Chapter 13 — What Have You Done?
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"T-there's no way… I never thought I'd live to see the day! Someone from the Lower Heavens whose potential exceeds the limit of the realm they were born in! This has not happened for hundreds of thousands of years in the First Heavens! Azreal, do you understand what you've just achieved?" Elder Tulia asks.

"N-no, I have no idea, Elder Tulia. I don't even understand what any of this really means…" admits Azreal. Elder Tulia moves toward Azreal, stopping directly in front of him. "You've achieved the impossible here. From my knowledge, only two people born in the Lowest Heaven have managed to reach one hundred pulses in the last few hundred thousand years. I need you to promise me, once you ascend to the Second Heaven, to seek another Celestial Nexus Array and test your talent and potential again," Elder Tulia says.

Azreal looks down as Elder Tulia hands him a small jade stone, with a similar array to the one he stands on etched into it. "This allows you to commute and travel between Celestial Nexus Arrays you've previously visited. Not many are aware that each of the Celestial Nexus Arrays are interlinked, and even fewer know how to traverse between them," Elder Tulia explains.

Taking a deep sigh, Elder Tulia continues, "Azreal, if you manage to pass the trial located in the Second Heaven's Celestial Nexus Array, I want you to return here, and I will tell you a secret regarding these arrays." said Elder Juhee taking measured steps towards Azreal as she stares into Azreal's eyes. "Once again, you've impressed me greatly…So, I will ask you once again, do you wish to become my disciple?"

Azreal returns her intense gaze, once again struck by the beauty of Elder Juhee's eyes. Having to take a moment before strengthening his resolve, "Thank you, Master Juhee. I look forward to being in your care"

A beautiful smile forms on Elder Juhee's face. "Perfect! Absolutely perfect! I detest the traditional method of accepting a disciple, so tell me, which element do you wish to learn and focus on first? I will provide you with an appropriate technique that you can use to harness that element. Consider this my first gift to you, as my newest personal disciple." Azreal enters deep thought, and while he is deciding, Elder Juhee addresses the remaining disciples.

"I know each of you is shocked at Azreal's results. However, do not forget that hard work, determination, and effort can close almost any gap! I have taught everyone here that we stand united and we are stronger together. Please do not let envy eat away at your heart. If you are feeling this way, I want each of you to know that every single disciple here could easily beat Azreal in a duel. He is extremely weak; and moving forward, he will need your guidance and protection, talent does not equal strength, your battle experience and training will bridge any gap!" declares Elder Juhee. Elder Tulia, reaffirming Elder Juhee’s words, starts to shoo the disciples away from headquarters and, after giving her final word, warns, "Do not let word of what happened here spread throughout the Sect. No one wants another target painted on our backs!"

The headquarters of the Unbound Pavilion become eerily silent and devoid of disciples. Azreal, who had not noticed that he now stood alone with Elder Juhee, intently thinks to himself about which element he would like to learn first. As Azreal seems to be falling into indecision, Elder Juhee speaks, "Azreal, you are talented beyond my knowledge and blessed with eight elemental affinities. However, this does not change that you must start from the bottom and relentlessly fight your way through the cultivation pathway laid before you. It will be a long and arduous journey. Learning your first element is simple; the true challenge will come afterward, the more elements you wish to comprehend and use, the higher the difficulty. So, I suggest you truly think about which element you wish to utilise."

Azreal, feeling unsure about his future, and reminiscing on his past has always had his decisions directly destroy his life, or others. A heavy sigh escapes his lips before a message appears in his vision.

<Master! I can sense your distress, I didn’t want to over step and hinder your own decisions and growth. However, I can feel your soul contorting in indecision and fear. If you want my advice I would be happy to provide it?’

Standing still for a moment, Azreal closes his eyes, attempting to chase away the fear and anxiety, before relenting, admitting he is not experienced or nearly strong enough to set his own pathway yet. ‘Thank you system, I will take your advice.’ Azreal said inwardly.

<It is my pleasure Master! Just remember, if you do not interact with me, I am pointless! And I can feel your pain in what you assume is your own failure to make a decision, so I won't tell you which pathway to follow. I will tell you three in which I think best suit you!>

<You should choose either Fire, Air, or Lightning affinity, these have great aggressive potential and will increase your survivability if you can find a strong technique>

‘Thank you system,’ replied Azreal inwardly.

Elder Juhee, noticing his internal distress, moves to the centre of the room and turns to face Azreal. "Think about how you would attack me from where you stand, would you crush me with a warhammer, slash me with a sword, pierce me with your spear, stab me with your daggers? Then think about the type of effect you want your attack to have,".

