Sky On Fire
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The sky was ablaze with fire, and the seas were turbulent and chaotic. Flames spread everywhere, and there was no turning back. Humanity had been wiped out completely, leaving behind a desolate wasteland. A 15-year-old girl was stranded in this nightmare, with no one to turn to and nowhere to go.

As she walked, she felt the burning grass beneath her feet, and acid rain-like lava drizzled down around her. She felt like she was floating in space, disconnected from the world she once knew. She hoped to find someone, something, or anything that could give her hope and a reason to keep going.

As the girl walked, her steps became heavier and labored. She felt weighed down by the desolation around her, but she trudged on, hoping to find a way out of this nightmare. Finally, she reached the edge of the earth, peered over the precipice, and felt her heart sink like a stone.

Below her lay only the vast expanse of space, stretching out endlessly in all directions. She felt a wave of panic rise within her, threatening to overwhelm her completely. And then, as she stood there, helpless and alone, she stumbled and fell, tumbling down into the void.

As she hurtled through space, she turned around to look back at the earth, hoping to catch a glimpse of something familiar, something that would give her solace in her darkest hour. But there was nothing. The earth was gone, replaced by a dark, gaping hole in the universe, a void where once there had been life and light and hope.

She searched and searched, drowning in space, alone and lost. Her heart ached with a longing for the world she had known, for the people she had loved, for the life she had once led. But there was nothing. Only the cold, empty expanse of space, stretching out endlessly in all directions, a silent witness to her pain and despair.

And so, the girl fell, endlessly, hopelessly, lost in a universe that had no room for her. As she gazed out into the endless expanse of space, the only thing keeping her company were her thoughts and memories. The distant sun of the Milky Way seemed almost mocking in its brilliance, so far away from her and yet so captivating. But at that moment, all she could feel was a crushing sense of loneliness, slowly taking hold of her heart like a cold, heavy weight.



The text describes a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has been wiped out completely, leaving behind a 15-year-old girl with nowhere to go. She finds herself lost in space and she tries to keep her memories intact so that won't lose her saneness.