When you wish upon a star….
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Camilla sighed as she closed the video call with her girlfriend. It was late at night, because Renee still wasn’t out to her parents. How long had they been dating? 4 years? Camilla was almost all the way through her transitioning while Renee had been closeted the entire time. They both still lived with their parents, in different timezones of the country. This wasn’t what made Camilla sigh, no that was another issue. She had resigned that she wouldn’t be able to have kids about a year ago now, but it still haunted her. She had a feeling her girlfriend felt the same, but she wasn’t going to be pushy. Too scared of hurting and rejection.

As she looked out her window, she saw a star falling. Not fast, but almost in slow motion.

“That’s slightly weird. Might as well make a wish, not like it’d work.”


Renee fell back onto the couch and sighed. She could tell what had bothered her girlfriend, because it bothered her too. 8 years of dating a transwoman just like her and she still hadn’t had the guts to come out. It was only getting worse, politically. But that wasn’t the big one. Her wife had the desire to be a milf, pregnancy and all. What Renee was scared off was that she had the exact same desire, pregnancy and all. Hell, even the soccer mom minivan was starting to look good to her. But since Camilla, the ever outgoing butterfly, had given up, Renee thought it was only fair to do the same. Not that she ever told Camilla she had that desire, or that she gave up.

She looked at the window to the fire escape, a light catching her eye. A shooting star, falling comically slowly. Well, that was one of two suspicious things. The other was that the window faced an alleyway with no view of the night sky.

“What the hell?” stammered Renee in awe, “Well, if that isn’t some kind of other worldly intervention I don’t know what is. Better make a wish.”


“I wish me and my girlfriend could be hot moms,” The girlfriends said, seconds out of sync with each other. And in a second, the pair fainted where they had been sitting.

They dreamed together.

“R-renee? What happened?”

“I think some kind of divine intervention, uhhhhhHHHHHH CAMILLA LOOK DOWN.”

“what do you mean look dowWWWWNOHH SHIT.”

The pair stared at each other in inky black, as their bits shifted around like fruit in a blender. When finished, Camilla had 1 more hole than she started with, and three less appendages. Renee on the other hand also had another hole, but only 2 less, one technically.

“Well shit! That’s nice, but uh. Babe, your still changing.”

“I am?,” said Renee, as she noticed her hips widen and her former man-boobs shift into a-no c-no e-, “F CUPS?!”

“Welcome to back pain hone- AUGH!” said Camilla gloating about her own au natural G cups, before being cut short by getting shorter and her hips widening. She stopped shrinking at 6 inches shorter and at least 8 inches wider.

“Ha! Love my wife’s adorable hubris,“said Renee, before loosing 7 inches herself.

“And I love my big – or should I say tiny... wait weren’t you an innie?”

“You too? I-” Renee was cut short by her belly swelling like a balloon.

Camilla would have noticed, if she wasn’t in awe of her own belly doing the same. A tiny hand grabbed hers, and there was a kid standing next to her. Camilla noticed she was now in an orange maternity dress, and when she looked up Renee was wearing a purple one to match. A toddler poofed into existence next to Renee. Looking between the two new children, her wife, and her own mental image, Camilla’s eyes threatened to shoot out of her skull.

“R-renee? A-are we?”

“I think w-we are Milly. We’re…”



Camilla woke up well rested, despite the wild dream. That was until she saw the child in cat pajamas at the foot of the bed, glaring at her.

“I want pancakes Mommy!”


Renee was awakened by a shout, and blinked the sleep out of her eyes. The shout came again.

“Who are you young lady and how the hell did you get into my families apartment? And wheres *&^%$#?”

“Dad, that’s me, I’m *&^%$#. What’s the matter, this isn’t the first time you’ve caught me after a late night conked out on the couch?”

“I – well, hm.” Renee’s Dad cocked his head at the somewhat familiar voice and face, “Sweetheart, I need your eyes. I haven’t had coffee yet. Am I going crazy or did *&^%$# grow boobs overnight?”

“Boobs? I don’t ha-” Renee looked down, greeted by F cups threatening to shred the thin t shirt holding them back, “Huh, those are...new. Well Dad, go have your coffee and then I have an announcement.”

Her mother peered out from the master bedroom as dad puttered into the kitchen, searching for a can of ground coffee. She squinted and then her eyes went wide as she dashed in.

“Never mind that! Since when did we last have a toddler in here?!”

“22 years 6 months and five days”, said Dad in deadpan. Renee’s sister tottered out from her room, apparently summoned by the awful dad joke.