Azreal starting to imagine attacking his new Master, what do I want most? Azreal’s mind questioning his own desire. Thoughts come and go, each of his thoughts always return to close combat and utilising his strength and speed. The consideration between a long, mid, or close-range fighter and which weapon he wants to use, consumes him. After ten minutes of silence, Azreal speaks, "Master, I have two options, and I want your guidance."

"I have decided that I would like to use either a sword or a spear as my main weapon. I believe having a weapon with a bit of reach will be extremely useful for most situations. And between the elements I wish to learn first, I have a few ideas. I want to choose either Fire, Lightning, or Air affinity and I am leaning towards Lightning Master." An even larger smile crosses Elder Juhee’s lips.

"What a perfect coincidence, it must be fate for me to be your teacher, one of the two elements I have used the most to fight with is Lightning. I also utilise darkness as my second affinity. However, I warn you not to underestimate the power and ability of pure Qi users and abilities, dangerous and powerful. Do not become misguided and consumed with elemental affinities. They are an addition to your powers, not your source of power."

"As for your weapon, I personally use a greatsword." Elder Juhee raises her hand, and a monstrous-sized sword appears in her hand. The greatsword, with intricately carved etchings along the length of the blade, gives off a mysterious aura, one that makes Azreal's eyes twinkle with admiration.

"I don’t see you as a greatsword user, so I would suggest either a long sword or spear. However, I have better techniques available for the sword, especially with a focus on Lightning or Blood affinities," says Elder Juhee as she produces a small rope-bound book. "I think this is the best technique to start you off with. Take a sword from the armoury and begin practising. Even though I have accepted you as a disciple, I still want you to compete with your new fellow disciples in today's entrance duelling competition!"

Azreal takes the manual from his new Master and smiles at the small notification that appears in his vision.

<Title: Stormblade Surge Technique>

<Rank: Sovereign>

<Description: The Stormblade Surge technique harmonises the wielder's Lightning affinity with their blade, enabling swift, electrified strikes that mirror the tempest's might. Designed for fluid motion and explosive power, this technique allows the user to command the battlefield with the speed and unpredictability of a sudden storm.>

Azreal bows deeply before his new master. "Thank you for the gift, Master. Please excuse me while I grab a sword from the armoury and practise this new technique." Elder Juhee simply smiles as she watches Azreal run toward the armoury, his excitement clear in his aura.

As Azreal darts toward the armoury, his heart pounds with anticipation for the new journey he is about to embark on. The armoury, a vast hall filled with weapons of every kind, each radiating its unique aura, is more than he ever imagined. After browsing through rows of swords and spears, Azreal's gaze settles on a long sword that seems to call out to him. The blade is simple yet elegant, with a subtle gleam that beckons Azreal to choose it over any other weapon present. He picks it up, feeling an immediate connection, as if the sword is an extension of his arm.

With the new weapon in hand, Azreal makes his way to the training grounds, a vast expanse of land dotted with disciples honing their skills. Finding a secluded spot under the shade of an ancient tree, he unfurls the manual Elder Juhee has given him and immerses himself in the teachings of the Stormblade Surge Technique.


<New Equipment Detected!>

<Steel Sword of The Unbound Pavilion (Unknown)>

<Description: A beautifully made steel sword, a ting of green seemingly weaving its way just under the skin of the blade, only visible upon certain light. Sharp edges and a perfectly weighted blade.>

The technique is intricate, requiring not just physical prowess but a deep connection with the Lightning affinity. Azreal closes his eyes and focuses on the flow of Lightning Qi through his body, guiding it down his arm and into the sword. Initially, the sensation of being electrocuted from within his body is tremendously painful. After twenty minutes, that pain diminishes to almost nothing.

The air around Azreal crackles with energy as he executes the first stage of the technique, Gathering Storm, which allows Azreal to harness the ambient electrical energy, charging both himself and his sword. To his amazement, arcs of electricity dance along the blade, eager for release.

Within the first hour, Azreal has not only comprehended the basics of the Stormblade Surge Technique but has also managed to execute it with surprising proficiency. The air around him hums with the power of his strikes, each one leaving a trail of scorched earth and electrified air. It’s clear he is a natural, his body and mind in perfect harmony with the elemental forces he wields.

As he practises, a small crowd of fellow disciples begins to gather, drawn by the unusual display of elemental mastery. Whispers of awe and speculation spread through the onlookers. Azreal, however, remains focused, his entire being absorbed in the mastery of his new technique.

