Chapter 11. The Akashic Records.
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Location : 1st Dimension, Fictional Realities, Milky Way Galaxy : Fictional Earth 248, Inside Of Cynthia.


Time Dilation Chamber.


[ 2 Years later. ]


Dylan " Haaa... Finally It's over " I said after two long years of torture but then I heard something unexpected.

Lily • Huh? Papa it's not over I stopped the process because your human body is unable to contain the chaos dantian, the progress is only 48% complete and to get to 100% you'll need a very powerful Physique and Bloodline and also Papa when you reach 100% I'll be able to project my conciousness outside so we can play together hehehe •

Dylan ' Haaa.... Great just great, anyways I'm not really bothered by that progress, I can fix that later with Angela, what I'm worried about is....' " Lily can I use Mana? "

Lily • Of Course, Papa Has alot of Mana •

Dylan " Alright let me chec- " 


[ Ding ]

Angela [ Dylan you have completed your Quest, would you like to see the details? ]

Dylan " Oh... Sure "


|••••••••••••[ MISSION / QUEST ]•••••••••••|


[ You Have Completed The Quest ]


[Quest: " Dantian / Mana Core ", has been Completed!]

[Quest: Activate Your Dantian / Mana Core!]

[Details: You're Currently Still A Mortal, Activate Your Mana Core / Open Your Dantian to choose which Course You'll Be Cultivating, God Or Immportal!]

[Main Objective: Open Your Dantian / Activate your Mana Core!]

[Bonus Objective 1: Create A Rare Type of Dantian / Mana Core!]

[Bonus Objective 2: Create A Unique Type of Dantian / Mana Core, The First Of It's Kind!]

Main Reward: You Gain 50.000 System Points!]

[Bonus Reward 1: The Dantian / Mana Core Will Be Perfected By The System, + 150,000 System Points!]

[Bonus Objective 2: ??? !]


[ Main Objective Has Been Met! ]

[ You Have Gained 50.000 System Points! ]

[ 1st Bonus Quest Has Been Met! ]

[ Your Dantian Connect Has Been Increased From 60% to 67%! ]

[ Your Mana Amount Has Increased Significantly! ]

[ You Have Gained 150.000 System Points! ]

[ 2nd Bonus Quest Has Been Met! ]

[ You Have Received Knowledge About " The Akashic Records "! ]


|••••••••••••••••••••••[ END ]•••••••••••••••••••|


Angela [ Congratulations on Becoming An Awakened Entity Dylan ]

Dylan " Hm Thanks "

Angela [ .... Do you want to Absorb the knowledge about " The Akashic Records"? ]

Dylan " Akashic Records huh? My Parents never told me about this ... Yes."

And from nowhere knowledge starting flowing into my brain.

The Akashic Records, it is known by many names The Secret Library, The Island Of Knowledge, The Door To Wisdom, The Realm of Infinite Knowledge Etc. But it's.... well their major name is The Akashic Records, It is a place that has all knowledge in all Dimensions, it holds within it all secrets and knowledge to be known or unknown about the current Dimension it inhabits, how the Dimension came to be, the First Being to come to Existence and how it came to Existence, what lies beyond the Dimension Etc, it also holds within it's pages the life stories of each and every single Entity from the beginning to the End of their Lives but there're Execptions which are the System Holders, And as long as an Entity Becomes a System Holder their names and their life stories get Erased from it Passages cause they wouldn't be called Anomalies Otherwise.

And there is one in every Dimension and each one records everything that goes on it their respective Dimension.


{ A/n: Uhhh man I wanted to say that... Anyways I'll get my chance again.

Class (....) }


I received the knowledge of it's Existence and it's Location or should I say where the Door that leads to it is, The Void Between Dimensions.

Angela [ Dylan you have received a Title... Dylan an outside Entity is trying to send you a Message do you want to allow it? ]

Dylan " !!!..... Who is it? "

Angela [ It is the WILL Of THE AKASHIC RECORDS ]

Dylan " !!!!! " After contemplating for a while I said " Allow it but make sure it doesn't gain access to you or place any bugs in your system "

Angela [ Sure ]



W.A.R ` Well That Was Quite Something Young Man `

And then i heard a voice it sounded strange, like Hundreds of Beings were talking at the same time similar to the Avatar's State but with more Authority and filled with Boundless Wisdom, it also sounded a little playful.