Renee looked down and there was a small child in a cow onesie cradled in her right arm, curled against her side. The family cat Snooker had wormed its way into the embrace, purring heavily. Well, at least the cat recognized her.


Camilla groggily moved her feet, being pulled by a 7 year old into the kitchen. She flicked on the electric kettle, and set up her favorite chai. She then went to a cabinet and pulled out a box of pancake mix, pausing before going back for a can of sweetened condensed milk and butterscotch chips.

“Uhhhh um, sweetie?”

“It’s Alex, momma.”

“Right right, sorry first day of being a mom, Alex.”

“No worries, as long as you make pancakes!”

“I’m on it...Please get the electric griddle, its down the hall in the closet.”


Camilla understood her parents pain as the kid zoomed out of the kitchen. She cracked open the can of sweetened condensed milk as she poured a bit into her tea. She stirred and sipped in silent bliss until her mother and Alex entered the kitchen from opposite sides.

“Oh! Hi Grandma Hindkin! There’s hot water for tea, and Mommy’s making pancakes!”

“Please, tell me I’m smelling toast Camilla.”

“Sorry Mom, I’m as baffled as you are. At least you have a grankid now?”

The newly minted grandmother squinted as at her daughter, then her apparent grandchild. She sighed, and opened the fridge.

“If there was ever a time for irish coffee, it’s now.”


The little one stirred for a moment, clinging to the cat Snooker. Renee was holding a cup of coffee, her sister sat next to her, dad in armchair and mom in a kitchen chair. Renee took a sip, and decided to explain.

“So I’m transgender, no I do know that doesn’t explain the overnight transformation. Call me Renee, she/her pronouns.”

“Nice to meet you Renee, I’m Dad,” her father chuckled before getting serious, “So I’m not too up to date on medical science but aside from the boobs almost none of this should be medically feasible. Certainly not in a night.”

“No, your right. Also I think my bones shrank or something. I know uterus implants are at least a decade away from working. Wait. How do I know I even have a uterus?” said Renee before going wide eyed and running to the bathroom. The unpleasant noise of vomiting could be heard, “Uh, Mom. Do we have pregnancy tests-”

“Third shelf from the bottom on the right!”


“Okay did a miracle happen or something? Should we be calling you Saint Renee, big sis?”

The bathroom door shut and the family looked over at the toddler curled around the black and white family cat. The resemblance to Renee was more than there; mixed with someone latine or hispanic, but kept the natural hair.

“Goodness, the kids adorable. Guess I’m a grandma now...y’know I had a feeling something was up with *& - sorry I mean Renee.”

“Oh I knew,” said Tanya


“You two never stay up past 9:30 anymore but she does video chats with someone online. I think her girlfriend.”

“Damnit, I never got to do the ‘bring our daughter home by 9pm’ threat. Honestly though, I’m oblivious so I figured I missed something about you kids. I’m just grateful its not hard drugs.”

“Jim! You know we raised them better than that!”

“I know I know, that’s just the worst case my brain jumped to. Guess we don’t have to worry any more surprises from her though. Is it just me or is Renee shorter now?”

“No, she’s definitely shorter. At least half a foot, I think”

Renee opened the door in tears, wearing a towel over her lower half. The family stared at her.

“Pants didn’t want to go back on. Uh sis, you joked about me being a saint?”

“Yeah? What’s wrong?”

“I don’t think I’m exactly a saint – I’m the virgin mary.”


As Camilla set about grilling pancakes, the way her ‘aunt’ made them with sweetened condensed milk and butterscotch chips, her mother grilled her.

“So, this is my grankid?”

“I think so? I wished on a star, had a weird dream, and when I woke up there she was. And I know for a fact I haven’t had That surgery yet, but uh.”

Her mother’s eyes went wide.

“What’s sugary? And where’s Momma Renee?” asked Alex, staring intently at their solidifying pancakes.

“Sweetie, that’s a grownup thing. Also, isn’t Renee your…?”

Camilla sighed, “Yep, that’s my girlfriend. I mean, Alex takes bit more after me than her but that’s definitely not our family’s curls mom. Pancakes are ready, as well as fried eggs.” She doled them out to plates, putting a large stack in front of Alex, a smaller one at her place, and the shortest was her mothers, compensated with eggs. As Alex was satiated with the carnage and consumption, Camilla and her mom chatted.

“So, you wished on a star? And that got you a kid?”

“A kid, and if the dream was right, a toddler and 2 more on the way.”

Alex gasped, “Little siblings! Yaaaaay!”

Grandma Hindkin downed some more irish coffee, “Yowza. Wait, if Alex is here, where’s the tot?”

