Chapter 3: Struck Bronze
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Two big oval ears. Big green eyes. And a moderately sized fluffy tail.

Out from the bright light comes a small creature, a bit slimmer than the squirrel. It's closer to a fennec fox, albeit with dirt-brown fur rather than a light one.

"A bit boring compared to the last." Henry states.

"Hey, that's rude! He's just been born and you're already judging him!" Alice snaps back.

Alice coaxes the new summon over with some premium meat that she took out from one of the pearls. Slowly but surely it approaches, sniffing the meat and grabbing onto it with its hands. Paws? Handpaws? Pawhands? Regardless, it bites into it with little regard for elegance, chowing the thing down like a woodchipper.

After the creature finishes eating, Alice wipes its face off with the sleeve of her suit. "You know, I wouldn't mind having a ton of these little guys running around the halls." she says, sneakily getting in a few pets on the beast while cleaning it off.

"Alright, guess I'll get to business. Been putting it off for a bit too long." Alice says, walking over to the dead person on the floor and rummaging through his pockets. "Space-y thing, over here. I've got some stuff for you!"

The squirrel-ish creature walks over to Alice as she tosses some objects into its mouth, notably a few trinkets, some shiny coins, and what was most likely a family memento.

"Do I take the clothes too?" Alice says, quickly snatching up some more objects from his pockets.

Henry sighs. "No. Don't take the clothes, please."

"Alright, alright!" Alice holds her hand out to the fox-ish one. "Pass me the axe. I need to chop him up or he won't fit."

If she was born at the right time in the right place, she'd be the greatest assassin. Probably top of her class. As of right now though, she's trying to chop up a random guy in a place she just woke up in today after she unceremoniously beat him to death.

It takes everything in him for Henry to not speak up. Despite his attempts, he fails at staying silent and starts yelling out to Alice.

"Don't slice him into pieces, you've got a better chance of leaving the body there to intimidate future intruders!"

Alice closes her eyes and thinks for a moment, before tossing the axe into the squirrel creature's mouth. "You're right, it's not like I can clean up the floor and make this place look pretty again, anyways. Might as well deter any future combatants with this corpse instead."

She gives a thumbs-up to the ceiling. "Good thinking, Big guy!"

After successfully stopping her from feeding human flesh to their storage unit, Henry brings up a proposal.

"It's not gonna be much fun calling that squirrel thing a Space-y thing or a Squirrel-y thing all the time. What if we give it a name?"

Alice and Henry stand still for a bit, brainstorming ideas.

Alice speaks first. "Cooler!"

Henry waves the idea off. "Isn't that more of an ice-ish name?"


"Too odd."


"Too on the nose."


"It sounds like you're going to eat him."


"Are you just starting with C for as long as you possibly can?"

Alice thinks for just a bit longer and speaks up one last time.


It wasn't a particularly good name, but Henry was afraid that if he refused it, she'd keep suggesting names for hours.

"...That sounds good. We'll call him Dibs from now on.


The loud noise and sudden appearance of the panel shocks Henry, but not Alice. It seems only he got the notification. Does that mean the creature is officially named Dibs now? If he knew it'd be so permanent, he'd probably have spent more time thinking up a name.

Alice points towards the fluffy fox-looking one. "Name that one too!"

Henry speaks up once more. "I name you... Fenrir."


He stops for a moment and breaks the news to Alice.

"I can't seem to name it for some reason. It won't tell me the exact reason, so I'm not quite sure what's stopping me from doing so."

She looks dejected, clearly upset at the fact she can't officially name the creature. "I'll just call it Brownie for now."

"Sounds like you're going to try and eat them too."

Henry expects Alice to quickly retort with a joke or a sudden refusal, but she instead starts thinking about how Brownie would taste if she ate it.

"Ah, but it's a carnivore, I think. Probably wouldn't taste too good."

Her remark is both relieving and heavily concerning. Brownie makes sure to stay a fair distance away and near Dibs in case Alice decides it's worth the risk to try.

She sits down on the carpeted flooring, looking quite upset again. "Do we just sit here for eternity until someone comes along to fight us?"

Brownie peeks out from behind Dibs and slowly walks towards Alice, forming some dirt in its hands and showing it off to her.

"What are you trying to do?" she asks it while staring directly at the dirt, wondering if there's something she's missing.

After a few seconds of packing it together, Brownie manages to make a solid brick of dirt. And then a few more. And even some small compact dirt objects, like hammers and incredibly dense dirt balls.

The two of them mess around, Alice giving Brownie a few ideas on what to sculpt while cheering them on whenever they manage to sculpt it well enough. After what Henry believed was a few hours, they'd already managed to build entire walls to fortify the hallway, and covered the beautiful pink hallway in dirt. The two of them even had the bright idea to camouflage the Earth Elementals under piles of dirt so they can ambush incoming enemies. Although the hallway may have been ruined, Henry was rather happy that the group had managed to pass the time so well.

Henry sees Alice starting to doze off, and turns off the lights in the Options menu as the Earth Elementals, Dibs, and Brownie all huddle up next to her as she falls asleep.

And Henry, who is no longer a being that requires sleep, nor has the capacity to do so regardless, has to painfully sit through several hours of absolutely nothing happening while his only sources of entertainment are all happily resting with no problems whatsoever.

Sweet dreams, all those who aren't Henry, and good night.