Dylan " ... What do you want from me? "

Then little playfulness disappeared when it noticed my Cold response and Character.

W.A.R ` .... I Want You To Allow Me To Record Whatever You Just Did In My Library `

Dylan ' So it knows I did something but doesn't know what must be the result of my Anomaly Title' " How did you know I did something "

W.A.R ` Young Man Even If You're An Anomaly Every Major Thing Your Kind Does Sends Invisible And Barely Noticable Ripples Throughout The Dimension They're In And Since I Record Everything, I Intercept The Ripples And I Study And Determine Where They Come From, Locate Them And Ask Of Them The Same Of Which I Have Asked Of You, So What Is Your Answer `

Dylan " I see..... " After some thought I answered " Yes but on some Conditions "

W.A.R * So He's Like The Rest Huh? Anyways Not Something I wasn't Expecting * ` Tell Me Your Conditions `

Dylan " First I want free access to your library anytime I want, Secondly When I give you the knowledge of what I did I don't want my name to appear anywhere in the Library, Thirdly I want Access to All within your Library regardless to the Amount of Authority I possess "

W.A.R ` .... No ` * The First One Is Okay, The Second One Rare But I Have Seen Other Anomalies That Choose To Remain Anonymous So I'm Okay With That But The Third Is Going Too Far *

Dylan " .... No to what exactly ? "

W.A.R ` No To Your Third Condition `

Dylan ".... Is that so? Then Goodbye, with the System I have I don't really need the Library so Get Out! " ' I'm sure it doesn't have any knowledge of the kind of System that I have '

I wasn't entirely wrong since with the system I have I could get any information that I wanted by purchasing it or searching for like I did with the Dantian but that would take too long, but with the library I could find it in seconds and I could also find the source of the information, An example is if I search for a particular planet I'd fine it's Location, find out how many Sentient lifeforms are in it, how it came to be and how it will end.


{ A/n : Huh? 💢 He took my line again but no matter I have something else I want to say anyway ( Grabs a chair sit's on it and put one leg on the other with interlinked fingers placed on he's knee ), Ahem Alright students listen up, Good Anyone wondering why Mc became Cold all of a sudden?

Anthonio ' Jeez stop being petty '.

Class ( Nods ) 

A/n : Alright since you nodded I'll tell you, Mc became rude / colder because of the years of torture he went through sure he had Mental Stability but even that doesn't change the fact that he went through an unimaginable amount of pain for a long time and plus he has always been cold just that he doesn't bring out his cold nature in the front of people he cares about, Alright Class hope that helped 😊, oh and W.A.R > Will of The Akashic Records. }


W.A.R * .... He Knows I'm Very Curious About What He Did And Since I Traveled All The Way From 'There' To Here Tells The Amount Curiousity I Have, Ugh I Really Want To Know What He Did, The Amount Of Ripples He Caused Is Not Small Amount At All, It Is One Of The Biggest If Not The Biggest I Have Felt Till Date... And How Can He Be So Rude!! I'm A Young Lady, Jeez Who Hurt You? * ` Haaa..... Fine I Agree Now Tell Me What You Did `


{ A/n : Young? Really?. }


Dylan " Do you take me for a fool? Sign A Judas Contract with me then I'll Tell You "

A Judas-


{ A/n : Nope not today, Ahem. Alright students A Judas Contract is the highest form of contract that lies in the possession of each and every Dimensional will and whosoever breaks a single rule written therein let's just say even having a horrible death would be a Distant Dream for them, as for how to Summon it stay tuned 😊.

Class (.....) *Shakes Head*

A/n : ???. }


W.A.R * Oh A Judas Contract Hehe! Foolish Human A Judas Contract Only Affects Beings That Originates From Said Dimensional Sector But I'll Play Along Hehe This Will Be Fun * ` How Dare You Human!!, Don't Overstep Your Boundaries Just Because I Am Asking A Worthless Little Knowledge From You, Know Your Place!! `

Dylan " Then Get Out!! " I replied coldly.

