Chapter 3
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Sending her back to her parents' home was equivalent to sending her back to eat dirt...
The prepared divorce papers could no longer be handed over. Qi Yun sat straight in his chair, watching Ye Jiao slowly stuff the pastries on the plate into her mouth.
The wedding wine beside them remained untouched, and the peanuts and longan in the box were neatly arranged.
Ye Jiao was completely unfamiliar with these customs, while Qi Yun seemed to have accidentally forgotten about them. He just watched Ye Jiao, his eyes gradually filling with warmth.
The woman in the wedding dress ate very comfortably. When there were only two pieces left on the plate, she patted her hands and leaned back in her chair, a particularly contented smile on her face.
Perhaps she had been buried in the dirt for too long in her previous life, making Ye Jiao always easily satisfied.
She couldn't help but look at Qi Yun, "I'm full, what should we do next?"
Hearing this, a relatively gentle smile appeared on Qi Yun's pale face. He pointed to the bed, "You go to sleep."
But the next second, Qi Yun saw Ye Jiao's shining eyes.
The little ginseng spirit cheered in her heart. Being able to sleep on a bed was really great. She had long been fed up with being buried in the dirt!
Getting married was wonderful!
However, Qi Yun was a little puzzled by Ye Jiao's joy. In the end, he could only attribute it to her not having a good life in the Ye family, not even having a soft bed.
Come to think of it, how good could a family that sold her for two silver coins be?
This was originally Qi Yun's bedroom and his bed. But knowing he was ill, Qi Yun had long ago ordered another soft couch to be placed in the outer room.
It's just that his previous thought was that he would sleep on the bed and she on the couch, but now it was the opposite.
Qi Yun blew out the candle, coughed softly a few times, took off his bright red wedding clothes, and crawled under the covers, wrapping himself tightly.
Ye Jiao, on the other hand, tossed and turned on the bed, too excited to fall asleep until very late.
This caused her to sleep until late the next morning.
Her body was already weak and she often couldn't eat enough. Plus, the wedding process was particularly complicated, so she was inevitably a bit tired. This sleep was not only to recuperate her spirit, but more importantly, to give the little ginseng spirit a chance to rest well and fully integrate with her original memories.
She felt a little grateful. Fortunately, she had taken over the memories, otherwise there were many things she wouldn't be aware of.
But to Ye Jiao's surprise, even though she was awake, Qi Yun was still asleep.
Lifting the covers and getting out of bed, Ye Jiao walked over to the couch where Qi Yun was sleeping and squatted down, resting her chin in her hands as she looked at this man.
Even in his sleep, Qi Yun's face was still pale and a bit thin, looking like he had a congenital deficiency.
But Ye Jiao knew that she had married him.
What did it mean to get married? The Ye Jiao of yesterday didn't know, but after a night of memory integration, the current Ye Jiao understood. Getting married meant a man and a woman were tied together, sharing honor and disgrace from now on.
Ye Jiao was very satisfied with marrying Qi Yun.
In her memory, Ye Erlao always liked to give Ye Jiao leftovers to eat, and only a little bit, claiming that girls shouldn't eat too much. In fact, she secretly gave all the good food to her son.
The little ginseng spirit who had finally become human again naturally preferred to stay with Qi Yun. As long as she could eat a couple bites of pastries like yesterday's every day, it was good. She didn't want to go back to the Ye family to fight with children over food.
It's just that Qi Yun was in poor health. Ye Jiao felt she needed to think of more ways to keep this man who was willing to feed her water alive.
Just then, Qi Yun's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and then he slowly opened his eyes.
Seeing the bright sun outside, Qi Yun was a little surprised.
His health was poor and he often had nightmares at night. He slept lightly and would wake up at the slightest sound.
But yesterday, he had a rare good night's sleep, comfortably sleeping until late morning. This was the first time in recent years.
Qi Yun couldn't help but want to see if the bride on the bed had gotten up. As a result, as soon as he turned his head, he saw Ye Jiao squatting beside the bed.