“Well, in the dream the toddler was holding Renee’s hand and Renee was...oh sugar.”

“What is it, Camilla?”

“Renee isn’t out to her folks, so I’m guessing she’s having a weirder morning.


As if on cue, the toddler woke up crying. Renee had a weird sensation in her chest, as she moved back to the couch in a towel.

“Mom, you’ve dealt with the two of us. What do you think she needs?”

Grandma sighed, “Look down sweetheart.”

“What do you m- o-oh,” Renee whispered, noticing the remains of her shirt now sported new stains. She struggled out of the shirt, letting her large ladies out. Her sister next to her handed her the tot, and it latched on.

“Well, that’s a weird sensation… I apologize for the indecency, guys.”

Her mom laughed, “Oh honey if you think this is bad, I have some fun stories for you.”

Her father went beet red and coughed.

“Sorry dear. Well, your eating for...three now? I’ll go make breakfast. It’s nice to see you smiling now.”

Renee just nodded and made sure she held the child up to her chest. She sighed, content that a lot was off her metaphorical chest, and a lot was on her literal chest.


“Yeah, Tanya?”

“Maybe you should contact your girlfriend?”


“pfffft y’all aren’t exactly quiet late at night you lovebirds. Also, your laptop is open to her discord.”

“Jeez. Is she on?”

A loud noise indicating an incoming video call answered that.

“Guess so! Annnd, Hello! I’m Tanya, and this happy mess is your girlfriend I take it?”

The screen showed an image of a living room couch, lit by a dim lamp. Bunched together was an old latina woman with thick glasses, a seven year old with clearly Thompson family hair, and a heavyset 30 something latina woman.

That last lady squinted at the screen, “Yep, that’s my wife.”

“Mommy Renee!” squeaked the seven year old.

“Oh that’s patently adorable! You are one cute kid, what’s your name?” said Tanya, talking as Renee had her hands full.

“I’m Alex! And that’s Quinn!” the kid said with a grin missing a tooth. The kid pointed at the screen, supposedly at the toddler in Renee’s arms.

“Say, did you make her those pancakes?” said Renee, “The one what’s her name made?”

“Oh you mean Auntie Mama’s cakes. Yeah, and this lil tyke loved em. So, you definitely got hit harder than me.”

“Honey, sweetie, darling Milly.”

“Oh goodness, what is it?”

“You may want to do a pregnancy test later”

“That dream wasn’t kidding! Out of all my daughters, I wasn’t expecting my youngest to have kids first,” said Grandma Hindkin.

Camilla pumped a fist, “Take that, Tiffany! Ough. Maybe I shouldn’t move that much, too many pancakes.”

“Yeah you really shouldn’t, also your like the youngest of five right?”

“Last of five, yep. Uh, oh hello Mr. Thompson!” Camilla spoke to the out of focus man poking into the frame.

“Hello young woman, I hope your treating my daughter right. And my granddaughter.”

“Grandpa Tommygun!”

“Alright, its official, that kid is adorable, and that hair looks just like my brothers. So, not to be downer but no one has paperwork for these kids, nor Renee’s transition. So, any ideas what happened?”

“Well I wished on a star-”

“You too? I thought it was weird seeing a falling star in the alleyway.”

“I’m sorry, a What now,” deadpanned Grandma Thompson

“A star fell in the alleyway, like a meteor?”

“Renee, sweetheart, we would be dead if that actually happened. I’m not one to suggest the supernatural but if that isn’t paranormal I don’t know what is. That explains a lot. But we still have to-”

A knock on the apartment door silenced Grandpa Thompson. He walked over to the door.

“Renee what’s going on?”

“Sorry I think I gotta go.”

Tanya ended the call, and cast her gaze towards the door, along with her mother and newly minted sister.

“Who’s There?! It’s like six in the morning!”


“I can’t see you through the peephole. I’m opening the door.”

The apartment door creaked open to reveal a fairytale pixie holding a large pink and purple diagonally striped envelope. It was about 2 feet tall, fluttering on purple moth wings, and was wearing a similarly striped suit and skirt combo, with a tufted tail poking out. Hooked on the tail was a small paper bag in the same colors.

“H-hi there! I’m from the Rumpelstitskin -(did I say that right?)- wish fulfillment LLC. I’m here to provide legal and forgery aid. Legally I cannot give my name, but call me Trixie, fae/farie pronouns. I’ve got birth certificates for the new formed being, and a lot of updated paperwork for Mrs. Thompson. The young one, not the refined lady.”

Jim’s jaw dropped in shock.

“Well, Jim, I guess we have our answer,” spoke the older mom in the room.