W.A.R * Hehehe You're Not Scaring Me With That In Fact It's Doing The Exact Opposite Heheh- Hold On Since I'm In Charge Of This Dimensional Sector..... I'll Get A Little Backlash If I Break A Single Rule!,.... Does He know This? No It's Just A Coincidence, Ugh How Annoying He's Alot Smarter Than He look- Hmm From His Aura He Haven't Started Cultivating But He Has Quite Some Mana In Him Interesting, He'll Become Quite The Lady Killer In The Future, I'll See How Far He Goes When He Comes To My Library * ` Alright..... 

By The Authority I Hold.

I #$@&$@ Call Forth The Judas Contract Held Within The Holds Of The Dimensional Will `

[ Holy Symphony Playing in the background ]

Suddenly golden fire flies Appeared out of nowhere inside the Time Dilation Chamber, They flew around for a few seconds and after they combined to form one word ' SPEAK' Then W.A.R Started saying what it wants from me and after it was Done I did The same, it was then I felt a pull and a sharp pain that followed after but quickly faded, then I saw a little white light that came out of me with the size of a bee, it was part of my soul 0.001% to be exact and at the same an orange light Appeared but it was bigger than mine thrice as big, it distorted space as it floated towards the 'Word', when they were 10 Centimeters close to it, the ' Word ' Disintegrated and arranged itself in the form of a Scroll with the words we said written clearly on it with Language i have never seen before but could somehow understand.

The soul fragments flew into the scroll and I felt a connection established itself within me, a few seconds after the connection was established the scroll chattered and faded into thin air.

W.A.R ` Now That That's Out of The Way, Start Talking ` * Think You're The Only One That Can Be Rude? Humph * 

But to it's disappointment I was unaffected by it's rude Words.

Dylan " I Created a new Dantian " I replied casually but I was met with silence for a whole minute .

W.A.R * The Hell? Why Is He Saying It Like It's Nothing Major, This Isn't The Mother Dimensional Sector!!! Where Crazy Things Happens Once Almost Every Few Billion Years But Creating A New Dantian Shouldn't Have Caused Such Great Ripples, What Kind Of Dantian Did He Make? * ` Yes? I'm Listening, What Kind Of Dantian Did You Make? `

Dylan " A Dantian with Infinite Mana and that can be used by both A God and An Immortal " ' I want to give it as little information as possible ' 

But I didn't know that It saw right through me, I mean who was I trying to fool? It's the Freaking Akashic Records, like I said before I was pretty dumb when I was Younger.

W.A.R * Infinite Mana And Both Route Of Cultivation? No That Can't Be Right, That Type Already Exists, There Is Only One Of Said Dantian And It's In Possession Of ' That Monster ', So That Can't Be Right, But Since He Can't Lie Because Of The Contract !!!!!! He's Saying The Truth !!! Then That Means He Created Something More Than That!! * ` Keep Talking `

Dylan "..... haaa, So the Dantian is a literally a Dimension made from the Very Essence Of the combination of Both Mana Of Beginning and Chaos Mana. "


Total Silence.

Then When W.A.R responded and it almost broke character.

W.A.R ` RGAYAFKB ... I-Is That S-so? ` *.... I Should Just Leave. He Has No Idea Of What He Has Done, If He Survives The Implications Then I Would Beg To Become His 'Ally' * ` Is That All ? `


{ A/n *Hint* *wink* x2 : Tell Me if you got the Hint 😏.

Class ' ???? Who is he talking to? ' }


Dylan "... Yes " ' Why the sudden change? ' that was that last I heard and then I heard Angela.

Angela [ Dylan It Has Left ]

Dylan " Angela do you know why it was acting strange when I mentioned the last part? "

Angela [ Yes, Because you Created a Mother Dimension ]

Dylan " Mother Dimension? What's That? "





To Be Continued....


A/n : Sorry for the late upload....... There were some..... Haaa...... See you all on Monday, feeling generous? Join my....... Know what? Forget about it......