Seeing that he was awake, Ye Jiao gave him a bright smile. But Qi Yun's ears suddenly turned red.
The woman was only wearing a tube top and long pants, with thin straps crossing behind her neck, exposing her fair shoulders and arms. Even with just a hurried glance, Qi Yun could see the woman's slender neck and delicate collarbones.
For ordinary couples, this kind of dress was nothing.
But for Qi Yun, this stimulation was a bit too much.
He immediately turned his face away, facing the wall, and said, "Go put on your clothes properly."
His voice was a bit harsh. Even though he had repeatedly told himself yesterday not to treat this pitiful girl with his usual bad temper, in his urgency, these words came out stiff. Qi Yun regretted it as soon as he said it.
But Ye Jiao didn't mind. She curiously reached out and pushed Qi Yun, "Why are you talking to the wall?"
After a while, Qi Yun's voice came, much softer than before, "I was talking to you. Go put on your clothes properly."
Ye Jiao looked at the wall again, making sure there really was no one there, before obediently getting up to take the clothes the matchmaker had put by the cabinet yesterday and put them on. She also coiled up her hair according to the hairstyle of married women in her memory.
She failed twice, succeeding on the third try. The little ginseng spirit silently praised herself for being dexterous.
It's just that this rustling sound made Qi Yun's ears start burning again.
When the movement stopped, Qi Yun slowly emerged from the covers, trying to maintain a calm expression as he raised his head. With one glance, he saw Ye Jiao sitting at the table, ready to continue eating yesterday's leftover pastries.
Qi Yun quickly said, "Don't eat that, or you won't be able to eat lunch later."
Hearing this, Ye Jiao knew that lunch would taste better than these pastries. She immediately abandoned the little pastries she had just treasured and happily urged Qi Yun to go eat lunch.
Qi Yun was pestered by her until he lost his temper. He just quickly put on his clothes, then took Ye Jiao to rinse their mouths and wash their faces before the two of them left the room together.
As soon as they stepped out the door, Ye Jiao saw two people running away like rabbits.
She tilted her head and asked, "Who are they?"
Qi Yun glanced over, "Those are Tie Zi and Xiao Su, the children of my tenant farmers. They usually help out here."
Ye Jiao couldn't help but laugh, "Why did they run?"
Qi Yun lowered his eyelids slightly, his voice calm, "In this house, everyone runs when they see me."
Because Qi Yun was often plagued by illness and had a somewhat cold temperament, plus his face was always pale and his eyes gloomy, aside from his mother Liu Shi, everyone else in this house either feared him or disliked him. Qi Yun had long been used to it.
But when Ye Jiao heard this, she thought for a good while. When they passed through the small garden, she quickened her pace. No longer following behind Qi Yun, she walked beside him.
Just as Qi Yun was feeling curious, he felt a soft hand forcefully shoved into his palm.
Warm, soft, smooth like the finest satin.
Qi Yun's footsteps paused. He looked down at their clasped hands, his gaze slowly shifting to Ye Jiao's face.
He wanted to ask her what she was doing, but facing Ye Jiao's smiling appearance, he couldn't ask anything.
Qi Yun pursed his pale lips. He suddenly realized that he was married. Holding his wife's hand was a matter of course.
Besides, the Ye family treated her badly, sold her, didn't let her sleep on a bed, and made her eat dirt. She couldn't go back anyway. He should treat her better now.
This is my wife, my wife, my wife...
Only after some mental preparation did Qi Yun carefully tighten his grip on the soft hand and start walking again.
But Qi Yun didn't notice that he, who usually got out of breath after a few steps, today leisurely made it to the main room. Although his face was still pale, he was no longer breaking out in a cold sweat.
Ye Jiao, on the other hand, was satisfied swinging their clasped hands.
This person had a weak body. She didn't know what medicine was like in this world yet. Fortunately, the essence of a ginseng spirit itself had nourishing effects. She would use herself to supplement him for now.
To treat the illness, start with holding hands.