Chapter 14
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The gray tree regained its green color and its flowers turned into fruit, all in an instant, which is incredible, but it raises doubts. I mean, there was no need for pollination, although, well, it makes sense, not even a mosquito gets in here.

'Do they reproduce by spores like mushrooms?'

Returning to the important topic, my previous guesses were correct and the adultness of the plant is very important. It could be the size, but I rule it out since the first plant is the same height, however it still doesn't bear fruit.

"Are you convinced now? I’m a fucking genius"

If my guess is correct, then blood is like a battery that contains energy and the more blood the more energy, which for a young plant could be deadly, but for an adult plant it's just a greater amount of nutrients. That would also explain why the first plants still don't bear fruit, I mean, they're premature plants, maybe they don't know how to channel that energy well yet. So the question that needs to be solved is where are they storing the nutrients that they don't use yet? That might be the solution I'm looking for.

"I need you to taste the fruits"


"Come on, they're just magic fruits and you're a magical being, there won't be any problem"


"I can’t eat them because I’m not a magical being like you. Also remember it is for the sake of magical science, your name will be remembered for generations"



"Do you feel anything different...any change?"



"Maybe the fruits don't change or Danamus doesn't feel the changes because he is the source of the nutrients?"


"There's no one else who can give me an opinion. Fuck, I'll have to try them myself"

"I’ll taste the fruits... tell me, is there anything different yet?"



'I don't feel anything different and even the taste of the fruit is the same...... Does it take a long time to take effect, did something go wrong or does it only affect the plant and not the fruit?'

"The fruits are a little sweeter, right?"

“Guyar Guyar?”

"Just because there isn't a positive result doesn't mean I'm no longer a genius, it means that the raw material - your blood - is not optimal"


"Or it could also mean we are rushing, relax"

"I still need your blood"


"Stop making assumptions, better join me for exercise, don't let those pounds of yours creep up anymore"

Experiment N°2 Test 2

Repeating the same experiment is necessary to confirm the result, otherwise everything would be just speculation. In any case, there were no changes with respect to the previous tree and in the same way, three days after applying the fertilizer, it was time to harvest the fruits.

"I won't even bother asking you why this is happening, because surely your answer will be that it's by magic, right?"



"I guessed it, buddy you're not helping me, everything would be easier if you had the answers I need. You'd better try harder or when I post my amazing findings I won't put your name on it"


"Hey, are you trying to roast me alive? I'm warning you if you want to eat me, my flesh doesn't taste good"


"Stop, hahaha, that hurts, stop, I don't want my skin to smell like roast goat"


"hahaha, okay, okay, your name will be on the cover of my research book, happy?"


"God, you take advantage because I'm weak and sick, but one day I'll take revenge"


"hahahahahaha stop, STOP"
I don't plan to do tests on the stem because I think it will be a waste of time, but after thinking about it a lot, I think it is necessary to experiment with the root, even if it is just to clear the doubts, I mean, most likely the result will be the same.

"I hope you don't die or the plants, if they are alive, will hate me and my plans to convince them to offer me their help will be a failure"

Experiment N°2

Test 3
Bloodtering the root gave the same result, there was a small change and it was a day slower, but the rest remained unchanged. On the fourth day the tree already had fruits, but my magic fruit has not yet appeared.

Although I feel that the fruits of the previous tree are sweeter and softer, but I'm not sure. I mean, I've been eating them for so long that it could just be a guess of mine, and I can't trust Danamus' palate to corroborate my suspicion either.

On the other hand, the first experiment is still showing results and my shuriken tree disappeared. Now it is a leafy tree but without flowers, which is below my expectations. It's also a big loss. I mean, if you weren't even going to give flowers, then better still be a shuriken tree.

Next and last are the adult plants, the ones that already have fruits, it was a long road. I don't know how long I've been in this place and to be honest I stopped counting the days, it doesn't make much sense, I mean, it's not like I have an important appointment tomorrow.

In any case, the trees are very large, so the trunk and leaves are no longer an option to consider. I would need liters of blood to be able to cover either of the two, and to get that amount of blood Danamus would have to die, which is not a very popular idea, besides that would be like killing the goose that lays the golden eggs or in this case the dragon of the dragon's blood.

Experiment N°3

Day 1
From my previous observations and speculations I expected to get results quickly and although it was not instantaneous, I was still surprised because it only took a day for the tree to acquire the same silver-gray tone of the previous trees. Something that happened with all the experiments and that at this point would not be anything remarkable, except that on this occasion I could observe when the tree changed its color to a silver-gray.

Gray spots began to appear on the leaves until they were completely gray and the trunk was like when a chameleon changes color, then all its fruits falling to the ground to be replaced by other fruits a little bigger and the whole tree returned to normal. Honestly, I was surprised.

"If this had happened in the first experiment, it would have been fascinating. Although it's a little unbelievable now, it's also a little disappointing, don't you think?"


"Look, I was right, they are much sweeter than the other fruits, come and taste them. uhm?..Why are you so far away?"


"I told you, it was just a joke, I'm not going to kill you for your blood, it would be stupid and barbaric. Besides that would prevent me from continuing with my experiments since it's impossible to find another dragon.... like you who are trustworthy and the best assistant a magician scientist could wish for. Cough* Come on, eat, they taste a thousand times better than those rocks you usually eat"

I don't understand why the tree discarded its fruits for new ones, but my suspicion turned out to be correct, the fruits are so sweet and soft that I could eat them without the need of teeth. Unfortunately I didn't get any knowledge from ingesting them, so for now the fruit of wisdom is discarded, but maybe later some plant will give me the fruit of the legends. In any case the result was not a failure, at least now I know that if I lose my teeth I will not starve.

Experiment N°3 Test 2
It is necessary to confirm the result, which was the same, but to confirm my theory that age influences the result. This time all the change occurred on the same day, so it is most likely that this tree is older than the previous one.

'I wish I could communicate with them, that would be a great help'

After the seedling died from excess nutrients, something similar did not happen again and it makes sense. I mean, I don't have an amount of blood that is enough for that event to happen again. In any case, my whole theory about the age of the trees is thanks to its death, sacrifices left by wanting to advance in a path as complicated as magic science.

"Even if everyone forgets you, I will not and one day I will repay this debt, one day..... in the future"

And in other news, Danamus seems to be on strike and refuses to give me more material to continue the experiments. Of course, I don't want to drain him to death, either, so the experiments will be on hiatus for a while, which is perfect. i needed a break too.

But of course, I needed a break from experiments, but I'll take this opportunity to try to get out of this place. Despite the fresh air, feeling like this place is a cage makes it lose its charm and makes it a stifling place. Above all, I can't put all my hopes in something I don't understand as magic. I need to know if there are people outside who can help me.

Of course this time I will pay more attention to my surroundings and keep my mouth shut, I don't want to repeat the same experience as before. Besides my exercises are already showing their first results, my stamina has increased a bit and I think I lost a few pounds. I am confident, I feel as fast as a cheetah.