"Did you see that? He's the one who was walking with Elder Juhee, towards the headquarters, and he's already mastering the Stormblade Surge Technique!" one disciple whispers to another, her eyes not leaving Azreal for even a moment. "Unbelievable... Look at the control he has over the Lightning Qi," another disciple says, awe in his voice. "Even some of our seniors struggle with that level of elemental affinity." A third disciple, a young man practising nearby, sheaths his sword and watches Azreal with keen interest. "I've never seen anything like it. For someone so new to have so much control," he remarks.

Azreal stops practising upon seeing a familiar notification appear.


<Congratulations, Master! You have comprehended the Stormblade Surge Technique.>

<Mastery: First Stage>

<Description: The Stormblade Surge technique harmonises the wielder's lightning affinity with their blade, enabling swift, electrified strikes that mirror the tempest's might. Designed for fluid motion and explosive power, this technique allows the user to command the battlefield with the speed and unpredictability of a sudden storm.>

<First stage: Gathering Storm: The cultivator learns to draw in ambient electrical energy, charging both themselves and their sword. This foundational stage is crucial for building the internal reservoir of lightning Qi necessary for the subsequent techniques.>

‘I can’t believe how quickly I learned this technique. I feel so much more agile, and it seems like my speed has increased,’ Azreal smiles, feeling the changes occurring in his body, forgetting he is being watched by a group of Unbound Pavilion disciples for the second time today.


<Congratulations, Master! Due to your comprehension and mastery of the first stage of the Stormblade Surge, you have gained stats, and a surge of Qi has entered your body!>

<+20 Dexterity>

<+20 Spirit>

<+10 Intelligence>

<+450 Qi>

Azreal’s eyes light up with delight. Not wasting a second, Azreal thinks, ‘Status Window.’

<Name: Azreal>

<Title: The Fallen Prince>

<Cultivation Pathway: Heaven's Exile>

<Cultivation Level: Martial Adept 3, Soul Initiate 3>

<Qi Accumulation: 950/2000>

<Strength: 55>

<Vitality: 40>

<Dexterity: 60>

<Intelligence: 65>

<Spirit: 90>

<Abilities: Heaven's Exile, Revenging Pathway (Poisonous Sword Stance), Celestial Gaze, Stormblade Surge>

<Equipment: Trial Disciple Robes of Heavenly Root, Pink and Gold Talisman, Wooden Disciple Talisman>

<Master! I can’t believe how quickly you learned this new technique!>

Azreal nods, ‘I have no idea how I can comprehend techniques this quickly, but I sure am glad I can. It will surely be a massive benefit moving forward.’

After responding to the system, Azreal lifts his head and finally notices that all the disciples in the area he was training in had stopped their own training and begun to watch him. Feeling awkward as they all gawked in his direction. Azreal, about to speak, is finally saved by a senior disciple who speaks up and ushers the crowd away before returning to Azreal.

"Don't worry, junior brother. The disciples of our pavilion who train in this section down here rarely get to see the real geniuses, much less a monster like you, who can comprehend an obviously powerful technique so quickly…" Stretching his hand out to offer a handshake, the senior disciple, who has short black hair matching his deep black eyes and thin face, introduces himself.

"I am Xin Hao, an inner disciple and a senior disciple here at the Unbound Pavilion. Thank you for showing your talents earlier. It inspires me to work even harder to achieve my goals!"

Azreal grips his hand and bows slightly. "I am Azreal. I have been a part of the Unbound Pavilion for less than three hours…" Azreal's words make Xin Hao freeze. "Three hours…" Xin Hao says absentmindedly.

Azreal uses his celestial gaze on Xin Hao and is pleasantly surprised by the information he sees. ‘Xin Hao is much stronger than he lets on. I suppose he is a senior disciple for a reason.’

<Name: Xin Hao>

<Title: Flame's Edge>

<Cultivation: Crimson Saber>

<Cultivation Level: Martial Warrior Stage 2, Soul Monarch, Stage 3>

<Elemental Affinity: Fire>

"I hope my Senior Brother can guide me in the future. You are a lot more powerful than your attitude would suggest," Azreal says. "Hmm? Senior Brother? That's a bit presumptive… But I'll allow it, it makes sense after all. I have a feeling you'll reach heights I can’t even imagine, but for now, I can help. If you get stuck, don't hesitate to ask me any questions. I spend a lot of time here teaching the younger disciples. I didn't expect that you could determine my cultivation base. Truly interesting, Azreal. You're going to be one to watch out for, I can feel it!" Xin Hao laughs before returning to his practice.

Azreal stands and watches him for a few minutes. True to his word, a few weaker disciples approach Xin Hao for advice, which he happily gives them tips and advice on their cultivation journey.