit when I heard an explosion nearby. A chair across the room just exploded into scraps of wood and leather! “I know you're hiding somewhere nearby. Where are you? Homenum Revelio! There you are!” 


I cursed internally and quickly stood up while pointing my gun. I pulled the trigger rapidly hoping to take him down quickly.


“Protego.” The dark wizard said casually. A transparent shield of magic materialized in front of him. My bullets all slammed into the magic and fell to the floor harmlessly. The gun in my hand clicked when I ran out of ammo. I tossed it to the side in annoyance. One of my hands slipped behind my back and sneakily reached into my inventory again.


I finally got a good look at the dark wizard as he turtled behind his magic shield. He was old–really old. He made Dumbledore look like a spry chicken. His face was completely covered in wrinkles and warts, his hair had probably all fallen out decades ago, and he stood with a hunch. Despite all that, he still felt dangerous to me. 


His beady eyes locked onto me and he locked his lips. “You're a pretty one aren't you? If you agree to be my slave I promise to keep you alive longer than I usually do my other muggle pets. What do you say?”


I glared at him. “I'd rather jump out the window than be near you willingly. Why are you here, you old troll?” 


“Bah! You're just another filthy muggle that doesn't know her place! I don't know how you broke my curse, but your puny muggle mind didn't realize it included a tracking element that would notify me if it was ever broken. You'll pay for that! Look at me, LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID TO ME!” He exclaimed while gesturing to his decrepit form.


I raised an eyebrow at him. “I didn't do anything to you.”


“Liar!” He spat out. The magic shield in front of him faded away and the tip of his wand started to grow a sickly red. “My beautiful curse siphoned away the longevity of my victims and gave it to me! When you broke my curse, you stripped away the hundreds of extra years of life I had gathered! I want it back!” 


“Sucks to be you then.” I told him while pulling out the grenade I had hidden behind my back. I flicked off the pin with my thumb and tossed it forwards.


“Crucio!” He cast his spell at the same time. The two projectiles passed each other in the air as they hurled at their respective targets. I was ready to dodge whatever spell he was casting. I dropped to the ground as it sailed over me.


The dark wizard's eyes widened when he saw what was flying towards him. “Protego Maxima!” An even bigger blue shield formed in front of him a second before the grenade exploded. 


“Fuck!” I cried out in pain and clutched my head. My ears were ringing loudly. Setting off a grenade in a closed room was not a great idea in hindsight… 


{-70 HP}


“Dammit!” The Dark Wizard cursed at the same time. His shield easily blocked the shrapnel and concussive force, but it did nothing to stop the noise. He dropped his wand and clutched his bleeding ears in anguish. I wouldn't be surprised if both his ear drums were ruptured. 


Despite my own ears ringing, I got up as quickly as I could and raced over towards the wizard’s discarded wand. He seemed to have the same idea as me. He dove for it at the same time. Both of our hands reached out, but I was faster! I smacked his hand away and smirked in victory.


He glared at me and his mouth was moving aggressively. He was definitely cursing at me. I still couldn't hear him.


Bang Bang Bang!


I heard that though! Three bullets zipped by me and impacted the wizard's chest. He collapsed backwards with a look of anguish and regret. He was dead as he hit the floor.


I turned and saw that the person who shot the man dead was actually Harry. He was still trembling slightly, and slightly freaked out he had just killed a man, but otherwise he looked proud of himself. His father Norman patted his son on the shoulder and was smiling at him.


Harry looked concerned and started talking to me, but I cut him off. 


“Sorry, I can't hear you. My ears are still ringing from the grenade. Why don't we just take a small rest for a second?” I suggested. 


My half-undead heart was still pounding from that dark wizard's sudden attack on us. I was caught completely off guard and didn't even consider tracking magic. I'd have to be a lot more careful when dealing with curses in the future.


Ignoring the heavily bleeding corpse in the half destroyed room, I popped myself down on the couch as my HP started to restore and heal my damaged ears. I patted the cushion next to me and signaled for Harry to sit next to me. I leaned to the side and rested my head on his shoulder. His embarrassed fidgeting, at being so close to me all of a sudden, brought a small smile to my lips.


{+1000 XP, +Grimoire of Blood Magic!}